Results 1 - 20 of 2577
  • 澳門城市大學(City University of Macau) 澳门

    Responsible to manage the administrative work and daily operations Design and develop yearly plan and course curriculum for continuing education Liaise with external vendors/service providers to organize courses Coordinate and arrange class schedule and venue Design marketing tools to promote courses to public Provide supportive services for in-house trainings Prepare departmental budget, statistic and reports Perform ad hoc projects/duties as assigned Requirement Master degree holder or above, ...

  • 上海市民办万源城协和双语学校 查看所有职位 上海市 闵行区

    双语计算机教师 岗位要求: 1.计算机/数学或相关专业毕业(全日制大学本科及以上) 2.持有国家认可的相关学科教师资格证 3.对双语融合课程有一定了解(熟悉AP课程者优先) 4.兴趣广泛,能够胜任一些学生的活动课程 职能类别:中学教师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:平吉路509号...

  • 新北市政府社會局 Xinbei

    截止日期:2019-09-22 發佈單位:新北市政府社會局 職缺別:全職 職務說明/工作內容: 1.臉書粉絲專頁日常經營維護,以時事流行梗搭配創造話題,提升粉絲互動,喜歡逛各大社群,天馬行空發揮創意,能理解粉絲心態並熱情互動,並針對TA做適當調整。 2.社群活動發想與執行,製作相關的社群內容及圖文影音。 3.後續針對貼文、活動優化與流量成效追蹤。 4.其他主管交辦及社群行銷相關等事項。 工作地點:新北市 待 遇:30,001至40,000 性 別:不限 徵才條件: 應符合下列條件: 1.大學以上畢業,且具公部門經驗或熟悉社會福利者尤佳。 2.熟悉社群媒體操作、對社群媒體有想法有創意。 3.有文字基礎,基礎口語表達與溝通協調能力。 4.基本作圖能力(懂作圖軟體,最少可以resize或revise別人的圖),有製圖和影片編輯能力尤佳。 5.認真負責具溝通協調、主動積極、思惟縝密及團隊合作等任事態度及才能。 報名手續: 1.意者請檢附(1)「新北市政府非編制人員甄選報名表」(請務必使用新版報名表,請至本局網站-布告欄-徵才資訊下載:

  • 新北市政府捷運工程局 Xinbei

    截止日期:2019-09-09 發佈單位:新北市政府捷運工程局 職缺別:全職 職務說明/工作內容: 辦理捷運工程新聞、行銷相關業務及臨時交辦工作。 工作地點:新北市政府捷運工程局(新北市蘆洲區集賢路245號) 待 遇:30,001至40,000 性 別:不限 學歷/檢定要求: 一、國內外大學畢業者,具有與擬任工作性質相當之訓練或工作經驗者。 二、具Office文書處理能力。 三、有任職政府機關經驗尤佳。 四、具有新聞、行銷相關工作經驗優先考慮。 五、依規定本機關長官對於配偶及三親等以內血親、姻親,不得在本機關任用,有上開情形者,請勿應徵。 報名手續: 一、報名日期:108年9月3日起至108年9月9日截止。 二、報名方式:意者請於108年9月9日下午5點前將應徵資料送達新北市蘆州區集賢路245號新北市政府捷運工程局人事室黃先生收,掛號郵寄者以郵戳為憑,並請於信封上註明應徵職務及職等(逾期或證件不齊者以棄權論)。 三、檢附資料:除報名表外證件以A4格式影印後依下列順序裝訂: (1)非編制人員甄選報名表(正本並須親自簽名或蓋章)請至新北市政府捷運工程局-機關介紹-最新消息-徵才資訊網頁下載...

  • 增城誉德莱国际学校 Zengcheng

    Answer the phone calls and receive visitors Keep the front desk and lobby clean and tidy Receive and forward all kinds of mail, parcels, letters, newspapers, faxes, etc. and subscribe newspapers and periodicals Drafted and issued company announcements and notices Update the employee contact list Collect employee's food orders Follow up the delivery tasks Check the driving expenses and rental fees Input MYP system information Input K3 system information Handle company phone calls Handle campu...

