- 中国法国工商会 Foshan
职位信息 Responsibilities: Manage the production: ? Ensure production data records ? Ensure the monitoring of the output ? Ensure the quality and a low level of defectiveness ? Increase production capacity Ensure profitability: ? Analyze the indicators ? Optimize production costs Manage human resources Ensure the maintenance Manage investments in relation to the direction of the operations Develop the factory with new equipment according to the volume of orders Support the development of the Chinese...
- 俊華電子企業股份有限公司 Taibei
勞保: 有 就保: 有 健保: 有 僱用資料 廠別/機構分院: 僱用人數: 2 休假方式: 週休二日 工作內容: 1. 文書處理、繕打、編輯排版,及資料彙整等作業。 2. 整理和歸檔紙本與電子文件。 3. 收發公文並處理會簽文件。 4. SOP文件製作與會辦 5. 熟各式表單製作,如:WORD、EXCEL等。 6. 訪客接待、環境整理等庶務工作。 7. 協助同仁與主管間溝通聯繫。 8. 其他主管交辦事項。 任職要求: 1. 中文文筆流暢,文辭能力強,文思邏輯清晰。 2. 中文打字每分鐘50字以上,英文打字每分鐘40字以上。(履歷表上請註明慣用的中文輸入法) 3. 做事細心、個性謹慎、反應靈敏。 4. 對身心靈教育、傳統文化典籍有研究者尤佳。 5. 大學以上學歷,企管/文史/傳播/圖資管理/社科/哲學宗教相關科系者尤佳。 本職缺專屬福利: 教育訓練進修、三節獎金/禮品 育兒設(措)施: 僱用條件 性別年齡: 依據就業服務法,取消限制。 學歷要求: 大學 科系所: 不拘 學校要求: 無 工作型態: 全職 日班:自00時00分至00時00分 計薪方式: 月薪 26000 - 38000 元 ...
tw.indeed.comAugust 28,2019 - 俊華電子企業股份有限公司 Taibei
勞保: 有 就保: 有 健保: 有 僱用資料 廠別/機構分院: 僱用人數: 2 休假方式: 週休二日 工作內容: 1. 文書處理、繕打、編輯排版,及資料彙整等作業。 2. 整理和歸檔高階主管紙本與電子文件。 3. 熟各式表單製作,如:WORD、EXCEL等。 4. 協助主管安排行程及食宿等庶務性工作。 5. 訪客接待、私人聚會等事宜。 6. 協助同仁與主管間溝通聯繫。 7. 其他主管交辦事項。 任職要求: 1. 中文文筆流暢,文辭能力強,文思邏輯清晰。 2. 中文打字每分鐘50字以上,英文打字每分鐘40字以上。(履歷表上請註明慣用的中文輸入法) 3. 做事細心、個性謹慎、反應靈敏。 4. 對身心靈教育、傳統文化典籍有研究者佳。 5. 大學以上學歷,企管/文史/傳播/圖資管理/社科/哲學宗教相關科系者佳。 6. 具高階主管秘書或特助經驗尤佳。 本職缺專屬福利: 三節獎金/禮品 育兒設(措)施: 僱用條件 性別年齡: 依據就業服務法,取消限制。 學歷要求: 大學 科系所: 不拘 學校要求: 無 工作型態: 全職 日班:自00時00分至00時00分 計薪方式: 月薪 30000 - 4500...
tw.indeed.comAugust 28,2019 - 自由時報:台北時報 Taibei
1. Excellent command of both oral and written English and Chinese 2. College graduate 3. Experience in Chinese-to-English translation preferred 4. Knowledge of Taiwans political scene 5. Office-based position, 2pm to 10:30pm 6. To apply for a work permit, non-Taiwanese applicants require two years of documented media experience or a masters degree. (內湖科技園區) 職務類別 : 英文翻譯/口譯 文編/校對/文字工作者 記者/採編 休假制度 : 週休二日 上班時段 : 14:00~22:30 年 4 月 22 日 薪資待遇 : 依公司規定每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 全職 職位等級 : 專員 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 出差說明 ...
tw.indeed.comAugust 28,2019 - 澳大利亚国际商业协会北京代表处 查看所有职位 Beijing
北京市 东城区 We need more than 10 Native English Speaking People to Teach in our associated schools and Universities. Benefits: 1. Salary:10,000-20,000 RMB per month depending on experience with free accommodation 2. A round-trip economic international airfare each year 3. Cheap food in the restaurant: it only cost you 10-15 yuan a meal with various kinds 4. High quality resource: top universities, public high schools, international schools 5. Chinese traditional culture lectures offered, language cl...
