- 佛山市诺德安达双语学校 Foshan
佛山市 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 职位信息 岗位职责: 1.激发学生的自信,建立同事之间的相互信任感 2.在教学实践中和同事友好合作并能够灵活的适应多语言的环境要求 3.在课堂中与同事互相配合不断激发学生的学习热情 4.具有一定的分析能力,探索新的教学方法拓展学生的学习体验 5.通过坚持不懈的自我学习,不断提高自己的职业素养与教学能力 6.在当地社会以及其它国际化的环境中推广学校的价值观 任职要求: 1. 善于沟通,并能与同事、家长建立良好关系。 2. 以身作则,不仅对学生树立较高的期望和标准,同时对自身也能做到高标准、严要求。 3. 具有一定的抗压能力,同时在工作中有想法、有条理。 4. 善于合作和沟通,不仅和同事要保持良好沟通,致力于完成学校的首要发展目标及长远目标,同时要和家长定期保持有效的沟通。 经验资格: 1.本科及以上学历,3年以上工作经验,持教师资格证书; 2.有音乐的教学经验,并且有双语教学能力; 3.有中级或高级职称的老师优先; 4.如有国际学校教学经验者优先; 如应届硕士学历,有音乐教育等专业毕业者亦可考虑作为储备教师。 职能类别: 音乐/美术教师 微信...
- 瑷荔德光学仪器有限公司 Shanghai
Your tasks: 职能描述: // You are familiar with Chinese Customs Law and Regulations and responsible to declare our goods for export from and import into China as well as for the inspection, auditing and preparation of accompanying shipping documents; 熟悉中国海关条例及各项进出口管理规定,负责公司货物的进口与出口业务。对进出口货物进行监管,审查,并为公司货物进出口准备齐全的材料。 // You are responsible to ensure compliance in terms of Chinese Country Regulations while importing and exporting our goods which are not limited only to customs regulations but also appli...
- 南京贝迪电子有限公司 Nanjing
第一外语:西班牙语 (口语流利) 工作性质:全职 职位描述与任职要求 1. 西班牙语文件翻译、 公司西语培训 2. 董事长的日常行程安排及修正及日常内勤事务; 3. 项目文件制作/推进及会议(新项目及外宾); 4. 贝迪墨西哥的相关外务(领事馆/律师)及本部业务对接; 5. 董事长行政事宜的办理,领导交代临时性事务出来。 岗位要求: 1、本科及以上西班牙语相关专业; 2、西班牙语听力、口语流利,文字翻译能力强; 3、能适应在国外出差; 4、吃苦耐劳,有团队合作精神;...
- 南京思索电气有限公司 Tianjin
天津市 武清区 Scope of work: 1. Basic IT hardware trouble shooting skills 2. Windows 7/10 OS imaging and trouble shooting skills 3. MS Office and outlook trouble shooting. 4. Basic networking skills 5. Basic knowledge with industrial printer like Bar Tender label printers etc 6. Understand the safety needs related to the Plant Control System environment and the Plant Operations. 7. Knowledge on Weigh bridge systems / Repete systems / PI system 8. Knowledge on hand held devices like scan guns, Kronos c...
- 南京贝迪电子有限公司 Nanjing
南京市 江宁区 应届生 月薪5,000 - 10,000元 1. 西班牙语文件翻译、 公司西语培训 2. 董事长的日常行程安排及修正及日常内勤事务; 3. 项目文件制作/推进及会议(新项目及外宾); 4. 贝迪墨西哥的相关外务(领事馆/律师)及本部业务对接; 5. 董事长行政事宜的办理,领导交代临时性事务出来。 岗位要求: 1、本科及以上西班牙语相关专业; 2、西班牙语听力、口语流利,文字翻译能力强; 3、能适应在国外出差; 4、吃苦耐劳,有团队合作精神; 职能类别:西班牙语翻译 微信 联系方式 上班地址:淳化街道乾德路5号9栋 公司信息 南京贝迪电子有限公司于2015年正式入驻江宁高新园,是***高新技术企业、***博士后工作站分站、江苏省民营科技企业、江苏省工程技术研究中心。同时在珠海、太仓、烟台、杭州设有子公司,在日本设立研发中心,韩国、中国台湾等地设有办事处。2018年新增贝迪(美国)和贝迪(墨西哥)产研中心。 公司拥有俄罗斯工程院院士1名,国家万人计划专家1名,南京市高端团队专家3名,博士、硕士研究生数于名。公司致力于新型显示技术的推广和应用;研发、生产高品质的显示用光学膜材...
