- 沈阳史普雷丝餐饮管理有限公司 Shenyang
沈阳市 和平区 岗位职责: 1.负责与其它部门沟通,了解,确定活动需求,能够独立负责活动对接及现场执行。 2.按公司要求,结合实际情况制定合理方案,并将执行方案及活动要求及时传达并反馈给各部门。 3.方案确定后,负责现场量尺及布置,活动物料落实及对接,执行案撰写制定活动预算及应急方案。 4.接触并了解过电音文化,从事过酒吧方面企划经验***。 岗位要求: 1.沟通表达能力强。 2.理解能力强,反应速度灵活。 3.积极主动,责任心强,跟进能力强。 4.加分项:会PS,AI等设计软件的应用。 薪资福利: 活动策划(底薪+绩效奖金)4000-6000 欢迎投递简历,公司将第一时间回复并安排您的面试! 联系方式:024-81359888 职能类别: 活动执行 市场/营销/拓展专员 关键字: 活动执行 活动策划 执行 策划 微信 联系方式 上班地址:九纬路10号(原午夜阳光) 公司信息 你好,沈阳 希古尚博旗下全球连锁夜店SPACE CLUB登陆沈阳。 重金打造中国东北第一家旗舰店 依托娱乐力量将城市变得更加缤纷多彩 专业的专业团队;创新的产品模式 希古尚博始终是夜晚娱乐的中坚力量。 SPACE...
- 沈阳史普雷丝餐饮管理有限公司 Shenyang
沈阳市 和平区 岗位职责 1、巡查各区卖场产品陈列情况; 2、检查各区卖场促销人员在岗情况与业务水平; 3、抽查促销活动方案执行情况; 4、及时与促销员以及顾客沟通了解各区卖场可能存在的问题。 任职资格 1、大专以上学历; 2、具有创新、乐观积极的态度和团队合作精神; 3、熟练使用各种办公软件; 4、爱岗敬业,善于沟通与协调,做事公正严谨,有高度责任心。 薪资福利 督导专员/督导(提成+奖金),4500-10000; 欢迎投递简历,公司将第一时间回复并安排您的面试! 联系方式:024-81359888 职能类别: 促销主管/督导 督导/巡店 关键字: 督导 督导员 督导专员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:九纬路10号(原午夜阳光) 公司信息 你好,沈阳 希古尚博旗下全球连锁夜店SPACE CLUB登陆沈阳。 重金打造中国东北第一家旗舰店 依托娱乐力量将城市变得更加缤纷多彩 专业的专业团队;创新的产品模式 希古尚博始终是夜晚娱乐的中坚力量。 SPACE CLUB,希古尚博集团旗下品牌SPACE 西南地区历史首家百大俱乐部成员&每月不定期的主题派对 全球超过60位百大DJ合作 这里是最...
- 深圳市晨和智能有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 南山区 1.应届毕业生 2.英语六级以上,英语专业,国际贸易专业或电子商务专业 3.服从团队领导安排 4.能吃苦,勤奋学 Job Description(International friends also will be wellcome) 1. Customers Orders Follow up 2. Customer RFQ response and follow up. 3. New project management to keep the project is on schedule with good quality achievement. 4. Fix the problems with internal multi-function team. 5. Regular customers relationship maintenance. Desired Skill and Experience 1. Russian/Arabic/French/Spainsh native speakers, English also need. 2. The peopl...
- 深圳市晨和智能有限公司 Shenzhen
Job Description(International friends also will be wellcome) 1. Explore the new customers. 2. Customer RFQ response and follow up. 3. New project management to keep the project is on schedule with good quality achievement. 4. Fix the problems with internal multi-function team. 5. Regular customers relationship maintenance. Desired Skill and Experience 1. Russian/Arabic/French/Spainsh native speakers, English also need. 2. The people who living experience in Russia/Middle East/Africa/South Americ...
- 家菲一美語 Taizhong
工作內容 This is Chia Fei 1, and we are looking for a Native English Teacher to teach students English (junior high school students). If you have the need of the offer, please contact us. Position: Native English Teacher (part-time) Working Hours: We’ll discuss once we meet in person Job description and requirements: We need the one who has the experiences on teaching junior high school’s students and GEPT(oral speaking skill). Besides, topic for every single class is needed (good at interact with k...
