Results 1 - 20 of 4997
  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    Responsibilities: Assist Ride Project team (Mechanical/ Control Hardware/ Control Software) to oversee and implement on-site installation, test and adjust of the attractions. Conduct site supervision on contractors’ works w.r.t. work progress, schedule, quality and safety Liaise, coordinate, organize and schedule to conduct the test & commissioning works, acceptance tests activities, etc. Monitor and verify compliance of installation tolerances and adjustments. Assist the Ride Project Manage...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    工作概要: 5-day week at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort: When operational and business needs allow, our full time Cast Members / employees will be scheduled two days off per week. Hong Kong Disneyland delivers world-class service and lifetime memories for our Guests. As a Cast Member, you will be an important part of the Disney Show. Working at Hong Kong Disneyland offers you the opportunity to participate in comprehensive training and experience excellent career development opportunities. Interested in...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    工作概要: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區致力推行五天工作周: 在營運及業務情況許可下,同事每星期可獲編兩日休假 負責樂園中船隻、火車、鐵路以及車輛的日常檢查、定期維修、故障整修及突發搶修,以確保遊樂設施的安全正常運作。 此職位需要輪班工作。 一般工作時間:早更(08:00至20:00) ;晚更(13:30至23:30) ;通宵更(20:00至翌日08:00) 職責: 負責樂園遊樂設施有關船及木筏、火車和路軌系統以及小鎮大街古董車的維修保養 按照法例、生產商維修指引及公司標準 , 對遊樂設施進行各種維修保養工作 負責設備故障時的調查,並作出維修以恢復設備的正常運作 與營運團隊合作以確保各遊樂設施能正常運作及提供高效率的維修服務 執行零件與消耗品點存及其它工場整理有關工作 基本條件: 持有機械、電機、電子、汽車工程技工證書 、 學徒證書或同等學歷 具有至少兩年維修保養、故障檢修或系統安裝及測試的工作經驗 能閱讀簡單英語工作指示 理想條件: 具機動遊戲、鐵路、路面車輛或船隻相關工作經驗優先考慮 #LI-DNI 其他資訊: 需輪班工作 ( 包括夜班及公眾假期 ) 需高空工作 工作時間:  我們的主題樂...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    Responsibilities: Assist Ride Project team (Mechanical/ Control Hardware/ Control Software) to oversee on-site installation, test and adjust of the attractions. Conduct site supervision on contractors’ works w.r.t. work progress, schedule, quality and safety Coordinate, organize and schedule to conduct the test & commissioning works, acceptance tests activities, etc. Monitor and verify compliance of installation tolerances and adjustments. Assist the Ride Project Manager / Engineer in prepar...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    工作概要: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區致力推行五天工作周: 在營運及業務情況許可下,同事每星期可獲編兩日休假 負責為樂園、酒店、公共交通交匯處、迪欣湖活動中心、迪士尼碼頭等範圍內的建築物或設施,包括商店、餐廳、廚房、辦公室及其他後台範圍提供日常檢查、定期維修及突發搶修服務。日常檢修範圍包括樓宇結構、機電、廚房設備、裝飾及戶外設施等。 此職位需要輪班工作。 一般工作時間:早更(08:00至20:00) ;晚更(13:30至23:30) ;通宵更(20:00至翌日08:00) 職責: 定期檢查及維修各項屋宇設施(包括電力,冷氣,消防,供/排水系統等) 進行高質素及安全的防預及修補性之維修工作 需要盡快及有效地回應,完成及報告所有上級安排之工作 基本條件: 持有由職業訓練局或建造業訓練局所發出之相關技工證書,或其他認可機構所發出之學徒訓練證書 擁有最少一年相關工作經驗,有高級酒店或商廈經驗優先考慮 對各項屋宇設施之維修及特性有足夠認識 良好服務態度及待人有禮 持有香港駕駛執照(第一及二類別)者優先考慮 須日夜輪班工作 良好廣東話及基本英語 #LI-DNI 其他資訊: 工作時間: 我們的主題樂園及度...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    工作概要: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區致力推行五天工作周: 在營運及業務情況許可下,同事每星期可獲編兩日休假 香港迪士尼樂園為賓客提供世界級的服務,創造畢生難忘的體驗。在迪士尼演出中,每位演藝人員都擔演重要的角色。我們會為演藝人員提供全面的培訓以及良好的事業發展機會。 現在就加入我們的團隊,展開非一般的事業之旅! ​此職位需要輪班工作。 一般工作時間:早更(08:00至20:00) ;晚更(13:30至23:30) ;通宵更(20:00至翌日08:00) 職責: 負責樂園 內設施保養、安裝及維修包括遊樂設施、電動人物或動物、舞台設施、花車、特別效果、音響燈光、冷氣、廚房爐具、水喉、消防 等 負責設備故障時的調查及研究,並作出相應維修以恢復設備的正常運作 與前線服務演藝人員合作確保各設施能正常運作及提供高效率的維修服務 執行建立工場及零件與消耗品的點存等活動 基本條件: 持有機械、電機、電子技工證書 / 學徒證書或同等學歷 具有五年或以上對程式邏輯控制 / 繼電器控制, 維修氣動、液壓、馬達控制系統、車輛、機械設備或屋宇設備(包括冷氣、廚房爐具、水喉及消防) 進行維修和故障檢修經驗,並精通電器...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    工作概要: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區致力推行五天工作周: 在營運及業務情況許可下,同事每星期可獲編兩日休假 負責度假區 內包括樂園、兩間酒店、公共交通交匯處、迪欣湖活動中心的園藝服務。 此職位需要輪班工作。 