Results 1 - 20 of 33566
  • 长沙市芙蓉区新航道培训学校 查看所有职位 长沙市

    岗位职责: 1、公司提供数据资源,通过专业电话沟通,给客户介绍并推荐英语课程,并邀约客户上门; 2、完成上级下达的工作任务及业绩指标; 3、及时更新及认真统计意向客户信息,积极维护客户关系。 任职要求: 1、普通话标准,口齿清晰,有亲和力 2、有销售意识,善于挖掘潜在客户需求 3、有一定的抗压能力,沟通、表达能力好 4、有销售经验或英语4级以上者优先 职能类别:电话销售 关键字:电话销售 微信 联系方式 上班地址:五一广场平和堂商务楼23楼 公司信息 新航道国际教育集团(NEW CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP LIMITED) 由中国著名英语教育专家与教学管理专家胡敏教授率领一批国内外教育精英及专家学者共同创办于2004年,国际数据集团(IDG)(美国)和Kaplan国际教育集团(美国)参与战略投资。“新航道”三个字源于胡敏教授创办机构时对其二十一年教育实践的总结,下决心在大学的“庙堂英语”和培训机构的“江湖英语”之间开辟语言教育的新航道。新航道国际教育集团恪守“奋斗成就梦想”的核心价值观,坚持“高能高分”的教育理念,立志“做全球顶尖的教育机...

  • 长沙市芙蓉区新航道培训学校 查看所有职位 长沙市 雨花区

    长沙市 雨花区 日薪100元 负责留学课程销售及品牌推广 负责所管区域市场信息的收集 任职要求: 能吃苦耐劳,责任心强,较强的沟通能力 岗位可长期,可***,可按天计薪 职能类别: 市场助理 微信 联系方式 上班地址:芙蓉中路三段269号神龙大酒店7楼 公司信息 新航道国际教育集团(NEW CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP LIMITED) 由中国著名英语教育专家与教学管理专家胡敏教授率领一批国内外教育精英及专家学者共同创办于2004年,国际数据集团(IDG)(美国)和Kaplan国际教育集团(美国)参与战略投资。“新航道”三个字源于胡敏教授创办机构时对其二十一年教育实践的总结,下决心在大学的“庙堂英语”和培训机构的“江湖英语”之间开辟语言教育的新航道。新航道国际教育集团恪守“奋斗成就梦想”的核心价值观,坚持“高能高分”的教育理念,立志“做全球顶尖的教育机构”,帮助中国学子和家庭实现更美好的人生。 New Channel International Education Group was founded in 2004 by a group o...

  • 儿童科技营双语STEAM乐高机器人 查看所有职位 上海市 静安区

    The Genius Workshop Shanghai is seeking for an enthusiastic native English speaking instructor who is passionate about teaching and possesses the qualities to collaborate and expand with us in Asia. Our focus is to develop and deliver the latest science & technology curricula for children aged 3 to 14. Key Roles & Responsibilities ? Effective planning and delivery of TGW programs in a fun, creative and learn through play environment ? Coach children to explore and invent through technolo...

  • 重庆市沙坪坝区百弗教育培训学校 查看所有职位 Chongqing

    重庆市 月薪3,000 - 5,000元 职位描述 1. 给学生提供个性化的学习辅导 2. 制定授课计划以及教授英语课程 3. 协助校方管理学生的安置、记录考勤及学生情况跟踪 4. 解答学生提出的相关问题 5. 协助举办包括课外活动在内的学校各项教学活动 职位要求: 1. 英语专业本科以上学历,英语专业四级 2. 良好的沟通能力 3. 责任心强,有耐心,积极,热情 4. 一年以上教学经历优先 如您有意加入百弗全球教育,即可享受: 1、保底薪资+丰厚奖金+餐费补贴 2、一经录用即签订正式劳动合同,享受五险 3、每年享受带薪年假、法定节假日等福利 4、完善的入职及在职培训机制 5、免费的百弗英语培训课程 6、广阔的职业提升空间,公平的晋升机制 7、良好的工作环境和团队氛围 8、丰富的公司员工活动 职能类别:培训讲师 关键字:英语老师辅导助教 上班地址:重庆市渝中区重庆市恒大名都都市广场11栋22-10(面试地址)...

