- 北京东方亿思知识产权代理有限责任公司 Beijing
北京市 东城区 1.复审文件资料 2.在公司内部做英文培训 任职要求: 1.美、英、加籍或母语为英语国家的外籍人士 2.本科以上学历 We, Beijing East IP Ltd./Beijing East IPLaw firm, are a law firm providing top IP services for foreign and domesticalclients, such as Intel, Cisco, Arm, TSMC, Xiaomi. We are now seeking anative part-time/full time English teacher, helping our attorneys to improveEnglish writing and speaking skills. Job Description Review and improve Englishdocuments, such as emails, letters, responses to office actions, memos,prepared by patent a...
- 上海浦东新区协和教育中心 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 月薪12,000 - 24,000元 工作职责: 1. 教授14-16节(至少两个班)的学科课或其他与本学科相关的课程 2. 提供德育支持,比如担任班级导师或承担监护职责 3. 开设至少一门活动课/跨学科课程 4. 研发课程并参与相关教研 Responsibilities: 1. To teach 14-16 (at least two classes) subject lessons or other related lessons per week 2. To provide pastoral care, for example take the role of a form tutor or duty supervisor 3. To teach at least one co-curricular course 4. To develop written curriculum and participate in relevant professional development. 任职要求: 1. 有教师资格证; 2. 有一定的书面英语技能,能进行基本的口头...
- 上海浦东新区协和教育中心 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 月薪10,000 - 20,000元 工作职责: 1. 教授14-16节(至少两个班)的学科课或其他与本学科相关的课程 2. 提供德育支持,比如担任班级导师或承担监护职责 3. 开设至少一门活动课/跨学科课程 4. 研发课程并参与相关教研 Responsibilities: 1. To teach 14-16 (at least two classes) subject lessons or other related lessons per week 2. To provide pastoral care, for example take the role of a form tutor or duty supervisor 3. To teach at least one co-curricular course 4. To develop written curriculum and participate in relevant professional development. 任职要求: 1. 有教师资格证; 2. 英文流利,能够胜任全英语教学; 3. ...
- 宁波邦卖云集电子商务有限公司 Ningbo
在这里,你将得到专业的培训; 在这里,你将会有施展才能的机会; 在这里,你将会得到足够的成长空间; 在这里,你将能够实现自我价值和人生梦想。 我们的理念:我们是创业型企业,我们为我们的梦想奋斗,我们不招打工人员,只招志同道合的小伙伴们一起做事业 -欢迎加入我们。 ? 招聘岗位(Recruitment): 德语客服(CS Agent) 采购专员(Purchasing Agent) 销售助理(Sales Assistant):英语,德语,日语 Net软件工程师(Integration Engineer) 国际物流业务员(Logistics Salesman) 数据专员(Data Steward) 仓库操作员(Warehouse Operator) 物流跟单仓库储备干部(Logistics documentary warehouse reserve cadres) 日本仓服装QC(Japanese Warehouse Garment QC) 储备干部 (Associate Trainee) 人员薪资(Staff salaries) 实习期:薪酬福利及作息具体如下: 1. 薪酬等级分为1-6档...
- 上海世谛集成电路设计有限公司 Shanghai
职位描述: 1.灵活运用现有的DV工具完成ASIC/SOC设计 2.独立运用工具完成大量的DV工作 3.为新的设计、块级和芯片级测试计划的创建和实现、覆盖率分析和回归清理在DV环境中移植/创建。 任职要求: 1.具备良好的验证方法知识,如VMM,OVM 2.具有丰富的仿真模型创建和测试平台构建经验 3.较强的RTL编程能力,熟悉前端设计流程 4.较强的C/ c++软件开发经验 5.熟悉Perl、C shell、Makefile等脚本语言 Requirements: The candidate should have good understanding on ASIC/SOC design flow and should have: Good knowledge of design verification methodology, such as VMM or OVM. Many experiences with simulation model creation and the testbench build Strong RTL coding with Verilog and f...
- 上海世谛集成电路设计有限公司 Shanghai
职位描述: 1.灵活运用现有的DV工具完成ASIC/SOC设计 2.独立运用工具完成大量的DV工作 3.为新的设计、块级和芯片级测试计划的创建和实现、覆盖率分析和回归清理在DV环境中移植/创建。 任职要求: 1.具备良好的验证方法知识,如VMM,OVM 2.具有丰富的仿真模型创建和测试平台构建经验 3.较强的RTL编程能力,熟悉前端设计流程 4.较强的C/ c++软件开发经验 5.熟悉Perl、C shell、Makefile等脚本语言 Requirements: The candidate should have good understanding on ASIC/SOC design flow and should have: Good knowledge of design verification methodology, such as VMM or OVM. Many experiences with simulation model creation and the testbench build Strong RTL coding with Verilog and f...
