Results 1 - 20 of 11427
  • 英特尔亚太研发有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 闵行区 Job Description We're seeking a computer vision software engineer to contribute the new development effort to deliver next generation of Intel Vision Accelerator Design Product. You will be responsible for developing, integrating, debugging use case features in computer vision application, framework basing on Intel Vision Accelerator Platform. ? Design, develop and integrate computer vision application and related software stack directed towards customer use cases. ? Debug and tuning...

  • 上海雅恒房地产开发有限公司 Shanghai

    MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES:责任概要 Responsible for the smooth and efficient manning of the housekeeping office by providing efficient and accurate information to hotel guest. To provide clerical administrative support to all housekeeping supervisors and other departments requiring housekeeping services. 负责通过高效地方式为酒店客人提供高效率和准确地信息。为所有客房部主管和其他部门要求的管家服务提供文书行政工作。 JOB SPECIFICATION: Profile of Competency Computers liberate and must know Excel and Word for Windows software. 计算机读写和必要的Windows制表文件软件 Having done ho...

  • 上海雅恒房地产开发有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 MAJOR FUNCTION 主要功能 : Greet and serve the guest by Marriott standards of food and beverage quality, presentation and sanitation, and in a gracious and professional manner. Display aggressive hospitality through positive personality with both guest and fellow associates. Take pride in all facets of service with a clean professional appearance and keep a sparkling clean dining room at all times. 用万豪的标准去欢迎和服务客人,提供给客人高质量的食物和酒水,做个亲切有礼的主人。在客人和同事面前都要展示出有礼貌的,有上进心的一面。在任何时候都要展现出干净利落的专业的服务和保持灿烂的笑容。 JOB...

  • 太和顾问 查看所有职位 Beijing

    北京市 朝阳区 月薪15,000 - 20,000元 1. 对企业薪酬数据进行审核、整理,基于报告制式规则进行必要沟通后,进行调研报告整理; 2. 负责开展针对标杆行业、重点企业、目标人群的相关调研; 3. 针对不同行业人力资源薪酬、企业运营相关领域等方面,持续优化数据库数据,输出阶段性数据分析、专项研究报告等成果; 4. 协助创新/研发课题负责人,分析数据,产出创新/研发成果。 任职要求: 1、全日制本科及以上学历,人力资源专业、心理学专业者优先; 2、具备3年以上同一行业经验,有COE或咨询工作经验者佳; 3、具备丰富的薪酬绩效实操经验及技巧,熟悉企业绩效改进流程及各类绩效方案 4、性格开朗,亲和力强,沟通能力佳,工作责任心和工作执行力强。 职能类别:薪资福利经理/主管绩效考核经理/主管 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:朝外大街18号丰联广场 A座25层...

  • 上海上实南洋大酒店有限公司 Shanghai

    工作时间: 9:30-18:30 岗位职责: 接待3-12岁儿童及父母,介绍儿童俱乐部设施 组织适龄儿童区域内活动及看护 安排相应课程,例如剪纸作画、儿童歌舞等 岗位要求: 相关幼师经验 基本英语口语 敬业爱岗 提供: 酒店员工餐食 职能类别:幼教兼职教师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市静安区威海路500号...

  • 斯平玛斯特(东莞)玩具有限公司 Jiaxing

    嘉兴市 职位信息 JOD RESPONSIBILITIES General artwork handling and follow up. Support to TN/LA/NY team on art production activities. Create language versions of PKG under creative direction. Create illustration/photo shooting under request and art direction. Create new artwork and design under request and art direction. CD amendment (to TN/LA/NY's created CD). Report packaging status and issues to Hong Kong / Dong Guan packaging leads. Coordinate with internal and external parties to resolve printin...

  • 深圳市美虹海外房地产有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 罗湖区 加拿大大西洋四省的国际管理酒店公司代招聘岗位 工作职责: 1、建立和沟通目标,以支持所有者和酒店的业绩;通过达到并超过所有者的主要指标,包括盈利能力、每间可用房收益和总收入,预测所有者的需求并超过其预期。 2、制定和实施实现目标的战略监督的执行情况,必要时进行修订。 3、建立和执行运营和资本预算,实现盈利目标根据预算监控实际经营成果和预测;根据需要调整营销和销售策略以及成本控制策略,以实现酒店式后入目标。 4、通过制定和实施提高盈利能力和保持酒店实际状况的战略,维护和简历业务和资产的价值;通过收益管理最大化每间可用客房的收益。 5、确保员工按照客户服务指数提供优质服务;建立并传播资产实现酒店的客户服务目标;监控客户服务水平,确保员工接受接受提供优质服务所需的培训及定期进行主管培训。 6、确保根据需要采取纪律行动,根据需要履行各部门职责;经常检查酒店所有设施并查漏补缺;通过定期沟通有效利用酒店的企业资源。 7、确保员工遵守安全规章制度,为客户和员工保持安全的环境,时刻向公众展示酒店良好形象。 任职要求: 1、3-4年以上酒店管理工作经验,本科及以上学历,雅思达4分及以上。...

