- 上海芙儿优婴童睡眠科技股份有限公司 上海市 闵行区
上海市 闵行区 岗位描述: 1、制定和实施公司战略,预算计划,确定公司业务的经营方针和经营形式; 2、发掘市场机会,主持拟订公司的业务目标和业务计划,实现公司业务和投资回报的快速增长; 3、监督、控制整个实施过程,对经营结果负责,组织实施财务预算方案及利润分配、使用方案等; 4、建立公司组织体系和业务体系,负责高层管理团队的建设,选拔中高层管理人员,审定公司内部管理机构的设置方案和基本管理制度; 5、全面主持公司的管理工作,制定年度业绩目标及经营发展战略方案,整体营销策划方案,实现企业经营管理目标; 6、不断优化公司的人力资源配置,持续提升公司整体的组织能力。 任职资格: 1、具有管理中小型企业8年以上高管经历,在民营公司担任总裁两年以上; 2、具有良好的前瞻性和高端决策能力; 3、熟悉企业经营管理和企业运作及各部门的工作流程; 4、有较强的组织、协调、沟通、领导能力及出色的人际交往和社会活动能力以及敏锐的洞察力; 5、出色的个人和商业成就履历,具有出色的销售及市场策划能力。 职能类别:首席执行官CEO/总裁/总经理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市闵行区春东路508号E幢3层30...
- 上海依视路光学有限公司 上海市 长宁区
上海市 长宁区 50% Travel to Shenzhen would be required Position Summary As a Data Scientist, you will need to be involved in data-hub building process of Essilor group as well as our partnered companies. Build data solution and matrix to feed our performance-measurement and analytic applications. These applications will help Essilor group optimize the marketing investment, improve quality of our digital business, enlarge our brands’ consumer data pool and retention rate. Main Responsbilities Dataset p...
- 上海依视路光学有限公司 上海市 长宁区
50% Travel to Shenzhen would be required Key Responsibilities Knowledge background: Strong knowledge of CRM marketing and related data analysis Business insight skill: according to the data analysis results and combining the business status, have ability to trigger business insight for problem solving or sales driving. Business understanding: Ability to understand business concepts and relate them to the organization and vice versa Communication skill: Superior interpersonal skills & ability...
- 英谛捷医药科技咨询有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
上海市 黄浦区 Role: Medical Writer Job Description: Job Location: Shanghai 1. Translate and rewrite medical content such as patient health education materials and marketing promotional materials as required by clients; 2. Work closely with projects managers and clients to generate content for various projects (mostly interactive), researching articles, fact sheets, press releases, materials in different sources such as newspapers, medical journals, websites etc. 3. Provide onsite (China) support to cl...
- Liebherr Co., Ltd. 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
Job Description 职位描述 Job Title: Quality Engineer - Part 145 Location: Shanghai Vacancy No: 1 Department: Aerospace 航空部 Requisition Number: 2018-42 Liebherr-Aerospace introduction: In the Aerospace domain, Liebherr supplies aircraft air management, flight control and actuation systems, hydraulic and landing gears systems. Our systems are on board of many aircraft programs: Commercial transport aircraft, commuter and regional aircraft, business jets, fighters, military transport, trainer aircraft ...
- 森浦Sumscope 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 岗位职责: 1. Take full ownership of and responsibility for external customer-facing website 2. Design, build, and deploy innovative marketing solutions to drive new business 3. Create a dynamic, customizable, multi-tenant platform for private-label solutions 4. Ensure successful technical implementations by leading Fortune 1000 financial services firms 5. Drive productivity improvements through tools, processes, test-driven development, and continuous refactoring 6. Ability to work in a fas...
