- 上海携程国际旅行社有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 1、男女不限 户籍不限 年龄21-45岁; 2、法语专业八级 在校研究生或法语专业大学本科毕业的; 3、曾在国外留学过两年以上的法语口语流利尤佳; 4、在职法语性质有关的工作,培训机构教师优先; 工作时间:周六、周日或周一到周五其中的一天 ,需求每周两到三天 薪资:***薪酬日薪5000元以上 参加过三次以后的***表现突出的薪酬在原定基础上在每日多加1000元 激励奖金 职能类别: 法语翻译 关键字: 法语翻译 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:柳州路中星城77号中星城家乐福一楼...
- 上海大都市国际旅行社有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 普陀区 职位描述: 工作职责: 1、主要负责产品(主要是酒店)采购,设计,销售和维护,负责对酒店洽谈合作方案,价格谈判及签约后的维护工作; 2、协调处理与合作酒店的业务关系(包括预订、结算、投诉等,关注合作酒店的房态情况以保证相关业务的正常运转) 3、参与制作营销计划,多方位、多渠道进行酒店产品销售。 4、维护酒店的价格并定期与同行进行比较,掌握市场动态信息; 5、开拓自己所管辖区域内的业务,维护产品价格的优势。 基本要求: 1. 必须具有3年以上OTA或酒店销售相关工作经验; 2. 工作积极主动,可独立开展工作并带领团队完成业绩指标; 3. 较好的逻辑思维、数据分析能力和谈判能力; 4. 应聘海外产品经理(总监)的,必须具有良好的英语听说读写能力,会日语、韩语、西班牙语的更佳; 5. 能熟练操作offcie软件; 6. 可接受出差。 职能类别: 酒店/宾馆经理 其他 关键字: 奖金丰厚 出差补贴 立即上岗 员工旅游 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:澳门路715号2楼...
- Anantara Vacation Club安纳塔拉度假会 查看所有职位 Shanghai
position preview serve as the key contact point for our club owners; provide customer service and reservation service to club owners in the language of their choice. also liaise closely with the contract administration and financial services departments, ensure sales contracts are processed and payments collected in an accurate and timely manner essential duties & responsibilities provide a high level of customer service for club points owners through the club services centre, website and va...
- 雄獅旅行社股份有限公司 Taibei
[職務內容] 品牌公關推廣及撰寫行銷企畫案 集團(含各BU)相關公關活動企劃與記者會執行 撰寫新聞稿、發布新聞訊息 連繫媒體記者採訪及媒體接待事宜 協助處理部門行政庶務與主管交辦事項 [職務條件] 具親和力、溝通協調能力佳、能獨立作業者優先考慮 熟悉媒體公關運作、文筆順暢 具公關公司、媒體相關工作經驗者尤佳 需能接受不定期加班或週末支援活動需求 [夥伴特質] 熱情、熱血、活潑。 體力、耐力、智力兼具。 職務類別 : 品牌宣傳/媒體公關主管 媒體購買 休假制度 : 週休二日 上班時段 : 白天班 年 6 月 12 日 需求人數 : 1人 薪資待遇 : 面議每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 全職 上班日期 : 兩週內 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 出差說明 : 不需出差 工作條件 學歷要求 : 碩士、大學 科系要求 : 一般大眾傳播學類、新聞學類 工作經驗 : 5 年以上 身份類別 : 一般求職者 外語能力 : 英文 聽:普通 說:普通 讀:普通 寫:普通 技能與求職專長 電腦技能 : 未填寫 其他條件 無 徵才特色 應徵方式 連絡人 : HR Email : 若有意應徵,請直接按「...
tw.indeed.comJune 12,2019 - 必思博(北京)旅行社有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Vacancy for Guest Experience Manager (Shanghai Office) > Do you want a lead role in a company that’s making waves in the international travel industry? > Do you love designing itineraries for foreign visitors? > Are you incredibly organized, detail oriented and – be honest – a terrible perfectionist? Bespoke Travel Company is looking for an experienced, super-organized and fun individual to take on the role of Guest Experience Manager in its Shanghai office. The ideal candidate will...
