- 诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 职位描述: 请务必发送中英文简历 JOB TITLE Teaching Assistant (TA) JOB PURPOSE To work with teaching staff to undertake learning programmes and assist the form teacher in the management of students and the classroom. TAs’ work under the direction of the teacher, Head of TA, Head of School, and ultimately the school Principal. Work may be carried out in the classroom or outside the main teaching area, with the whole class, a small group, or an individual student. TAs will be expected to have some experti...
- 上海药明康德新药开发有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Play a key role in the development of protein expression in E.Coli, insect, and mammalian cells. Play a critical role in the development of protein purification, including chromatography, filtration and etc. Provide protein crystallization and structure determination support for projects working towards structure-based drug design Perform the biophysics assays to measure the affinity kinetics parameters between two molecules. Participate the development of GPCR protein expression and pu...
- 诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 奉化市
JOB PURPOSE You will be responsible for supporting an outstanding experience for parents and students through the Purchase phase of the Parent Experience Journey, as families progress from initial enquiry through to and including the child’s first day at school, thereby maximising the conversion of leads into new starters. REPORTING TO Manager of Admissions and Marketing DIRECT REPORTS None OTHER KEY RELATIONSHIPS § School Manager of Admissions and Marketing § School SLT and staff § Parents and ...
- 西安益德沛儒教育科技有限公司 Chengdu
成都市 高新区 Job description: 1、Having lesson plan and syllabus in detail; 2、Cooperative,coordinative and disciplined; 3、Having a friendly and harmonious relationship with students; 4、Lingual/cultural communication activities, etc. Requirements: 1. English Native speaker; 2. Good user of English or Chinese or other languages as second language; 3. Degree holder (degree gained in a nationally recognized university, Major of Linguistics, Education preferred, other majors are also accepted); 4. Lingual ...
- 苏州诺德安达学校 查看所有职位 Suzhou
Key Responsibilities: Guide parents and students through the admissions process, making the experience positive, straightforward and engaging throughout. Build an understanding of each family’s needs and interests throughout the Parent Experience Journey. Drive conversion at each stage of the pipeline by maintaining a focus on ‘closing’ towards the next step. Ensure that the school’s brand and core messages are integrated throughout the Purchase process. Support the Admissions Manager throughout...
- 诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Job Responsibilities: Teaching and learning Assist in the educational and social development of students under the direction and guidance of the Class Teacher and Head of TA. Assist in the implementation of Individual Education Programmes for students, help monitor their progress and feedback to the form Teacher and Head of TA . Provide support for individuals and groups of students inside and outside the classroom Undertake some teaching tasks with groups of students following plans as prepared...
- 香港德普亚洲有限公司广州代表处 Guangzhou
广州市 海珠区 月薪5,000 - 10,000元 职位信息 箱包设师 Backpack designer 主要工作职责 1. 设计以双肩背包、电脑包、休闲包、手提包、箱包类为主; 2. 根据读市场需求和客户要求展开产品图稿设计工作,开发新产品,并对其进行控制和执行 3. 挖掘时尚信息、流行元素,收集适合品牌的配饰图样、款式等; 4. 跟踪样板制作,并对选料、用料、配色及物料搭配进行确认 5. 经常走访了解市场潮流,掌握产品市场变化动态,进行产品概念创意设计,并作具体的产品设计标准图纸; Major job responsibilities 1. mainly design for backpacks, computer bags, casual bags, handbags, luggage; 2. Explore new products and make artwork according to the market demand and customer requirements, control and execute them. 3. Know well about fas...
- 奥美德国际医院建筑顾问有限公司 Beijing
1. Under supervision, recommend manufacturers and provides specific project equipment lists within established standards and budget. Contributes information for budget development and updates. Develops 2. Check the configuration list provided by the manufacturer and make sure that the configuration can meet the technical description requirements. Give guidance on the adjustment of technical parameters according to specific requirements. 3. According to the actual situation of the Chinese market,...
- 广州艾太德国际货运代理有限公司 Guangzhou
职位信息 iTrade Universal Co Ltd is a trading company, specialized in Cosmetics packaging, Machinery, and general trading products We are looking for a candidate (purchasing) DUTIES: As a purchasing person, you may: Able to localize good sources/suppliers for a different product (according to customer requirement) Analyze market price, determine different players in the market. Negotiate with the supplier and accomplish company target rate. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED In order to qualify, you must meet ...
