- 咖世家咖啡有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
职位:Barista咖啡师(全职) 我们是COSTA,咖世家,深受英国人钟爱的咖啡品牌。在COSTA,我们全心全意做好每一件事,不断给顾客和彼此创造难忘的瞬间。加入我们,一起用咖啡带来微笑;把握机遇,将热情化为职业发展; 帮助我们一起传递快乐! 关于职位: 作为一名咖啡师,自然你要用自己的专业技艺为顾客提供咖啡。然而在COSTA,我们需要的远不止这些。我们需要具有奉献、热情与自豪精神的你,为顾客展现一个充满温暖、魅力,家一般的咖啡门店。这样的你将为我们的顾客带来微笑,并且鼓舞我们的伙伴。 我们寻找的人才 为了总能给顾客带来值得回味的精彩瞬间,你需要不断地创造,尝试和调整。这就是为什么我们需要你热爱生活,对顾客服务充满热情。你需要灵活兼顾各项工作,比如既要制作无与伦比的咖啡,也要做好库存管理,还要鼓励顾客提供反馈。此外你还需要有学习的意愿,愿意为顾客提供个性化服务,并用心去读懂我们的顾客 。这些将使你带给顾客无与伦比的咖啡体验。 您将获得 有关店铺营运标准的培训 专业的咖啡知识培训 完善的福利体系(五险一金,忠诚奖金,绩效奖金,餐费补贴,晚班津贴,带薪年假) 国际连锁企业的工作经验,受益...
- 美光半导体咨询有限责任公司 西安市
西安市 Micron Technology’s vision is to transform how the world uses information to enrich life and our dedication to people, innovation, tenacity, partnership, and customer focus allows us to fulfill our mission to be a global leader in memory and storage solutions. This means conducting business with integrity, accountability, and collaboration while supporting our global community. Job Description- MXA Electrical FA engineer Job Description As a MXA Electrical FA engineer, you will be responsibl...
- 诺基亚通信系统技术(北京)有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 实习生 工作内容如下: 1. 独立完成应付账款会计实务,主要工作内容为发票整理归档,问题跟踪等。 2. 保证质量并完成KPI。 3. 确保符合公司内部和外部的审计要求 4. 如有需要支持协助其他业务组工作。 岗位要求: 1. 有责任心 2. 注重团队合作 3. 能够承担压力 4. 会计专业毕业优先 General Purpose: To process and monitor accounting transactions and reporting in accordance with process design, concept and service levels defined in the Service Description. To proactively perform preventive quality controls and to take corrective actions when errors occur. Job Description: Independent performer, process standardization and e...
- 錠嵂保險經紀人:北三營業處‧明義區 台北市 中山區
1.針對企業或個人可能面臨的風險,設計、解說及銷售各種不同類型的保險 2.協助客戶辦理保險理賠、契約變更、地址等業務。 3.提供各項保險諮詢服務。 4.保單規劃搭配。 職務類別 : 保險業務/經紀人 休假制度 : 週休二日 上班時段 : 09:00~18:00/依公司規定/白天班 年 9 月 11 日 需求人數 : 3至10人 薪資待遇 : 按件計酬 366 至 43,200 元每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 全職 上班日期 : 隨 時 職位等級 : 專員 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 出差說明 : 不需出差 工作條件 學歷要求 : 高中(職)以上 科系要求 : 不拘 工作經驗 : 1 年以上 身份類別 : 一般求職者 應屆畢業生 技能與求職專長 工作技能 : 1.文書作業軟體操作 2.保單分析 3.保險規劃與風險管理評估 4.產品銷售能力 5.熟悉保險相關法規 電腦技能:辦公室應用:Word/PowerPoint 取得認證 : 人身保險業務員 具備駕照 : 輕型機車、普通小型車 其他條件 好消息一、凡經過面試通過,即可參加新人CEO培訓計劃! 好消息二、CEO培訓計畫如下: ...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 11,2019 - 台北市私立亞伯拉罕語文短期補習班 Taibei
Abraham Academy is seeking eligible English teachers who are capable of teaching American Elementary and Junior High school subjects such as history, science, health, and language. Elementary School: Mon to Fri, 12:00 ~ 19:00 Qualifications: University Bachelor‘s degree Kindergarten: at least two years of experience in teaching children at age 3~4 Elementary: at least two years of experience in teaching science, health, history or language. Teaching certificate or TESOL certificate is preferable...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 11,2019 - 智樂物流 Diamond Hill
職責: Ÿ 每天向經理匯報各部門的工作情況 Ÿ 協肋不同部門處理日常工作 Ÿ 公司文件的收發和文檔處理 Ÿ 管理日程及處理其他行政工作 Ÿ 負責公司各類型的會議安排,包括組織會議及撰寫會議記錄 Ÿ 協助準備客人文件及跟進售後服務 Ÿ 根據需要,完成經理指派的臨時工作 資歷: Ÿ 高級文憑或以上程度 Ÿ 一年或以上相關工作經驗 Ÿ 良好溝通技巧良好粵語 ; 一般普通話、英語 Ÿ 懂讀寫、倉頡/速成輸入憧使用MS系統 (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) Ÿ 能獨立處事;有責任心 待遇: Ÿ 在職培訓 Ÿ 晉升機會 Ÿ 銀行假期 Ÿ 11天有薪年假 Ÿ 生日假期 員工優惠...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 10,2019 - 智樂物流 Diamond Hill