  • 澳門城市大學(City University of Macau) Macao

    澳门 Responsible to manage the administrative work and daily operations Design and develop yearly plan and course curriculum for continuing education Liaise with external vendors/service providers to organize courses Coordinate and arrange class schedule and venue Design marketing tools to promote courses to public Provide supportive services for in-house trainings Prepare departmental budget, statistic and reports Perform ad hoc projects/duties as assigned Requirement Master degree holder or abov...

  • 艺普得城市设计咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 徐汇区 Graphic Designer is supporting marketing and design teams with visual design expertise, he is a profound user of Adobe CC Suite and has experience in image processing. Graphic Designer assists senior designers to create landscape diagrams, infographics and other visual design elements, and in the same time assists marketing team efforts such as WeChat and Newsletter promotions. Part of responsibilities includes designing marketing collaterals, maintaining website, creating and updating v...

  • 臺北市政府衛生局 Taibei

    公務電話 02-27287147#7146 官職等 無 職系 無 人員區分 其他人員 名額 1 性別 不拘 機關類型 行政機關 資格條件 一、280薪點(月薪34916元): 1.經教育部承認之國內外專科以上學校畢業。 2.高中以上學校畢業,並具有與擬任工作性質相當之2年以上工作經驗。二、中華民國國籍且未具雙重國籍或多重國籍者(如為大陸地區人士需設籍滿10年)。 三、無公務人員任用法第28條各款不得任用情事人員。 四、熟悉電腦作業系統有線上規劃能力,可配合業務積極任事勇於負責者。 五、抗壓性高,能配合職務作機動調整,具企劃、溝通協調能力、認同團隊合作且可配合業務加班及配合即時上班,優先錄用。 六、視成績酌列備取,惟名額不得逾職缺數2倍,自甄選結果確定之翌日起算,其候補期間為3個月。 七、具身障手冊或原住民身分者佳。 工作項目 1、辦理食品、藥物、化粧品等之違規廣告、品質、標示之稽查取締、行政罰鍰及行政救濟等工作。 2、辦理藥商、藥局、藥事人員及營養師登記、執業管理,藥物廣告審查許可等業務。 3、受理消費者有關食品、藥物、化粧品之消費申訴、檢舉案件及中藥掺西藥送驗等業務。 4、辦理消費者...

  • Hong Kong Arts Development Council 香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong

    The successful candidate will be responsible for supporting the Manager to drive and manage funding schemes. Duties include promoting and implementing the schemes, organising the assessment of applications, monitoring and providing regular updates of the schemes development, drafting correspondences and discussion papers, and regularly liaising with and providing assistance to the schemes participants as the schemes progress. University graduate or equivalent preferably with at least 2 years wor...

  • 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES ? Provide international standard orthopedic care to patients within the scope of privileges granted and the capabilities of the organization, including but not limited to consultations; patient rounds, either individually, or as part of a team; discontinuing drains, dressings changes, would assessments, staple and suture removal, cast and splint applications and removal as indicated, etc. ? Provides patient education related to procedures, medications, therapeutic ...

  • 英皇电影城有限公司 Shanghai

    1、Plan,develop,and manage digital marketing programs and campaigns for online platform strategy to grow customer base and drive sales; 2、Manage and execute digital marketing plans and programs from partnership projects with close collaboration with partners; 3、Identify customer demands and execute tactics through collaboration with SEM/SEO and social media, or other emerging digital platforms to optimize programs and campaigns to increase conversion rate; 4、Cooperate with the copy writer /design...

  • 深圳曼彻斯通城堡学校 查看所有职位 Shenzhen

    We are seeking to employ an English teacher with the experience, skills and commitment to inspire our students to achieve and be the best they can be. An energetic, engaging and enthusiastic teacher who will be able to deliver lessons to inspire and motivate students to succeed in order to achieve the best possible outcomes. This is exciting time to join Carousel of Languages (CLT) and to be a part of our journey. You will join a well-established and successful department with a strong and dynam...

  • 绿色城市公共服务有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 福田区 月薪15,000 - 20,000元 岗位职责: 1.制定战略发展规划,年度、季度、月、周运营目标规划; 2.协助CEO管理运营中心、研发中心、开拓维护各类伙伴关系; 3.懂得办公室日常行政、人力工作的管理。 任职条件: 1.有欧美国家名牌大学教育背景,硕士以上学位; 2.具备与国际高端人群工作的职业素养; 3.有在国际咨询、公关、广告、会展、互联网、NGO等以上相关行业工作8年以上经历。 男女不限,年龄在35-45岁之间,******,孩子上中学 职能类别: 总裁助理/总经理助理 关键字: 董事长助理 总经理助理 上班地址:金田路4018号安联大厦A区1803室...