- 亿百媒会展有限公司 Shanghai
The overall goal of the position is to provide administrative support to Managing Director as well as a short list of senior managers by managing the calendar, travel, information requirements, materials and meetings in a way that maximizes efficiency and effectiveness of the office. Responsibilites: Manage the calendar(s) and make the meeting arrangements; Attend in key meetings and produce the minutes; Coordinate and confirm the bookings of flights, train and hotel accommodations; Organize and...
- 冷泉港亚洲会务有限公司 Suzhou
苏州市 工业园区 Job Description: 1. responsible for coordinating with hotel(s), including accomodation/ food etc for meeting participants; 2. responsible for logistical arrangements- visa, transportation, food, accommodation etc for courses participants; 3. responsible for travel reimbursements for invited lecturers of lecturers; 4. help course organizers to some necessary preparations/ arrangements; 5. HR reletive work 6. other tasks assigned by CEO Requirements: 1. BA degree required with 4+ years ex...
- 中国欧盟商会 Beijing
北京市 Job description An internship position is available at the Chamber’s Beijing Office. The intern will assist the Government Relations Manager. Key responsibilities including monitoring the industrial and trade developments in China and the EU, responding to inquiries on Chinese laws, regulations and policies, and supporting the activities of the Government Affairs Department and the Government Affairs Forum. The position also involves supporting the supervisors with the coordination and organ...
- 上海翱蒲会展有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 会议策划主要职能是航空市场调研和航空项目统筹管理。通过舆情分析与专业电话调研的方式制定会议议程,邀请演讲嘉宾,并与其他公司各个部门统筹协作。 岗位要求: 1. 高等院校本科学历,熟知商务、航空、经济和国际关系常识; 2、航空两年以上工作经历;并且具有市场调研经验 3. 有优秀的中英文写作和口语交流能力; 4. 时间观念强,能够在高压环境下高效工作; 5. 对社会时事与行业动向具有高度的兴趣与敏感度; 6.沟通能力强,自信,果断; 7. 硕士或有海外留学背景的优先 员工的福利包括: 1.能够在英语语言环境下工作; 2. 我们将提供有关于产品专业知识以及如何进一步提升销售和业务拓展能力的全面培训; 3. 持续的培训项目; 4. 具备强有力的领导能力人才将被考虑晋升管理层职位; 5. 我们的活动分布全球十几个大型城市,所有的业务代表都将有机会去往各个大会现场参与现场交流与客户发展; 6. 基于业绩的表现将会提供内部晋升管理层的机会; 职能类别: 产品/品牌主管 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市浦东新区茂兴路88号欧本商务401室...
- 上海翱蒲会展有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Job Requirements: Bachelor degree with energy/infrastructure/finance industry 1 years working experience. Good command of oral and written English, at least CET-6 is required The ability to assimilate complex information quickly-Strong analytical research skills Good verbal communication skills for telephone research The ability to sell an original idea to the C-levels Entrepreneurial with creative flair Big interesting in macroeconomics -Good time management skills - able to work under...
- 中国可持续发展工商理事会 Beijing
主要工作内容: 1、整理企业公开发布的年报、财报、可持续发展报告、CSR 报告等财务及非财务报告。 2、整理、采集企业的经营数据、环境资源数据、社会责任表现等信息; 3、搜集整理政府部门和行业协会等组织公布的企业监管数据、行业节能减排、能效水平等 数据和信息; 4、数据库、网站功能测试; 5、其他相关工作。 我们希望你: 1. 责任心强,有团队合作精神,注重细节,能高效完成工作任务; 2. 认同可持续发展理念,有热情和创新精神; 3. 擅长有关企业财务数据、管理信息以及网络信息的搜集、整理、研究与分析; 4. 来自财务、管理、环境、英语等相关专业; 5. 熟练操作office 办公软件等; 6. 能阅读英文资讯、文献、报告等; 7. 每周工作3 天以上,特殊情况可不坐班。 我们为你提供: 1. 高效务实、亲切有爱的工作团队,与奋斗在可持续发展前沿的国内外专业人士共事; 2. 参与国内、国际合作项目,为可持续发展贡献一份力量; 3. 展现个人专业知识和才能的舞台; 4. 迅速了解可持续发展的内涵和现状,系统研习可持续发展进程与国际、国内前沿动态, 深入了解企业发展的未来趋势与落实可持续目...
