- 马瑞利集团车灯系统 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Responsibilities ? Provide effective Purchasing support for the acquisition and development of the new projects ? Target cost evaluation and definition of sourcing strategy with Magneti Marelli Commodity team ? Propose potential cost improvements idea ? Secure achievement of the project KPI defined in RQA phase ? Negotiation of prices, terms and conditions with suppliers for mechanical parts ? Supplier selections and contractual nomination ? Follow-up defined mechanical content until SOP ? Drive...
- 霍尼韦尔汽车零部件服务有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities of the Position: ? Interface closely with application engineers to understand detailed turbocharger Products design requirements. ? Work with cross-functional teams including Application Engineering, Product Engineering, Manufacturing and Supply Base to ensure robust designs. ? Use internal standards & industry experience to develop complex systems, that meets customer specific requirements & packaging space. ? Have strong focus on built in quality. Design complex parts ...
- 平安金融理财营业部 查看所有职位 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 月薪20,000 - 25,000元 1、通过平安综合金融平台银行、保险、证券、信托等帮中高净值个人客户,提供全方位的资产配置; 2、通过与客户沟通和财务分析,发现客户在家庭财务方面存在的问题以及理财方面的需求; 3、根据客户的资产规模、生活目标、预期收益目标和风险承受能力进行需求分析,出具专业的理财计划方案,推荐合适的理财产品; 4、协助客户开立帐户及一系列后期服务; 5、定期与客户联系,报告理财产品的收益情况,向客户介绍新的金融服务、理财产品及金融市场动向,维护良好的信任关系。 职位要求 : 1、28岁以上,本科及以上学历,工作时间3年以上 ; 2、具有证券、银行、保险、信托、期货、投资公司工作经历者优先; 3、形象良好,有强烈的事业心和责任心、良好的团队合作精神、优秀的沟通能力; 4、有教师、律师、财务等资格证者优先; 5、取得金融业专业资格认证者优先(CFA CFP RFC CWMA等)。 公司介绍 : 中国平安在2019年《福布斯》“全球上市公司2000强”中名列第7位;2019年美国杂志《财富》全球500强”第29位,在全球的品牌咨询公司Interbrand...
- 上海葛兰素史克生物制品有限公司 临沂市
临沂市 Role Purpose 职位目标: To deliver key messages about disease and product to promote GSK brands through professional calls, academic communications to customers so as to achieve overall company business objective. 通过专业拜访、学术研讨活动, 为病患和客户提供专业的服务,传递GSK品牌信息,维护GSK的品牌信誉,以完成公司整体业务目标。 Key Accountabilities/Responsibilities 主要工作职责: 1. To promote GSK’s Rare Disease products in target hospitals in assigned territory and develop and maximize the healthy working relationship with customers in hospitals through ...
- 完美世界总部/完美时空 查看所有职位 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 Responsibilities Translate and proofread game texts and other materials from CN to EN. Evaluate, analyze, and resolve culturally sensitive issues for English speaking regions. Work with translation, development and publishing teams to ensure high quality localization. Job Requirements Native speaker of English language; Excellent writing skill in English; Understanding of native culture; Experience in game industry, Chinese language, CAT (computer assisted translation) or game developmen...
- 石家庄保利爱家房地产经纪有限公司 Shijiazhuang
1、顾问式销售工作,了解客户的相关背景情况,为客户提供咨询服务,并为其设计切 实可行的购房方案; 2、开拓新市场,发展新客户,增加产品销售范围,根据市场营销计划,完成部门销售指标; 3、带领客户看房,并帮助客户了解房源信息,管理维护客户关系以及客户间的长期战略合作计划; 4、参与保利地产的一手楼盘联动销售(含车位,商铺,写字楼等) 任职要求: 1、年龄要求18-40岁,专业不限,有无经验均可,可接受实习生; 2、普通话流利,语言表达清晰; 3、热爱二手房销售工作,有强烈的事业心和责任心; 4、具备敬业精神以及优秀的服务意识,有敏锐的市场洞察力,较强的执行力。 薪酬福利: 1、完善的带薪培训,包括岗前培训、衔接培训、管理能力培训等多项专业培训和广阔的晋升空间,新人3个月晋升一次,一年即可升为客户经理; 2、员工每月聚餐、KTV、户外拓展等多项放松活动; 3、无责底薪+绩效奖金+提成=8000-20000元/月; 4、绩效奖金、每年多次调薪、带薪年假、弹性工作、定期体检、入职当月即上五险。 职能类别:房地产中介/置业顾问房地产销售经理/主管 微信 联系方式 上班地址:长安区保利花园、裕华区...