- 南京领域翻译有限公司 Nanjing
岗位职责: 1、进行中英双语互译; 2、负责长篇翻译,正确理解全文,通过上下文语境排除原文的歧义和错误,确保翻译的准确性和完整性; 3、有较强的英语口译和笔译能力; 4、耐心、细致、踏实,具有独立承担工作的能力; 5、多劳多得。 岗位要求: 1、全日制本科毕业英语过2级笔译(CATTI2)或者硕士及以上学历; 2、有翻译相关经验者优先; 3、对翻译工作有浓厚兴趣,熟练使用办公软件。 职能类别: 英语翻译 关键字: 英语 微信 联系方式 上班地址:天安国际大厦40楼4004 公司信息 南京领域翻译有限公司成立于2002年,是经工商行政管理局正式注册并登记的专业翻译公司,领域翻译拥有经公安局备案并认可的翻译行业专用章。作为专业的翻译服务提供商,领域翻译首创了 “五心级”翻译服务体系,是“重合同,守信用”企业。 南京领域翻译有限公司作为中国翻译协会理事单位,公司不仅是全国百家公证处长期合作机构,还是海外学历认证认可翻译机构。长期以来,公司和各驻华使馆、金融机构、出入境管理处、公证处、司法机关、工商局等机关相继合作,是拥有涉外翻译资质的正规翻译单位。 领域翻译汇聚了近千名具有专业背景的高素质外...
- 科文斯医药研发(北京)有限公司 Shanghai
Looking for Recruitment Intern in Shanghai. Able to work 2-3 days/ week At least stay 3 months Fluent English Efficient Good communication Contact Info: 0411- 3987 6419 Email: xianglian.liu@covance.com...
- 盈帆达医药咨询(上海)有限公司 Fuzhou
福州市 职位信息 普及疾病管理以及治疗方面知识 对用药患者进行随访,提高患者依从性,协助医院组织患教活动 组织医院患者健康教育活动,建立并维护医患交流平台 任职要求: 大专或本科学历 护理学,药学,医学相关专业 有护士相关工作经验,患教经验者优先 沟通能力强,独立自主性强 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 关键字: 患教专员 患者教育 健康宣教 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:福州 地图 公司信息 About Syneos Health Syneos Health (Nasdaq:SYNH*) is the only fully integrated biopharmaceutical solutions organization. Our company, including a Contract Research Organization (CRO) and Contract Commercial Organization (CCO), is purpose-built to accelerate customer performance to address modern marke...
- Raffles Medical 莱佛士医疗 查看所有职位 Tianjin
天津市 1. 熟悉与本专业有关的法律法规,熟悉本专业的技术规范和规章制度; 2. 熟练掌握相关疾病的诊断与治疗; 3. 具有良好的医德医风,拥有良好的医患沟通能力和服务营销意识; 4. 有团队协作精神,有责任心和亲和力; 5. 医师执业资质齐全; 6. 本科及其以上学历,7年以上临床经验; 7. 三级医院相应科室工作经验者优先; 8. 有海外工作经验或者外资医院的经验优先考虑; 9. 英文听说读写能力优秀 职能类别: 儿科医生 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:紫金山路天津喜来登酒店公寓楼1层...
- 上海西门子医疗器械有限公司 Shanghai
Mission/ Position Headline: Provide the secretarial and administrative support to Head of Finance. Responsibilities: 1. Manage appointments, schedules and make travel arrangements. 2. Handle confidential information, and maintain the security of the Head of Finance’s records, files, office and accounting records. 3. Answer telephone, screen calls and take messages from external or internal sources so that callers/visitors are dealt with promptly, courteously, and accurately. 4. Coordinate meetin...
- 武外英中学校 查看所有职位 Wuhan
Basic information -School type: private, cooperate with the key school in Hubei Province - Wuhan Foreign Languages School School location:Jianghan district, Wuhan, Hubei, China Student age group:16-18 years old Contract length:2 years Start date:Mid August, 2017 Benefit There is a very competitive salary package, including furnished accommodation, paid holiday leave, medical insurance, accident insurance, visa assistance, repatriation allowance and a return flight allowance. Requirement for an a...
- 瑞思学科英语 查看所有职位 Wuhan
武汉市 Job Responsibilities : 1. Interacting with 5 to 12 years old children through teaching activities. 2. Participating in teaching, training and academic research activities. 3. Providing assistance and helping facilitate promotion and marketing campaigns. 4. Initiating and maintaining effective communications with parents on the students’ academic performance. 5. Be responsible for the results of students learning, to solve the difficulties in learning English, and provide professional consult...