一般工作時間:早更(07:30至17:15) 或 (08:00至17:45);通宵更(11:30至翌日09:15) 職責: • 進行樹木風險評估、樹木普查、支援樹木修剪或移除工作 • 須使用專業儀器測量樹木 • 需要戶外工作,樹上工作(樹木修剪和移除等)和諮詢工作(樹木風險評估和樹木普查等) 基本條件: • 求職者持有ISA註冊樹藝師或註冊攀樹師或樹木風險評估資格可獲優先考慮 • 具有三年或以上樹藝工作經驗 • 具備良好安全及正確樹木修剪知識 • 具操作電動工具之經驗,例如電鋸、修枝剪刀等 • 須處理高空工作及按輪班制度不定時數上班 • 持有駕駛執照(類別2) 獲優先考慮 • 良好組織能力和溝通技巧 • 懂得使用Microsoft Office產品:Word、Excel和Outlook • 如經駛豐富者會獲考慮為高級樹藝技術員 其他資訊: 工作時間:  我們的主題樂園及度假區酒店全年3...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    Responsibilities: Work from rough sketches and specifications created by engineers as a base to product the schematic drawing set Interface with engineers to obtain drawing, part, and manufacturing information to appropriately assign Federal Supply Classifications. Interface with vendors to obtain catalog information Coordinate the existing record information for the ride & show projects. Update and maintain the EDMS (SmarTeam)/Parts Master System database housing information on all engineer...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Hong kong

    #LI-GN1 Responsibilities: Conduct business & sales analytics & monitoring from a combination of primary and secondary research together with other data sources (web analytics, search, etc.) to keep abreast of the latest news & trends in Travel, Travel trade arena Manage Brand Tracker in key market to track HK Disneyland’s brand and market performance, profile our customers Support business analysis by connecting the dots from various data sources to explain the movements of business ...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    Job ID   725964BR Location   Lantau Island, Islands District, Hong Kong SAR Business  Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Date posted  Nov. 26, 2019 Job Summary: Career with a Difference Hong Kong Disneyland delivers world-class service and lifetime memories for our Guests. As a Cast Member, you will be an important part of the Disney Show. Working at Hong Kong Disneyland offers you the opportunity to participate in comprehensive training and experience excellent career development opportunities.Interes...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    此職位需要輪班工作。 一般工作時間:早更(07:45至17:15) ;晚更(13:15至22:45) ;通宵更(22:15至翌日08:15)  職責: 職責包括執行保安巡邏、出入閘門管制、人流控制、指揮交通、檢查手提包或包裹、回應無線電召喚、報告與安全相關的問題,與及檢查和觀察巡邏範圍內的一切安全事宜。 基本條件: •操流利廣東話,並具備基本英語及普通話會話能力 •懂一般電腦操作 •樂意於度假區內不同地點工作,其中包括戶外工作地點 •此乃全職職位,需要在不同的日子及時段輪班工作 理想條件: 符合下列要求者優先考慮: •持有效「保安人員許可證」者優先考慮 •持有效駕駛執照(第1及第2類別) •持有效建造業安全訓練證明書(平安咭) •持有效急救証書  其他資訊 工作時間: 我們的主題樂園及度假區酒店全年365天運作,因此本職位需要按照由公司編訂的更表輪班,並需要在星期六、星期日及公眾假期工作。 遞交申請: 請點撃下方的「」連結,有關職位申請表格將於新的視窗開啓。在填寫表格時,請以 英文 填寫,並於完成每一頁後按頁底的「下一頁」按鈕,以繼續填寫表格內的所有頁面。填妥後,記緊按表格最後一頁的「...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    Responsibilities  Develop and execute Integrated Marketing Communication campaigns across various media channels, including Digital, Social, Outdoor, Press/Print, TV and Partnerships, working with our Market Strategy team, Digital/Social team and external Media Agency Translate product/brand positioning and messaging into media planning and buying strategies for all markets (Hong Kong, China and International), working with Market Strategy Team Manage our external Media Agency in Hong Kong, Chin...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    Responsibilities: Conduct business reviews and apply the learnings into business strategies and plans. Formulate and drive Go-to-market strategies and plans (including Annual Operating Plan) across individual markets to build Hong Kong Disneyland’s attendance and revenue through driving international visitation and spending. Stay on top of the dynamics of the markets’ macro, economic, and political changes impact on the shift in destinations and translate them into impact on consumer behavior in...