- 任遠國際法律事務所 台北市 信義區
工作內容 1.法律相關科系畢,無經驗可,有經驗佳。 2.協助主管及律師處理一般行政業務 3.負責電話接聽、收件、寄件及銀行業務辦理。 4.接待訪客、茶水準備、訂購餐點。 5.負責辦公室環境與設備之整潔、維護。 6.細心、有文書彙整能力 。 薪資待遇: 時薪 160 元以上 上班地點: 台北市信義區忠孝東路五段508號13樓(家美國際金融大樓金座) 地圖找房子找中古車 租售行情 上班時段: 日班 上班時段:09:00/下班時段: 18:30 休假制度: 週休二日 職務類別: 工讀生、行政助理 職務更新日期:2019-09-04 職缺條件 工作性質: 打工 身份類別: 一般求職者、應屆畢業生、日間就讀中 是否出差: 不需出差/外派 管理責任: 不需負擔管理責任 可上班日: 一個月內 工作經驗: 無經驗可 學歷要求: 大學 科系限制: 法律學科類 語文條件: 不拘 擅長工具: Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook 工作技能: 不拘 其他條件: 未填寫 需求人數: 不拘 福利與制度 職缺特色 定期加薪 週休二日 免經驗可 無需輪班...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 13,2019 - 国际SOS 查看所有职位 上海市 杨浦区
上海市 杨浦区 Key Responsibilities : Responsibility for medical due diligence and case direction with respect to designated medical assistance cases on transmission. Participate in the virtual coordinating nurse role providing medical assistance oversight for outpatient case coordination in the participating Great China centres in Dragon Mahjong such as Beijing and Taipei ( more Assistance Centres to be added). Assess each designated case with respect to its medical elements and provide clinical direc...
- AECOM Ltd 艾奕康 查看所有职位 上海市 杨浦区
AECOM FY20 Greater China (2020校园招聘) Campus Recruitment Responsibilities Conduct economic and real estate research and analysis; Compile and organize research data to produce projection models and presentations; Document research data, analysis and projection models into economic and real estate market reports; Market analysis, demand assessment, due diligence, feasibility studies, financial modelling and other advisory work for leading regional and international real estate / infrastructure / ec...
- DEKRA Group德凯中国 查看所有职位 上海市 闸北区
上海市 闸北区 Job description: Main responsibility Conduct testing and assessment of Sample pretreatment for organic test, especially for food contact material disassembling according to international or national standard and quality documents Perform testing according to instructions Responsible for new test method development Analyze the test result and compile reports Requirement/Basic Qualifications Bachelor or above, major in chemistry related. Experience in organic testing field is preferred Abl...
- 浙江天顾税务师事务所有限公司 杭州市 滨江区
杭州市 滨江区 年薪300,000 - 600,000元 由浙江天顾税务师事务所、浙江天顾财经培训中心、浙江网税科技股份有限公司与浙江税务网(www.zjtax.net)等主体所集成的“浙江税务服务综合平台”,在被业界称为“浙江税务实战第一人”陈良照等一批专家的持续努力下,已成为高端、综合性税务服务领域引领者。现因业务发展、团队建设、全面启动、整体提高与共同创业等客观需要,现招聘: 一、 岗位职责及其要求 (一)岗位 税务网站的CEO或COO 1名 (二)职责 负责浙江税务网(www.zjtax.net)的创业定位(突破革新方向)、团队建设、商务运营等。 (三)要求 本科以上学历,有创新精神与创业激情,专业与实践对口、历史成绩与综合能力突出。 二、待遇前途 年薪30-60万元、合伙(3%-10%股比)并成就事业(发展前途与人生价值) 三、联系咨询 (一)有意者 请投递个人简历(建议至www.zjtax.net《下载中心》下载标准格式,包含工作经历、未来规划、家庭成员、健康状况、个人近照等必要信息)。 (二)应聘者 个人简历我们及时收阅后认为合适的则安排来单位现场(杭州市滨江区科技馆街6...
- 马瑞利集团车灯系统 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
Responsibilities Responsible for the study of test standard and method according to customer request or internal request, and making internal test specification/ procedure. Responsible for making/reviewing test plan, availability of test equipment among the project team. Responsible for making/reviewing test reports. Responsible for training on test technicians/coordinators on test method/ specifications, test equipment. Implementation of tests including EMC test/ environmental tests/ other spec...
- 上海金桥红枫万豪酒店 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
职位描述 1. To be responsible for the daily supervision of the restaurant, concentrating on service procedure and quality of product. 负责日常的餐厅运行,注重服务程序和产品质量 2. To conduct training and skills development programs, to ensure well trained staff offering excellent service to the guest at all times. 指导培训和技能发展的项目,保证受到培训的员工,都能提供良好的服务 3. To maintain a breakage prevention program designed to minimize breakage of operating equipment, and to liaise directly with the Chief Steward and recommend changes to polici...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 宁波市
职位信息 Job Outline: This role is responsible for teaching Chinese Culture Courses, writing/editing textbooks, designing curriculums, organizing field trips, making assessment systems, etc. The role holder is also expected to do research on pedagogical issues related to teaching Chinese culture in order to improve the curriculums and enhance the quality of the courses. Qualifications Essential Master degree in politics, philosophy, law, history, education or related discipline of social science; CE...
