Results 1 - 20 of 8042
  • 全球国际货运代理有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 罗湖区 Here to Move Materials Planning Manager - Logistics This position is responsible to ensure that strategic material planning processes are in place to enable operational and production continuity. He/she takes a coordinating lead, working closely with internal and external parties to ensure supply of materials is in place to satisfy production requirements. Also, he/she can deliver efficient, effective and flexible solutions to meet production requirements. This role holds people and budg...

  • 保乐力加贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    Job Purpose: The role is designed for mid-frontier management of PRC customers, including transportation operations, and customer logistics project implementation and on-going customer engagement and coordinate together with sales team. In this context, the role will maintain PRC’s service level to better delight customers and continuously improve operation process and solution in an efficient way. Customer Engagement 1. Playing as implementation delegation of operation team, owns the deliverabl...

  • 上海绿地全球商品贸易港有限公司 Shanghai

    1、接待顾客应主动、热情、礼貌、耐心、周到,使顾客有宾至如归之感; 2、运用礼貌语言,为客人提供服务; 3、善于向顾客介绍和推销钻石馆的产品; 4、团结及善于帮助同事工作; 5、积极参加培训,不断提高服务技能。 要求: 1. 国籍要求:东南亚人,或者非洲人,皮肤以深色为佳(印尼、印度、马来西亚人); 2. 身高要求:175cm以上 3. 精通英语,会中文一般交流 4. 薪资:8000-12000/月(具体看人员素质和语言水平) 5. 上班时间:10:00—22:00(做一休一)或10:00-19:00(做五休二) 6. 接受***,但上班日期要固定 Responsibility: 1.The reception of customers should be proactive, warm, polite, patient and thoughtful, so that customers feel at home 2. To provide service to guests kindly; 3. Good at introducing and promoting products o...

  • 保乐力加贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Activation Manager- Prestige: As it is a key figure in driving excellence in execution as part of the PRC Consumer Connection Model and specifically at the last 3 feet. The Activation teams will be responsible for implementation of brand activations, driving efficiencies, simplifying communication and accelerating decision making between HQ and regions. The Activation Manager will formulate clear channel strategy and “turnkey” solutions to empower business units to deliver increased speed of...

  • 微软全球技术支持中心 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 Job Location Shanghai, China Job Description Microsoft Azure, a public cloud computing platform, is a growing collection of integrated cloud services that includes analytics, computing, database, mobile, networking, storage and web. To establish cloud service, one of the keys is have the Identities ready in the Cloud. Azure Identity support team belongs to Microsoft CSS Cloud & Enterprise Business Unit. This position under Azure Identity support team is responsible for delivering Azure I...

  • 保特罗玻璃工业(佛山)有限公司 Foshan

    佛山市 月薪15,000 - 20,000元 职位信息 Key job responsibilities : 1. Responsible for profit and risk evaluation, and preparing for finance budget. 2. Responsible for capital operating to ensure that company capital; must be used normally. 3. Responsible for setting up and maintain internal control system to ensure company assets to keep values or add value. 4. Responsible for financial problems diagnosis and analysis, and put forward suggestions for production operation and cost control. 5. Organize the ac...

  • 中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 徐汇区 年薪150,000 - 250,000元 1.参与项目解决方案审核或制定,确保系统设计与公司IT架构标准一致,并推动项目按照既定的架构设计实施。 2.参与梳理和制定IT系统技术标准,对技术标准执行过程中的反馈意见及时响应。 3.配合需求团队、研发团队,制定或审核常规应用系统架构解决方案、工作量评估等内容。 任职条件: 1.全日制本科及以上学历,计算机及相关专业 2.一般应具有3年以上IT工作经验,2年以上软件开发经验,2年以上下一级岗位工作经验;熟悉IT架构相关专业知识领域、软件开发工具等;熟悉保险业务知识,对保险企业信息技术架构有一定理解;具备良好的综合分析能力、沟通协调能力、问题解决能力。 职能类别: 系统架构设计师 高级软件工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:宜山路719号...

  • 长沙市大勤优仕环保科技有限公司 Changsha

    岗位职责: 1、负责公司产品的销售及推广; 2、根据市场营销计划,完成部门销售指标; 3、开拓新市场,发展新客户,增加产品销售范围; 4、通过与客户的沟通了解客户的真实需求,把握客户的心理; 5、负责销售区域内销售活动的策划和执行,完成销售任务; 6、管理维护客户关系以及客户间的长期战略合作计划。 岗位要求: 1、30岁以下,性格开朗,接受应届毕业生、退伍军人,不限经验,公司会有免费一对一培训。 2、身体健康,能适应各种天气状况,能适应快节奏的工作方式。 3、心理素质极佳,心理承受能力强,自我调节能力。 4、喜欢和人打交道,能快速与顾客建立良好的关系,健谈,口才良好。 5、不安于现状,喜欢挑战,竞争意识强,勇于突破,挑战一切“不可能”。 6、有强烈的赚钱欲望,自律能力强,有谋求长远发展的想法。 薪资福利: 1、无责底薪4500+高提成+奖金(300-1500)+福利+公费旅游+出国机会=8000以上,多劳多得,上不封顶。 2、年底双薪 + 奖金 +免费培训(业务主管一对一指导)。 3、每年2次以上公费旅游。 4、公司提供免费住宿(环境舒适、设施齐全)。 5、不定期的额外奖励,周奖、月奖...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei

