- 深圳市鸿安货运代理有限公司 南京市 建邺区
南京市 建邺区 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 岗位要求: 1. 海运和空运相关行业一到两年销售经验。 2. 有兴趣学习物流行业各航线海运/空运相关知识。 3. 积极主动,自我激励,积极进取,外向,良好的沟通技巧。 4. 可接受出差。 5. 英语良好。 工作职责: 1. 专注于服务各航线海运和空运业务。 2. 完成相关航线的销售目标。 3. 确保销售活动符合公司标准和程序。 职能类别: 销售代表 关键字: 货代销售人员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:江东中路333号金奥国际中心8楼807室 公司信息 HLS Group, one of the market leading logistics provider in transpacific trade. HLS has established its own network throughout the Far East region including mainland China ( Shanghai, Tianjin, Ningbo, Qingdao, Dalian, Nanjing, Nantong, Zhangjiagang,...
- 广州市泰能人力资源咨询有限公司 Shanghai
产品不限,有日系客户开发及维护经验 精通日语,英文基本读写即可 Responsible: - Continuously acquire and determine projects: RFQ, A- project Must coordinate communication between company’s internal operational teams and customer for any sales/ delivery/ quality/ technical issue Clear communication and follow-up of samples, ramp-up plans, SOP procedures at project level Must follow applicable pricing rules, implement copper and currency models and adapt procedures when needed Clear communication of MOQ, lead time with internal a...
- 台北市私立亞伯拉罕語文短期補習班 Taibei
Abraham Academy is seeking eligible English teachers who are capable of teaching American Elementary and Junior High school subjects such as history, science, health, and language. Elementary School: Mon to Fri, 12:00 ~ 19:00 Qualifications: University Bachelor‘s degree Kindergarten: at least two years of experience in teaching children at age 3~4 Elementary: at least two years of experience in teaching science, health, history or language. Teaching certificate or TESOL certificate is preferable...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 11,2019 - 长沙市芙蓉区新航道培训学校 查看所有职位 长沙市
长沙市 月薪3,000 - 5,000元 岗位职责: 1、lcourse系统入学测试口语批改、个性化学院测试批改; 2、系统资料录入、组卷、发布试卷; 3、更新维护资料库及试卷; 4、及时解决助教/老师成绩查询、试卷批改等问题; 5、雅思、托福等全真模考安排、监考及模考试卷批改; 6、每周统计各校区学员出分、分析进退步率; 任职要求: 1、性格沉稳,英语基本功扎实; 2、通过专八或英语六级550分以上; 3、熟练运用word,excel等软件; 4、学历本科及以上; 我们为您提供: 1、五险一金; 2、一对一培训+业务技能培训+丰富知识培训; 3、员工旅游+员工聚会+不定期活动+拓展培训; 4、丰富的企业文化活动,轻松快乐的工作氛围; 5、国家法定节假日及带薪年假; 6、广阔的发展空间,丰厚的待遇。 职能类别: 培训督导 外语培训师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:五一广场平和堂商务楼18楼 公司信息 新航道国际教育集团(NEW CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP LIMITED) 由中国著名英语教育专家与教学管理专家胡敏教授率领一批国内外教育精英及专...
- 诺幼教育科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Coordinate with various division to collect source documents for accounting records Attending to banks on periodic basis to settle capital funds and other dealings Perform monthly bank reconciliation Bookkeeping in local accounting system to meet PRC accounting requirements Produce monthly journals, ledgers, P& L and Balance sheet English Bookkeeping into Xero Maintenance of fixed asset schedule for depreciation (if required) Prepare and maintain accounts working paper Binding and achiev...
- 中山大学 Guangzhou
合作导师姓名 Supervisor 二级学科 Second-level discipline 研究方向 Field of research 中文 英文 中文 英文 中文 英文 蔡禾 CAI HE 社会学 sociology 城市社会学研究 Urban sociology 丘海雄 QIU Haixiong 社会学 Sociology 经济社会学 Economic Sociology 梁玉成 LIANG Yucheng 社会学 Sociology 计算社会学 Computing Social Science 王宁 Wang Ning 社会学 Sociology 分享经济的社会学研究 The Sociology of Sharing Economy 王进 WANG Jin 社会学 Sociology 社会分层与流动 Social Stratification and Mobility 朱健刚 Zhu Jiangang 社会学 Sociology? 非营利组织与公益慈善 Civil society and philanthropy 黄晓星 Xiaoxing Huang 社会学 Sociolog...