  • 臺北市政府觀光傳播局 Taibei

    公務電話 02-27208889#2042 官職等 委任第5職等或薦任第6職等至第7職等 職系 新聞 人員區分 一般人員 名額 1 性別 不拘 機關類型 行政機關 資格條件 一、大學以上畢業,公務人員高等考試三級或特種考試三等考試以上及格,具新聞職系任用資格者。 二、無特考特用限制調任之情形及未具公務人員任用法第26、28條各款不得任用及公務人員陞遷法第12條不得陞任情事,且未受懲戒處分、品性端正者。 三、需有服務熱忱、耐心及良好溝通協調能力,具執行力與電腦操作及文書處理能力。 工作項目 一、辦理國內外旅展相關事宜。 二、辦理MICE產業相關事宜。 三、協助辦理重要節慶活動。 四、辦理觀光政策及推廣相關事宜。 五、其他臨時交辦事項。 工作地點 臺北市 信義區 工作地址 11008臺北市政府觀光傳播局觀光發展科(臺北市信義區市府路1號中央區4樓) 聯絡方式 一、意者請檢具以下表件: 1.公務人員履歷表(含照片、自傳及日、夜間聯絡電話、手機號碼) 2.現職派令或最後1筆派令影本。 3.現任及曾任之銓敘部審定函影本。 4.最近5年考績通知書影本。 5.最高學歷畢業證書影本(持國外學歷者,需檢...

  • 醫院管理局 - 九龍中醫院聯網 Kowloon

    Please submit application on-line at on or before 29/8/2019. For enquiries, please telephone 3506 8763.   Rank : Executive Assistant II Office : Facility Management Department, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Salary : HK$16,994 per month   Key Responsibilities:   1. To provide administrative support to the hospital administration relating to facilities management and building / maintenance projects issues. 2. To assis...

  • 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 岗位职责: Primary Responsibilities: ? Perform daily patient rounds, either individually, or as part of the team. Review subjective and objective findings including labs, diagnostic testing, vital signs, wound status, and drains and provide data to senior consultant surgeons when necessary. ? Provides patient education related to procedures, medications, therapeutic goals, etc. ? Arranges for consults and patient transfers as needed. ? Collaborates with senior consultants in the establishment of ...

  • 增城誉德莱国际学校 Zengcheng

    增城市 职位信息 Assistant Administrative Manager -Job Description Purposed of the Position The Assistant Administrative Manager (AAM) is responsible for leadership of all administration staff and overall school’s administrative, technical and clerical support. Scope The AAM reports to HR , Admin & Operations Manager(HAOM), is responsible of managing the administrative personnel and premises functions within the school and to maintain effective systems of administrative and financial control in orde...

  • 科通芯城集团 查看所有职位 Shenzhen

    工作职责: 管理原厂在途订单、下PR;客户订单管理、出货跟进以及其他数据报表工作; 任职要求: 1、3年以上同行工作经验,积极态度,注重细节,沟通能力强。 2、熟悉半导体供应商与经销商之间的日常工作流程,熟练使用SAP系统优先; 3、英语流利,尤其在阅读和写作方面。 4、在知名半导体经销商处担任产品助理可优先考虑; 职能类别: 客服专员/助理 上班地址:高新科技园高新南九道55号微软科通大厦 10层...

  • 盛世长城国际广告有限公司 Guangzhou

    广州市 天河区 Responsibilities: ? Develop and present strategic proposals, independently conducting shopper research and insights analysis for client teams ? Analyze data from surveys and qualitative research methodologies, industry trends/competitive landscape and develop these data into actionable Shopper insight, which inspires creative and validates creative. ? Lead the creative briefing process to ensure barriers, benefits and creative challenge is in line with business objectives, strategic mand...

  • 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES ? Provide international standard orthopedic care to patients within the scope of privileges granted and the capabilities of the organization, including but not limited to consultations; patient rounds, either individually, or as part of a team; discontinuing drains, dressings changes, would assessments, staple and suture removal, cast and splint applications and removal as indicated, etc. ? Provides patient education related to procedures, medications, therapeutic ...

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