- 万宝盛华企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
web developer, we need follow domain knowledge and experience: 2+ yrs full time working experience as web developer; Good JavaScript web application development experience using MVVM design patterns.(React/Angular/Vue, experience with Angular is plus) Strong understanding of JavaScript technologies, such as ES6+, TypeScript, and RxJS. Experience with visualization and mapping libraries, such as Echarts, D3,Google Maps, Baidu Map, AMap, etc. Experience in Agile environments. Good communication sk...
- 博世力士乐电子传动与控制有限公司 Xi'an
西安市 Company Description 博世力士乐(西安)电子传动与控制有限公司—是博世集团在中国最具潜力的生产和研发基地之一,坐落在陕西省西安经济技术开发区。公司响应国家西部大开发的号召,于2010年2月从深圳整体搬迁至西安新落成的工厂,发展迅猛。 ? 博世力士乐(西安)电子传动与控制有限公司位于西安经济技术开发区尚稷路3999号,厂区总占地面积约4.2万平方米,建筑面积约2万平方米。凭借不断探索和创新精神,公司致力于为客户提供各种通用型、矢量型变频器、伺服驱动器,伺服电机,拧紧机,直线导轨滑块和高效、经济的驱动解决方案。高效率,低故障、可靠稳定的性能等众多优势令我们的产品行销世界,在专业领域中颇有好评。 ? 公司秉承“博世价值”理念,以人为本,不断探索企业发展新思路,同时丰富员工生活,通过形式多样和全方位的培训提升员工业务能力。,这些具有吸引力的政策使得公司在竞争激烈的自动化市场稳步发展,逐渐壮大。 ? “博世-科技成就生活之美”的宗旨指引我们努力向前,为未来创造更美好的生活。相信凭借不断的努力和创新精神,身为自动化产品和解决方案先行者的博世力士乐公司,一定能够为客户创造更...
- 阿里巴巴集团 Beijing
工作年限: 五年以上 所属部门: 阿里集团 学 历: 本科 招聘人数: 若干 团队介绍: 数据智能产品事业部,负责推进云与产业互联网战略,依托大数据计算、人工智能等技术创新打造“产业智能”相关的数据智能产品,探索用户与产业的创新互动,帮助客户挖掘数据价值,助力交通、安全、金融、农业、工业、医疗、零售等产业的数字化升级,切实提升客户的生产力和工作效率,将数据和算法能力转化为各个行业的商业价值。 岗位描述: 我们团队是“城市大脑”中的负责交通出行行业的产品研发团队,基于阿里云计算和大数据基础平台,通过机器学习的手段,整合客户多元数据,在诸如交通、航空、物流、环境和港口等领域,构建行业应用模型,帮助客户解决特定的业务问题,并进行数字化转型升级,过程中沉淀打造城市大脑开放人工智能平台,为政府提供城市建设的基础设施。 岗位职责: 1. 负责城市大脑底层数据模型的涉及、数据接口标准的定制; 2. 基于阿里云自主研发的ODPS云计算平台,整合和处理海量数据; 3. 负责阿里云业务数据分析和处理,以及模型架构设计及优化工作; 4. 协助并指导新人及合作伙伴完成相关项目。 岗位要求: 1. 计算机及相关...
- 和鼎律師事務所 Taibei
工作內容 這個職缺與我們另一個「法務助理」職缺最主要的不同在於律師不太會交辦專業法律事務給你,但想學習我們會很開心。如果不是法律系而想應徵,我們也歡迎,事實上我們很希望你能夠長久穩定的在此工作,但希望能告訴我們你為何適合這樣的工作。 工作時,依律師指示執行助理業務。包括 1. 事務所環境整理(如果不願意協助整理,請「不要」投履歷); 2. 遞送文件、整卷、蒐集資料; 3. 資料分析、問題研究、歸納; 4. 與當事人溝通協調等; 5. 協助所長進行特定政府標案的研究或服務。 完全無須幫事務所招攬任何業務。我們不是養業務來增加收入的事務所。 行政人員、律師助理或者稱為秘書也好,對我們來說很重要,也是事務所能否順利運作的主要原因。 希望你積極主動,也需要一定程度的服從與抗壓能力。 薪水必須看你的工作經驗、表現、反應與有無相關專長而定。 一般而言我們對於沒有經驗的行政助理,薪水是從「實拿」,請注意,是實拿24000起跳,會看工作量給予其他補助,並且會在2個月內決定是否繼續任用,如果任用,會在第三個月滿時,調整薪水到27000以上。但原則上沒太多經驗的助理剛開始不可能給你超過34000元。但如果...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 9,2019 - 英思科传感仪器有限公司 Shanghai
Objectives: 1.Engineering daily paper work update and maintenance,with no technical task. 2.Basic electrical and gas detection test in instrument or sub-assembly,and date record. Responsibilities: 1.Perform daily paper work include drawing simple update/correcction,document update,Windchill file update,with no technical task 2.Perform simple verification task for repeatable test,for hardware and gas detection. Qualifications: 1.Interns from university/college,major in mechanical and electrical o...
