- 太崆动漫有限公司 Wuhan
武汉市 年薪100,000 - 150,000元 视觉艺术/概念设计/场景设计/角色设计师 工作地址在武汉。 工作内容: 负责动画项目前期美术场景设计/角色形象设计; 根据剧本设计动画场景布局、建筑、道具、气氛图等,能够把握主流3D动画电影风格; 在创意团队的指导下,完成项目的其他相关细节、氛围等设计; 任职要求: 初级场景概念及角色设计师需1-3年动画或影视概念设计/角色设计工作经验,高级场景概念及角色设计师需5年以上动画或影视概念设计/角色设计工作经验; 美术设计等相关专业毕业; 熟练掌握Photoshop,Painter等软件; 擅于创意,精于动画电影场景的概念开发与设计; 造型能力强,能够熟练运用不同的画面艺术风格,能够熟练运用不同的艺术风格,独立完成角色造型设计、keypose设计、表情设计; 具有良好的色彩基础。对光影、色彩与透视有较高的认识,能独立完成场景气氛图设计,擅于表现,美术功底深厚,审美能力强,作品有动画感及艺术表现力; 熟悉影视动画制作流程,能够准确理解要求; 有镜头感,对镜头有一定的认识与把握; 具备团队合作能力,自我提高意识和敬业精神,有良好的沟通能力和领悟...
- 伊莱克斯家用电器有限公司 Hangzhou
杭州市 Functional Area: Food Preparation, Global Research & Development, Global Gas Technology Organization Job : Gas Specialist – Senior Development Engineer, Team Asia and South Pacific Objective: We are looking for a candidate for our Asia and South Pacific (AP) team of Global Gas Technology Organization (GTO), located in the Hangzhou Electrolux factory. The team will be able to cover local as well as global requirements and has to progressively build the competence to directly support compo...
- 字节跳动 查看所有职位 Shenzhen
深圳市 职位描述: 1. Design market development programs in internet and high tech sector; 2. Work with sales and marketing teams to drive overall market adoption of Lark for both free and paid versions; 3. Build and maintain long-term relationships with major partners; 4. Communicate and negotiate with business development partners and internal departments; 5. Follow and identify key industry trends and make corresponding adjustments to market development strategies. 职位要求: 1. 7+ years of business develo...
- 字节跳动 查看所有职位 Beijing
职位描述: 1. Provide language support to launch a globalized product; 2. Fixing broken and low-quality content inside our products; 3. Identifying quality trending, blogs, social medias, and quality content export; 4. Cooperate with our teams on competitors research, market research and strategies making; 5. Develop, improve and maintenance the process of english speaking users' product full-life cycle; 6. Brainstorming ideas how our product (currently in beta) go globalized. 职位要求: 1. Native Eng...
- 莱坊国际Knight Frank Property Consultants Co, Ltd 查看所有... Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 Responsibilities Sales Management Achieve financial and non-financial KPIs as developed Build and manage the channel distribution network while undertake sales directly to customers. Expand network of channel agents appropriate to our brand. Explore and develop more effective channels of international marketing (Media, Banks, Immigration, Overseas Education, Local Agencies/Referral Parties etc.). Understand the costs of working with these channels, associated referral fees and build rela...
- 罗克韦尔自动化有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Principal Duties and Responsibilities Support Tasks Senior engineers are required to: Achieve the highest level of training on a specific product range, eg. LV Drive, Motion, Automation control, Network, View software, etc. Accept Breakdown Situation Tickets from Level 1 or 2 engineers when they are unable to resolve calls on first contact. Accept Tickets from the queue even when not trained on the product Perform in-depth research on difficult technical problems which cannot be resolved thr...
- 罗克韦尔自动化有限公司 Shenzhen
Job Purpose Provide technical, application expertise to customers in order to drive conversion activities and fuel sales growth with strategic OEMs. KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Customer satisfaction in line with agreed adoption objectives (quality, on-time, budget, performance etc.) Key Responsibilities DO ? Work proactively with the customer to make product and architectural recommendations- examples would include technical suitability, cost/ performance evaluation, technical trends, migrat...
- 搜狐移动端视频研发工程师 Beijing
招聘人数: 1 工作经验: 3年 工作性质: 全职 岗位职责: 职位职责: 1、负责视频录制及编辑功能开发; 2、负责移动端视频特效、滤镜开发; 3、负责其它音视频相关业务支持 任职资格: 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,计算机、通信等相关专业; 2、具有扎实的编程功底,良好的设计能力和编程习惯; 3、熟悉C++,熟悉FFmpeg,了解Android/iOS开发/OpenGLES开发/图像处理和计算机图形学知识和算法; 4、有人脸识别、人脸贴纸等相关经验优先;有视频录制、编辑相关开发经验优先;熟悉视频编解码优先;...
