- 重庆博颂酒店管理有限公司 Chongqing
公司简介 The Kempinski name is proudly borne by a growing collection of distinguished properties around the world. As Europe’s luxury hotel group, we are committed to providing our guests with memorable journeys inspired by exquisite European flair. We believe life should be lived with style. 全球冠以凯宾斯基之名的杰出饭店日渐增加,令人深感自豪。作为欧洲历史悠久的豪华饭店集团,我们致力于以尽善尽美的欧式风格为客人打造难忘的旅行体验。我们坚信生活必须深具品味。 Since 1897, our employees have been a part of creating history around the world. From historic buildings to the avant-garde o...
- 成都新东方大酒店有限公司 Chengdu
成都市 月薪2,000 - 3,000元 To maintain the upkeep and cleanliness of F&B outlets, Functions, Offices, and public areas not covered by stewarding and gardener, ensuring maximum guest satisfaction and adhering to the standard required by our hotel. 负责打扫和维持会议室、餐厅、办公室、多功能厅和其他区域(不包含厨房管事部及花园) 的卫生,以高水平的卫生保证客人***程度的满足。 To work on a rotation basis within Housekeeping. To shampoo and upkeep carpets, upholstery and hard flooring in accordance to Hotel standards。 做好客房部基础工作运转,按照饭店的标准清洗地毯、较赃地板和家具。 职能类别: 其他 关键字:...
- 重庆博颂酒店管理有限公司 Chongqing
公司简介 The Kempinski name is proudly borne by a growing collection of distinguished properties around the world. As Europe’s luxury hotel group, we are committed to providing our guests with memorable journeys inspired by exquisite European flair. We believe life should be lived with style. 全球冠以凯宾斯基之名的杰出饭店日渐增加,令人深感自豪。作为欧洲历史悠久的豪华饭店集团,我们致力于以尽善尽美的欧式风格为客人打造难忘的旅行体验。我们坚信生活必须深具品味。 Since 1897, our employees have been a part of creating history around the world. From historic buildings to the avant-garde o...
- 细川密克朗粉体机械有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 职位:机械服务工程师 Position: Mechanical & Service Engineer A. 岗位描述 Job Description: 1. Provide technical service and support regarding installation, commissioning & acceptance in mechanical and electrical instruments to Group’s customers in China. 为公司国内用户提供设备安装、调试和验收方面的技术支持和服务,包括机械和电气仪表。 2. Provide technical service on trouble shooting and maintenance to Group’s customers in China. 为客户提供售后有关设备故障的技术支持和维修服务。 3. Cooperate and assist overseas’ engineers of the sister companies in the Group t...
- 江苏华凯比克希线束有限公司 Suzhou
岗位职责 Responsibility 1. Maintain SZ office routine operation, such as stationary, cleaning, decoration, leasing car, reception events etc. 2. Manage visa and working permits for expats and their family members, as well as other general affairs 3. Help to arrange pick up, hotel, flight tickets, and snacks for visitors and prepare invitation letter when needed. 4. Support global management visit to China (transportation, hotel, dinner arrangement etc.) 5. Help HR with empoyee activities arrangement...
- 启德教育集团留学成都分公司 Chengdu
成都市 锦江区 年薪80,000 - 150,000元 1、负责接听客户来电、接待客户面访、回答网络客户提出的问题,为客户提供专业全面相关国家的留学信息,保留客户信息,及时有效回访; 2、积极跟进潜在客户,挖掘客户需求,实现潜在客户签约转化; 3、严格按照公司及项目规定的工作标准及服务流程,为客户提供专业的留学咨询服务,实现客户优质的留学咨询服务体验; 4、了解客户申请留学所需要的相关背景情况,提供合理化建议或意见,为客户设计切实可行的留学方案,以促成签约; 5、与客户签订留学合同,收取并检查客户申请资料,并对客户提供的资料进行真实性调查; 6、将所有资料交文案顾问,并详细的以口头形式告知文案顾问所签客户的个人情况,所申请的学校信息,同时附以书面材料; 7、跟进院校申请过程,复核学生申请文书,与学生确认接受录取院校; 8、跟踪和管理学生留学申请的整个流程,保证学生在留学申请的过程顺利进行; 9、保持与签约客户的联系,维护客户关系;提高客户满意度; 10、根据公司安排,参与项目推广和公司营销活动; 11、按项目工作分配,参与项目内部培训、团队分享、业务知识流程培训、国外院校新项目推广培训...