- 佛山市雷米高动物营养保健科技有限... Foshan
职位信息 1、能够独立完成宠物粮食试验方案的设计,统筹完成临床试验、产品的小试和中试研究; 2、协助部门经理制定相关产品开发策略及产品计划; 3、具备优化、升级现有产品的配方参数能力; 4、负责收集国内外技术资料,关注相关产品动向,提供技术支持; 5、项目相关文件的起草、修订,申报资料的整理和各项研究综述的撰写; 6、及时掌握行业动态,带领项目组成员按时按质完成项目开发工作; 7、协助上级完成部门其他工作。 岗位要求: 1、硕士学历,动物营养、食品(水产饲料)加工、兽医(动医)相关专业; 2、从事畜禽水产饲料、养殖领域的技术工作经验1年以上,或小动物治疗、护理和饲养工作经验1年以上; 3、有宠物食品研发或生产加工工作经验1年以上,熟悉宠物行业法律法规,有一定的市场敏感度; 4、有参与宠物食品开发经验的应届生亦可。 5、单双休(可灵活轮休) 公司福利: 社会保障:为员工购买佛山社保(养老医疗等五险); 健康保障:为转正员工报销入职体检费用、每年度组织员工体检; 薪酬待遇:工资=底薪+绩效(提成)+专项奖金+年终奖; 培训体系:公司为新员工提供入职培训及专业培训,不断提高员工的专业能力与综...
- 上海德稻集群文化创意产业有限公司 Shanghai
工作地点:上海松江 Location:Songjiang Shanghai 公司名称:德稻教育 Company Name:DeTao Masters Academy 公司网站: www.detaoma.com Conpany Website:www.detaoma.com 您的工作职责是什么? What are my responsibilities? 1、管理4个年级学生的日常活动。与其他教师一起安排所有设计练习和作业。 Manage all day to day activities across all 4 class levels. Establish all design exercises and assignments (with other teachers). 2、为所有级别学生的安排课堂作业并评分。重点是大三大四学生。 Establish and execute all class assignments and grading across all levels of students. Primary focus will be given to Senior ...
- 宁波鄞州赫德实验学校 查看所有职位 Ningbo
宁波市 鄞州区 月薪15,000 - 20,000元 专业要求:计算机科学 知识与技能: 1. 本科及以上, 有双语工作背景, 2. 英语听说读写流利,有较强的中英文写作能力和编辑能力; 3. 做事严谨、细心,表现出成熟与谨慎的个性; 4. 熟悉IGCSE AP课程 职责范围; 1. 至少3年及以上初高中全职教学经验 At least 3 years or above full-time teaching experience in Junior/Senior high school 2. 硕士或以上学历,与所应聘科目对应或相关的专业背景 Bachelor’s degree or above with major in Chinese, Maths, Science, Humanities or related subject area; 3. 持有初、高中教师资格证,热爱教师工作,熟悉中学课程设置,(语文教师须持普通话二甲及以上证书) Junior/Senior high school teaching certificate 4.重视学生素质和学习能力的培养,擅长与学生沟通交流,能...
- 常德市武陵区艾比培训学校有限公司 常德市 武陵区
Job Descriptions: a) 负责开班前准备工作,教学资源的确认 Be responsible for the preparation before starting a new class; b) 负责新进学员的进班指引工作 Be responsible for the guidance of new students; c) 校区课间对于学生的纪律维持,保持前台没有学生嬉戏、大声喧哗 Maintaining students discipline in the campus ; d) 引导在读学员推荐新客户 Guide students to recommend new customer e) 做好学生学习管理工作(如学生请假,调课、补课安排) A job of students study management (such as asking for leaving 、changing curriculum and arranging make up a missed lesson; f) 了解学生的学习进展情况并向家长沟通反馈,对在读学员提供高质量的服务,最终完成中...
- 南通诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 Nantong
南通市 . Applicants for this position must understand and be able to customize, build and support data and information systems and software and be competent in handling administrative tasks, including but not limited to: User management for VLE and Database systems Support and train both teaching and non-teaching staff as required Design and enhance the assessment data collection system Develop reports and understand desired outcomes as requested including for communication to parents Perform requi...
- 佛山市雷米高动物营养保健科技有限... 云浮市
云浮市 月薪3,000 - 4,000元 职位信息 1、热爱小动物,愿意饲养小动物; 2、电脑录入数据。 岗位要求: 1、懂office办公软件; 2、工作认真负责; 3、中专或以上学历,犬猫饲养者优先考虑 。 包住包住 职能类别: 饲养员 畜牧师 关键字: 饲养员 畜牧师 试验 试验 动物营养 养殖员 宠物 动物 文员 化验 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:新兴县车岗镇朗头村 地图 公司信息 雷米高动物营养保健科技有限公司简介: 雷米高动物营养保健科技有限公司是中澳合资东方澳龙集团旗下的子公司,专门进行雷米高宠物事业的运营,管理、营销、技术、服务团队,都由一批资深的行业人士组成。专业的人才,再凭借澳洲的产品技术优势和东方澳龙企业实力,努力成就中国宠物产业的新势力,RAMICAL雷米高,一直践行着责任、爱心、分享、创新的企业原则,短短数年时间,已经成为行业内最有影响力的品牌之一。 澳洲高科集团是全球动物保健行业的领航者,几十年来,一直致力于追求和探索动物保健的最前沿技术,始终保持着医药、食品、营养、保健方面的技术优势。集团在全球范围内拥有研发、制造、分销网点,并于2001年在华投资了中澳...