- 无锡市人力资源市场 查看所有职位 Wuxi
1、大学本科学历,计算机相关专业; 2、熟练使用SQL、ORACLE、MYSQL数据库;熟练掌握1-2个开发语言,如:JAVA、DELPHI、.NET等开发语言;熟悉企业ERP,同时自己开发过1-2个企业应用项目。 法尔胜泓昇集团有限公司(简称法尔胜泓昇集团)是一家从事以金属制品为主,产业涉及光通信、精工装备、金融服务、资产管理、物流贸易的多元化企业集团,是苏南地区首批首家***创新型企业,长期位列中国企业500强、中国民营企业500强。2013 年,“法尔胜”牌输送带用钢丝绳产品获得了国家质量监督检验检疫总局颁发的“出口免验”证书。2015年,被认定为国家技术创新示范企业,2016年荣获“中国工业大奖”,被工信部列为首批制造业单项冠军示范企业。 职能类别: 软件工程师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:惠山大道88号明都大酒店(面试地点) 公司信息 2013年10月,我市按照建立统一规范灵活的人力资源市场的要求,将人才市场和劳动力市场整合,组建成立“无锡市人力资源市场”,为无锡市人力资源和社会保障局所属的公共人力资源服务机构。内设办公室、资产财务部、用工服务部、求职招聘部、人事外包部、人才评...
- 盖璞商业有限公司 Wuhan
武汉市 江夏区 顾客服务 Customer Service: 保证店铺提供***的客户体验。 Ensures that the store is delivering the best possible customer experience. 让所有顾客在盖璞店铺都有宾至如归的感受 Help all customers feel welcome in our stores 在店铺的各个环节包括销售楼层,试衣间和收银处,都对顾客提供有礼、有帮助的服务。 Provide courteous, helpful customer service throughout the store, including the sales floor, fitting rooms and cash wrap 确定客户的需求,协助衣服配搭,体现盖璞产品的特色和优势。Determine customer needs, assist with outfitting options, feature and benefits of our products 与顾客沟通关于盖璞商品的的品质,价值和风格,以及剪裁,...
- 郝极商贸有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 Responsibilities: Purchase order execution and follow up, including, verify/ key-in quote sheets, follow up with buyers and suppliers, monitor production and shipment fulfillment.· Ensure on time shipment of goods by coordination with supplier, FC, QC and shipping team. Monitor & control to achieve smooth operation.· Ensure QS be transmitted correctly and timely upon request in order to allow smooth processing of order.· Coordinate buying trip, sourcing trip, market pre-visit and sha...
- 世宛商贸有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 日薪160元 Requirements for Models ( Foreign Females) Size 36-Tall: 165cm-168cm Bust: 84cm Hip:90cm Size 38-Tall: 168cm Bust:88cm Hip:92cm Size 38-Tall: 168cm Bust:90-92cm Hip: 94-96cm Size 40-Tall: 168cm Bust:96cm Hip:98-100 职能类别: 服装/纺织/皮革跟单 关键字: 周末双休 带薪年假 年终双薪 奖金丰厚 节日福利 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:南京西路818号18楼...
- 世宛商贸有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 Position: Junior administrative Job Description: This person will be linked in the head office with a team who are doing Commercial operation . Can talk in English … hopefully Spanish as well . understand the way we work in each country as well as corporate . needs to understand the compulsory requirement that each country request to create a new vendor The information that the vendor need to fill out to create a product. Need to contact with vendors to teach and help they to make all cl...
- 希计商贸有限公司 Shanghai
职位目标: 门店经理负责一家加拿大鹅零售门店的所有职能。其最终对门店关键绩效指标(KPI)负责,包括定性指标和定量指标。门店经理直接领导门店管理团队,并肩负门店财务业绩、人事与员工参与度管理、顾客体验和卓越运营等所有门店业绩方面的责任。门店经理应确保各自负责的门店达到其财务目标(即收入和利润目标)。门店经理营造让顾客能够不断战胜户外环境的顾客体验并促进卓越运营。还包括领导、培养其直接下属(即顾客体验助理经理和门店运营助理经理),并确保各方面的卓越性和维护加拿大鹅在品质和品牌特性方面的预期。 主要工作职责: 门店财务业绩方面: 实现或超过销售目标,包括收入和利润目标 以持续运营为基础分析业绩指标并将分析结果用于加拿大鹅的收入***化和成本优化 分析业务需要并对其进行反馈,识别业绩领先销售员和业绩不佳的销售员,并实现营销策略 顾客体验方面: 确保顾客获得优质体验并帮助提高公司的净推荐值(NPS) 通过引入销售情况欠佳但具有战略意义的新产品类别来提升顾客体验并提高其所负责门店的每笔交易销售量(UPT) 通过调查机会而解决顾客问题趋势、开发解决方案、起草报告并训练员工面对未来类似挑战 人事与员...
