- 北京凯特领先文化传媒有限公司 北京市 朝阳区
中教 要求: 1、本科以上学历,男女不限,葡萄牙语相关语言专业,基本功扎实,发音标准,口语流利; 2、形象端正,亲和力强,身体健康,精力充沛; 3、有较强团队合作精神和敬业精神,对学员,对工作都有认真负责的做事态度; 4、能力素质:关注和热爱学生,了解学生需求;具备较强的沟通能力与逻辑思维能力;有一定教学技能与课堂管理能力;富有影响力与感染力。 5、留学人员或相关教育工作经验一年以上优先; Foreign Teacher Job requirements 1.Native English speaker; 2. Bachelor degree or above. 3.Strong planning and execution ability are required, be good at communicating, analyzing. Being able to solve emergency problem is required. 4. Good written and oral communication ability, proficiency with office s...
- 北京拓普利达科技有限责任公司 北京市 石景山区
Job Responsibilities: 1、Responsibility for online marketing and maintenance on company brand and products on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, overseas forum, blog, etc. including but not limited to making posts, scheduling posts, launching activities, marketing, so as to increase the CTR, fans and interaction and the popularity. 2、Assist colleagues to optimize company website, improve website contents and copywritings Compose articles to promote the activities and products on the company w...
- 北京凯特领先文化传媒有限公司 北京市 西城区
工作职责 1.能够中意语沟通授课,并保证教学质量; 2.能够熟练操作办公软件,独立制作教学课件; 入职要求 1.意大利语为母语的外籍教师 2.口语标准、地道;较强的读写能力; 3.乐于接受全新的教育理念和教学模式; 4.计划长期在北京居住,能长期工作; Job requirements 1.Native Italian speaker; 2. Bachelor degree or above. 3.Strong planning and execution ability are required, be good at communicating, analyzing. Being able to solve emergency problem is required. 4. Good written and oral communication ability, proficiency with office software. 工作地址: 北京市西城区枫桦豪景商务中心A座6单元6层601室 北京市朝阳区十里堡城市广场甲3号院1号楼24层 北京市朝阳区望京西园429号楼里外里大厦6...
- 北京凯特领先文化传媒有限公司 北京市 西城区
北京市 西城区 工作职责 1.能够中葡语沟通授课,并保证教学质量; 2.能够熟练操作办公软件,独立制作教学课件; 入职要求 1、葡萄牙语为母语的外籍教师 2.口语标准、地道;较强的读写能力; 3.乐于接受全新的教育理念和教学模式; 4.计划长期在北京居住,能长期工作; Job requirements 1.Native Portuguese speaker; 2. Bachelor degree or above. 3.Strong planning and execution ability are required, be good at communicating, analyzing. Being able to solve emergency problem is required. 4. Good written and oral communication ability, proficiency with office software. 工作地址: 北京市西城区枫桦豪景商务中心A座6单元6层601室 北京市朝阳区十里堡城市广场甲3号院1号楼24层 北京市朝阳区望京西园...
- 北京凯特领先文化传媒有限公司 北京市 朝阳区
北京市 朝阳区 中教 要求: 1、本科以上学历,男女不限,意大利语相关语言专业,基本功扎实,发音标准,口语流利; 2、形象端正,亲和力强,身体健康,精力充沛; 3、有较强团队合作精神和敬业精神,对学员,对工作都有认真负责的做事态度; 4、能力素质:关注和热爱学生,了解学生需求;具备较强的沟通能力与逻辑思维能力;有一定教学技能与课堂管理能力;富有影响力与感染力。 5、留学人员或相关教育工作经验一年以上优先; Foreign Teacher Job requirements 1.Native Italian speaker; 2. Bachelor degree or above. 3.Strong planning and execution ability are required, be good at communicating, analyzing. Being able to solve emergency problem is required. 4. Good written and oral communication ability, proficiency with ...
- 深圳市北伦敦教育投资有限公司 深圳市 福田区
深圳市 福田区 Requirements: Applicant must have knowledge of the British Early Years Foundation Stage with at least 2 years teaching experience. British Nationality and native English speaker applicants preferred. Minimum 2 year’s Contract. Must hold a minimum Level 3 NNEB, BTEC National or Level 4 Foundation Degree in Early Years Education. Job Descriptions: To be responsible for the daily running and administration of the classes whilst ensuring high quality childcare and early year teaching for the...