- 海连国际货运有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
Monitor, manage and develop the sales team 监督、管理和发展销售团队 Support Sales closing the clients on their pipeline. 帮助销售促成客户成交 Training sales teammates, coordinate with HR supporting training program and retaining the valuable team members 对销售进行培训,或配合人事支持培训项目,留住重要的团队成员 Monitor A/R collection from sales controlled clients where needed 监督销售客户的及时收款 Create visibility towards overseas of our sales team by sharing sales leads on frequent basis via Sales Force 通过销售管理系统向国外分公司发送潜在客户信息/销售线索 Review sales performa...
- 上海嘉会国际医院有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
上海市 徐汇区 Job Responsibility: Operates from a deep understanding of the total situation. Collaborates with other caregivers to challenge and coordinate institutional resources to maximize advocacy for patient and family care in achieving the most effective outcomes. Job Description: ESSENTIAL TASKS: 1. Assess plan, implement and evaluate the nursing care of patients throughout the clinic 2. Document accurately and concisely the care provided and its outcome 3. Carry out investigation and treatment...
- 长沙市芙蓉区新航道培训学校 查看所有职位 长沙市
长沙市 实习生 月薪2,000 - 3,000元 岗位职责: 学员考勤工作,开班准备工作 对学员课程进行协调、沟通、反馈 上级安排的其他工作任务 任职要求: 沟通表达能力较好,亲和力强,责任心强 职能类别: 行政专员/助理 微信 联系方式 上班地址:五一广场平和堂商务楼18楼 公司信息 新航道国际教育集团(NEW CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP LIMITED) 由中国著名英语教育专家与教学管理专家胡敏教授率领一批国内外教育精英及专家学者共同创办于2004年,国际数据集团(IDG)(美国)和Kaplan国际教育集团(美国)参与战略投资。“新航道”三个字源于胡敏教授创办机构时对其二十一年教育实践的总结,下决心在大学的“庙堂英语”和培训机构的“江湖英语”之间开辟语言教育的新航道。新航道国际教育集团恪守“奋斗成就梦想”的核心价值观,坚持“高能高分”的教育理念,立志“做全球顶尖的教育机构”,帮助中国学子和家庭实现更美好的人生。 New Channel International Education Group was founded in 2004 ...
- 连卡佛百货商贸有限公司 成都市 锦江区
成都市 锦江区 Key Accountabilities主要职责: In addition to following Lane Crawford’s policies and procedures, key accountabilities include, but are not limited to: 除遵守连卡佛的政策和程序外,主要职责包括但不限于: Customer Service客户服务 To maintain the highest standards of personal grooming, courtesy, mannerism, positive attitude and overall presentation at all times 在个人的仪容仪表、礼仪礼节、言谈举止、积极态度、总体展现上,始终坚持最高标准 To well understand the skills of Concierge daily work 掌握所有礼宾部门的日常工作流程 To communicate with customers and exchange name card, und...
- 英国朗道实验诊断有限公司 上海市 普陀区
Promotion and education surrounding Randox products. Build, maintain and develop business relationships between Randox and customers (clinical laboratories, veterinary laboratories, centres of research, hospitals) Present Randox to customers on a one-to-one basis or in a seminar setting. Engage and develop relationships with all key persons in the relevant territory. Map out laboratories, including details such as suppliers and all other relevant information to develop a good overall knowledge o...
- 澳門城市大學(City University of Macau) 澳门
Responsible to manage the administrative work and daily operations Design and develop yearly plan and course curriculum for continuing education Liaise with external vendors/service providers to organize courses Coordinate and arrange class schedule and venue Design marketing tools to promote courses to public Provide supportive services for in-house trainings Prepare departmental budget, statistic and reports Perform ad hoc projects/duties as assigned Requirement Master degree holder or above, ...
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