- 上海世谛集成电路设计有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 1.灵活运用现有的DV工具完成ASIC/SOC设计 2.独立运用工具完成大量的DV工作 3.为新的设计、块级和芯片级测试计划的创建和实现、覆盖率分析和回归清理在DV环境中移植/创建。 任职要求: 1.具备良好的验证方法知识,如VMM,OVM 2.具有丰富的仿真模型创建和测试平台构建经验 3.较强的RTL编程能力,熟悉前端设计流程 4.较强的C/ c++软件开发经验 5.熟悉Perl、C shell、Makefile等脚本语言 Requirements: The candidate should have good understanding on ASIC/SOC design flow and should have: Good knowledge of design verification methodology, such as VMM or OVM. Many experiences with simulation model creation and the testbench build Strong RTL coding with Verilog an...
- 上海浦东新区民办常青藤小学 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 月薪9,000 - 15,000元 工作职责及内容 (1) 熟悉Algebra2/Geometry/Pre-calculus/Calculus课程,有相关教学经验者优先 (2) 做好教学用具及教学材料的准备工作,认真授课,完成教学任务及目标 (3) 积极与学生家长交流学生学习情况 (4) 日常教学的出卷、阅卷、评卷、批改作业工作 (5) 听课、备课、学习研究相关专业教材 (6) 完成学科教师其他相关工作。 任职要求 数学学科专业背景,重点大学全日制硕士及以上学历,有海外交流经验者优先; 1年以上相关工作经验(包括实习经验)或优秀应届毕业生; 具备优秀的英语听说读写能力,英语基础扎实,口语流利标准; 思路清晰,头脑灵活,善于与学生沟通,授课风格活泼幽默; 根据本校教材或教学大纲及学生特点施教; 积极主动,有创新意识,热爱教育事业; 职能类别: 中学教师 关键字: 双语 数学 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:秀沿路康桥半岛别墅区...
- 上海德稻集群文化创意产业有限公司 Shanghai
Key responsibilities: Fashion photography, Fashion film making. Production, lighting, styling, editing still and moving image post production. Main duties and responsibilities The main duties and responsibilities of this role have been grouped in the following areas: 1. Learning and Teaching. 2. Innovation and Industy engagement 3. Mentoring and Pastoral Care. 4. Curriculum Development. 5. Quality Assurance and Enhancement. Essential requirements: First degree in Photography and / or film making...
- 上海德稻集群文化创意产业有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 工作地点:上海松江 Location:Songjiang Shanghai 公司名称:德稻教育 Company Name:DeTao Masters Academy 公司网站: www.detaoma.com Conpany Website:www.detaoma.com 您的工作职责是什么? What are my responsibilities? 1、管理整个新生入学考试过程,为新生创建专门的基础课程练习,负责创建所有必要的设计练习和作业(由其他教师提供意见)。 Manage entire new student entry examination / testing process and help establish a unique foundation coursework for all new SDI students. Full responsibility for creating all necessary design exercises and assignments (with input from other teachers). 2、为新生创建...
- 上海德稻集群文化创意产业有限公司 Shanghai
工作地点:上海松江 Location:Songjiang Shanghai 公司名称:德稻教育 Company Name:DeTao Masters Academy 公司网站: www.detaoma.com Conpany Website:www.detaoma.com 您的工作职责是什么? What are my responsibilities? 1、与工作室经理一起教授设计课程并进行设计演示,激励学生求学与创新。工作重点是最终的产品执行和完成 - 包括视觉效果。布置设计练习和作业。 Teach studio and skill courses alongside Studio Manager. Proving endless design demonstrations and inspiring motivation. Focus will be on final product execution and finishing- including visual presentations. Executing all design exercises and assignme...
- 上海德稻集群文化创意产业有限公司 Shanghai
工作地点:上海松江 Location:Songjiang Shanghai 公司名称:德稻教育 Company Name:DeTao Masters Academy 公司网站: www.detaoma.com Conpany Website:www.detaoma.com 您的工作职责是什么? What are my responsibilities? 1、管理4个年级学生的日常活动。与其他教师一起安排所有设计练习和作业。 Manage all day to day activities across all 4 class levels. Establish all design exercises and assignments (with other teachers). 2、为所有级别学生的安排课堂作业并评分。重点是大三大四学生。 Establish and execute all class assignments and grading across all levels of students. Primary focus will be given to Senior ...
- 上海德稻集群文化创意产业有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 您的工作职责是什么? What are my responsibilities? 1、管理整个新生入学考试过程,为新生创建专门的基础课程练习,负责创建所有必要的设计练习和作业(由其他教师提供意见)。 Manage entire new student entry examination / testing process and help establish a unique foundation coursework for all new SDI students. Full responsibility for creating all necessary design exercises and assignments (with input from other teachers). 2、为新生创建所有课堂作业,给予评分。重点是大一大二学生。 Establish and execute all class assignments and grading for all incoming students. Primary focus will be given to ...