- 石家庄保利爱家房地产经纪有限公司 Shijiazhuang
石家庄市 长安区 实习生 月薪6,000 - 10,000元 1、顾问式销售工作,了解客户的相关背景情况,为客户提供咨询服务,并为其设计切 实可行的购房方案; 2、开拓新市场,发展新客户,增加产品销售范围,根据市场营销计划,完成部门销售指标; 3、带领客户看房,并帮助客户了解房源信息,管理维护客户关系以及客户间的长期战略合作计划; 4、参与保利地产的一手楼盘联动销售(含车位,商铺,写字楼等) 任职要求: 1、年龄要求18-40岁,专业不限,有无经验均可,可接受实习生; 2、普通话流利,语言表达清晰; 3、热爱二手房销售工作,有强烈的事业心和责任心; 4、具备敬业精神以及优秀的服务意识,有敏锐的市场洞察力,较强的执行力。 薪酬福利: 1、完善的带薪培训,包括岗前培训、衔接培训、管理能力培训等多项专业培训和广阔的晋升空间,新人3个月晋升一次,一年即可升为客户经理; 2、员工每月聚餐、KTV、户外拓展等多项放松活动; 3、无责底薪+绩效奖金+提成=8000-20000元/月; 4、绩效奖金、每年多次调薪、带薪年假、弹性工作、定期体检、入职当月即上五险。 职能类别:房地产中介/置业顾问房地产销...
- 石家庄保利爱家房地产经纪有限公司 Shijiazhuang
1、顾问式销售工作,了解客户的相关背景情况,为客户提供咨询服务,并为其设计切 实可行的购房方案; 2、开拓新市场,发展新客户,增加产品销售范围,根据市场营销计划,完成部门销售指标; 3、带领客户看房,并帮助客户了解房源信息,管理维护客户关系以及客户间的长期战略合作计划; 4、参与保利地产的一手楼盘联动销售(含车位,商铺,写字楼等) 任职要求: 1、年龄要求18-40岁,专业不限,有无经验均可,可接受实习生; 2、普通话流利,语言表达清晰; 3、热爱二手房销售工作,有强烈的事业心和责任心; 4、具备敬业精神以及优秀的服务意识,有敏锐的市场洞察力,较强的执行力。 薪酬福利: 1、完善的带薪培训,包括岗前培训、衔接培训、管理能力培训等多项专业培训和广阔的晋升空间,新人3个月晋升一次,一年即可升为客户经理; 2、员工每月聚餐、KTV、户外拓展等多项放松活动; 3、无责底薪+绩效奖金+提成=8000-20000元/月; 4、绩效奖金、每年多次调薪、带薪年假、定期体检、入职当月即上五险。 职能类别:房地产中介/置业顾问房地产销售经理/主管 微信 联系方式 上班地址:长安区保利花园、裕华区保利拉菲公...
- 深圳迈瑞生物医疗电子股份有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 responsible for (but not limited to): ? Building, managing and executing the detailed readiness plan for PMLS business line. ? Review progress - track, adjust, escalate ? Communicate progress and effectively managing through issues and escalations ? Engage with leadership to identify key capability gaps, and build/manage project teams to enable review, assessment, and sales readiness of those capabilities ? Drive ongoing optimization related to key readiness milestones, processes and handoff...
- 中国金茂上海环沪事业部 查看所有职位 Jiaxing
岗位职责: 1、依据公司发展战略,主持制定并实施生产战略规划及生产计划; 2、组织落实、监督调控生产过程各项质量、设备、成本、进度、安全指标; 3、指导、监督下属及下属部门的工作; 4、对分管部门所涉及的外部部门进行沟通协调确保工程如期完成。 任职要求: 1、 统招全日制本科以上学历,工程管理及相关专业; 2、 10年以上工作经验,其中3年以上施工单位工作经验,3年以上甲方工作经验,住宅、五星级酒店等项目工程管理经验; 3、 持有一级建造师证书者优先考虑; 4、 具有良好的交往及沟通能力。 职能类别:建筑工程管理/项目经理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:嘉兴...
- 恒瑞集团-北京拓界生物医药科技有限公司 Beijing
北京市 昌平区 Job Responsibility: 1. Establish internal peptide drug discovery platform; 2. Responsible for the design, synthesis, purification and characterization of peptides to achieve optimized pharmacological, chemical and biophysical properties; 3. Integrate cutting-edge peptide chemistry and protein bio-conjugation technologies to the discovery of novel bio-therapeutics; 4. Identify and execute contract with appropriate CROs to support peptide drug discovery; 5. Effectively communicate project ...
- 深圳碳云智能数字生命健康管理有限公司 Shenzhen
岗位职责: Research Scientist position available focused on translational research in metabolic diseases such as dyslipidemia, obesity, atherosclerosis, NAFLD, and type 2 diabetes. The scientist will be expected to implement studies aimed at understanding the roles of novel regulators of metabolic diseases from the interactive molecular networks generated from multi-omics platform and bioinformatics analysis. 任职资格: Applicants should at least have master degree (PhD preferred) with research training e...