- 学乐教育信息咨询有限公司 邢台市 邢台县
邢台市 邢台县 工作职责: 1、根据学乐课程体系,教授3-18岁少年儿童英文课程。 2、对学生进行课前辅导与课后预习,及时与家长沟通学生学习情况。 3、收集学生/家长的反馈信息并及时做出回复,协助处理学生/家长投诉。 4、配合学校组织的各种教学活动和市场活动,如Demo课,答谢会等。 任职要求: 1、大专以上学历,幼教、心理学、教育学、小学教育、英语相关专业。 2、英语专业四级,口语流利,发音标准,普通话标准。 3、一年以上幼教经验优先,接受应届毕业生申请。 4、 喜欢小孩,对少儿教育有热情。 5、性格开朗活泼,有爱心,有责任心,有耐心,注重细节。 6、态度积极、学习能力强,有创造力。 Job Description: 1. Following Scholastic course system to teach English for 3-16 years old children & teenagers. 2. Responsible for whole learning process for students. Help the students to do pre-le...
- 武外英中学校 查看所有职位 Wuhan
职位描述: 1. 在学术校长及学科组长的指导下根据教学大纲提供优质高效的学科教学; 2. 监督和管理学生的学习效果和学习状态,并定期向学生和家长进行反馈; 3. 根据学校安排,完成与教学相关的其他活动。 岗位要求: 1. 大学本科以上学历,相关专业,持初中及以上教师资格证或海外留学经验优先; 2. 2年以上工作经验,要求有实际教学经验,充满激情与活力,善于调动学生学习气氛,善于因材施教、灵活教学; 3.了解IB MYP课程相关内容,熟悉武汉本土及国际项目课程的教学要求、课程设置与考试政策; 4.有责任心,善于与家长和学生沟通, 热爱教育事业,吃苦耐劳,有创新精神。 职能类别: 中学教师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:沿河大道291号武外英中学校...
- 昆山杜克大学 查看所有职位 Kunshan
昆山市 Position Overview: Duke Kunshan University (DKU) based in Kunshan, China seeks to appoint a Recruitment and Admissions Officer for Electrical and Computer Engineering to become a member of our Global Student Recruitment & Marketing Team. DKU is looking for qualified candidates willing and able to plan and take part in a wide variety of activities that will promote all of our graduate and undergraduate academic programs with a special emphasis on our Master of Engineering Program in Elect...
- 昆山杜克大学 查看所有职位 Kunshan
昆山市 Position Overview: Duke Kunshan University (DKU), located in Kunshan, China is embarking on the next phase of their ambitious plan to provide a student-center Liberal Arts research education experience. In preparation, DKU is looking for candidates with experience in several areas critical to the mission of the university. Duke Kunshan University is a 21st century university with a highly integrated and interdisciplinary curriculum. Reporting to the Associate Dean for Academic Advising, the ...
- 昆山杜克大学 查看所有职位 Kunshan
昆山市 Position Overview: The Civil Structural and Architectural (CSA) Manager will play a key role in campus project to manage design, construction, testing & commissioning related with CSA stuff of campus projects. This person will coordinate consultancy, LDI, project management company and contractors of CSA scope of works, ensure that the CSA works correctly and efficiently meet the requirements of academic and operation. Strong and professional high-end detail decoration background are pre...
- 杭州铭笙培训学校有限公司 Hangzhou
Responsibilities: 1、Carry out English education and teaching as required.根据要求组织实施英文教育教学活动 2、Observe and analyze children’s development and make record .观察分析幼儿发展情况,做好观察记录 Requirements: 1.Native?English?speaker,?American?,European?preferred.??英语为母语的外籍教师(英国、美国、加拿大本土人士优先考虑)。 2.Has rich experience in teaching chileren/adults English.Enjoy teaching,good communication,oranization and manangement skills. 有丰富教学经验,热爱教学,语言表达能力强,有组织能力能够调动学员的积极性,善于与学生沟通者优先。 3.Strong personal charisma,sense of humor,knowledge...
- 昆山杜克大学 查看所有职位 Kunshan
Position Overview: Duke Kunshan University (DKU), located in Kunshan, China is embarking on the next phase of their ambitious plan to provide a student-center Liberal Arts research education experience to their first undergraduate class in Fall 2018. In preparation, DKU is looking for candidates with experience in several areas critical to the mission of the university. Duke Kunshan University is a 21st century university with a highly integrated and interdisciplinary curriculum. Reporting to As...
- 昆山杜克大学 查看所有职位 Kunshan
Position Overview: The Admissions Officer will perform administrative and management support to the Director of Admissions and Financial Aid and to his/her teams. Reports to: Director of Admissions and Financial Aid Essential Duties: 1. Analyze the applications of prospective students based on standard admission policies and perform preliminary review of applications as appropriate. 2. Provide assistance in admissions quota management. 3. Advice both internal and external stakeholders about the ...
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