- 萬國人力資源有限公司 Xinbei
✸✸✸職缺介紹✸✸✸ ❤入取率極高!!快速上班!!❤ ❤快來看錄取率高又工作簡單的工作哦❤ ❤薪資可申請【日領】【週領】❤ 【工作地點】 中和區建一路 【工作內容】 烙鐵 組裝 包裝 測試 檢測 【上班時間】 上班: 8:30-17:30 加班 18:00-21:00(偶爾加班) 午休12:30-13:30 【休假】 周休二日 【福利】 ➤勞健保 ➤勞退6% ➤表現好有機會轉正 ➤工作簡單 ➤冷氣廠房 面試錄取高! 歡迎你/妳加入我們的大家庭唷! 歡迎來賺薪水增加社會經歷 ! 因名額有限,請盡速報名! 意者洽詢方式週一~週五 09:00~18:00 電洽:0973-712702 朱Miss 或加綠色軟體: 0973-712702 詢問 如沒接到您電話 可以發簡訊傳姓名+電話和應徵項目到我手機 會在回覆電話給您 工作類型: 全職 薪資:每小時 150.0元-250.0元...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 7,2019 - 碧然德净水系统有限公司 Shanghai
Main Responsibilities: 1.SAP system main data maintenance 2.Solve the requests& issues with headquarter IT 3.SAP-TS interface of accrual, settlment, and release smoothly without any incident 4.SAP sales master data maintenance: CUDO, SHIP, Prcing System, SKU Exclusion of Placing Order, Planning Group.,etcO55.Owner of the Synergy system, Master Data Maintenance, channel coordinator and trainer 6.Do the manuals, train the inner users and distributors from different channels 7.Synergy system is...
- 泛林半导体设备技术有限公司 Shanghai
Reporting This position reports to Senior Communications Manager in China. Job Scope This position is responsible for building and maintaining positive company brand through government relations resources, marketing and communications activities. The candidate is primarily to fulfill tasks related to support activities that engages with stakeholders and audiences in China, namely Customers, Suppliers, employees, communities, government and trade associations and industry bodies. Key Accountabili...
- 康士伯控制系统有限公司 Shanghai
Supplier Relationships Where designated responsible for leading and co-ordinating supplier relationships and strategy(s) within the designated external buy supply chain. Informed of who performs a similar role within the commodities / category(s) to which they are assigned. Where designated, will lead specific supplier relationships fulfilling the accountabilities of the Global Category Manager. Cost Management Responsible for the creation and/ or deployment of Cost Models for designated Commodi...
- 上海伯格人力资源有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 Responsibilities: To support the general manager for the following assignments: 1. Complete the tasks of recruiting, staffing, C&B, performance appraisal, labor relations etc. in compliance with labor related laws, regulations and HR policies of the company. 2. Provide advice and counsel to general manager and division managers regarding HR practices, policies, regulations and labor related laws. 3. Review and update the existing company rules, HR policies, and regulations to improve...
- 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Job Responsibilities: Job responsibilities mainly include but not limited to the following: Assist in company case analysis and report writing, etc. Assist in teaching, including course development and design, material preparation, EMBA class coordination and other logistic coordination. Assist to contact and coordinate with international scholars and Chinese executives. General administrative tasks, including budgeting, correspondence, etc. Job Requirements: Master student with research experie...
- 广州市方尔达人力资源有限公司 Shenzhen
FUNDER Group is a platform for international education - Online & Offline International Education Sharing. We have companies in Guangzhou and Shanghai in China, and Berkeley in the US. 方尔达共享国际教育是一个线上线下的教育平台,在广州、上海、美国都有公司。 We have been partnering with K12 schools and adult education in Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities in China for our offline & online platform. Native English teachers & Chinese English teachers are giving students English courses on our FunderStudy online platform...
- 瀚德万安电控制动系统有限公司 Shanghai
Job description: Responsible for logistic operations including warehouse, inventory management, order fulfillment, import & export and customs clearance, and other logistics activities Ensure on-time delivery to customer by optimizing delivery plan, production plan and material plan, as well as improving the forecast accuracy of customer demand Develop and deploy inventory improvement initiatives to meet the target of inventory turns and safety stock cost Monthly lead and organize demand &am...
- 百通赫思曼网络系统国际贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 The commercial track is perfect for someone who is driven to, andpassionate about, leading others in a commercial function at an acceleratedpace. In this program, you will experience three commercial roles: sales,marketing and a third-year placement in whichever role you prefer to target theright career development path for you. Understanding the commercial businessfrom these different perspectives will fast track your career path toward acommercial leadership role, allowing you to end your ...