- 纽约国际儿童俱乐部New York Kids Club 查看所有职位 Shenyang
沈阳市 铁西区 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 芭蕾、街舞老师(Ballet/Hip Hop Instructor) 工作职责: 1、教授2-7岁小朋友芭蕾舞或者街舞; 2、能按要求进行英文授课,不断学习和改进教学技能; 3、给到家长和孩子专业的指导 4、教学设备的维护和管理; 任职要求: 1、舞蹈专业毕业,专科及以上学历; 2、优秀的英语听、说、读、写能力优先; 3、热爱孩子,热爱教育事业; 4、性格活泼开朗,积极向上,善于合作; 5、男女不限,***也可; Responsibilities: 1.Teach Ballet or Hip hop to children on 2-7 years old; 2.Teach courses in English according to teaching requirements; 3.Give parents and children professional guidance of growth; 4.Responsible for the maintenance and management of the teaching equ...
- 上海麦福生物制品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 Job Description 1. Handle & follow up domestic & part of overseas orders processing 2. Interpreter and translator work 3. Keep a good record for all sales documents 4. Administration assistant Job Requirement 1. Bachelor degree or above 2. Good at English both oral and written(good priority in TEM-8) 3. Good at MS Office & ERP system 4. Effective communication skill 7. Detail-minded, well-organized and service-oriented 职能类别: 英语翻译 贸易/外贸专员/助理 关键字: 外贸文员 业务跟单 英文翻译 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:...
- 德尔福科技-中国总部-上海 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Corporate whole cash management activities with responsibility for E-banking system, account management and cash balance optimization for the Asia Pacific region.Senior Treasury analyst works closely with Treasury manager in carrying out day-to-day banking and liquidity activities for the company. Responsibilities Work as an independent responsible person to handle Asia Pacific cash management daily activities Effectively manage and review AP bank accounts maintenance and database Timel...
- 强生投资有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 Job title: ATR Team Lead (GS Country Finance Management) Work location: Shanghai Position Summary: The GS ATR Team Lead is responsible for managing the performance of end-to-end service delivery in the Account To Report (ATR) process areas for MRC serviced. Involvement in management of day-to-day local site operations. Develop and implement A2R policies and procedures and ensure compliance as administered in GS FINANCE-China Ensures the preparation and distribution of timely and accurate...
- 海福乐贸易有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 南山区 Job responsibility: 1. Inquiries to supplier 2. Order management Order follow up delivery status control Payment arrangemeent Supplier evaluation 3. Coordinate with quality ,technology ,logistic, sales dept. Requirements: 1. Economics, international trade, logistic related, colleagues above graduated. 2. Have Experiences in purchasing of metal parts and Hardware be preferred 3. Familiar with export process 4. With personnel responsibility and be highly self motivated 5. Skillful in negot...
- 博柏利贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Job Description: Face-to-face in-store delivery of global sales associate retail training programme. Train and oversee performance of in-store training champions (as required). Support with retail academy onboarding (as required). Deliver local face-to-face onboarding (as required). Monitor training and development of new starters throughout 90 day induction period. With store manager, assess / spot-check and coach on service excellence and in-store delivery of brand, product and service exp...
- 喜利得(中国)有限公司 Zhanjiang
湛江市 职位信息 喜利得亚洲研发测试中心最早成立于1995年,座落在喜利得(中国)有限公司湛江制造基地内,是喜利得亚洲且最大的易耗品测试中心,亦是喜利得全球四大研发测试中心之一。主要负责用于建筑行业的紧固系统例如各类紧固螺栓和钢钉紧固等新产品的开发与力学功能应用测试。整个团队项目研发资源的80%用于支持来自全球性的项目,20%支持区域性的新产品导入及规范与认证。亚洲研发测试中心主要由一支国际化的、专业高效的年轻工程师团队组成,拥有全球先进的实验室管理模式,来自欧洲的测试设备,所有测试均依据欧美规范与标准。亚洲研发测试中心直接隶属喜利得总部研发事业团队,是喜利得全球研发机构的重要组成部分,为喜利得新产品开发及本地新产品导入的项目做出了巨大的贡献。 Hilti Asian Consumable Testing Center was established in 1995, located in the Hilti (China) Ltd. Zhanjiang manufacturing base. It is the only and biggest consumable testing ...
- 福霸汽车天线有限公司 Wujiang
吴江市 Responsiblity Technical responsibility for the development of electrical hardware components in assigned projects, from project start until SOP Responsible for development antenna structures and preparation of schematics Responsible for compliance with customer requirements according project requirement documents Responsible for compliance with the Fuba Development Process (FDP) Jointly responsible for meeting project phases milestones Jointly responsible for meeting the calculated developme...
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