- 星展银行有限公司 Shanghai
Job Responsibilities: Manage the corporate real estate functions in China including Lease Management, Facility Management, Project Management, Portfolio Management, etc. Assist China Management on Space planning Assist China Management on DBS China Network distribution plan and execution. Collobrate with various functional team to smoothen the branch network development. Assist China Management on strategic corporate real estate event, eg. Building acquisition, property disposals. etc. Lead leas...
- 大连万星贸易有限公司 Dalian
大连市 中山区 招聘人数:3人 薪资:面议 工作地点:大连市中山区中南路217号迎宾花园A座6层1号 职位描述 日常简单会话培训 职位要求 工作经验:不限 要求学历:不限 要求性别:不限 要求年龄:不限 其他要求:周一至周五9:00-15:00直接到公司面试...
- 星巴克咖啡(大连)有限公司 Dalian
招聘人数:不限 薪资:面议 工作地点:大连市中山区人民路15,17号国际金融大厦5层G单元 职位描述 Responsibilities: 1、Manages the store operation to provide excellent customer service and Starbucks experience 2、Provides team with coaching, feedback, and developmental opportunities Requirements: 1、At least 3 years of retail experience, including one year of supervisory experience 2、Experience and knowledge of analyzing financial reports 3、Knowledge of supervisory practices and building teams 4、Excellent customer service, interpersonal and pla...
- 恩智浦管理有限公司 Tianjin
天津市 西青区 1、Assisted the department manager in dealing with the daily affairs of the company and communicating with the department internal and external; 2、Support and arrange managers’ appointment/ agenda/ meeting minutes/facility. 3、Organize departmental activities. ( Team Bonding/get-together etc.) 4、Responsible for entertain visitors including foreigners. 5、Other work assigned by the manager. 1、Bachelor degree or above, preferred major in HR, MBA/MPA, English, electronics, etc. 2、No work exper...
- 星巴克咖啡(大连)有限公司 Dalian
大连市 中山区 招聘人数:不限 薪资:面议 工作地点:大连市中山区人民路15,17号国际金融大厦5层G单元 职位描述 Responsibilities: 1、Plan and execute market development strategies 2、Conduct Market network planning and make timely updates 3、Actively looking for new sites and new opportunities 4、fulfill annual new store opening targets 5、Real estate negotiation 6、Conduct real estate investment feasibility studies 7、Prepare capex and site approval submission documents 8、Maintain good relationship with local government and local landlords Requirements:...
- 傲华新能源科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 ? Cooperate with vendors to get the feedback about optimization of design and manufacturing process, etc. ? Lead feasibility study of the optimization to reduce the lead time and cost ? Communicate with steel work engineer to define the optimization target ? Lead the optimization project, monitor the progress and ensure implement the optimization with closely coordination internally and externally ? Other missions required by manager ? Lead time/Cost reduction contributed by design/manuf...
- 深圳市星园文化传媒有限公司 Shenzhen
招聘:主播、 工作内容: 正规的直播,绿色健康直播、方式不限(唱歌、舞蹈、说唱、乐器、聊天、卖萌、DJ、二次元Cosplay等),公司所有的设备都免费提供使用。 或许因为你的颜值,或许因为你的才艺,又或许因为你的有趣,很多人喜欢看你的直播,突然你就火了,成为网红了,甚至走入演艺圈,成为明星了。 给自己一个机会,让自己试几个月,我们会培训一些唱歌技巧,以及简单的套路段子小游戏与观众互动。打造有内容的优质网红主播。 如果运气好,月入几万甚至几十万。如果运气差,那也包住拿底薪过几个月。至少还尝试过呢。 在公司做主播的优势:公司提供顶尖的视频,音响,声卡等专业设备,价值1万左右。还会有专业的培训,让你快速入门。比自己在家小打小闹好很多。后期如果你的赚钱效果明显,你们主播可以拿将近90%的利润,所以跟自己单独做的收益差不多。 上班时间: 按自己的习惯,直播6小时每天,一个月休息4天 可以到公司来,或者在家直播都可以。 薪资: ***个月5000-10000底薪+礼物提成。 第二个月保底薪资,礼物提成高于保底,按照实际的55分成。 后面收益高起来了。分成可以再谈。 工作地址: 深圳龙华区清湖清龙路...