- 深圳诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 海口市 龙华区
KEY RESULT AREA /areas of responsibility 主要职责 1.认同学校理念与愿景,服从人文部门负责人相应的工作安排,定期参与组内会议,遵守学校、部门相应的政策 2.担任中学部地理课程的教学工作。服从部门对教学进度、教学内容的安排。能够根据实际状况对课程方案提出建议,完善教学设计,达到北京历史课标。 3.熟悉北京市课程体系,并具有国际化的视野或国际教育背景,能与外籍教师沟通,传达北京地理课程标准,为课程引入国际元素 4.定期对学生的地理学习状况进行追踪和评估,包括形成性评估和总结性评估,保留相应数据,并及时向人文部门负责人进行反馈。 5.具有现代教育理念,能够参与教学研究;或能带领学生参与各类学科竞赛和开展跨学科学习。 任职资格: Qualifications/Training 资格证书/培训 1.Qualified teacher in the People’s Republic of China and a relevant international jurisdiction. 具有中华人民共和国教师资格 2.3-6YR PQE+ Experien...
- 英智广告有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
上海市 黄浦区 Job Responsibilities: – Construction and input to responses for client positioning strategy on social platforms for eCommerce and brand communication and positioning in the China market – Supports the development of new business proactively through external meetings, leveraging existing business and personal networks where possible – Manages internal strategy briefs for social media and eCommerce platform planning for new business opportunities and campaigns across internal teams where r...
- 维宁尔电子有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Work as customer logistics order and forecast window and transfer customer demand to MPS in CFM precisely and on time Make proper daily, weekly delivery plan based on customer order and forecast, make sure 100% on time delivery Gather monthly forecast from customer and make waterfall monthly and EQ quarterly Trace customer order and forecast fluctuation and inform material planning and production planning in time Monitor, follow up, report accurate inventory levels in CFM and 3rd warehouse a...
- 瓦克化学有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 KEY JOB RESPONSIBILITIES/主要职责 (include EHS responsibilities) 1. Assist Senior R&D manager developing dispersible polymer powder or dispersion solutions including emulsion polymer synthesis, analysis polymer and application properties, scale-up and commercializing support 2. Running and maintain lab polymer powder dryer; 3. Support NJG plant on product quality issues; 4. Support business team on innovation solution creation and implementation 5. Drive innovation by proposing new ideas...
- Teach For Taiwan 為台灣而教 台北市 信義區
TFT 2019-20 年度志工招募開跑囉! 小時候我們在寫作文的時候,「我的志願」是一道很常見的題目。 當時的我們或許曾經寫下:「我想成為一個醫生!」或者「我要當太空人!」這樣的文字,「我的志願」對我們來說,代表的是成為心目中理想大人的樣子。 對於每個TFT夥伴來說,「我的志願」還代表著一個對於更好世界的想像:「願有一天,台灣所有孩子,不論出身,都能擁有優質的教育和自我發展的機會。」 無論是關注教育的「醫生」; 還是投身教育政策倡議的「政治家」; 甚至是致力於企業社會責任的「管理顧問」; 都正在為了實現心目中的願景而共同努力。 在朝著這個願景前進的同時,我們也逐漸成為小時候心目中理想的大人。 TFT集結了許多來自不同背景、不同專業的人們,試圖創造影響力。在此誠摯地邀請你加入 TFT 年度志工的行列,和 TFT 一同實現「我們的志願」! 你身邊有沒有具備領導特質,同時充滿使命感的朋友呢? 若有任何問題,歡迎來信至 hr@teach4taiwan.org詢問喔! 招募資訊 報名期間|8/26(一) - 9/9(一) 中午12:00 招募網頁|https://pse.is/J6YFU 報名...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 10,2019 - 英诺瑞新科技发展有限公司 上海市 静安区
上海市 静安区 Key Objectives/Deliverables: Delivery of a web portal that hosts, retrieves and visualizes data upon user query into an internal IT environment through installation, programming and software/data integration. Work with the RIT team to deliver project documentation which complies with quality policies. Obtain and leverage deep knowledge of research processes and technologies, to ensure solutions meet the needs and to influence future application and research direction. Networking and alig...
