- 安拓国际人力资源(广州)有限公司 广州市
广州市 职位信息 Job Responsibility: 1、Curriculum: Incharge of designing the school curriculum according to GIA requirement andstandard, confirm the standards in all areas of the school. Meanwhile,participate the teaching differentiation plan for students who will attend APtest. 2、Teaching: In chargeof the management and quality control of the teaching of all courses of theschool. Conduct the teaching assessment in a professional manner to improvethe teaching quality effectively. Set up academic goals a...
- 人大附中杭州学校 查看所有职位 杭州市 余杭区
Duties and Responsibilities: 工作职责 Set up and oversee the high school college counselor program Liaisoning with parents and managing student expectations Work closely with the international college counselor Create and maintain student portfolios Meet with students regularly to provide advice and help improve their profiles Provide reports and communicate regularly with parents Skills and Experience Required: 岗位要求 1. Bachelor's Degree or above, strong academic background preferred 2. At least...
- 上海市民办中芯学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
MHS Substitute Teacher (Grades 6-12) Serves as a substitute teacher for SMIC-I middle and high school grades 6-12 classrooms. Works as a temporary employee only, not in a full-time position Primary substituting responsibilities will be to take on part-time substitute teaching roles when a teacher is on extended either short-term or long-term leave Could involve classroom or event support duties relating to instruction and supervision of students Develops basic lessons and units according to the ...
- 美商艾爾測試系統股份有限公司 新竹縣 竹北市
Roles and Responsibilities Service Sales Orders Reviews the Spares and Service purchase orders for their completeness and accuracy comparing to a quotation / the price list Creates the Sales Order. Route it following the process for review and approval. Send an Order Acknowledgement to Customers Keep Track of order status. Report Weekly. Communicate with customers if there are any changes to the ship date and/or orders. Close out the Sales Order when the order is complete (delivered) Internal Or...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 22,2019 - 國泰世華商業銀行 Taibei
Content 1.擬訂年度公關廣宣目標、執行方案與KPI 2.公關、品牌活動、粉絲團經營企劃與執行 3.媒體策略規劃與執行、新聞稿撰寫 4.各類贊助活動評估與執行 5.其他主管交辦事項 Type: Full-time Expatriation: Business trip/expatriation not required Work hour: Day shift Location: 台北市 Leave system: Negotiable Required number of employee: 1 ~ 1 person(s) Requirements Work experience: No restriction Required education level: Master Above Required program: 國內外大學(商學、企業管理、廣告、行銷、大眾傳播、新聞)碩士 Required language ability: English -Proficient Proficient skill: 熟悉電腦文書軟體操作,若擅長美編軟體(Photoshop、Illu...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 21,2019 - 苏州国际外语学校 查看所有职位 苏州市 相城区
苏州市 相城区 Job Duties: 1. The main duty of the ‘Head of University Counselor’ is following counseling-related work, proving professional and sound counseling support for students and parents: a) Keeping a track of and assisting with the running of students’ activities and school-scale events, by working with CAS coordinator and responsible staff of other activities; b) Follow up with extramural organizations regarding the outsourced service and collaboration activities, e,g. language training compa...
- 苏州市汇杰企业管理咨询有限公司 苏州市 工业园区
苏州市 工业园区 Job Responsibilities: In charge of the School’s academic system and DP curriculum. Provided leadership of DP teaching faculty Provide academic training to teachers. Aided in executive facilitation with hiring, operations, management oversight, budget oversight, strategic plan objectives, and supported as one of the educational lead executive team administrators Implement and monitor academic budgets in assigned areas of responsibility, as well as budget reviews, and analyzing financial ...
- 广州英国学校 广州市
职位信息 The British School of Guangzhou is looking for someone to manage front desk operations and handle administration work for Music department. Ensure that the Head of Music and Principal's PA receive high quality administrative support. Job Description: Receptionist 1. Greet visitors, and direct them to appropriate areas of the school, provide visitors with drinks (coffee, tea etc) 2. Handle all reasonable requests from members of staff, intended for official school affairs 3. Identify and...