- 美乐家日用品有限公司 Shanghai
Description: The primary responsibility of this position will be developing new features of our website and proprietary CMS, as well as maintaining existing features. Qualifications : Ideal candidate should have a thorough knowledge of front end coding and technologies (HTML/CSS/Sass/JQuery/Node) as well as 4 years’ experience working with the Angular JavaScript framework. This individual must possess high energy, be aggressive, professional, have the ability to handle multiple tasks and be a te...
- 技阳实业有限公司 Shanghai
ALTYOR Industries (Shanghai), an ALTYOR Group’s subsidiary, is a French industrial company specialized in the contract design & manufacturing of multi-technology products, mainly in IoT (various areas: safety, health, music, home automation ...) for European/US market. You have a taste for challenge, are attracted by the connected devices market and wish to evolve in an innovative environment? Join us! Where ? In Shanghai (China), as part of our QA team! Your contribution? Major actor of the...
- 施耐德电气有限公司 Shanghai
Description: Electronic development (Electronic circuit calculation and design, debugging, and defect analysis) Work with marketing people to propose answer to requirement and consolidate specification. Investigation and definition for electronic and electronic architecture design. Product defect analysis from electronic view for customer issue. Follow the design process and deliver the document on time and quality Location: Shanghai Zhangjiang Qualifications: The successful candidate should be ...
- 醫學院醫學系微生物及免疫學科 Taibei
臺北醫學大學人力資源處 用人單位:醫學院醫學系微生物及免疫學科 職缺公告日期:2019-08-16 報名截止日期:2019-09-14 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 1名 學校地址:台北市信義區吳興街250號 工作地點:臺北市信義區 學術專長:衛生醫藥及社福領域(生命科學/醫藥衛生/社會服務學門) 公告內容: 醫學院醫學系微生物及免疫學科誠徵專任助理教授 ( 含 ) 以上 1 名 ( 公告至 108.9.14 截止 ) * 學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.):細菌、免疫、病毒相關科系畢業 * 職務條件: 1.專精免疫及細菌學研究及病毒學、病毒感染症,具備獨立研究能力interested in & immunity and microbiology research and virology、 viral infectious diseases with independent research capabilities 2.必須擔任細菌學、免疫學、病毒學教學工作responsible for teaching in mircobiology、immunology and virolog...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 9,2019 - 瑞银企业管理有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Oracle Database administrator required to work within the gloabl database organization to provide a high level (Level 3 or higher) database expertise for day to day support of production and development environments. Duties include: ? design and implement complex changes ? troubleshoot and solve incidents ? monitor and analyze performance issues ? work with numerous technical teams to improve core infrastructure ? DBA Support for application development and production support teams ? Ov...
- 上海创荣实业有限公司 Shanghai
【岗位职责】 1.旅游app内容的采编、翻译、撰写 2.旅游景点资料的后台上传 3.编辑部的其他相关工作 【任职要求】 1.大学本科及以上学历,中文/英文/旅游相关专业 2.英语水平优秀,熟悉外国人的表达方式,有海外留学优先 3.具有较广的知识面以及良好的英文编辑、写作能力 4.有网站编辑工作、翻译相关经验者优先 5.欧美籍懂中文的优先 Job Description: 1.Edit, translate and write copy for our travel App 2.Upload the information of scenic spots 3.Support to complete other related work Job Requirements: 1.A Bachelor's degree or above 2.Have oversea education background or working experiences 3.English skills for editing and writing 4.Familiar with the authen...
- Bureau Veritas 必维申美商品检测有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 Job Responsibility & Accountability (Key roles, functions & accountabilities) Seek and development potential and new clients for CSR services, testing, inspection, factory audit services; Handle incoming inquiries and pursue the opportunity; Make sales planning and achieve sales objective set by the company; Maintain and strengthen existing customer relationships, to provide effective and efficient after-sale service to grow the business either in volume or service lines; Collect...