- 启德教育集团留学成都分公司 Chengdu
成都市 锦江区 月薪6,000 - 10,000元 工作职责: 1、负责接听客户来电、接待客户面访、回答网络客户提出的问题,为客户提供专业全面的加拿大留学信息,保留客户信息,及时有效回访; 2、积极跟进潜在客户,挖掘客户需求,实现潜在客户签约转化; 3、严格按照公司及项目规定的工作标准及服务流程,为客户提供专业的留学咨询服务,实现客户优质的留学咨询服务体验; 4、了解客户申请留学所需要的相关背景情况,提供合理化建议或意见,为客户设计切 实可行的留学方案,以促成签约; 5、与客户签订留学合同,收取并检查客户申请资料,并对客户提供的资料进行真实性 调查; 6、将所有资料交文案顾问,并详细的以口头形式告知文案顾问所签客户的个人情况, 所申请的学校信息,同时附以书面材料; 7、跟进院校申请过程,复核学生申请文书,与学生确认接受录取院校; 8、跟踪和管理学生留学申请的整个流程,保证学生在留学申请的过程顺利进行; 9、保持与签约客户的联系,维护客户关系;提高客户满意度; 10、根据公司安排,参与项目推广和公司营销活动; 11、按项目工作分配,参与项目内部培训、团队分享、业务知识流程培训、国外院校新...
- 驿舒达酒店预订服务有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 Technical Architect C hina (m/f) At HRS “We love to make it happen”: We are the global market leader when it comes to tech- and data driven business travel solutions. Our enterprise business offers end-to-end hotel management solutions to more than 7,000 corporate businesses globally to simplify their business travel. State of the art service solutions like strategic consulting & hotel procurement, travel payment and expense solutions or efficient tools to manage corporate meetings a...
- 上海水善汇酒店管理有限公司 Shanghai
任职条件: 1 、能够认同企业文化“志同道合、长久共赢、懂规矩、讲诚信”;尽职尽责廉洁公正、同心同德 忠于企业; 2 、为人正直豁达、无心胸狭隘,崇尚合作、崇尚竞争,积极向上,善于带领和协助团队成员实现目标、创造价值、共同发展; 3、热爱体育运动,学习能力强,具有超强的创新意识和挑战力,能够高效推进企业商业模式落地执行; 4 、能够严于律己,具有高度的工作热情,良好的团队合作精神,有较强的原则性; 5 、能够心怀感恩,传播正能量,爱自己、爱家人、爱企业。 岗位要求: 1.自然条件:身体建康,性别不限,五官端正,26-40岁,性格开朗,具有良好的职业操守。 2.语言能力:普通话精通。 3.工作经验:至少5年以上大型服务业(足浴、SPA、高端会所)连锁、加盟运营管理工作经验。 4.管理技能: 4.1具备良好企业运营管理能力,整合资源和人员管控能力; 4.2通晓企业管理、财务、人力资源、项目开发、风险管控、法律等相关知识; 4.3熟悉现代连锁服务业管理模式,并能结合企业实际情况予以运用; 4.4熟练操作计算机及办公软件,熟悉各类运营管理系统。 4.5熟练掌握品牌运营管理、线上推广等知识者优先...
- 屈臣氏个人用品商店有限公司 Guangzhou
职位信息 Duties and Responsibilities: 1.Finance sales data warehouse maintenance and development. 2.Identity eCommerce related system issues, work with multiple parties to resolve system issues and ensure the accuracy of sales data. 3.Take the lead in cooperation of new retail projects with IT and eCommerce departments to ensure the project launch with success. 4.Take the lead in identifying the opportunity of streamline and simplify the current workflow to improve efficiency of the whole team. 5.Pr...
- 康莱德酒店及度假村Check Out Similar Jobs Beijing
此职务的使命和目标是全面负责管理领导酒店各餐厅厨房良好运营和最大限度地提供最高标准的服务。 我的具体职责是什么? 所有餐厅厨房,包括饼房、主厨房、员工餐厅厨房、中餐厨房、行政酒廊厨房、管事部、外卖宴会。 计划和准备执行高质量的食品和摆设在指定的餐厅。 严格按照菜谱、标准和摆盘标准。 在酒店运营之中保持HACCP各方面要求。 正确操作所有的设备、器具和机器。 必须对具有持续性的人员培训和SOP’s的提高和改善保持关注。 必须积极主动参加每日质量会议(每日厨师晨会、团队会议),以保持厨房运营持续地提高,达到目标和保持顺畅地交流。 可以被要求进行外卖工作。 可以被要求在厨房以外的地点完成工作。 可以被要求进行盘存工作。 所有员工都应知道关于住宿率,宴会,预测计划和收益。 及时的按要求准备菜单。 新菜品的制作在品尝上要结合数码照片。 参加服务部门的会议。 与服务员沟通断货的产品。 调节厨房内部的岗位。 与管事部紧密的工作关系确保高质量的清洁和最低程度的破损。 对于每位客人的要求要作出回应使客人满意。 积极的学习和适当的改变。 用虚心的态度去接受有建设性的意见。 采购和控制产品。 培训新员工。 ...