  • 携程 上海市 长宁区

    招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 Key Roles and Responsibilities Reporting to the Translation Manager Translate, create, and proofread content for the website and app (user interface elements, flight/hotel policies, hotel/city descriptions, SEO content, promotional pages, banner ads, etc.) Communicate with the product, design, and marketing teams to ensure all Arabic copy is accurate and appropriate for the Arabic-speaking market. 任职条件 Required Qualifications Native Arabic speaker with a strong gras...

  • 携程 上海市 长宁区

    招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 1. Plan and execute marketing / merchandising campaigns of’s Arabic website. 2. Partner with HQ marketing teams to develop channel strategies and creatives specifically for the Arabic market. 3. Monitor and report on key metrics including orders, traffic source, new & repeat users, and conversion, and take a data-driven approach to find solutions to optimize and improve efficiency. 3. Have a strong understanding of the local travel market landscape and competito...

  • 爱恩康临床医学研究有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    P O S I T I O N S U M M AR Y To responsible for timely reporting and processing of respective Serious Adverse Events (SAE), Adverse Event(AE) Serious and non-Serious Adverse Drug Reaction(SADR) and other medically related project information within agreed timeline to Health Authority and other Key Stakeholders. To responsible for document archiving, data tracking communication of respective safety reports in compliance with company’s and relevant regulator’s requirements. J O B F U N C T I O N S...

  • 三生制药集团 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 1. 协助审计经理完成集团审计部年度工作计划,可以独立开展审计工作,并提出优化建议; 2. 独立开展项目调查,收集落实审计证据,分析并论证问题发现,初拟审计报告; 3. 对审计发现需整改的问题进行反馈和后续跟进,监督整改措施的执行落实; 4. 按照要求形成规范的工作底稿,归档后妥善保管审计档案; 5. 完成领导交付的其他工作任务。 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,管理类、法律类专业优先; 2. 拥有营销管理、财经管理相关知识,具备医药销售管理工作经验者优先考虑; 3. 3年及以上医药营销审计工作经验,能够承受压力; 4. 逻辑思维清晰,有较强的分析能力、沟通协调能力和较好的文案表达功底; 5. 有较强的学习能力,能独立进行项目调查,综合分析并撰写审计报告; 6. 熟练掌握Office办公软件,尤其是PowerPoint和Word。 JD: 1. Assist the audit manager to complete the annual work plan of the group audit department, and independently carry out ...

  • SolarEdge Technologies China 所... 广州市 萝岗区

    Solaredge is looking for an experienced Electrical Failure Analysis Engineer. In this position, you will be involved in debug of Solaredge products at production line. As Solaredge puts high value on providing best in class product quality and reliability, you will play an important role in achieving this goal. You will be required to conduct failure analysis of failures in production line and determine the root cause and define corrective actions to prevent future occurrences. Your responsibili...

  • Fastmarkets 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 JOB PURPOSE To produce metals and minerals price assessments and to provide industry-leading market commentary, breaking news and analysis, which demonstrates PRA-aligned knowledge across multiple markets. To support the development and use of Fastmarkets’ prices. PRICIPAL ACCOUNTABLILITIES Produce exemplary price assessments in line with company methodology, price specifications, and IOSCO principles across a range of markets Develop and maintain a comprehensive contact-base, using all...

  • 奥索假肢矫形康复器材有限公司 上海市 徐汇区

    Summary of responsibility: To process and follow up orders in the regional from placement until final delivery 处理和追踪客户订单直至顺利运达客户处。 Enquiries handling and reply 能够很好的处理和解答客户或者最终用户的各种问题 Complaints & Returns handling 处理客户的投诉和受理退货 Main duties / Principal accountabilities: Order Management & Fulfillment Process follow up in company order processing system Navision, including purchase orders from international and domestic sales orders 通过公司的ERP系统进行订单管理和执行情况的追踪, 包括对产品的进口采购订单和国内的销售订单 Coordinate ...

  • 申克工业技术有限公司 天津市

    天津市 We are looking for a senior ERP PP/MM consultant based in Tianjin to maintain Business Systems at a high level, to ensure company gains full business benefit from existing business applications, applications services, data management and reporting tools, to provide new solutions and improvements from ERP/IT area for business needs. Your responsibilities Maintain, design and implementation of logistics (PP, MM) solutions on the basis of SAP ERP; SAP Configuration including test, documentation...