- 北京沃利帕森工程技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 More than 3 years work experience in chemical/ petrochemical project Good English Stadpro software capability Familiar with US/Erope standard Flexible Mobilization prefer 职能类别: 结构工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:闵行区顾戴路2337号上海丰树商业城塔楼D座15层...
- 北京凯特领先文化传媒有限公司 北京市 西城区
北京市 西城区 工作职责 1.能够中阿语沟通授课,并保证教学质量; 2.能够熟练操作办公软件,独立制作教学课件; 入职要求 1.俄语为母语的外籍教师 2.口语标准、地道;较强的读写能力; 3.乐于接受全新的教育理念和教学模式; 4.计划长期在北京居住,能长期工作; Job requirements 1.Native Arabic speaker; 2. Bachelor degree or above. 3.Strong planning and execution ability are required, be good at communicating, analyzing. Being able to solve emergency problem is required. 4. Good written and oral communication ability, proficiency with office software. 工作地址: 北京市西城区枫桦豪景商务中心A座6单元6层601室 北京市朝阳区十里堡城市广场甲3号院1号楼24层 北京市朝阳区望京西园429号楼里...
- 美国HBA国际上海代表处 查看所有职位 Shanghai
ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1)Assume an assistant role in design presentations in communicating with clients and ensure that format is compatible with office and client standards/requirements. 2)Help develop and execute the design direction for overall project and communicate to the project team. 3)Communicate project status to Senior Designer on a regular basis and develop and maintain communication with all project team members. 4)Attend site meetings and assist in the process of re...
- 北京康捷空国际货运代理有限公司 广州市 天河区
广州市 天河区 Job Description: Scope of Position The focus of the District Sales Executive (DSE) is on achieving results that arealigned with the overall organization and it’s strategic goals. Initiative, coupledwith a sense of competitive drive, and the ability to stay focused on results despite changing conditions, are the keys to achieving the performance objectives of the District Sales Executive role at Expeditors. The DSE orchestrates involvement of multiple people in our Sales process, so that ...
- 天津市中北御河酒店管理有限公司 天津市 西青区
? Responsible for the safety and security of guests, employees and establishment needs 负责酒店宾客、员工及设施的安全保卫工作 ? Implement procedures for security and emergency incidents 执行安全和紧急事件处理程序 ? In the event of fire, be thoroughly familiar with and guided by the hotel’s emergency plan 发生火灾时,应熟知并按照酒店应急事件处理要求进行工作 ? Be familiar with location of fire alarms and fire fighting equipment 熟悉消防报警及灭火器材的位置 ? Maintain a good knowledge of the liquor act and criminal code 掌握有关酗酒及犯罪管理条理 ? Maintain a regular presence in pu...
- 美联英语成都培训中心/学校 查看所有职位 成都市
成都市 月薪8,000 - 12,000元 1、根据区域教学部对资源利用的要求,制定工作方案及组织实施,以达成年度/季度/月度的资源利用指标; 2、根据总部教学部的要求,负责本中心对外教、中教和教务专员的培训工作; 3、根据总部绩效考核部门的要求,每季度对中教(LT)、教学助理(TA)和外教(FT)进行考核和评估,并按照流程按时提交相关文件与反馈,且根据规定对团队人员调整级别,并向人事部门备案; 4、根据总部教学部对中心的业务要求,对教学服务,教学质量,和中心英文氛围进行全方位的把握,并根据环境变化迅速有效地调整,保障学员按照正常进度学习和毕业; 5、管理教学资料、教案和外籍员工档案。 任职资格: 1、本科或以上学历,英语相关专业; 2、英语专八以上或相当的英语能力,有较强的语言教育功底; 3、3年或相等能力的教学经验,1年以上管理经验,教育行业优先; 4、专业技能强,有较强的沟通协调及管理能力; 5、有同行业管理经验者优先。 发展空间: Head Teacher-教学主管-教学经理 福利待遇: 1、 岗前培训:完善的新人岗前带薪培训,教您全面掌握工作技能技巧; 2、 提供五险一金:社...
- 北京外企德科人力资源服务上海有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
Video editor for informational, internal support videos that support new Apple products. This is a multi-editor production environment where the Editor will be refining and advancing numerous timelines with very specific scripting required. This role favors detail-orientation and FCP process expertise over creative editorial skills because we produce highly functional technical procedurals and we produce a lot of them. You may be working on localization cuts that require re-timing, assisting our...