- 多特瑞商贸有限公司 上海市 静安区
岗位职责: 1.负责本公司品牌宣传广告及各类推广活动的宣传文案; 2.对公司产品进行创意和卖点提炼,撰写广告文案、产品介绍等资料,各类其他相关产品刊物、礼盒包装等呈现文案; 3.具备一定的策划能力,阶段性开展线上活动、粉丝互动、话题制造、传播和推广产品; 4.懂得广告文案措辞,能独立完成公司相关的宣传性软文的撰稿、组稿、编辑工作; 5.进行品牌其他如美国、新加坡等市场的相通类文案的搜集整理; 6.协助部门内其它需要的工作。 任职要求: 1.新闻、中文、广告学、市场营销、传播学等专业本科及以上学历; 2.三年以上工作经验,能独立撰写文章、文案,擅长多种文风; 3.文字功底深厚,文笔流畅,洞悉时尚及潮流热点,熟悉新媒体传播规律; 4.具有较强的规划、分析能力和创新意识,思维清晰而有条理; 5.善于沟通,有责任感,有良好的执行力和团队精神; 6.有媒体从业者及美妆、个护行业经验者优先。 Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the company's brand advertising and all kinds of promotional ac...
- 广州尚宸企业管理顾问有限公司 广州市 天河区
广州市 天河区 Identify and define use cases for data science and machine learning to solve business problems throughout Banking and Wealth Management Asia Pacific, and communicating these to senior and working level business partners across multiple functions. Work with the wider Analytics Centre of Excellence to deliver the use cases in a timely manner, including tracking results and communication to relevant business partners. Build and embed the data science and machine learning capability in Banki...
- 天津和意致中教育科技有限公司 天津市 西青区
Personal Qualities: 1.Excellent communication skills. 2.A love of children and teaching. 3.A passionate, energetic and enthusiastic love of teaching in their words and attitude. 4.A willingness to work diligently as a contributing team player. 5.A willingness to accept Company Policy regarding the Learning Centre's operations and regulations. 6.A willingness to learn new ways of doing and thinking about education and the teaching process. 7.An ability to view the acquisition of new skills as...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 闵行区
岗位职责: ? Assesses a patient’s needs, abilities, or behavior using a variety of methods, including medical record review, psychometric tests, interviews, and direct observation of behavior. ? Interprets intelligence, achievement, interest, personality, and other psychological tests to diagnosis disorders. ? Devises, implements, monitors, and revises as needed appropriate programs of treatment, including psychotherapy, psycho-education, and crisis intervention. ? Provides clinical services in accor...
- 携程旅行网 上海市 长宁区
Key Roles and Responsibilities ? Reporting to the Translation Manager ? Translate, create, and proofread content for the Trip.com website and app (user interface elements, flight/hotel policies, hotel/city descriptions, SEO content, promotional pages, banner ads, etc.) ? Communicate with the product, design, and marketing teams to ensure all Arabic copy is accurate and appropriate for the Arabic-speaking market. 职位要求 Required Qualifications ? Native Arabic speaker with a strong grasp of Mandarin...
工作: 負責處理琴行日常營運及行政工作(包括處理客戶查詢, 銷售音樂及藝術課程, 樂器及相關產品等工作) 學歷及要求: 中學或以上程度畢業 無需相關經驗, 歡迎應屆畢業生 (公司提供在職培訓) 基本電腦操作; 懂中英文打字 良好粵語; 一般普通話; 一般英語 良好溝通能力、對工作有熱誠、好學有禮, 有愛心和責任心 有銷售經驗或懂樂器者優先 能即時上班者優先 工作地點: 東涌 / 青衣 / 深水埗 / 坑口 / 沙田 / 啟晴邨 (** 請註明可上班地點) 福利待遇: 良好晉升機會 基本薪金由$10,000 - $13,000起, 勤工獎連銷售佣金, 月薪可達 $15,000 - $18.000 或以上 車費津貼 (** 視乎工作地點及居住地區而定) 有薪年假及其他有薪假期(包括: 生日假、婚假、產假、侍產假、恩恤假等) 提供在職培訓 醫療福利 強積金 家庭友善制度 員工購物優惠及學習優惠 工作類型: 全職 ** 另招聘兼職琴行接待員, 時薪每小時 $40 - $48 工作地點: 東涌 / 青衣 / 葵芳 /深水 埗 / 奧海城 / 藍田 / 坑口 / 大埔 / 沙田 ...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 17,2019 - 俊思商业有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 Canada Goose_Brand Ambassador_ Operations (上海IFC国金) Summary of Position: The Brand Ambassador, Operations will be part of a new, exciting, and entrepreneurial team tasked with aggressively growing our brand awareness, revenue, and profit in China. They will have future opportunities to grow into Area Manager roles or other roles within Canada Goose’s China operations. He/She will be accountable for creating and providing an outstanding customer experience that will exemplify the Authent...