Job Duties: Handle both online and offline marketing Manage updates on company website and digital platform including social media marketing, SEM, SEO, online media placement, re-marketing and website enhancement Develop creative ideas and solutions for online campaigns and social media content Supervise marketing team to execute marketing campaigns Analyze the statistics and evaluate the performance on social media platforms Skills and Experience: Experience in Google analytics , Google Adwords...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 10,2019 - 家乐福管理咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Responsibilities: 1. Contract Follow up Contract Negotiation Schedule Maximize profit ability 2. Supplier Simulate supplier logistic cost and carrefour logistic cost Supplier communication to improve service rate Negotiation strategy and goals must be formally defined and validated by the hierarchical manager before negotiations and reviewed after negotiations. Relationships with suppliers must be formulated using standardized Carrefour contracts, including their appendixes, defined by the C...
- 河北艾福亿维动力总成有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Your Tasks Ensures effective utilization of boss time by maintaining his calendar, arranging appointments, responding to invitations on his behalf. Screens phone calls, enquiries and requests, and handles them when appropriate. Supports and coordinates events, ensures professional communications with both internal and external parties (clients, media etc.). Organizes travel arrangements (visas , travel info and booking flight & accommodation…), including coordinating visitors programs an...
- 美高梅(MGM) 澳门
We are proud to offer excellent opportunities for talented individuals to join the roaring team of MGM China. 我們誠邀才華出眾的您,把握美高梅中國事業機會,與金獅再闖另一座高峰。 Job Description: - Learn and perform operational activities of Talent Acquisition Coordinate activities and events with other HR functional teams for Talent Acquisition related issues Assist in organizing recruitment events, which includes but not limited to recruitment days, university career fairs and other hiring initiatives Assist in student visits ...
- 咖世家咖啡有限公司 上海市 静安区
上海市 静安区 Barista咖啡师(全职) 我们是COSTA,咖世家,深受英国人钟爱的咖啡品牌。在COSTA,我们全心全意做好每一件事,不断给顾客和彼此创造难忘的瞬间。加入我们,一起用咖啡带来微笑;把握机遇,将热情化为职业发展; 帮助我们一起传递快乐! 关于职位: 作为一名咖啡师,自然你要用自己的专业技艺为顾客提供咖啡。然而在COSTA,我们需要的远不止这些。我们需要具有奉献、热情与自豪精神的你,为顾客展现一个充满温暖、魅力,家一般的咖啡门店。这样的你将为我们的顾客带来微笑,并且鼓舞我们的伙伴。 我们寻找的人才: 能持续提供令顾客回味的精彩瞬间,为此需要你不断地创造,尝试和调整。这就是为什么我们需要你热爱生活,对顾客充满热情。你需要灵活,以同时协调很多工作,无论是在制作无与伦比的咖啡,库存管理或鼓励顾客给我们提供更多的反馈。同时你还需要有学习的意愿,愿意为顾客提供个性化服务,且用心去读懂我们的顾客。这些将使你带给顾客无与伦比的咖啡体验。 您将获得 有关店铺营运标准的培训 专业的咖啡知识培训 完善的福利体系(五险一金,忠诚奖金,绩效奖金,餐费补贴,晚班津贴,带薪年假) 国际连锁企业的工...
- 咖世家咖啡有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
Barista咖啡师(***) 我们是COSTA,咖世家,深受英国人钟爱的咖啡品牌。在COSTA,我们全心全意做好每一件事,不断给顾客和彼此创造难忘的瞬间。加入我们,一起用咖啡带来微笑;把握机遇,将热情化为职业发展; 帮助我们一起传递快乐! 关于职位: 作为一名咖啡师,自然你要用自己的专业技艺为顾客提供咖啡。然而在COSTA,我们需要的远不止这些。我们需要具有奉献、热情与自豪精神的你,为顾客展现一个充满温暖、魅力,家一般的咖啡门店。这样的你将为我们的顾客带来微笑,并且鼓舞我们的伙伴。 我们寻找的人才: 能持续提供令顾客回味的精彩瞬间,为此需要你不断地创造,尝试和调整。这就是为什么我们需要你热爱生活,对顾客充满热情。你需要灵活,以同时协调很多工作,无论是在制作无与伦比的咖啡,库存管理或鼓励顾客给我们提供更多的反馈。同时你还需要有学习的意愿,愿意为顾客提供个性化服务,且用心去读懂我们的顾客。这些将使你带给顾客无与伦比的咖啡体验。 您将获得 有关店铺营运标准的培训 专业的咖啡知识培训 完善的福利体系(五险一金,忠诚奖金,绩效奖金,餐费补贴,晚班津贴,带薪年假) 国际连锁企业的工作经验,受益终...