- 上海星巴克咖啡经营有限公司 Hangzhou
Job Summary and Mission This job contributes to Starbucks success by executing market strategic marketing plans with focus on increasing sales, supporting company growth and creating local value and applicability for the Starbucks brand. Models and acts in accordance with Starbucks guiding principles. Summary of Key Responsibilities Responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: Ensuring excellent implementation and amplification of national marketing ...
- 米乐星乐美斯KTV 查看所有职位 Chengdu
1、按照领班安排认真做好桌椅卫生,餐厅铺台,准备好各种用品,确保正常营业使用。 2、接待顾客应主动、热情、礼貌、耐心、周到,使顾客有宾至如归之感; 3、运用礼貌语言,为客人提供***服务, 4、善于向顾客介绍和推销本餐厅饮品及特色菜点; 5、配合领班工作,服从领班或以上领导指挥,团结及善于帮助同事工作; 6、积极参加培训,不断提高服务技能。 任职资格: 1、年龄18-30岁,身体健康。 2、品行端正,能吃苦耐劳。 工作状况: 1.公司提供透明广阔的升职空间。 2.每天工作8小时,早班12:00-21:00(休息1小时),晚班20:00-05:00(休息1小时),月休五天。 3.提供员工宿舍及二顿工作餐。 4.缴纳社会保险。 5.节假日三倍薪资,生日带薪休假,年假等等。 工作地址:(有意向者可直接在当店铺进行面试) 工作地点:华阳店-四川省成都市天府新区华阳大道三段与中兴上街口-四通大厦3F 新城市广场店:成都青羊区西大街1号新城市广场A栋4楼 联系电话:028-85066669 火车南站店:成都市武侯区人民南路四段57号 联系电话:028-85230909 高攀路店:武侯区高阳路38号...
- 上海治臻新能源装备有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 实习生 月薪4,000 - 7,000元 岗位职责: 1、负责燃料电池流场CFD模拟分析。 2、及时有效的归档分析报告、模型数据、模型材料数据。 3、撰写CFD仿真规范及仿真流程。 4、负责完成部门安排的其他工作。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历(或即将毕业),机械、力学、热能、流体、汽车等相关专业。 2、诚实稳重,工作积极主动,结果导向,有较强的解决问题及抗压能力。 3、有较强的团队合作意识,良好的沟通协调能力。 职能类别: 材料工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市浦东新区层林路1500号1栋...
- 中智成都签证服务有限公司 Chengdu
成都市 锦江区 岗位职责: TA Role & Qualification Organize and maintain team calendar(s) for supporting projects Create and maintain team contact lists Arrange team calls, meetings and workshops Arrange courier services as needed for team Work with other office supporting functions to help facilitate the document management process Arrange ground transportation for team as a group to attend client meetings Help with team/client event setup and related logistics arrangement Be proficient in Firm applicat...
- 万帮新能源投资集团有限公司 Changzhou
常州市 武进区 岗位职责: 1、协助部门经理开展国际业务; 2、根据客户具体要求,及时安排和跟进订单的生产、配舱、出运、报关等事宜; 3、熟练操作进出口业务,以及相关单证办理和管理; 4、处理客户的询函以及整理和归档相关的工作资料; 5、配合协助公司外商客户的来访和接待工作; 6、协调部门与其他部门之间的工作,及时了解公司最新的产品信息与动态。 任职要求: 1、全日制本科以上学历,国贸及英语专业,熟练掌握两种以上外语语种优先; 2、三年及以上国际业务助理工作经验; 3、英语听说读写能力优秀,有12个月以内IELTS 考试均分6.5以上,总分7分以上优先; 4、熟练操作进出口业务办理,信用证及单证。 5、性格活泼开朗,做事细致认真,工作目标性强,积极主动,团队意识强; 6、能接受高强度工作和愿意出差; 职能类别: 商务助理 微信 联系方式 上班地址:武进高新区龙惠路39号万帮新能源 部门信息 所属部门:国际事业部 公司信息 星星充电,总部位于中国常州,专注于新能源汽车充电设备研发制造,平台兼容全部国标车型,产品线涵盖交直流设备、充电枪头、电源模块、智能电柜、换电设备等,掌握着智能控制、物...
