Results 1 - 20 of 10159
  • 国际奥比斯上海代表处 查看所有职位 Beijing

    Notice: This position is with 6 months period, but may be extended to long-term position. BACKGROUND Orbis International is one of the world’s leading nonprofit organizations dedicated to the improvement of eye health globally. Program and projects are implemented in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The North Asia/China office has been active since 1999 supporting national, regional and district eye health priorities through support for service delivery and capacity building in health facilities ...

  • 江阴佰雷诺工业技术有限公司 Jiangyin

    江阴市 年薪80,000 - 100,000元 外贸专员 岗位职责: 1:负责阿里巴巴平台产品的发布,询盘的回复,客人资料的收集; 2:负责老客户订单的维护,发货,跟踪; 3:负责新客户的开发,样品的收集,打样,交货等事宜 任职要求: 1、从事过外贸助理及业务经验者优先考虑; 2、能正常英语读写及沟通能力。 3、做事认真、细心、负责; 4、熟练使用office等办公软件; 做佰雷诺的外贸业务员-让你走路都带风! 薪资组成 基本工资+车贴+餐贴+KPI+价值观奖+全勤奖+假日福利+分红+其他奖励 薪资:3000-10000(上不封顶的工资) 福利:五险一金 双休+年假+国内国外旅游度假 生日派对+团建+中央空调+下午茶 内部+外部系统培训+国内国外展会 系统的晋升通道+灵活的薪资体系 享受分红制 我欣赏你: 是个90后,喜欢金钱,追求荣誉,说到做到,热爱英语交流! 工作城市:无锡江阴通渡北路299号智富大厦2310室 公交:3路,101路,102路,118路 港口办事处站下。 工作时间:8:20 - 11:20 12:30 -17:00 联系人:Lily 电话:18860997630 邮...

  • 威士伯工业涂料(广东)有限公司 Foshan

    佛山市 顺德区 职位信息 任职要求: 1、 大专或本科学历,化工或相关专业; 2、 有三年以上涂料或树脂实验室的工作经验,有实验班组管理经验优先; 3、 有较好的化学基础知识,熟练掌握实验室基本仪器操作,动手能力强,了解品质控制流程; 4、 积极主动,善于学习,具有良好的工作责任心和细节处理能力; 5、 服从工作管理,有良好的团队协作意识和组织沟通能力; 6、熟练运用办公室软件,有一定的英语读写能力。 岗位职责: 1、协助部门经理对数据异常批次、不合格品、投诉等的复检及实验调查; 2、负责检测留样的管理及质检工作相关区域内的6S管理; 3、及时做好相关过程、数据及文档的整理和归档。 备注:拟培养为团队管理者。 职能类别: 质量检验员/测试员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:容桂高黎工业区宝业路2号 地图 公司信息 关于宣伟 亨利-宣伟和爱德华-威廉姆斯先生于1866年在美国创建的美国宣伟(Sherwin-Williams)公司,是世界上成立历史悠久的专业涂料公司之一。经过150多年的努力进取,如今总部位于美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰市的宣伟(Sherwin-Williams)已经成为集研发,生产...

  • 江阴佰雷诺工业技术有限公司 Jiangyin

    江阴市 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 美学设计师: ( 2人 ) 岗位职责: 1、基础绘图技能(PS,CDR等) 2、完成网站首页及内页效果图设计 3、团队协作,配合经理的协调,高效完成网站上对应图片的设计; 4、熟练操作PS、CDR ,AI等设计软件 任职资格: 1、高效学习能力、深度思考能力、高度执行能力; 2、特别欢迎应届毕业生,有淘宝、天猫等C端平台工作经验; 3、大专及以上学历,美术设计等专业优先 4、有团队协作精神,热爱设计,有经验者优先 做佰雷诺的员工-让你走路都带风! 薪资组成 基本工资+车贴+餐贴+KPI+价值观奖+假日福利+分红+其他奖励 薪资:3000-10000 福利:五险一金 双休+年假+国内国外旅游度假 生日派对+团建+空调+下午茶 内部+外部系统培训+国内国外展会 系统的晋升通道+灵活的薪资体系 享受分红制 我欣赏你:是个90后,热情、奔放、需要成就感、需要存在的价值感,说到做到,热爱外贸! 工作地点:澄江镇新园路6号(澄江街道) 工作时间:8:20 - 11:20,12:30 -17:00(冬令), 8:20 - 11:30,13:00 -17:30...

  • 艾尔维汽车工程技术有限公司 Shanghai

    Your tasks Overseeing administrative activities across the business as contact person between management and wider team Provide front desk service and attend to our reception telephone Handle correspondence on international level and prepare internal announcements in coordination with the requesting department International travel coordination, flight and hotel bookings, cost tracking and management of frequent accounts Overseeing office and facilities management - stationery ordering, office su...

  • 中国法国工商会 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    Company Our client develops solutions for retail outlets. Audio quality, automatic program updates, reporting of "online" broadcast –our client solutions are plug & play and easy to integrate into your existing IT systems. Our client company creates the ideal musical environment for your store: a music program designed by a specialist producer to communicate the values of your brand. Your music program is updated daily and is perfectly tailored to your clientele and to the time they ...