- 中国法国工商会 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Company Our client is a French manufacturer of fine silver flatware and home accessories. Since 1830, our client has devoted its talent to creating, with elegance and know-how, exceptional pieces for the table, sophisticated jewelry, and stunning home accessories and furniture. Beyond the excellence in silversmithing that forged the illustrious house's reputation and success. The position is open in Shanghai office, based in Changning district. Responsibility Objectives Press Relations &...
- 德勤华永会计师事务所 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Description: Deloitte China Deloitte China's professionals provide a full range of audit & assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk management and tax services. We connect with the Deloitte Global network to provide clients of any size with local experience and international expertise. As one of the leading professional services providers, we have considerable experience in this marketplace. The Deloitte purpose is about making an impact that matters to our clients, people and soc...
- JTC株式会社 Hangzhou
工作地点:日本 大阪市 1,大学本科毕业,有编程经验的优秀专科毕业生也可以考虑 2,最少会一种编程语言,c,c++,VB,JAVA等等 3,优秀的文科毕业生会SQL,oracle等数据库软件也可以考虑 4,会一点日语基础,N4水平就可以 优秀人才工资可以协商!!! 福利待遇: 1,免中介费办理日本工作签证 2,公司缴纳日本各种保险,享受日本人同等医疗,养老保险等待遇(孩子可以免费就读日本的公立学校) 3,可以办理日本移民 联系微信:liu_liu15 职位类型:全职 薪资:10,000.0元 - 20,000.0元/月...
- JTC株式会社 Shanghai
上海市 月薪10,000 - 20,000元 工作地点:日本 大阪市 1,大学本科毕业,有编程经验的优秀专科毕业生也可以考虑 2,最少会一种编程语言,c,c++,VB,JAVA等等 3,优秀的文科毕业生会SQL,oracle等数据库软件也可以考虑 4,会一点日语基础,N4水平就可以 优秀人才工资可以协商!!! 福利待遇: 1,免中介费办理日本工作签证 2,公司缴纳日本各种保险,享受日本人同等医疗,养老保险等待遇(孩子可以免费就读日本的公立学校) 3,可以办理日本移民 联系微信:liu_liu15 职位类型:全职 薪资:10,000.0元 - 20,000.0元/月...
- 中国法国工商会 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Company Our client is a leading Brandtech and data company that was founded by former CEO and management team of Google Southern Europe. French-born and headquartered in Paris, it rapidly grew from startup to an international company with 180 staff across 5 offices in Shanghai, Hong-Kong, London, New York and Paris. We’ve been working with brands to help them thrive in a multi-channel, digitized world since 2010, through the strategic use of data and marketing technologies, and the astute coordi...
- 中美联泰大都会人寿保险有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 1. Administrative work: in charge of the daily schedule of CEO office, including calendar management, travel-related arrangements (e.g. reservation of hotel/restaurant/ flight/), expense reimbursement, receipt and delivery of correspondence, screening phone calls, submission and follow-up of internal and external documents, etc. 2. Draft, translate and file various documents, and keep brief report of meetings and record of the office’s big events; 3. Communication window among CEO office...
- 美国艾滋病健康基金会 查看所有职位 Beijing
Summary: Managing AHF China’s advocacy and marketing work with support to country project objectives and Global advocacy & Marketing priorities. Collaborating with multi- partners (stakeholders) internally and externally, driving integrated resources to create China advocacy and marketing strategy and plan, and lead the execution accordingly for the purpose of making sure the organization’s mission and best practice can be well received and resonated in China, hence affect the related policy...
- 互满爱人与人国际运动联合会云南代表处 查看所有职位 Kunming
Position Summary: 职位概述 The Public Relation Officer will promote the existing work to mobilize social support for existing and future projects in the areas of village and community development, preschool education for vulnerable children, environmental protection, prevention and care of infectious diseases, and other poverty alleviation projects. The Public Relation Officer will research possible partners, prepare meetings, assist in developing programs, and assist in negotiations with local part...
- Little SOCIUM 立秀宝儿童社会体验英语小镇 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 杨浦区 Description: Little SOCIUM is looking for enthusiastic, out-going, native English language trainers. We want you to join us and inspire children to learn a new language whilst exploring their hopes and dreams. http://www.littlesociumchina.com/ Requirements: To have bachelor’s degree To be a native English speaker (UK, USA, AUS, NZ, CAN) To be no older than 35 years old. To have the patience to be able to communicate with children and adults where English is not their first language To ha...
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