- 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Beijing
北京市 兼职, 实习生 职位描述: 1.EHS(环境、职业健康及安全)部门实习生协助本部门人员日常工作的完成; 2.职业健康、安全及环境文档的整理归档等工作。 职位要求: 1.有环境、卫生及安全方面的知识教育背景; 2.较好的沟通能力,乐于学习和挑战; 3.一周出勤3天以上; 4.本科及以上学历在校生。 薪资: 本科:150元/天 硕士:200元/天 时间:8:30-17:00(提供午餐) 地点:北京市亦庄开发区东环南路附近(有班车)...
- 金雅拓智能卡科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Primary Responsibilities : The role of the ‘Manuf IT Engineer’ in Shanghai as part of the Site IT Manufacturing Team will be 1) Network/System Specialist for Shanghai Manufacturing Operations & responsible to install, maintain and support perimeter security devices as well as network devices for SH Site Manuf / Banking Perso NW with associated customers. The Goal is to ensure the smooth operation of perimeter security device as well as network devices in order to provide maximum per...
- 汉能移动能源控股集团有限公司 Beijing
北京市 月薪25,000 - 30,000元 职位描述:1、修订、完善与宣贯年度销售政策; 2、修订、完善与宣贯年度经销商政策; 3、各种业务流程(包括返利、新商加盟等)的制定与监督执行; 4、监督和督促省公司达成年度(月度)经营指标(招商数量、回款额、下单额); 5、纠正或指导省公司执行正确的业务流程(包括返利、促销、非标下单、特价审批、经销商级别审批等); 6、为省公司提供必要的支持与服务; 任职要求:1、大学本科及以上学历,市场营销等相关专业; 2、15年以上相关工作经验; 3、了解渠道建设及渠道管理知识; 4、掌握办公类软件和办公工具(了解CRM,SAP系统); 5、较强的沟通能力和协调能力; 职能类别: 渠道/分销总监 微信分享...
- 晨星资讯有限公司 Shenzhen
工作职责 Responsibilities: l Use Morningstar data collection system to timely, accurately and completely collect equity fundamentals data in Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, Income Statement, and footnotes for North American and Asian market companies, and build and maintain global main stock markets’ equity database. l Actively discover and raise issues in work (including system, process, and especially collection methodology) and propose enhancement suggestion to further improve system function...
- 英智广告有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 Job Responsibilities: 1. Work with CEO and Business Develop team to align campaigns 2. Assist CEO to customize Ecommerce marketing and media strategy for client across eCommerce platform. 3. Work with CEO to bridge to integrate client’s Ecommerce strategy into their marketing portfolios that enable the clients to expand their business online or leverage the various online shopping/ group buy/ B2B/ B2C to run impactful campaigns with trackable performance 4. Work with CEO to analyze compe...
- 英智广告有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 Job Responsibilities: 1. Work with CEO and Business Develop team to align campaigns 2. Assist CEO to customize Ecommerce marketing and media strategy for client across eCommerce platform. 3. Work with CEO to bridge to integrate client’s Ecommerce strategy into their marketing portfolios that enable the clients to expand their business online or leverage the various online shopping/ group buy/ B2B/ B2C to run impactful campaigns with trackable performance 4. Work with CEO to analyze compe...
- 智奥会展有限公司 Shanghai
The Admin. & HR assistant is the critical link between GL events and all customers, representing the company in a professional capacity at all times. The role will work under the guidance of the HR & Admin. Manager to provide efficient and professional services to the regional office. 行政人事助理是智奥会展与客户之间的关键纽带,始终以专业的身份代表公司。本职位将在人事行政经理的管理下为公司员工提供专业有效的服务。 Key Responsibilities: 主要职责: HR 人事: 1. To be responsible for and coordinate the recruitment of talents, staff training, performance evaluatio...
- 以星综合航运有限公司 Shenzhen
Main Responsibility: 1.Provide marketing strategy of service planning, promotion. 2.Trade promotion and monitoring branch sales manager and account managers how to sell our service. 3.Manage daily service space, coordinate with BU and branch offices to fulfill target. 4.Monitor ocean freight trend, provide information to BU to set up rate guideline. 5.Market and Competitor research. 6.Competitor-related, long-term trends related strategy planning. 7.CRM system to analyze and monitoring customer ...
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