- 深圳市冠旭电子股份有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 龙岗区 Main Responsibilities: 1. Daily contact with all visual design requirements of the company department; 2. Derivative peripheral product design, and various internal and external online and offline design requirements; 3. Responsible for VI specification and product packaging design of the company; 4. Participated in the creation of various activity schemes, and able to drive a variety of different design styles; 5. Responsible for or organized the complete design process of individual in...
- 深圳市卡琳娜化妆用具有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 福田区 We are urgently recruiting some sales executives for our fast growing company that offers great benefits with opportunities to learn and polish your skills alongside great business leaders. Enhance your English skills by daily working with foreigners all over the world. Karina is a fast growing company making beauty brush and tool products, our products mainly selling to Western market. We’re doing both OEM and ODM business. Our goal is to be the #1 in the industry, we need strong indivi...
- 广州市白云区米格包装图形设计中心... 佛山市 高明区
Minimum 5 years of relevant experience with at least 3 years at supervisory level, preferably gained from sizeable MNC or trading companies. Strong leadership, communications and interpersonal skills. Strong analytical and consulting skills. High level of integrity with good initiative. 职能类别:人事主管人事经理 关键字:英语流利六大模块招聘员工关系 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:高明...
- 重庆江北中欧外国语培训学校 Chongqing
公司简介 瑞思学科英语,依托全球特大K12教育集团HMHG优质教育资源及经验,致力于为中国家庭中3-18岁孩子提供全英文浸入式环境,锻炼纯正英语思维能力,塑造国际人才基础素养。将原汁原味的美国幼儿、公立小学课程体系同质同步的带到中国,始终坚持美国“鼓励式、探索式、启发式”的教育原则,改变传统教育模式,让孩子在课堂中担任学习的主角,将探索学习的过程还给孩子,让孩子们自己主动学习。形成了“学科英语 未来领导力培养 浸入式方法”的教育模式。 瑞思在中国 2007年,瑞思学科英语作为全球学科英语的首倡者之一,凭借独特的产品定位、优秀的商业模式,开创了少儿英语教育行业的崭新格局; 2008年,瑞思获得国际教育巨头EMPG International3000万元战略投资,成为少儿英语教育领域首批获得海外投资的教育机构之一; 2010年,公司现金销售额超过2亿元,在全国少儿英语教育领域遥遥领先; 瑞思学科英语在国内率先引入同质同步“美国小学”“美国幼儿园”课程体系,经过四年的发展,公司在北京、上海、武汉、天津、重庆、广州、杭州、南京、长沙、沈阳等全国80多个重点城市,设立了200多家中心,学员数量超...
- 英域成语言培训有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES l Delivering 6 hours per day of group lessons and/or private lessons to students through our online learning platform l Evaluating student progress and providing on-going guidance for improvement l Providing high-quality feedback on students’ written submissions l Attending required training and meetings l Contributing to center initiatives during office hours to increase staff engagement Requirements l Bachelor’s degree in any field l High level of English proficiency ...
- 广州市南沙优联教育中心 Guangzhou
Job Title: Administrative Assistant Position Description: The Administrative Assistant coordinates all apartment leases, maintenance and repair work at apartments with properties owners and other outside contractors and assists with the administration of the day-to-day operations of the Administrative department functions and duties. The Administrative Assistant carries out responsibilities in some or all of the following functional areas: organizes, manages and follows up the work order system,...
- 增城誉德莱国际学校 Zengcheng
Answer the phone calls and receive visitors Keep the front desk and lobby clean and tidy Receive and forward all kinds of mail, parcels, letters, newspapers, faxes, etc. and subscribe newspapers and periodicals Drafted and issued company announcements and notices Update the employee contact list Collect employee's food orders Follow up the delivery tasks Check the driving expenses and rental fees Input MYP system information Input K3 system information Handle company phone calls Handle campu...
- 博思藝教育中心 (葵涌) Kwai Chung
條件:有責任心,有耐性,守時,經驗不拘,在校学生也可。 工作職責: 指導及核對中小學生功課,温習默書,維持課室紀律 工作地點:葵涌 工作時間:星期一至五下午3:45-8:15,每天3-4.5小時, 每星期一至五天 工作類型: 兼職, 長期 薪酬:每小時 $60.00-$70.00...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 9,2019
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