  • 北京丽兹行房地产顾问有限公司 Beijing

    ——“丽兹”是谁? 丽兹行(LANDZ REALTOR) 专注于豪宅领域14年,坚持用专业服务帮助客户享受品质生活,是目前可以实现京沪联动、国内外联动的企业。目前北京总部1500人左右,2019年公司规模继续扩大“十国十城”的战略规划,致力于成为值得信赖的不动产公司。 我们需要————真正的豪宅专家————下一个是你吗? 你能够得到的 NO1:薪资待遇 1、 无责底薪7500-9000+高绩效提成+带薪年假,快乐工作,认真生活,轻松拿到年薪30万,更有百万年薪等待卓越者 2.福利保障:六险一金:养老、失业、医疗、工伤、生育、商业保险、公积金;享受免费健康检查 接打电话均免费:企业内部通话免费; 3.多重奖励:新人奖、品质奖、职能嘉奖、个人破纪录奖、个人月度奖、团队月度奖,理得奖等等众多奖励?…… 4.年度海内外旅游:泰山、青岛、杭州、海南、云南、韩国、马尔代夫……等你来! 5.重磅奖励:员工父母——北京、上海、青岛、杭州等城市旅游,员工也放假呦!员工购房款,购车款;月度、季度、年度嘉奖大会上你可否和你的父母一起参加呢? NO2:人才培养: 豪宅交易涉及到房产、投资理财、美学、心理学、法...

  • 太平洋电信股份有限公司 Beijing

    Job Descriptions Partner with relevant Sales Specialists and Solution Architects to detail customer’s technical requirements and develop conceptual end-to-end customer solution architectures using a combination of Telstra PBS and partner products and capabilities. Translate customer business issues into customer business and technical requirements, and opportunities for Telstra PBS Ensure early involvement in new opportunities to validate the capabilities of Telstra PBS for these opportunities. ...

  • 法国安达屋公司 Shanghai

    Handle databases: Regular data checking in the EAC samples Follow-up and related table Regular data cleaning in the EAC samples Follow-up and related table Combine internal EAC samples Follow-up and Russian follow-up table PS Key-user name list regular updating KZ data base updating Communication: Pushing Panalpina if no answer from their side regarding PI Checking with PS the reasons of the late sample sending regularly (once a week) Consolidation tasks: Cross-department activities backup (BOM ...

  • 海斯坦普亚太总部 Shanghai

    招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 Job Summary To provide best technical support to sales team in China to achieve maximum customer values. Duties and Responsibilities To gather quotation information from Commercial. Separate the quotation information to each technical department. Prepare the total quotation package based on the information gathered from each technical department. Submit the finished quotation package to Commercial. Others which department arranged. 任职条件 Qualifications and Requirements Bachel...

  • 太崆动漫有限公司 Wuhan

    工作地址:武汉,武汉,武汉,请看清楚工作地址在武汉。 职位:动漫电影编剧 职责: (1)动漫剧本的前期策划创意及梗概大纲撰写;动漫电影完整剧本撰稿 (2)创意、创作、改编、完成动画电影剧本; (3)论证、阅读、评价、筛选小说、剧本,将其写成动画剧本; (4)与导演、制片人等紧密协作,创作出导演要求的剧本, (5)兼顾少量公司报告、公函、文件、PPT报告撰写、微信公众号内容起草、微博内容起草、网站平台内容起草。 资格: (1)编剧、中文或相关专以上学历; (2)较强的剧本撰写/阅读/审核能力、选题策划能力和文学创作能力;良好的文字功底,擅长故事策划与编写,叙事逻辑清晰; (3)善于创作动画电影人物台词语言,能独立创作剧本或参与团队创作; (4)有很好的动漫电影剧本创作经验和修养,熟悉动漫制作流程,熟悉当代视听语言特点; (5)热爱编剧工作,具备编剧的职业操守,具有很强的沟通能力,有良好的团队合作精神具有高度责任心,能够保证剧本质量并如期完成; (6)热爱动漫电影,从事过相关动漫剧工作,有相关编剧经验,有优秀作品或成功策划运作过动漫作品者优先考虑; (7)从事过大强度文字工作,高产高效,精...