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    Job Summary: Heading the Product / Event Strategy team, this role is responsible for defining the annual product and special event strategy with consideration to Attraction and Entertainment content with strong understanding of market landscape and guest needs. He / she needs to determine a clear vision and develop the strategy for the creation, development and execution of special events to drive Hong Kong Disneyland (HKDL) attendance. He/ she needs to integrate the complete resort offerings to...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    #LI-GN1 Responsibilities: Lead technical development appropriate for creative designs and specifies equipment to support artistic vision demonstrating fluency in audio, lighting, video, rigging, automation, show-action-elements and other technical disciplines. Ensure compliance with all standards be they statutory or other Authorities Having Jurisdiction and maintaining all associated documentation. Manage vendor efforts including compliance with relevant standards, design development, construct...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    Job Description HKDL Corporate Alliances develops and holistically manages highly visible, complex, multi-dimensional relationships with selected brands and companies, which directly results in incremental bottom line operating profit to HKDL.  The Corporate Alliances team is dedicated to creating incremental value to HKDL and its partners through creative development of marketing and sponsorship programs, management of partner and HKDL LOB relationships and creation of new value streams aligned...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    Responsibilities: Lead a team to manage and oversee the operation, maintenance operation and project work. Assist and planned day-to-day and routine maintenance, preventive and corrective maintenance work as well as upgrade and repair activities on the decorations for the Building and Architectural (B&A) facilities including theme painting, props, decorating, graphic & signage, wood work, grounds, and overall building appearance with appropriate resources, tools and material. Maintain go...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    Responsibilities: Work from rough sketches and specifications created by engineers as a base to product the schematic drawing set Interface with engineers to obtain drawing, part, and manufacturing information to appropriately assign Federal Supply Classifications. Interface with vendors to obtain catalog information Coordinate the existing record information for the ride & show projects. Update and maintain the EDMS (SmarTeam)/Parts Master System database housing information on all engineer...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    Responsibilities: Lead assigned technical team in support of daily, seasonal, and ad-hoc Entertainment offerings as required. Duties include scheduling, recruitment, training and performance assessment of the team Ensure full compliance with Disney Standards and Safety requirements across all areas of responsibility Onsite technical management of assigned offerings including logistics, load-in/load-out, equipment pull-sheets, technical schedule, trouble-shooting, repair, programming and operatio...

  • HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 香港迪士尼樂園 Lantau

    Responsibilities: Lead and manage the team in delivering professional and efficient HR transactional & inquiry services to support HR business functions, stakeholders as well as employees. Partner with internal and external stakeholders to constantly review and improve the efficiencies of existing HR processes; automate, standardize and align with enterprise approach where possible. Constantly review and ensure the best self-service experience for employees and maintain the most up-to-date k...

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