School of Continuing and Professional Studies General Clerk II (Communication and Public Relations) (Ref. 190001VC) (Closing date: September 17, 2019) The appointee will (a) assist in implementation of communication initiatives, including advertising campaigns, production of online advertising banners and maintenance of social media platforms; (b) assist in organising School-wide functions and events; (c) handle a wide range of communication and public relations initiatives, including souvenir s...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 6,2019 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong Kong
(截止日期:二零一九年九月十日) 逸夫書院 應徵者須(甲)具小學或以上程度;(乙)持由香港警務處發出之有效保安人員許可證;(丙)富責任感、工作勤奮、態度誠懇有禮、處事積極及主動;及(丁)具良好中文語文能力,並略懂普通話及簡單英語。具物業管理及/或家居水電維修經驗者可獲優先考慮。職責包括(一)於宿舍當值;(二)巡查樓宇及負責保安工作;(三)一般搬運;(四)清潔;(五)簡單維修;及(六)執行其他由書院或舍監指派的職務。受聘者須於晚間或通宵工作,並須輪班當值(包括星期六、星期日、公眾假期及颱風訊號懸掛期間),及執行被指派的緊急工作。將以一年合約方式聘用,表現優良者可獲考慮續聘。...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 6,2019 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong Kong
(截止日期:二零一九年九月十日) 體育部 應徵者須(甲)持由香港拯溺總會發出的有效沙灘救生章或以上級別證書;(乙)具拯溺工作經驗;(丙)持由聖約翰救傷會、香港紅十字會或醫療輔助隊發出的有效急救證書;(丁)持由海事處發出的遊樂船隻二級操作人證明書。持自動體外心臟去纖維性顫動法證書者及具水上活動資歷者可獲優先考慮。職責包括(一)照顧水上活動中心使用者安全;(二)拯溺;(三)維持水上活動中心秩序;及(四)執行其他由主管指派的工作(包括基本維修及簡單清潔)。受聘者每週標準工作時數為四十五小時,一星期工作五天,並須於星期六、星期日及公眾假期當值。將以一年或兩年合約方式聘用,完成兩年合約者可獲約滿酬金,表現優良者可獲考慮續聘。 〔註:如較早前曾申請相同職位(編號:B/190001P6/ml及B/190001K7/ml)者毋須再次申請。〕...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 6,2019 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong Kong
(截止日期:二零一九年九月十日) 體育部 應徵者須(甲)具中三程度;(乙)能閱讀及書寫中文;(丙)對電腦操作有基本認識;及(丁)勤奮有禮和富責任感。具保養草場及機械維修經驗者可獲優先考慮。職責包括(一)管理各類體育活動器材及設施;(二)協助活動進行;(三)執行體力勞動雜務;及(四)搬運和一般清潔工作。受聘者須輪班當值(包括星期六、星期日及公眾假期)。將以兩年合約方式聘用,表現優良者可獲考慮續聘。〔註:如較早前曾申請相同職位(編號:B/190001P8/ml及B/190001K6/ml)者毋須再次申請。〕...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 6,2019 - 蒂森克虏伯投资有限公司 Shanghai
This is a disciplined development program for high potential talent in thyssenkrupp System Engineering (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Career Development Path (including overseas assignment opportunity) ? Year 1 roatation: Project Engineer ? Year 2 roatation: Mechanical Engineer ? Year 3 roatation: Customized Engineer ? Year 4-6 : Project Manager ? Year 7-10: Line Manager/PMO/Senior PM Knowledge and skills requirements ? Education: Mater degree fresh graduates from top universities ? Major: Mechanical Desi...
- 苏州歌林小镇投资有限公司 Suzhou
1、 严格按照管理制度,认真、规范、及时完成各弱电设备每日各项值班、操作、记录、保养、维修、巡检等工作,每日经常巡检中央控制室弱电设备及其他重要机房设备运行情况。 2、熟练掌握并应用各弱电设备各项操作、保养、维修技能,了解各弱电设备工作原理和参数设置(掌握各弱电设备参数更改密码)。发生突发事件时,能及时、冷静、准确、有效处理。 3、 熟悉各线缆走向和中间设备安装位置和设备基本功能及服务范围。 4、发觉弱电设备异常情况,积极及时排除故障,并向上级领导汇报。及时向其他专业员工转达,并及时向上级领导汇报发现物业其他专业的设备设施故障、缺损等异常情况。做好各类相关记录。 5、及时处理其他专业人员提出的弱电设备异常情况或故障。 6、努力钻研技术,保证大厦各弱电设备始终处于良好工作状态,当BMS监视到其他设备异常情况或危险情况时,即时向各专业人员报告,并为事件处理提供真实、可靠资料。 7、任何情况下必须保证火灾报警系统和防盗监视系统处于良好工作状态。 8、积极耐心向中央控制室值班保安人员,进行全面详细的设备操作培训,热情解答各类提问,配合保安人员共同搞好大厦安全保卫工作。 9、积极与各专业工程人员...
