- 优品精密橡胶零件有限公司 东坑镇
东坑镇 1. Utilize customer-provided data (blueprints, CAD, Excel, etc.) to provide initial quotes for new business. 2. Identifies manufacturing processes, material, and time requirements by studying proposals, blueprints, specifications, and related documents. Complete Cost Breakdown Sheets. 3. Establish tool grid layouts and process boundaries for rubber molding technology. 4. Compute costs by analyzing labor, material, and process time requirements. * Resolve discrepancies and prepare special rep...
- 上海橡果网络技术发展有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibility: Ensure preparation of US GAAP monthly / quarterly / annual consolidated financial reports of Acorn International, an NYSE Listed Company, including quarterly earnings releases and the annual Form 20-F. Ensure preparation of monthly / quarterly / annual management accounts financial reports. Ensure preparation of daily management accounts reports for company-wide and business units. Ensure preparation of PRC statutory accounting reports for PRC subsidiaries. Coordinate with audito...
- 上海橡果网络技术发展有限公司 Shanghai
职责描述: I. Social media industry general management skill: 1. Know well the trends, science of social media industry. 2. Have a strong skill on the social media management and content strategy planning. 3. Know the science behind the social media (i.g. the logic of algorithm of social media followers growth, exposure, engagement, conversion) and reach the KPI. II. Account and content management: 1. Take responsibility of the overall content creation and quality control. 2. Collect and publish soci...
- 哈金森汽车橡胶制品有限公司 Chengdu
招聘要求: 1.大专以上学历; 2.工科类专业(车辆类、机械类、材料类、模具类等); 4.勤奋好学; 职能类别: 其他 关键字: 模具 工装 机电 微信 联系方式 上班地址:武汉经济技术开发区沌阳大道五号工业区 公司信息 Hutchinson was founded in 1853. Back to 1853, An American engineer named Hiram Hutchinson established the Hutchinson Company in France, and now Hutchinson has a long history of 160 years. In 1974, Hutchinson became a subsidiary of TOTAL Group. Being the world's fifth largest oil and natural gas company, Total Group involved in business activities of petroleum and chemical industry. ...
- 哈金森汽车橡胶制品有限公司 Chengdu
协助计划员合理制订每周的挤出生产计划,跟进生产计划的完成情况 参与QRQC会议,分析异常原因,制订改进行动计划,并跟踪改进行动的完成情况 组织挤出线队长会议,回顾上周的生产状况,交流工作经验 培训及引导下属团队工作,提高管理团队的管理能力,定期对员工进行岗位技能培训和评估,提高员工的技术能力 负责改善挤出线的生产状况,严格按照工艺标准进行生产,加强经营管理,提高转换率,减少浪费 负责生产设施、工装模具、辅助设备的日常维护保养的监督和检查 任职要求: 电气、化工、IE或行政管理专业毕业,本科学历,五年工艺管理经验,丰富的EPDM挤出技术经验,解决问题的能力,良好的英语 听说读写能力。 职能类别: 其他 关键字: 汽车零部件 工艺工程师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:武汉经济技术开发区沌阳大道五号工业区 公司信息 Hutchinson was founded in 1853. Back to 1853, An American engineer named Hiram Hutchinson established the Hutchinson Company in France, and no...
- 橡果贸易(上海)有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 兼职, 实习生 1.每周考勤汇总分析及月底考勤统计 2. 其他人力资源相关工作...
- 上海橡果网络技术发展有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES ? Work with the senior management team to build and execute sales strategies and processes. ? Work closely with the senior management team to develop celebrity and brand targeted lists, marketing strategies, and messaging to drive opportunities for new business. ? Aggressively prospect for new clients leveraging his or her own existing business relationships or through cold calls/emails. ? Help prepare sales presentations and proposals. ? Report on weekly activity....
- 上海橡果网络技术发展有限公司 Shanghai
MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES : 1.Responsible for selecting, editing, positioning and publishing photos to accompany the text of a publication 负责选择、编辑、定位和发布出版物文本附带的照片 2.Responsible for videography and photography when necessary 必要时负责录像和摄影 3.Responsible for image quality and photographic content 负责图像质量和摄影内 REQUIRED SKILLS: 1.Bachelor degree or above 本科及以上学历 2.Experienced in the social media, TV program’s production or advertisement 具有社交媒体、电视节目制作或广告方面的经验 3.Has media, fashion, culture communication backgr...