  • 希马工业自动化有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 Tasks and duties of the position: 1. Ensure that the global IMS and FSM processes are established, implemented and maintained. This includes the single processes and the interfaces between the processes. 2. Supporting the process owner for their processes and the improvement of the process performances, and ensuring alignment with the global stakeholders. 3. Managing the internal and external audits, supplier qualification, change control, non-conforming, corrective and preventive actio...

  • Supplyframe China 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 岗位职责: 1. 制定需求生成策略,提高供应商在中国媒体和电子商务领域的认知度。 Develop a demand generation strategy to drive awareness to Supplyframe’s media and e-commerce initiatives in China. 2. 在公司领导层的一致同意/支持下,制定项目计划,制定目标,并确保计划的完美执行。Develop a project plan with consensus/support from the company’s leadership, establish targets, and be the guardian of flawless execution of this plan. 3. 制定报告策略,使数字营销活动及其结果透明化。 Create a reporting strategy that brings transparency into the digital marketing activities and their results. 4. 提供有效的用...

  • 国际SOS 查看所有职位 上海市 杨浦区

    工作内容: 国际医疗救援服务。与世界各地援助中心协调医生合作,负责处理所有中国客户、病人以及在华国际人员的国内、国外相关紧急医疗救援求助,提供及时、专业的医疗建议,组织和监督医疗救援服务。根据工作需要,承担夜间轮班服务。 医疗转运。根据国际医疗运输标准,在需要时担任航空飞行医生,完成国内、国际病人转运任务。 发展和维护医疗服务网络。协助相关团队在中国大陆地区建立和维护高质量的国际医疗供需网络。 任职要求: 临床医学五年制本科及以上学历, 持有医师执业证书、医生资格证书 五年以上临床经验(急诊、ICU、大内科、外科、全科等) 良好的中文和英语交流能力,包括口头和书面交流 优秀的沟通能力(包括跨文化交流能力),包括与团队成员的沟通、以及与中外客户、病人的沟通,特别是电话沟通能力 能够适应夜班、航空转运任务、及其他必要的国内、国际商务差旅 有三甲医院工作经验优先 有海外工作经验和(或)多种语言能力优先 Key Responsibilities: Taking and handling all medically and operationally related calls received...

  • STEMCELL Technologies China 查看所有职位 上海市 黄浦区

    上海市 黄浦区 Duties and Responsibilities: Handle incoming calls and enquiries. Greet visitors and escort them to proper rooms. Deal with local express, EMS, DHL's receiving, recording and sending. Purchase and manage the office stationery. Purchase and manage pantry staff including food, drink and coffee. Coordinate hotel and flight booking for departments. Ensure a clean working area. Monthly birthday celebration to employees. Qualifications: Bachelor degree or above. At least 2 years working ex...

  • 字节跳动 查看所有职位 北京市

    职位描述: 1. Create, transcreate, translate, edit and highly visible marketing, product, Ads and legal content 2. Proofread translations delivered by LSPs to ensure premium quality and market suitability 3. Organize trainings and feedback sessions for translators from LSPs to giving them clear and concise language-specific guidelines 4. Answer and maintain queries from LSPs 5. Define and maintain linguistic standards such as localization style guide, terminology database and specific instructions 6....

  • 麦基嘉 MacGregor 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 DESCRIPTION OF THE POSITION Responsible for optimizing the transportation and distribution of components and finished products. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Develop, implement, and monitor all logistics management systems and activities efficiently, including inbound logistics, warehousing, outbound logistics and return logistics. 2. Manage operation and development, implementation and maintenance of logistics IS systems; plan and manage logistics activities, continuous improvement initiatives an...

  • 丝芙兰总部 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    Position Title : Assistant HR Operation Manager Grade : Manager Department : Human Resources Duties and Responsibilities: Routine jobs: Supervise monthly payroll to ensure timely and accurately delivery. Handle attendance and leave management through HRIS. Monthly and yearly declaration for individual income taxes. Support to prepare survey questionnaire and collect market reports. Work with vendor to handle monthly social welfare to ensure the accuracy of employee benefit information in HRIS. W...

  • PwC 普华永道 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    Job Description & Responsibilities PwC Pharma & Life Science (P&LS) Consulting delivers broad range of services through an integrated, collaborative approach between our practitioners, clients and alliances. We have built our practice around senior practitioners who have significant years of industry experience gained both directly in industry and in advising a wide range on major MNC and Chinese clients. Globally PwC is recognized as a leading advisor across the sector, including ma...

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