tw.indeed.comAugust 28,2019 - 沈阳育博至教育信息咨询有限公司 Shenyang
芝麻街英语(Sesame Street English)旨在向全世界范围内以英语作为第二语言的3-12岁少年儿童提供最好的英语教育以及优质的英语教育资源,帮助孩子更好地思考、探索、激发自己最大的潜能,学会互相理解及更好地了解世界!芝麻街英语沈阳浑南万象生活城中心诚聘英才! 岗位职责: 1、负责带领市场团队拓展渠道、宣传品牌并完成指定的招生业绩目标; 2、负责指导学术团队工作,为芝麻街学员提供高质量的教学服务; 3、负责管理职能和服务团队,建立高效的服务支持流程,不断提升学员满意度; 4、为中心员工提供职业规划,并进行有效的业务技能培训及团队梯队培养; 5、为中心的长期发展提供战略性建议,不断完善和优化中心各项工作流程。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历; 2、3年以上销售管理或市场运营管理的工作经验,熟悉英语教育机构经营管理和企业运作及各部门的工作流程; 3、具有优秀的团队管理能力,有过策划活动、销售或语言培训经验; 4、英文流利者和有过创业经历者具有竞争优势; 5、热爱教育事业; 联系我们: 校区地址-辽宁省沈阳市浑南区浑南西路8号万象生活城(原泛华广场) 校区电话-024-66597...
- 绵阳市远华文化传播有限公司 Mianyang
1、 活动设计品的设计工作; 2、 公司内部设计品的设计工作; 3、完成部门领导交办的其他工作。 任职要求: 1、中专或以上学历,具有创意性设计理念及良好的空间感; 2、能独立完成设计方案及效果图; 3、熟练掌握COREDRAW,PHOTOSHOP,AI,3D MAX或C4D设计软件; (此为硬性条件) 4、良好的语言表达能力,善于分析总结,沟通能力强; 5、为人诚信、敬业、吃苦耐劳,高度的责任心和工作热情及良好的团队合作精神 6、2年以上相关工作经验。 职能类别: 动画/3D设计 平面设计师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:绵阳市涪城区翠花街107号光明华都13F...
- 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 Employment type: 社招 Mission and Purpose: Audi Retail Consulting acts as a full service provider for the Audi Sales Division in terms of consulting and qualification. Within its function within the project management office, the main tasks are to develop concepts to establish high level Dealer consultation. In addition the Master Coaches act as business coaches to ASD Dealer Consultants (DOC), They will coordinate all relevant retail project actions and will ensure the quality of implemen...
- 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing
Employment type: 实习生 Mission and Purpose The Audi China Powertrain Development department is responsible for developing the powertrain components for region China as well as supporting the localization process. Our major responsibility is to understand and satisfy the China specific needs related to powertrain systems, ensure a highest quality and innovations to produce attractive products and to delight our customers. Job Duties and Responsibilities Building up the HiL test system basic on the ...
- 天津市中北御河酒店管理有限公司 Tianjin
天津市 西青区 月薪2,000 - 3,000元 ? Produces food of high quality according to standard recipes 按照标准菜谱制作高质量的食品 ? Assists with the preparation, presentation, decoration and storage of the following dishes: 协助进行以下饭菜的制作、装盘、装饰和存储工作: o Meat dishes 荤菜 o Meat marinades 腌肉 o Carve meats 割肉 o Fish and shell fish 水产品 o Sauces for fish and shell fish 水产品用酱 o Garnishing techniques and methods of service for fish 对鱼进行装饰的技巧和方法 o Pastry, cakes and yeast goods 西饼、蛋糕和发酵食品 o Petits fours 法式小点心 o Desserts 甜点 o Chinese Regi...
- 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing
Employment type: 实习生 Mission and Purpose The Audi Innovation Research office at Audi China was established to analyze trends with focus on the Chinese market, one of our most important markets. The main objective of this office is to prepare insights of upcoming trends and changes among the Chinese society, customers, market etc. The results work as basis to AUDI AG and different departments at Audi China to gain a comprehensive notion of the existing and future changes in Chinese society in ord...
- 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing
Employment type: 实习生 Mission and Purpose Audi China was established in Beijing in 2009 as a fully owned subsidiary of AUDI AG. The company coordinates the business cooperation between AUDI AG and the Joint-Venture FAW-Volkswagen and SAIC-Volkswagen. In addition, Audi China supports global activities of AUDI AG, especially in Asia. The department Audi China R&D Powertrain Development is responsible for development and localization of 4 cylinder inline gasoline engines for the local market chi...
- 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 Employment type: 实习生 Mission and Purpose 1. Support projects of C/EE-1 on different topics 2. Effective communication and coordination with C/EE, R&D Beijing and other department 3. Ensure fleet arrangement and coordination 4. Admin tasks Job Duties and Responsibilities 1. Projects support and coordination in C/EE-1 on different topics including documentation, data collection, presentation preparation and communication. 2. Communication with C/EE, R&D China and other departments ...