- 广州贝斯特教育科技有限公司 广州市 海珠区
Responsibilities: 1. Designing and developing curriculum systems and educational products for our campuses, including A. Curriculum systems for junior-high level and senior-high level international programs, such as AP courses, TOEFL courses, SAT courses, as well as courses of IB and A-level programs; B. Study tour products, mainly the activity design and route plan of summer camps and winter camps; C. Other educational products for future development. 2. Training and organizing faculty members ...
- 巴黎灣商行 新北市 中和區
勞保: 無 就保: 有 健保: 無 僱用資料 廠別/機構分院: 僱用人數: 10 休假方式: 依公司規定(輪班) 工作內容: 儲備幹部 1.配合總部檢核門市營運(人員)(環境)、存貨、財務管理,達成公司交付任務與目標 。 2.配合總部對人員招募、績效考核、訓練與發展,建立成功工作團隊。 3.良好的EQ,能友善耐心與店內職員達成有效之溝通橋樑。 4.對公司要求之KPI等階段性任務能有抗壓及獨立完成之能力。 5.與同仁並肩合作執行總部交辦之任務,不分部門或成立小團體,能有效解決第一線人員所面臨的問題。 純DJ服務員 放歌、煮小菜、清潔...等等 歡迎二度就業及副業應徵。 備機車者佳。 本職缺專屬福利: 育兒設(措)施: 僱用條件 性別年齡: 依據就業服務法,取消限制。 學歷要求: 不拘 科系所: 不拘 學校要求: 無 工作型態: 全職 輪班三班制 計薪方式: 日薪 1200 - 元 僱用期限: 不定期契約 (長期僱用) 工作地專區別: 工作地非屬專區 供膳: 供宿: 不提供住宿 工作經驗: 不拘 加班: 1.本職缺符合勞動基準法工時及休假等相關規定,且於延長工時情況下,將依規定給付加班費或...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 星坊家具(上海)有限公司 上海市 嘉定区
上海市 嘉定区 Work Scope: 1、Provide administrative support for the CEO and other company executives, providing liaison between the CEO, key executives, and employees; 2、Assistant the CEO to carry out execution decision and implementation of action plan; 3、To carry routine tasks for the CEO, e.g. Process files and manage paper tasks, reply phone calls, mails, letters and related correspondences; 4、Signatures application and approval for varies documents. e.g. contracts, payment applications etc; 5、Coor...
- 广州市天河区华业教育培训中心 查看所有职位 广州市 天河区
1、从事意大利语教学活动、实施意大利语授课计划、保证教学质量; 也可从事意大利语翻译,意大利语文化交流工作 2、参与意大利语教师教学评议、进行学员考评和意大利语课程推广等; 3、与中心保持良好的联系,将学员提供的信息、发现的意大利语课程中存在的问题和建议及时反馈给中心等。 任职条件: 1、意大利语专业毕业,意大利语能力高级水平以上;意大利语翻译, 意大利语教学或意大利语能力考试辅导经验一年以上; 2、强烈的意大利语教学服务和市场意识,有团队合作精神; 3、擅长人际沟通,观察和语言表达能力强,有一定的领导能力; 4、敬业,主动,有亲和力,责任感,注意个人形象 5、意大利语教师/翻译全职或非全职皆可,普通话标准; 6、意大利语发音纯正,有过留学意大利, 意大利语笔译或口译经验者优先。 工作地点:广州市 Job description: 1. Teaching, giving Italian language lessons; 2. Translating, interpreting, editing translated Italian drafts; 3. Dubbing and rec...
- 广州市天河区华业教育培训中心 查看所有职位 广州市 天河区
广州市 天河区 Job description: 1. Teaching, giving English language lessons; 2. Translating, interpreting, editing translated English drafts; 3. Dubbing and recording for English language tutorial materials; 4. Lingual/cultural communication activities, including discussing collaboration with educational institutions in your country about English language education; searching and providing English course information in your country for Chinese students; helping to connect Chinese students and the educ...
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