- 纷德商贸有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 虹口区 Make technical evaluation on samples for all type of cloth to ensure the correct quality, fitting workmanship and measurements during all the process from the sample development to the production Check proto samples, Size set samples (with size grade) and pre- production sample, make clear comments in English with measurements, pictures and sketch details to help explain/solve problems Coordinate with suppliers about the samples’ comment to clarify the key points of workmanship. Find the...
- 富思商贸有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Responsible for new doors or material supplier management props, order and complaint follow-up; New items and materials and the development of the samples (if necessary). Open daily props and material of order and follow up. Related items and cost of the materials of account, accounting and invoice management Work with visual team to gather artistic direction, and effectively communicate this with area visual merchandisers and the stores;Ensure all VM needs are met on time and consistently; ...
- 盖璞商业有限公司 Shanghai
顾客服务 Customer Service: 保证店铺提供***的客户体验。 Ensures that the store is delivering the best possible customer experience. 让所有顾客在盖璞店铺都有宾至如归的感受 Help all customers feel welcome in our stores 在店铺的各个环节包括销售楼层,试衣间和收银处,都对顾客提供有礼、有帮助的服务。 Provide courteous, helpful customer service throughout the store, including the sales floor, fitting rooms and cash wrap 确定客户的需求,协助衣服配搭,体现盖璞产品的特色和优势。Determine customer needs, assist with outfitting options, feature and benefits of our products 与顾客沟通关于盖璞商品的的品质,价值和风格,以及剪裁,面料,价格等的信...
- 无锡市人力资源市场 查看所有职位 Wuxi
无锡市 惠山区 月薪8,000 - 15,000元 1、Responsible for new technology/process transfer to FAB via APQP system; 2、Responsible for advance process/equipment evaluation; 3、Supervising engineer training plan and foster subordinates; 4、Communicate and teamwork with other department. 任职要求: 1、Knowledge of DF/ET/PH/TF process and equipment; 2、Knowledge of process flow and device; 3、Provide technical direction for problem solving and resource strategic; 4、 Knowledge of advance etch process and technology developmen...
- 蔼慷商贸有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 虹口区 Responsibilities: 1. Pre-order Activity: Supplier sourcing, assessment, selection and onboarding. Drive costing negotiation with suppliers. Review and approval of all suppliers costing to head office. Product development, sample and quality management. Development of new product capabilities with suppliers as required by the business. Manage order placement activities and buy trips. Source new raw material as needed by business units. Drive business development. Participate in new produc...
- 蔼慷商贸有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 虹口区 Responsibilities: 1. Pre-order Activity: Supplier sourcing, assessment, selection and onboarding. Drive costing negotiation with suppliers. Review and approval of all suppliers costing to head office. Product development, sample and quality management. Development of new product capabilities with suppliers as required by the business. Manage order placement activities and buy trips. Source new raw material as needed by business units. Drive business development. Participate in new produc...
- 世宛商贸有限公司 Shanghai
TEAM LEADER OF PACKAGING & MEDIA – SODIMAC S.A GLOBAL SOURCING BACKGROUND This person will be responsible for collecting artwork material from Sodimac suppliers, checking the quality of the material submit by vendors and overseeing the development of packaging and other packaging-related deliverables to support Sodimac private brands with Sodimac team and third parties. This person will be expected to solve business needs through smart design solutions in cooperation with Asia suppliers as w...
- 桃丝商贸有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 Audit the existing training materials, according to the new training itinerary defined. Create content for face-to-face and online training, according to a general objective, definition of the storytelling of the course and pedagogical adaptation of the course to the target. Create pedagogical manuals such as: quick reference guides, frequently asked questions, and user manuals. Update and adapt existing training materials to adapt them to new needs, new approaches, techniques and trends...
- 杰叶商贸有限公司 Shanghai
I. E- store management in different e-platforms 各电商平台的网店管理 1) Responsible for e-stores follow-up and management 负责网店的跟进及管理 2) Responsible for logistics and inventory management 负责物流及库存的管理 3) Responsible for product launch and daily management, product page maintenance, updates, and optimization (Product Inventory Management) 负责产品发布和日常管理、产品页面维护、更新及优化(产品库存管理) 4) Work with visualizer to optimize our Brands e-stores user flow, filter function and navigation function 与美工配合,优化我方客户品牌网店的用户浏览体验,过滤功能和导航功能...
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