  • 太古资源商贸有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 徐汇区 RESPONSIBILITIES: Administration Create and maintain Filing System, equipment inventory, training materials, books and training videos. Maintaining inventory recording, monitoring equipment, training materials borrowing system. Courses Administration Responsible for course enrollment, course confirmation and related administrations. 2. Set up training room, necessary equipment according to the need of each individual course. Prepare Materials – typing, photocopy, binding, name badges and...

  • 得嘉亚太管理有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 普陀区 Job Scope and Responsibilities 工作职责 ?? To design & layout products catalogues, brochures, and other promotional files for printing; 设计产品目录、手册及其他市场推广图文并作版面设计; ?? To make and update unified presentation format, the company’s Chinese website, and other promotional items; 制作并更新统一的幻灯展示模板、公司中文网页及其他市场推广材料; ?? To support regional sales offices in marketing activities, and participate in selected exhibitions; 支援各区域销售办事处开展市场拓展活动并参与特定展会; ?? To provide supporting sales teams in achieving the tar...

  • 得嘉亚太管理有限公司 Shanghai

    ? To be responsible for the product structure design; 负责公司产品结构设计; ? Take charge of the prophase design communication, concept design, and prepare the related production process files; 负责前期设计沟通、概念设计,准备产品相应生产工艺资料; ? Take charge of the procedures like appearance, technology, structural modeling, 3D rendering, color proof and post-design according to product projects, follow up the test job, and be able to analyze and solve the structural issues during tests efficiently; 根据产品项目负责新产品外观、工艺、结构建模、3D渲染、色...

  • 达能亚太管理有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 健康营养部包括了专业市场、健康营养科学、健康营养咨询团队。健康营养团队提供科学证据,与国内营养学及相关领域学界大牛,将科学的母婴营养知识传递给消费者,提倡母乳喂养的同时,帮助每一位妈妈根据自己宝宝的营养需求做出最适合的营养选择。 如果你符合以下条件,这将是你***的选择: 2020年应届毕业本科/硕士生,儿科,产科,营养学, 生命科学,医药学,市场营销相关专业优先 能够快速学习,拥有广泛的视野及全球思维,卓越的领导力潜质 渴望在全球多元化环境中工作,注重社会责任感 出色的人际交往及沟通能力 优秀的中英语沟通能力 职能类别:培训生 微信分享...

  • 得嘉亚太管理有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 普陀区 ? To be responsible for the product structure design; 负责公司产品结构设计; ? Take charge of the prophase design communication, concept design, and prepare the related production process files; 负责前期设计沟通、概念设计,准备产品相应生产工艺资料; ? Take charge of the procedures like appearance, technology, structural modeling, 3D rendering, color proof and post-design according to product projects, follow up the test job, and be able to analyze and solve the structural issues during tests efficiently; 根据产品项目负责新产品外观、工艺、结构建...

  • 施坦威钢琴亚太有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 顺义区 Reporting to: Sales Director Asia Pacific Location: Shunyi District, Beijing Responsibilities: 1. Translate corporate objectives into store operational objectives, monitor and supervise store operations, prepare business analysis and propose marketing & sales action plan to generate sales and develop team performance 2. Retail sales accomplishment & store Operations 1) Execute & grow sales through of the products in retail store 2) Achieve store sales target, strive for bette...

  • 施坦威钢琴亚太有限公司 Shanghai

    Reporting to: Sales Director Asia Pacific Location: Shanghai Responsibilities: 1. Operate daily sales admins, sales data and documents making and consolidating; coordinate with other related department for sales issues. 2. Call out the daily meetings for sales director and records, assist in sales team to follow up with the tasks and mission agreed in meetings. Maintain sales events calendars etc. 3. Timely and precisely key in and maintain the sales and purchase order in the system to make sure...

  • 上海惠生海洋工程有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 月薪10,000 - 14,000元 岗位职责 Responsibilities 1、负责提供会议传译,文件、邮件翻译,简报制作(PPT)和其他要求的工作文件; 2、协助开展与俄语相关的公司商务活动。 1. Responsible for conference interpretation, email translation, PPT making and other required documents 2. Assist in business activities related to Russian. 任职要求 Requirements 1.俄语专业本科及以上,有俄国国家学习或工作经验者优先。 Bachelor degree in Russian, and preferably study or working experience in Russia 2..丰富的商务传译工作经验,要求具备专业会议、演讲交替传译经验; Proficient in business interpretation; experience in conference and speech ...

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