    產業類別: 其它電子零組件相關 職務類別:RF通訊工程師 上班地點: 台北市內湖區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1.熟悉外購的RF IC 與RF端模組、高頻放大器、元件及天線線路系統整合 2.熟悉高頻電路設計、電路板佈局 3.具有阻抗匹配、雜訊隔離與性能優化能力 4.具有整合、測試無線通訊模組(WIFI/BT/GPS/LTE)能力 5.RF基礎儀器使用 (Spectrum Analyzer, Network Analyzer, communication tester) 6.技術文件製作 任職資格 1.具有射頻或天線專業設計背景 2.具有車電等產品RF設計與性能驗證經驗尤佳 3.具有RF 天線調試及測試、除錯、及法規認證 4.熟悉使用各廠牌 RF IC 射頻電路模擬軟體、電磁模擬軟體經驗尤佳...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei

    產業類別: 旅遊服務 職務類別:經營管理主管 上班地點: 台北市松山區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 Develop existing and new markets Develop and implement marketing/sales plans Explore and manage collaboration with overseas companies Product line and revenue responsibility for specific product range/customer segment Support the Sales, Business & Channels Development leads in following up on project progresses and updates Deliver operating model improvements & develop and introduce relevant fram...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Taoyuan

    產業類別: 塑膠製品製造 職務類別:業務助理 上班地點: 桃園市桃園區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:0 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1. Cash, bank deposit custody and accurate payment. 2. Issuance sales invoices. 3. Received the payment to promptly notify the relevant personnel. 4. Monthly tax report submission. 5. Timely and correct accounting voucher Required qualifications. 6. Bindling for accounting voucher. 7. Responsible for office daily purchase and maintenance 8. Colleting papers, faxes etc. 9. Arrange hotels and flights for c...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Taiwan

    產業類別: 網路相關 職務類別:系統分析師 上班地點: 東南亞菲律賓 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:2 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1. Gather and analyze requirements 2. Translating and simplifying requirements 3. Propose solution 4. Requirements management and communication 5. Liase with developer, QA for the required and testing 任職資格 1. Experience in Requirement Gathering, analyst 2. Involved in at least 1 project full cycle 3. Gaming / Finance industry experience 4. Willing to learn, and involved in Gaming industry 5. Communication...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Xinbei

    產業類別: 自動控制相關 職務類別:國外業務主管 上班地點: 新北市汐止區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1.New business and sales development in Asia market including South East Asia and Korea. 2.Business negotiation, distribution agreement, forecasting, channel sales strategy with customer relationship. 3.Submit monthly, quarterly, yearly business reports to headquarter. 4.Frequent overseas travel to visit customers is required. 任職資格 1.空壓機業務廠務相關行業最低10年以上 2.英語熟練...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei

    產業類別: 量販流通相關 職務類別:系統分析師 上班地點: 台北市北投區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1.Implementation and maintain of analytics measurement tools (google analytics 360, tag Commander, content square, A/B testy) 2.Work with BI function to establish and manage operational dashboards for the digital assets activity 3.Research and recommendation formulations to optimize the user journey 4.Define and implement the digital data collection strategy (tracking plans) 5.Manage set up all tools / ...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei

    產業類別: 電腦系統整合服務相關 職務類別:軟體專案主管 上班地點: 台北市 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 Develop innovative and intensive machine learning and/or data mining from various streams of large-scale data Analyze public data that could be used to complement current and future projects, and acquire data from primary or secondary data sources and maintain databases/data systems Define and build inferential process to facilitate data flow of mass data, automatic analysis of result, and model execu...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei

    產業類別: 電腦/週邊設備製造 職務類別:廣告/行銷企劃主管 上班地點: 台北市內湖區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:0 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1.Initiate product enabling plan to channels with product marketing team to increase sell-through and promoting brand 2.Lead the marketing team and work with sales teams worldwide 3.Lead campaign & social marketing teams for case, power supply, cooling, memory, and TT gaming product lines. 4.Develop and maintain a comprehensive campaign & social marketing strategy Digital marketing develo...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei

    產業類別: 電腦/週邊設備製造 職務類別:國內業務主管 上班地點: 台北市南港區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1. Business development 2. Account management 3. Sales; Production Co-ordination 4. Horizontal cross-department co-ordination. 5. Participate all relevant meeting internally 6. Visit foreign customer periodically 7. Chase payment and shipment 8. Internal operation Lamp; routine maintenance execution 9. Visit foreign customer or branch office periodically 任職資格 1.國外業務開發工作經驗5年以上 2.有工業電腦IPC/PC 銷售相關經驗佳 3...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei

    產業類別: 遊戲電玩 職務類別:資訊安全分析師 上班地點: 台北市內湖區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1. Refine and design data management processes from different sources 2. Interpret data, analyze results and deliver reports 3. Build auto-monitoring tools of abnormal customer behavior 4. Conduct data analytics to investigate risk associated issues 任職資格 擅長工具:Python、R 1. Excellent statistical, machine learning and mathematical knowledge 2. Great analytical skills, problem-solving and critical thinking 2...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei

    產業類別: 網路相關 職務類別:通訊軟體工程師 上班地點: 台北市內湖區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 Degree / Higher Diploma in Computer Science / Multimedia or related disciplines Having at least 4 years of working experience in native mobile applications development Ability to work individually and as well as in a team. Strong sense of UI/UX Able to use git for version control Experience in working with Continuous Integration tools such as Jenkins. Be creative and proactive to suggest new features to...

  • DHL Global Forwarding - 敦豪全球货运 查看所有职位 Shenzhen

    Your tasks will be: Support as a team member for the overall managing of leasehold and owned portfolio and activities of all business units in DHL China Input lease data and perform cross-check in different internal online systems to assure data accuracy and inclusion Support the lease administration procedures, organize all paper and electric documentation as required and update overall lease status reports Double check the legal documentation to ensure that the spirit of the agreement captured...

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