- 徐福记国际控股集团有限公司 东莞市 东城区
Job Description: HFC MT Project is designed to help fresh graduates gain strengths and abilities, including rapid learning ability, teamwork spirits, effective communication skills, results-oriented work style and leadership. As a member of the Finance Department, you will rotate in the main functional units of the Finance Headquarters to improve your overall professional ability. You will also go to the branch offices for a short-term rotation to understand operation mode of the branch to condu...
- 徐福记国际控股集团有限公司 东莞市 东城区
东莞市 东城区 Job Description: HFC MT Project is designed to help fresh graduates gain strengths and abilities, including rapid learning ability, teamwork spirits, effective communication skills, results-oriented work style and leadership. As a HFC E-Commerce Management Trainee, your daily work is to deal with social media and market data, as well as negotiate with E-Commerce customers. You can integrate your innovation into the interactive promotion with consumers, and participate in planning and exe...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 岗位职责: ? Assesses a patient’s needs, abilities, or behavior using a variety of methods, including medical record review, psychometric tests, interviews, and direct observation of behavior. ? Interprets intelligence, achievement, interest, personality, and other psychological tests to diagnosis disorders. ? Devises, implements, monitors, and revises as needed appropriate programs of treatment, including psychotherapy, psycho-education, and crisis intervention. ? Provides clinical services ...
- 美迪希实验仪器有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Position: Import / Export Specialist Type: Full time employee Company: Molecular Devices Shanghai Limited Location: Shanghai, Nanhui Area Area: Manufacturing Responsibilities The Import / Export Specialist will be responsible for developing a comprehensive and cost-effective import/export model for our newly created manufacturing facility. This role requires a well-developed ability to analyze complex business processes, with a focus on cost-benefit, to make difficult decisions and reco...
- C&A西雅衣家商业有限公司 哈尔滨市 道里区
哈尔滨市 道里区 岗位职责: ? Working in the E-Commerce Studio with model and product shooting. ? Prepare sets, checking that all equipment is functioning, setting up appropriate lighting and keeping accurate daily shoot records. ? Producing high quality and consistently beautiful images, ensuring they are correctly exposed and colour consistent. ? Mark up images with clear and informative notes for the retouch team. ? Image selection: working with the stylist to choose images that comply with the style guid...
- 上海优仕美地医疗有限公司 上海市 静安区
岗位职责: 1. 负责护士站电子病历系统的录入,正确执行医嘱,准确及时地完成各项治疗及护理工作,做好查对及交接班工作,防止医疗护理差错事故的发生。 2. 各类检验报告的注销,有异常报告及时通知主诊医生。 3. 熟悉护理常规,积极参与危重症患者的抢救。 4. 保持护士站工作环境及治疗室的整洁、整齐和安全。 岗位要求: 1、有临床护理工作经验3年以上,持有护士相关资质证书; 2、亲和力强,沟通能力佳 3、懂英语者优先; 4、能接受夜班; 职能类别:护士/护理人员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:静安区富民路118号...
- 臺北醫學大學人力資源處 Taibei
臺北醫學大學人力資源處 用人單位:臺北醫學大學人力資源處 職缺公告日期:2019-09-10 報名截止日期:2019-10-31 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 2名 學校地址:台北市信義區吳興街250號 工作地點:臺北市信義區 學術專長: 公告內容: 108 年度第 1 學期_ 管理學院 國際生技醫療管理博士學位學程 誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上2名(公告至108.10.30截止) *學歷需求: 博士學位 Ph.D. degree * 職務條件: 1.國際生技產業管理教學、研究、產學、國際等經驗 International biotechnology industry management teaching, research, industry, and international experience 2.智慧醫療產業分析與市場評估教學、研究、產學、國際等經驗 A.I. medical industry analysis and market assessment teaching, research, industry, and international experience 3. 國...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 10,2019 - 美国智慧全球公司上海代表处 Shanghai
上海市 职位要求 4 years or more experience programming in Visual Basic 6.0 + and/or VB.Net 4 years or more experience in SQL database programming in a business environment related to product development, import and distribution 2 or more years programming experience in an ERP-system environment Network Administration experience a major plus Good Verbal Communication Skills in Mandarin and English Ability to travel between China and U.S Excellent Team work and good sense of humor Ethical with quality re...
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