- 哈尔滨市南岗区北森浩思外语培训学校 查看所有职位 哈尔滨市 南岗区
哈尔滨市 南岗区 Responsibility: 1.Dedicate to education with responsibility for teaching and caring for students. 2.Abide by school regulations and management, achieve the teaching goal as scheduled with high quality. 3.Assist Chinese English teacher on the oral English training program and exchange the English teaching method. 4.Attend the monthly meeting to give feedback and report the relevant teaching work. (The attendance includes all foreign teachers, the teaching supervisor from Worlda Company a...
- 河北艾福亿维动力总成有限公司 上海市 嘉定区
Your Tasks Ensures effective utilization of boss time by maintaining his calendar, arranging appointments, responding to invitations on his behalf. Screens phone calls, enquiries and requests, and handles them when appropriate. Supports and coordinates events, ensures professional communications with both internal and external parties (clients, media etc.). Organizes travel arrangements (visas , travel info and booking flight & accommodation…), including coordinating visitors programs and me...
- 美高梅(MGM) 澳门
澳门 兼职, 实习生 We are proud to offer excellent opportunities for talented individuals to join the roaring team of MGM China. 我們誠邀才華出眾的您,把握美高梅中國事業機會,與金獅再闖另一座高峰。 Job Description: - Support the team with various projects and events, as needed, such as props preparation, logistic planning, venue setting, etc. Assists in the preparation of training materials and other pertinent documents. Assists in the update and maintenance of training databases and attendance. Assists in training room set up and maint...
- 咖世家咖啡有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
上海市 徐汇区 职位:Barista咖啡师(全职) 我们是COSTA,咖世家,深受英国人钟爱的咖啡品牌。在COSTA,我们全心全意做好每一件事,不断给顾客和彼此创造难忘的瞬间。加入我们,一起用咖啡带来微笑;把握机遇,将热情化为职业发展; 帮助我们一起传递快乐! 关于职位: 作为一名咖啡师,自然你要用自己的专业技艺为顾客提供咖啡。然而在COSTA,我们需要的远不止这些。我们需要具有奉献、热情与自豪精神的你,为顾客展现一个充满温暖、魅力,家一般的咖啡门店。这样的你将为我们的顾客带来微笑,并且鼓舞我们的伙伴。 我们寻找的人才 为了总能给顾客带来值得回味的精彩瞬间,你需要不断地创造,尝试和调整。这就是为什么我们需要你热爱生活,对顾客服务充满热情。你需要灵活兼顾各项工作,比如既要制作无与伦比的咖啡,也要做好库存管理,还要鼓励顾客提供反馈。此外你还需要有学习的意愿,愿意为顾客提供个性化服务,并用心去读懂我们的顾客 。这些将使你带给顾客无与伦比的咖啡体验。 您将获得 有关店铺营运标准的培训 专业的咖啡知识培训 完善的福利体系(五险一金,忠诚奖金,绩效奖金,餐费补贴,晚班津贴,带薪年假) 国际连锁企业...
- 高德美贸易有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
Core mission Lead and manage activities related to Quality Assurance Maintain the local Quality Management System and monitor its compliance status Contribute proactively as an effective leader, functioning responsibly and autonomously while working within the framework of internal and external regulatory guidelines and procedures. Main responsibilities Responsible for ensuring Good Distribution Practice (GDP) is complied with for products imported and wholesaled Perform Quality and compliance s...
- 芬美意香料有限公司 上海市 闵行区
上海市 闵行区 Title: Import & Export Officer (Contractor) Location: Shanghai Key Responsibilities: The position encompasses various topics and requires managing partially or totally initiatives and logistics projects for IBD & OBD until their effective and successful implementation. In particular, projects and initiatives related to Reviewing and improving the distribution of our products to our customers; Improving the efficiency of OBD activities and flow. Developing logistics reports, recor...
- 芬美意香料有限公司 上海市 闵行区
Job responsibility: Responsible for recruitment full circle for junior positions including searching, screening, interview and selection. Support activities in the social media , e.g. WeChat Maintain job adverts and posting them to different platforms Support other recruitment activities and other HR events including campus program, trainings and etc. Job Requirement: Have a full time active university semester now Are self-confident in English communication Are interested in HR processes and th...
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