jobs.hilton.comAugust 28,2019 - 上海静安昆仑大酒店有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 Summary: Manage the maintenance and repair of the hotel buildings, grounds and contents in a cost-effective manner and ensure the efficient and safe operation of all plant and equipment. Responsibilities: Organizes and administers the Engineering Department, ensuring that effective work control and productivity are maintained, whilst using every means to increase productivity and reduce costs. Periodically assists in the reviewing of the manning figures, keeping a balance between under- ...
- 安络杰医疗器械有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 JOB TITLE: HR Officer /Senior HR Officer SUMMARY: An operational role within the Human Resources department focusing on recruitment, staffing and relevant policies implementing to meet business requirements Main Responsibilities: Recruitment and Staffing 1. In charge of recruitment and staffing, including people searching, selection, hiring and daily staffing issue 2. Follow through staff recruitment plan and requisitions, according to recruitment and selection processes and procedures;...
- 麦克米伦信息咨询服务有限公司 Beijing
Position: Deputy Editor, Physical Sciences, Scientific Reports Location: London, Berlin, New York, Shanghai, Beijing Scientific Reports is a primary research journal from the publishers of Nature, covering all areas of the natural and clinical sciences. Online and open access, Scientific Reports publishes a high volume of scientifically valid, original research papers, without barriers to access. With the support of external Editorial Board Members (EBMs), papers are rapidly peer reviewed to ens...
- 麦克米伦信息咨询服务有限公司 Beijing
北京市 海淀区 Associate Editor, Scientific Reports Location: Beijing Scientific Reports is a primary research journal from the publishers of Nature, covering all areas of the natural and clinical sciences. Online and open access, Scientific Reports publishes a high volume of scientifically valid, original research papers, without barriers to access. With the support of external Editorial Board Members, papers are rapidly peer-reviewed to ensure they are technically sound. As an Associate Editor, you w...
- 麦克米伦信息咨询服务有限公司 Beijing
北京市 海淀区 Responsibilities 1. Drive the editorial and publishing development of a portfolio of journals Drive the growth and development of a group of journals as part of the strategically defined overall portfolio. Develop your journals to deliver a best-in-class author experience and enjoy maximum engagement from the Editors in Chief and Editorial Board Members (EBMs) on whom we rely. Ensure that all KPIs are regularly monitored, reported and met, and that action is taken as needed. Strive for m...
- 上海科克雷蒙建筑工程有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 POSITION: Project Controls - Cost Controller REPORTING TO: Project Manager RESPONSIBILITY: To work within a team environment to assist the Project Manager to achieve agreed margin, time & quality objectives in a way that fosters repeat business with each client and builds/maintains positive relationships with contractors, consultants and architects. AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY: 1. Assist with developing and managing project budgets and project reporting activities using '4cast' proje...
- 健合集团——广州总部 Guangzhou
广州市 天河区 年薪200,000 - 300,000元 职位信息 工作职责: ? Project manage implementation and monitoring of relevant sustainability related programs throughout the Asian region ? Support the collection of data, writing and translations of the Group Sustainability Report annually for delivery to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ? Support the development of the Group Sustainability Strategy ? Communicate and engage internal teams on central sustainability strategies, commitments and goals ? Create collateral and activi...
- 上海万达瑞华酒店 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 月薪3,000 - 4,500元 拥有相似工作经验者优先考虑。 Have related working experiences will be a plus. 职能类别: 行李员 机场代表 关键字: 前厅 礼宾 宾客 服务 门童 行李 泊车 酒店 年终双薪 房补 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:黄浦区中山东二路538号...
- 广州诺德安达学校 Guangzhou
广州市 职位信息 Key Responsibilities: Guide parents and students through the admissions process, making the experience positive, straightforward and engaging throughout. Ensure timely communication, responding to all parent contact within 24 hours during the working week. Ensure high quality communication: written and verbal language, structure and consistent attention to detail. Ensure that each family experiences key ‘magic moments’ throughout their journey, from enquiry to enrolment / induction, tha...
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