- 上海互加文化传播有限公司(沪江网) Shanghai
上海市 兼职, 实习生 1、编纂沪江小D的外语词条; 2、校审词条内容及完善。 任职要求: 1、公共外语六级或专业四级以上(或其他语言考试同类水平),双语语言素养高、专业不限、外语专业优先; 2、对词典编纂工作特别喜欢,有执著的研究和探索精神; 3、敬业、主动,有亲和力,团队配合意识强,沪友优先; 4、做事踏实,认真细致,有耐心。 小D在线词典编辑申请链接: 英语小D:http://s.hujiang.com/topic/19055/ 日语小D:http://bulo.hujiang.com/app/diary/257700/ 韩语小D:http://s.hujiang.com/topic/35031/ 法语小D:http://s.hujiang.com/topic/53955/...
- 北京ABB电气传动系统有限公司 Beijing
北京市 Join ABB and work in a team that is dedicated to creating a future where innovative digital technologies allow greater access to cleaner energy. From rapid response and performance improvement to operational efficiency and life-cycle management, Service is one of our fastest-growing areas. As a Mechanical Technician for VAS Production, you will be part of the Motion (M) Business and Drives Business Line (BL), based in Beijing. ABB is the World leader in Motion (M) Business offering a wide ra...
- 北京ABB电气传动系统有限公司 Beijing
Join ABB and work in a team that is dedicated to creating a future where innovative digital technologies allow greater access to cleaner energy. Our R&D engineers and scientists develop breakthrough technologies that change the way the world works, and industries do business. We constantly push the limits of convention, while retaining our focus on delivering solid returns for our customers and shareholders. As a R&D Mechanical Engineer, ABB Drives is a pioneering technology leader, prov...
- 北京ABB电气传动系统有限公司 Beijing
Join ABB and work in a team that is dedicated to creating a future where innovative digital technologies allow greater access to cleaner energy. ABB project managers are at the heart of our organisation, meeting and exceeding customer expectations while helping to build a sustainable and profitable future. You will have the opportunity to tackle some of the most innovative and complex engineering projects in the world today. ABB Drives is a pioneering technology leader, providing products and so...
- Game Hollywood--游莱互动 Guangzhou
广州市 海珠区 月薪4,000 - 6,000元 职位信息 【岗位职责】 1、以专业及优质的服务通过网络方式为玩家提供服务; 2、处理玩家的投诉与意见,并帮助玩家快速有效地解决问题; 3、管理游戏社区(FB粉丝页、贴吧、论坛和群)、建立并维护良好的对外客服形象,提升社区人气,构建良好舆论互动; 4、监控游戏运行状态,维护游戏世界的正常秩序; 5、及时反馈和协助处理游戏异常状况,并与玩家做好沟通; 6、对工作或产品问题进行反馈并提出改进建议; 7、为客户提供日常运营服务,处理日常运营问题,提升客服质量; 8、了解用户需求,用心为每一位玩家提供周到的服务。 【任职要求】 1、优秀的服务意识; 2、优秀的耐心,细心及责任心; 3、优秀的表达能力; 4、热爱游戏,有互联网客服及游戏行业相关经验为佳; 5、英语4级以上。 职业发展方向: 业务能力及工作表现优秀者,可晋升为资深客服专员。 根据个人职业发展的侧重方向以及能力表现,可发展为高级客服组长、高级测试专员、高级翻译专员、高级运营专员。 职能类别: 网络/在线客服 关键字: 英文 游戏 客服 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:广州市海珠区江南大道...
- 赛莱默有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 Job Responsibilities: Participate in the development process from definition to deployment. Develop cutting-edge technologies to improve Xylem’s software offering. Create and maintain back end oriented services and micro-services utilized by the rest of our architecture. Maintain and improve existing cloud-based applications, reducing costs and streamlining efficiency. Engineer code that is efficient, standard and well documented. Take on challenging tasks as needed with an eagerness to ...