- 佛山市雷米高动物营养保健科技有限... Foshan
佛山市 月薪3,500 - 6,000元 职位信息 1、 按要求完成公司的检验任务及法规规定的各项检验记录(检验任务主要为原料、成品、试验样品等的检测,检测项目包含常规营养成分、微量元素、维生素、微生物指标、卫生指标等); 2、 按要求对产品进行留样观察,填写《成品留样观察记录》; 3、实验室易制毒品、危险化学品的保管与使用; 实验室试剂及耗材采购、仪器维护保养、日常卫生清理。 岗位要求: 1、有食品、饲料厂化验工作经验者优先考虑; 2、熟悉液相色谱、原子吸收或微生物检验操作者优先; 3、熟悉常规营养成分检测,如蛋白、脂肪、钙、磷、纤维、灰分、水分等; 4、动物营养、畜牧兽医、生物技术、化学工程、食品检验等应届毕业生亦可; 包吃包住 公司福利: 社会保障:为员工购买佛山社保(养老医疗等五险); 健康保障:为转正员工报销入职体检费用、每年度组织员工体检; 薪酬待遇:工资=底薪+绩效(提成)+专项奖金+年终奖; 培训体系:公司为新员工提供入职培训及专业培训,不断提高员工的专业能力与综合能力; 其他福利:公司设置茶水间(冰箱/微波炉/饮水机/咖啡机)、员工生日福利、传统节日福利等; 假期种类...
- 佛山市雷米高动物营养保健科技有限... Foshan
佛山市 月薪3,500 - 5,000元 职位信息 1、GSP药品验收管理; 2、 GSP兽药操作系统管理与维护、文件的日常管理; 3、GSP仓库日常管理; 4、批文药品扫码出入库; 岗位要求: 1、有GSP相关工作经验者优先考虑; 2、有兽药、医药相关行业工作经验者优先考虑; 3、专业方向:动物医学、医药相关专业、生物技术专业、化学相关专业者优先考虑。 我司网址:www.ramical.com 公司福利: 社会保障:为员工购买佛山社保(养老医疗等五险); 健康保障:为转正员工报销入职体检费用、每年度组织员工体检; 薪酬待遇:工资=底薪+绩效(提成)+专项奖金+年终奖; 培训体系:公司为新员工提供入职培训及专业培训,不断提高员工的专业能力与综合能力; 其他福利:公司设置茶水间(冰箱/微波炉/饮水机/咖啡机)、员工生日福利、传统节日福利等; 假期种类:国家法定假期;入职满可享有带薪年假; 文体活动:丰富的员工活动,如团队聚餐、运动健身、年度旅游,年会等。 明确的发展前景: 1.营销人员:业务员―区域经理―大区经理―总监―副总―总经理 2.职能部门:基础员工―资深员工―部门主管―部门经理―...
- 宁波鄞州赫德实验学校 查看所有职位 Ningbo
宁波市 鄞州区 岗位职责: 1.至少3年及以上初高中全职教学经验 At least 3 years or above full-time teaching experience in Junior/Senior high school 2.硕士或以上学历,与所应聘科目对应或相关的专业背景 Bachelor’s degree or above with major in Chinese, Maths, Science, Humanities or related subject area; 3.持有初、高中教师资格证,热爱教师工作,熟悉中学课程设置,(语文教师须持普通话二甲及以上证书) Junior/Senior high school teaching certificate 4.重视学生素质和学习能力的培养,擅长与学生沟通交流,能因材施教 Care for students, pay attention to students’ character and learning needs, good communication with students, and cater for ...
- 上海德稻集群文化创意产业有限公司 Shanghai
Key responsibilities: Fashion photography, Fashion film making. Production, lighting, styling, editing still and moving image post production. Main duties and responsibilities The main duties and responsibilities of this role have been grouped in the following areas: 1. Learning and Teaching. 2. Innovation and Industy engagement 3. Mentoring and Pastoral Care. 4. Curriculum Development. 5. Quality Assurance and Enhancement. Essential requirements: First degree in Photography and / or film making...
- 深圳诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 Shenzhen
The ideal candidate will be/have: Qualifications/Training A formal librarian qualification Knowledge of Alice Library System Experience / Knowledge Working with children and adults Working in a library or information management environment Experience of working in a school library Skills Good ICT and internet skills Wide general knowledge Excellent interpersonal and communication skills Organisational ability Ability to solve problems Personal Attributes A team player Capable of working to speci...
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