- 上海德稻集群文化创意产业有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 工作地点:上海松江 Location:Songjiang Shanghai 公司名称:德稻教育 Company Name:DeTao Masters Academy 公司网站: www.detaoma.com Conpany Website:www.detaoma.com 您的工作职责是什么? What are my responsibilities? 1、教授模型课,并管理资源:机器,泡沫/材料,油漆等申请。与工作室副经理一起教授初级和高级模型制作技能。执行所有设计练习和作业。 This position owns the model shop classes and manages resources: machines, foam / materials requisitioning, and painting resources. Teaching beginning and advanced model making skills through rigorous courses- in collaboration with Associate Studio Mana...
- 上海德稻集群文化创意产业有限公司 Shanghai
您的工作职责是什么? What are my responsibilities? 1、管理4个年级学生的日常活动。与其他教师一起安排所有设计练习和作业。 Manage all day to day activities across all 4 class levels. Establish all design exercises and assignments (with other teachers). 2、为所有级别学生的安排课堂作业并评分。重点是大三大四学生。 Establish and execute all class assignments and grading across all levels of students. Primary focus will be given to Senior and Junior level students. 3、管理教师团队和模型车间的所有资源。 Manage all model shop resources and faculty across all levels. 4、作为工作室的代表,与客户、业务合作伙伴和公司沟通联...
- 上海浦东新区民办惠立幼儿园 Huili Nursery Shanghai 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Basic Information Job Title Teaching Assistant Department Academic Supervisor Classroom Teacher/Deputy Headmaster Objectives A Teaching Assistant will assist teaching staff as required during the day. This may include taking small groups within the classroom, offering one to one support under the guidance and supervision of staff members, working with pupils in various learning environments, supervising activities. To support each individual pupil’s growth and development, encouraging them as We...
- 华润集团 Shanghai
上海市 招聘人数: 2人 岗位职责: 1.在大区商业EHS委员会领导下全面负责安全、环境的日常管理工作; 2、安全品质类指引文件和安全制度文件的编制、修改、审核、发放、存档; 3、对安全体系文件的运行与控制,进行指导、监视和检查。 4、拟定年度安全生产计划并负责实施; 5、负责开展安全、环境教育培训工作; 任职资格: 1、统招本科及以上学历, 2、3年以上高档住宅物业、商业购物中心、写字楼、大型商场等同职位工作经验; 4、 诚实守信,原则性强,能够认真贯彻落实公司安全政策和要求; 5、良好的对外协调能力和语言表达能力,能协调团队的整体工作...
- 先声药业集团 Nanjing
招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 关键词:研发类 职位描述 1. Lead the clinical development planning, design, execution and reporting of phase 1 through 3 clinical trials, for pipeline products. 2.Hire medical directors/clinical scientists and supporting staff with appropriate technical and management backgrounds. Define job specifications, recruiting, interviewing and candidate selection processes. 3,。Set performance standards for individuals, teams and processes. Measure performance against planned objectives. 4.Develop pr...
- 美国力特集团 虎门镇
虎门镇 职位信息 About Job: 1.Support of the Littelfuse computing environment including but not limited to desktops, laptops, wireless technologies, print services, remote access services, communications technologies, and network infrastructure hardware and software. 2.Responsible for maintaining all software on the PC and Servers (Office, scanning, etc) 3.The resolution, management, and accounting of incidents reported to the Helpdesk via the global Helpdesk trouble ticket management tool. 4.Direct and...
- 阿里巴巴集团 Hangzhou
杭州市 工作年限: 六年以上 所属部门: 阿里集团 学 历: 本科 招聘人数: 若干 岗位描述: 1、领导团队,统筹负责AE整体大盘的财务分析,全年预算编制及资源分配管理,月度滚动预测编制,优化预测分析框架,提高预测准确性及资源分配有效性,并形成可广泛复用的方法论沉淀; 2、输出AE整体财务管理报告,调动团队力量,通过关键指标分析,投入产出分析,提出业务优化建议,并推动落地; 3、直接负责部分业务线(如,广告)财务评估,引导关键业务决策,平衡创新与风险; 4、搭建相关业务分析的数据体系,完善分析框架,输出分析报告,并完成相关的财务核算工作; 5、重要成本费用预算管理和分析,提高使用效率,推动优化方案落地; 6、有团队管理职能,带领同学不断进步并拿到结果 岗位要求: 1、框架思维能力好,能看到全局,再到局部, 6年以上财务工作经验; 2、熟练使用Excel、PPT进行图表的制作和分析模型的建立; 3、拥有较高的独立性、主动性,能够承担较大的工作压力,积极乐观、适应变化并充满正能量; 3、良好的横向领导力和沟通能力,主动推动工作进展的顺利实施, 强执行力; 4、注重细节,具备好的领悟能力、...
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