- 上海浦东新区协和教育中心 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 月薪12,000 - 24,000元 工作职责: 1. 教授14-16节(至少两个班)的学科课或其他与本学科相关的课程 2. 提供德育支持,比如担任班级导师或承担监护职责 3. 开设至少一门活动课/跨学科课程 4. 研发课程并参与相关教研 Responsibilities: 1. To teach 14-16 (at least two classes) subject lessons or other related lessons per week 2. To provide pastoral care, for example take the role of a form tutor or duty supervisor 3. To teach at least one co-curricular course 4. To develop written curriculum and participate in relevant professional development. 任职要求: 1. 有教师资格证; 2. 有一定的书面英语技能,能进行基本的口头...
- 广州市天河区华业教育培训中心 Guangzhou
职位信息 1、从事印尼语教学活动、实施印尼语授课计划、保证教学质量; 也可从事印尼语翻译,印尼语文化交流工作 2、参与印尼语教师教学评议、进行学员考评和印尼语课程推广等; 3、与中心保持良好的联系,将学员提供的信息、发现的印尼语课程中存在的问题和建议及时反馈给中心等。 任职要求: 1、印尼语专业毕业,印尼语能力高级水平以上;印尼语翻译, 印尼语教学或印尼语能力考试辅导经验一年以上; 2、强烈的印尼语教学服务和市场意识,有团队合作精神; 3、擅长人际沟通,观察和语言表达能力强,有一定的领导能力; 4、敬业,主动,有亲和力,责任感,注意个人形象 5、印尼语教师/翻译全职或非全职皆可,普通话标准; 6、印尼语发音纯正,有留学印尼, 印尼语笔译或口译经验者优先。 Job description: 1. Teaching, giving Indonesian language lessons; 2. Translating, interpreting, editing translated Indonesian drafts; 3. Dubbing and recording for Indon...
- 上海浦东新区协和教育中心 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 月薪10,000 - 20,000元 工作职责: 1. 教授14-16节(至少两个班)的学科课或其他与本学科相关的课程 2. 提供德育支持,比如担任班级导师或承担监护职责 3. 开设至少一门活动课/跨学科课程 4. 研发课程并参与相关教研 Responsibilities: 1. To teach 14-16 (at least two classes) subject lessons or other related lessons per week 2. To provide pastoral care, for example take the role of a form tutor or duty supervisor 3. To teach at least one co-curricular course 4. To develop written curriculum and participate in relevant professional development. 任职要求: 1. 有教师资格证; 2. 英文流利,能够胜任全英语教学; 3. ...
- 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing
Employment type: 实习生 : Mission & Main Tasks: Strong team supporter especially in office management, organizational support and President office daily communication. Job Duties: President Office daily process support Briefing documents preparation Office daily operation and travel management for president office Meeting/ Business trip arrangement Board Member visit support Reimbursement and other application support Communication management and organization support Support for administration ...
- 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing
Employment type: 社招 : Mission & Main Tasks: The task of this position to support the head of R&D strategy to undertake secretarial and administrative duties in daily operation. Job Duties: Undertake secretarial and administrative duties for department director in daily operation: 1. handle business correspondences including: call screening, signature collection etc.; 2.manage and maintain calendar 3.coordinate internal and external meetings 4.make travel/meeting/event arrangement and pre...
- 麟和建筑工作室 Shanghai
关于我们: 创设于2000年的麟和建筑工作室(ATELIER L+),是一个立足于建筑实践与城市研究的建筑师团队,探讨建筑本体要素的现代性以及中国城市背景下的大尺度建造,关注中国大规模建筑建造中的现代性定位,关注基于现实条件与语境的高品质建筑实现,构成工作室的设计实践基本方向。高度的研究性与实践性构成了设计作品的基本特征。 研究,决定了建筑师需要对社会和专业保持一种高度的敏感,需要保持一种批判性的思考,需要在建筑外在条件和内在逻辑的探求中寻找答案,需要创造性地回应项目背景与现实需求,需要广阔的视野与组织策略。研究,使工作室保持了一贯的开放性与前瞻性,并努力参与到中国建筑当代性的探索之中。 建造,决定了建筑师需要高度的专业知识与职业经验,需要各专业工程师磨合而成的高水平团队,需要建筑师与业主-承建商-专项设计-政府部门等的良好沟通,需要建筑师对于细节-材料-工艺-工地-生产等环节的全面掌控。实践,使工作室保持了高水准建成作品的持续实现,并获得良好的声誉与专业奖项。 麟和建筑工作室(ATELIER L+)成为中国当代建筑多样化背景下的活跃团队。从设计竞标、到工地配合、材料选择、整合专业设计...
- 天水市秦州区芝麻街英语培训学校 天水市
职位信息 We are an English training center for kids , cooperated with the TV program "Sesame Street English " . Our school is also a chain business which consists of 300+ schools in China .The teaching brand was originally from Tokyo and the Chinese headquarter is located in Beijing . You will work in Tianshui city if you are interested . Tianshui is a lovely historical city which has a great climate and no air pollution all year long .We offer good wage ,accommodation and so on . Our employ...
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