- 默林娱乐集团 查看所有职位 Shanghai
China E-commerce Manager Key Objectives & Responsibilities: Key focuses of the role will include: China Ecommerce Eco System - Understand China digital and eCommerce eco system and make recommendations on how to improve Merlin’s operation and channel effectiveness Digital Business – Support the preparation of business cases for local social media platform opportunities (i.e. local facebook). Provide feedback on key learnings, main insights and local trends on digital marketing. Deliver owned...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 岗位职责: Primary Responsibilities: Examines, diagnoses, and treats acute and chronic diseases and injuries within the scope of Internal Medicine in both the inpatient and outpatient setting. Prepares and reviews case histories and obtains data through interviews. Examines patients and determines x-ray examinations and clinical laboratory tests required. Interprets test results and evaluates examination findings. Conducts ward rounds and prescribes therapy. Administers and prescribes treatme...
- 埃克森美孚(惠州)化工有限公司 Huizhou
Responsibilities Provide electrical engineering expertise in support of the design, construction, commissioning, start-up and operation of the ExxonMobil Huizhou Chemical Complex. Provide technical and operational expertise for the day-to-day support of the electrical equipment, systems and infrastructure within the Complex, including: Delivering engineering assessments and design, trouble-shooting and root cause failure analysis, long-term equipment improvement initiatives and engineering solut...
- 润联软件系统有限公司 Xi'an
主要职责 1.负责华润云Oracle或MySQL数据库的安装、配置、创建及维护工作; 2.负责华润云数据库及分布式数据库的配置、创建及维护工作; 3.了解MongoDB、Redis等产品,有NoSQL运维经验者优先; 4.处理各类异常和故障,确保数据库平台的稳定运行; 5.深入理解openstack/linux系统平台,熟悉常用软件配置。 任职资格 本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业,有优秀的数据库理论基础,精通SQL语言; 2年以上DBA或系统运维经验,熟悉数据库的管理、维护、和优化,精通Oracle或MySQL、GP数据库; 熟悉ORACLE RAC架构,精通MYSQL主从,MYSQL集群、GP分布式架构; 熟悉Linux操作系统,熟练使用Java/Shell/Perl/Python/Ruby中至少一种语言,有项目开发经验者优先; 具有较强的学习能力、逻辑分析、数据分析能力、问题排查能力、数据库优化能力; 具有较强的工作主动性,工作认真、负责、细致、敬业; 有钻研新技术的热情和能力,善于交流和表达,富有团队精神,具有一定的管理组织能力; 面对挫折时保持情绪的稳定,在比较艰苦的情况下或巨...
- 万宝盛华人力资源有限公司 Hangzhou
杭州市 月薪7,000 - 12,000元 负责区域内美容医疗激光产品市场销售指标的达成 对于所负责的区域,制定有挑战性和可执行的销售计划,并成功实施 根据地区年度销售目标,在地区经理协助下,规划个人年度销售业绩目标及费用预算,合理控制费用开支 通过定期的WORKSHOP和科内会等活动,挖掘潜在客户,与客户建立和维护良好的合作关系 通过日常拜访和其它学术活动,体现公司专业、创新、合作的学术形象 按时准确提交各项报告、报表;认真参加相关培训和会议 负责日常的销售工作及上级交与的其他任务 任职要求: 医学相关专业统招大专以上学历 市场敏感性强,具备积极开拓意识,1年以上销售工作经验 良好的语言表达能力,善于沟通,较好的判断力,较强的建立客户关系的技巧 具有独立工作能力,具营销能力,有较强的团队协作精神 良好的学习能力和敬业精神,道德品行规范 能适应经常出差 个性好,形象好,有创新精神 职能类别: 医疗器械销售代表 医疗器械市场推广 关键字: 销售代表 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:homebased...
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