- 增城誉德莱国际学校 Zengcheng
增城市 职位信息 英语沟通及书写能力好优先考虑 工作职责: 1. 接听前台电话、接待进入前台的来客 2. 保持前台和大厅环境整齐、干净 3. 收发、转交各类邮件、包裹、信件、报纸、传真等,订阅报刊 4. 起草、发布公司公告、通知 5. 更新员工通讯录 6. 收集、传送员工的订餐单 7. 收集、传送、统计发车单,统计核对行车费用及租车费 8. 录入MYP系统信息 9. 录入K3系统有关车辆、保安、保险、医疗单据 10. 处理公司电话事务 11. 处理校园意外险 12. 完成行政主管分派的其他工作 任职资格: 1. 专科以上学历,应届毕业生也可,英语或行政管理等相关专业,英语能力好优先考虑 2. 熟练使用办公软件, 3. 工作认真,负责,细致,待人热情有礼 4. 身体健康。 职能类别: 行政专员/助理 前台接待/总机/接待生 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:增江街大埔围裕达隆花园 地图 公司信息 Utahloy International School Zengcheng (UISZ) is an International Baccalaureate World School which ...
- 康宝莱保健品有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: ? Administrative o Provide administrative and daily support to the Chairman such as, but not limited to, answering phone calls and managing the Chairman’s calendar o Schedule and prepare meetings o Arrange Chairman’s travel, including airfare, accommodation, and transportation o Handle expense claims, typing, and filing o Manage Chairman’s local transportation o Complete other administrative assignments when necessary ? Project Coordination o Provide project management support o Schedule p...
- 重庆市顺游科技有限公司 Chongqing
公司简介 重庆市顺游科技有限公司于2015年在重庆成立,是重庆地区首家航母级集手机和网页游戏运营、推广、服务为一体的正规的现代化游戏运营公司,注册资金100万。 重庆市顺游科技有限公司是一家面向智能手机平台的单机以及网络游戏的运营和发行的综合性游戏公司。目前,公司已拥有自己的游戏平台和核心技术团队,组建手机游戏平台- www.23youxi.com.(爱上游戏),平台已接入超过五百款热门手机游戏,是国内最具发展潜力的手游渠道公司。公司于2016年10月成立北京分公司,团队均来自国内一线发行公司,现已在国内发行多款MMOARPG重度手游,并取得相当优秀的成绩。 此外,2017年顺游科技成立了全新的游戏平台事业部及研发中心,在致力于成为重庆最优秀、国内领先的综合性游戏公司的路上继续加油。顺游科技坚持“付出、坚持、共赢、感恩”的核心价值,”开放平台、真诚合作、携手共赢“的经营理念,欢迎本地的游戏爱好者们加入,为重庆游戏行业助添色彩! 我们公司是一群年轻的帅哥美女组成,在我们公司坚信三维的游戏世界可以无限重来,人生的机会只有一次,你敢和我们一起博出大好前程吗?天上不掉馅饼,掉馅饼也砸不到我们。...
- 柯莱恩管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
As a Japanese-speaking Consultant/Analyst , your primary responsibility is to work as a team member on both market research and management consulting engagements. Responsibilities: Perform research and analysis necessary to complete consulting engagements Conduct interviews with industry executives to obtain information for projects, and document it in concisely written interview reports Monitor significant industry trends through secondary sources and conduct secondary research Analyze primary ...
- 重庆市顺游科技有限公司 Chongqing
公司简介 重庆市顺游科技有限公司于2015年在重庆成立,是重庆地区首家航母级集手机和网页游戏运营、推广、服务为一体的正规的现代化游戏运营公司,注册资金100万。 重庆市顺游科技有限公司是一家面向智能手机平台的单机以及网络游戏的运营和发行的综合性游戏公司。目前,公司已拥有自己的游戏平台和核心技术团队,组建手机游戏平台- www.23youxi.com.(爱上游戏),平台已接入超过五百款热门手机游戏,是国内最具发展潜力的手游渠道公司。公司于2016年10月成立北京分公司,团队均来自国内一线发行公司,现已在国内发行多款MMOARPG重度手游,并取得相当优秀的成绩。 此外,2017年顺游科技成立了全新的游戏平台事业部及研发中心,在致力于成为重庆最优秀、国内领先的综合性游戏公司的路上继续加油。顺游科技坚持“付出、坚持、共赢、感恩”的核心价值,”开放平台、真诚合作、携手共赢“的经营理念,欢迎本地的游戏爱好者们加入,为重庆游戏行业助添色彩! 我们公司是一群年轻的帅哥美女组成,在我们公司坚信三维的游戏世界可以无限重来,人生的机会只有一次,你敢和我们一起博出大好前程吗?天上不掉馅饼,掉馅饼也砸不到我们。...
- 苏州莱士格车业有限公司 Suzhou
苏州市 工业园区 Responsibilities 1. Responsible for the creation and conception of the overall image of brand according to brand positioning, design the end image in line with the brand. 2. Responsible for store plans, space effect pictures and construction design. 3. Maintain and upgrade the image of store according to the requirements and standards. 4. Follow up the implementation of the plan, assist and follow up to solve the drawing problems in the construction process. 5. Independently complete th...
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