- 哈金森工业橡胶制品有限公司 Suzhou
1.在校生,本科及以上学历,专业不限; 2.熟悉各类办公软件应用; 3.出色的沟通协调能力,优秀的执行力与责任心; 4.热情积极,认真细心,具有较强的服务意识; 5. 欢迎大三学生前来实习。 职能类别: 行政专员/助理 微信 联系方式 上班地址:唯亭镇临埠街6号 公司信息 1853年,一位美国工程师在法国成立了距今有160年历史的哈金森公司。在1974年,哈金森公司成为TOTAL集团的子公司。TOTAL 是一家顶尖的国际石油公司和天然气、炼油、石化以及燃油、润滑油销售领域的世界级运营商,业务遍及130多个国家。公司拥有近10万员工,集国际公认的专长,勘探、生产、提炼和分销石油和天然气,为全球客户提供产品和服务。集团2014年销售额为2,361亿美元。哈金森是一家全球大型的橡胶制品供应商,主要生产和销售航空、铁路、汽车工业的橡胶制品。它在全球24个国家拥有98家分厂。哈金森全球生产产品包括军用产品、减震产品、车身密封系统、流动传动系统、传送带、密封件。在1996年,哈金森公司开始在中国投资工厂,先后在武汉和苏州成立了两家分厂。中国区员工总数超过1700人。2015年,哈金森公司销售额超过...
- 上海橡果网络技术发展有限公司 Shanghai
Job Responsibilities: The CRM Manager, reporting to President & CEO, is responsible for the development and execution of all CRM related digital/ marketing initiatives. Plan and deliver CRM strategy across the company driving repeat sales and reorder rate, extending lifetime customer value as well as encouraging customer retention and customer loyalty Define a clear segmentation for targeted marketing activities using data Create unique customer journeys by market and by acquisition channel,...
- 哈金森工业橡胶制品有限公司 Suzhou
1. Identifying, segregating and controlling all stock. Provide preservation to stocks which are subject to electrostatic, deterioration and shelf life specifications according to manufacturer’s requirements. 2. Performing the in-coming and shipping screening. Un-packing and Packing the goods properly according to procedures. 3. Managing the unserviceable parts in accordance with the requests of the procedures. 4. Controlling shelf life limited material and report to the Production Manager thirty...
- 优品精密橡胶零件(东莞)有限公司 Dongguan
东莞市 职位信息 1. Utilize customer-provided data (blueprints, CAD, Excel, etc.) to provide initial quotes for new business. 2. Identifies manufacturing processes, material, and time requirements by studying proposals, blueprints, specifications, and related documents. Complete Cost Breakdown Sheets. 3. Establish tool grid layouts and process boundaries for rubber molding technology. 4. Compute costs by analyzing labor, material, and process time requirements. * Resolve discrepancies and prepare specia...
- 上海橡果网络技术发展有限公司 Shanghai
Implement and control AE Visual Identity across all execution; 在整个执行过程中实现和控制AE视觉标识; Make maximum use of design resources both internal and external by optimizing process, resource allocation and so on; 通过优化流程、资源配置等,最大限度地利用内外设计资源; Create artworks of all AE materials, including brand image, printings, ads, POSM, event posters, website banners, H5 etc.; 创建所有AE相关的视觉素材,包括品牌形象、印刷品、广告、POSM、活动海报、网站横幅和H5等等; Responsible for video/photo shooting and post-production; 负责视频/照片的拍摄和后期制作; Work with other team fo...
- 台橡股份有限公司 Taiwan
1.多層膜複合之薄膜研究開發,因應市場需求提供廠商材料與技術建議。 2.複合材料研究開發,材料搭配混練與配方改質改性。 3.醫療材料研究開發,將彈性體應用於醫療產業,積極主動改良材料特性。 4.儀器設備保養,設備定期保養與較正。 5.客戶異常分析,服務客戶解析材料異常或是建議操作條件。 6.專案開發與報告撰寫,定期更新研究開發進度。 7.產品轉量產與技術轉移,配合製造單位進行產品放大量計劃。 職務類別 : 化工化學工程師 材料研發人員 特用化學工程師 休假制度 : 週休二日 上班時段 : 白天班 年 7 月 9 日 需求人數 : 1至2人 薪資待遇 : 面議每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 全職 上班日期 : 隨 時 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 出差說明 : 需出差,一年累積時間未定 工作條件 學歷要求 : 碩士、大學 科系要求 : 化學工程學類、材料工程學類、化學學類 工作經驗 : 5 年以上 身份類別 : 一般求職者 外語能力 : 英文 聽:普通 說:普通 讀:普通 寫:普通 技能與求職專長 工作技能 : 化學檢測儀器操作、實驗室設備操作、化學分析能力、化學實驗室管理、材料...