- 杭州拓魄企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Responsibilities: IT Operation is in charge for a reliable and performing IT environment. They install, monitor, patch and update the systems with state of the art technology. In case of an incident the general goal is to restore the state of a service defined as soon as possible IT operation works close to the ITIL processes with clear documented system management. IT Operation act proactive to solve problems before they reach the user. Within IT operation the application administrator...
- 上海贝塔斯曼商业服务有限公司 Shanghai
Description: Data Mining team is one of the backbones of Arvato’s BI division. As a key contributor to this team, you will participate to design and develop scalable statistical and machine learning algorithms for some of the most top-notch brands in the market upon request. Primary Responsibilities: Decide what data are needed to be collected to answer specific questions; Apply both statistical methods and machine learning algorithms to solve practical problems; Analyze data and interpret outpu...
- 杭州拓魄企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities: 1、Lead corporation sourcing planning efforts,responsible for the strategic sourcing processes of Company. 2、In alignment with the Company purchasing strategies, and in discussion with the business unit leaders , prepare strategic sourcing plans that achieve Company’s needs. Implement and adhere to Strategic sourcing processes . 2、Sets annual objectives and monitors progress. 3、Analyzed price trends and market dynamics for major chemicals and monomers,sourcing efficiency improve...
- 通力电梯有限公司 Lijiang
Responsibilities: As Technical Writer you will be responsible for creating technical documentation for elevators, escalators and building doors. The documentation is targeted to different audiences like sales, installation, maintenance and engineering. In your daily work you will collaborate with R&D Project Managers and Chief Design Engineers, Subject Matter Experts, Information Designers, Technical Writers and Illustrators locally and globally. We offer you modern tools and methods, inspir...
- 美乐家日用品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 Essential Duties: ? Assist Audit Manager with risk assessment of assigned department or functional area in established/required timeline ? Assist Audit Manager with creating risk-based audit programs ? Prepare and organize supporting audit documentation and evidence ? Determine scope of review in conjunction with the Audit Manager ? Review the suitability of internal control design ? Conduct audit testing of specified area and identify reportable issues and dimension of risk ? Conduct ro...
- 深圳市惠泰医疗器械有限公司 河北省
1、负责部分地区销售市场的维护和开发工作; 2、负责所属区域的产品宣传、推广和销售,完成销售指标; 3、与临床科室保持有效沟通,帮助科室解决业务、临床质量问题,协助科室推动电生理的发展,推广科室知名度; 4、管理经销商,与经销商一起维护客情关系,做好产品相关培训,协助完成招投标工作; 5、举办地区性临床培训活动,参加学术性会议; 6、定期完成并递交公司要求的销售报告。 任职资格: 1、专科及以上学历,具备一定行业销售经验和较强的销售能力,熟悉高值耗材的销售、采购模式的优先考虑; 2、心脏科医学背景或有心内科高值耗材销售经验的,优先考虑; 3、良好的沟通能力,可以与医生,代理商和上级主管进行很好的沟通; 4、较强的执行能力,对工作安排认真执行; 5、具有很好的团队合作精神; 6、应届毕业生或无行业经验者本科及以上教育背景,有行业经验者可放宽至大专。 福利待遇: 1、入职购买五险一金,且足额缴纳。 2、享受国家法定假期,过节费等各项福利。 3、13薪+年终丰厚奖金。 4、行业前景好,国内领先医疗器械。 5、在职培训、团队氛围好。 职能类别:销售主管 微信 联系方式 上班地址:驻家办公Hom...
- 中山欧科电子有限公司 Zhongshan
中山市 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 职位信息 Your Responsibilities You will be responsible for the creation of industrial and mechanical design as well as 2D/3D drawings You deliver innovative mechanical designs and ensure implementation of design standards You can identify potential technical problems and implement timely corrective quality actions You will manage CNC and tool made sample evaluation plus quality reports You will be responsible for EAF, BOM, ECO creation as well as milestone reports. You will ma...
- 艾睿电子贸易有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 福田区 As a strategic partner of Field Sales in winning business, this role is responsible for providing customers competitive quotations, which includes strategizing quotes for bids (i.e., mark-ups). Stock checking & handling sample requests are also part of the CSO' s sales role. In addition to its sales role, this position is responsible for order management (SO entry & maintenance and shipment release), which includes inventory management as well as updating relevant information...
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