tw.indeed.comJuly 11,2019 - 上海橡果网络技术发展有限公司 Shanghai
Creative Specialist 基本的岗位职责(major responsibilities): 1.Pre-production (set-up/preparation/organization of photo shooting) 2.Proficienct in using photo shooting equipment. 3.Work closely with creative director to achieve every aspect of Ip design to landing and assist the operations department in the thematic production. 4. Assist the creative director to film projects , formulate the execution plan and develop contents 5. Close and efficient cooperation with the operation Department and other re...
- 固恩治工程橡胶有限公司 Qingdao
1)Work on material and supplier for all commodities and maintain orders, support company objectives. Keep the production lines running with material.针对产品订单管理相关的材料和供应商,支持公司目标。确保生产对材料的需求。 2)Control the cost and inventory according to strategy of Qingdao plant.根据公司战略控制成本和库存。 3)Keep updated information of each supplier, Ensure all critical documentations (PO’s, etc.) are complete and accurate.维护供应商信息确保相关资料的完整性和有效性。 4)Continually update purchasing parameters to insure proper purchasing parameters for...
- 上海橡果网络技术发展有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 Job duties: Submit tasks according to dealines Achieve a minimum of 80% on design quality Understands and delivers designs according to brand standards implemented by brand creative director Communicates actively and effectively with the Acorn Entertainment e-commerce team and direct report Respects the production team's key objectives Qualifications: Bachelors in Arts, Major in Gaphic Designer 2-3 years experience in China E-Commerce design Skills in AI,PS,LR,InDesign would be prefe...
- 东莞瀚翔橡胶制品有限公司 大朗镇
大朗镇 月薪3,000 - 15,000元 职位信息 1.通过公司外贸平台阿里巴巴和其他渠道开发客户 2.登记客户信息 3.处理客户询盘,报价 4.订单的跟踪回复 5.货款的跟进 6.客户的日常联络维护 7.后台数据的管理 职能类别: 贸易/外贸专员/助理 关键字: 业务员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:沙步第二工业区沙园路123号 地图 公司信息 工厂成立于2007年,在2011年升级为东莞瀚翔橡胶制品有限公司,是一家专注于橡胶和硅胶制品的研发、生产和销售为一体的企业。我们以开发橡胶、硅胶与五金、塑胶结合的防震产品为首位,我们有独立的材料研发部门,经验丰富的工程设计团队,成熟的橡胶和五金结合技术,完善的五金、塑胶供应链,可满足各种客户的高标准要求。主营产品:橡胶缓冲器、硅胶揉捏轮、橡胶脚垫、橡胶防滑条、硅胶止滑垫、硅胶装饰减震片、包胶铝件、硅胶按摩球、硅胶逆止阀、橡硅胶异形件等。主要用于跑步机、按摩椅等健身器材、机械防震、汽车减震、医疗设备减震、家居用品、户外用品等。 我们拥有先进的生产设备、规范的生产管理、完善的质量管控,保障了我们产品的生产、交期和质量。我们现有橡胶密炼机、橡胶开...
- 哈金森工业橡胶制品有限公司 Suzhou
1. Identifying, segregating and controlling all stock. Provide preservation to stocks which are subject to electrostatic, deterioration and shelf life specifications according to manufacturer’s requirements. 2. Performing the in-coming and shipping screening. Un-packing and Packing the goods properly according to procedures. 3. Managing the unserviceable parts in accordance with the requests of the procedures. 4. Controlling shelf life limited material and report to the Production Manager thirty...
- 上海西氏医用橡胶制品有限公司 Chengdu
Job Purpose To ensure south area of China territory objectives are achieved by translating the overall sales strategies into an agreed and effective Sales/Sector strategy for all existing trade channels to maximize sales and profit. To collect, analyze and communicate the relevant business and market information and develop recommendations for actions which contribute to the growth and profitability of the business. Responsibilities: Conduct sales business plan and budget for assigned territorie...
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