  • 希而科工业控制设备有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: 1、负责网站信息的发布、更新和维护,保证信息发布的及时性和准确性; 2、根据其它部门提供的素材,原创撰写新闻稿或相关资讯。 3、负责公司官网、B2B平台、微信、微博、百度知道、贴吧等平台的信息发布。 4、善于利用互联网建设公司良好口碑。 5、配合销售和推广完成网络内容制作。 任职要求: 1、大专以上学历、熟悉工业用品或机械自动化,或者有SEO/SEM经验者优先; 2、能充分把握选题结构,具备独立采编、撰稿和组织协调能力,文字功底扎实; 3、具备良好的团队合作精神、高度的责任感,对工作积极严谨,勇于承担压力。 4、熟悉互联网营销各类平台(百度知道,百科、词条,微信,微博,BBS,B2B平台等) 5、熟练使用办公软件(Word,Excel、PS等),能通过PS软件进行图片处理和制作; 工作待遇: 1.年薪15万+五险一金+加班费; 2.八小时工作制,周末双休,国家法定假日休息,带薪年假 ; 3.公司每周组织不同类型活动,定期免费体检 ; 4.公司每年组织两次旅游,骨干员工两次资费高品质旅游; 希而科期待您的加入~ 职能类别:市场助理市场/营销/拓展专员 关键字:运营编辑 微信分...

  • 艾尔维汽车工程技术有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 嘉定区 Your tasks For various automotive manufacturers and suppliers, you are a development engineer (m / f) in the development of Infotainment systems with a focus on a certain function group implementation. The following interesting and varied tasks are the focus with your new role: Technical interface to the customer, including coordination between project management and testing Lead OEM function development process and ensure the milestone deliverables completed on time with quality Review ...

  • 哈金森工业橡胶制品有限公司 Suzhou

    苏州市 工业园区 1. Identifying, segregating and controlling all stock. Provide preservation to stocks which are subject to electrostatic, deterioration and shelf life specifications according to manufacturer’s requirements. 2. Performing the in-coming and shipping screening. Un-packing and Packing the goods properly according to procedures. 3. Managing the unserviceable parts in accordance with the requests of the procedures. 4. Controlling shelf life limited material and report to the Production Manag...

  • 生特瑞工程顾问股份有限公司 Shenyang

    沈阳市 铁西区 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 熟悉合同要求,特别是与预算造价相关的条款 此职位需要水暖,电气都会。以及弱电安防,BAS。 审核并熟悉建筑及机电的图纸及技术规格书。 审核并熟悉合同造价清单的设置,内容及单价组成。 审核并熟悉合同条款及谈判要求。 必须熟悉国内及当地政府发布的工程计价定额,以及每年度的工程造价信息、基数调整和税收政策的改变等。 必须熟悉现场施工工序,并随时关注在施工过程中出现的将引起造价变化的问题。 必须熟悉工程变更程序,并协助项目经理与业主和承包商积极沟通,解决有关项目变更的相关问题。 必须熟悉长周期(大宗设备)的采购流程和程序,有能力帮助业主进行采购过程。 熟悉使用预算软件 Glodon 广联达 Excel 协助项目工程师审核合同商务条款。审核并确定承包商提交工程变更的合理性和有效性。 审核所有土建相关的工程变更,并为业主的最终审批提供详细,准确的评估表。 审核承包商提交的工程变更明细,分析单价,提供详细计算书。 随时更新各类工程变更的审批状态,并定期向项目经理提交状态报告。 计算,审核各承包商每月实际施工完成工程量,并以此审核各承包商每月的施工...

  • 中国法国工商会 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    Company Our client develops solutions for retail outlets. Audio quality, automatic program updates, reporting of "online" broadcast –our client solutions are plug & play and easy to integrate into your existing IT systems. Our client company creates the ideal musical environment for your store: a music program designed by a specialist producer to communicate the values of your brand. Your music program is updated daily and is perfectly tailored to your clientele and to the time they ...


    昆明市 五华区 SHORT-TERM ENGLISH SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM ASSOCIATE 短期英文夏令营项目助理 Our company is looking for a SHORT-TERM ENGLISH SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM ASSOCIATE with the following responsibilities: 我们公司正在招聘一位短期英文夏令营项目助理,其职责如下: The responsibilities of the SHORT-TERM ENGLISH SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM ASSOCIATE would include a variety of activities such as contacting local language tutors, non-profit organizations (to create volunteering placements), and homestay families. The SHORT-TERM ENGLISH SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM AS...


    昆明市 五华区 English Client Communication Specialist and English Summer/Winter Program Coordinator 英文客户专员兼夏/冬令营项目专员 Our company is looking for an English Client Communication Specialist and Engish Summer/Winter Program Coordinator. Our clients/students primarily come from North American, Europe, Southeastern Asia, and Korea. This position will serve as a liaison between our partners in China, India, and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The person in this position will be responsible for co...


    English Summer/Winter Camp Sales and Camp Program Coordinator 夏/冬令营销售兼项目协理 Our company is looking for an English Summer/Winter Camp Sales and Camp Program Coordinator. The work time and responsibilities are different when the clients/students are out-country and in-country. The detailed information is as below: 我们公司需要招聘一名夏/冬令营项目销售兼协理/领队。其日常工作时间及职责在冬夏令营期间及无冬夏令营项目期间是不同的。工作时间及职责分别如下: Work time when the clients/students are out-country: From 12:45pm-5:45 pm, work in the office; from 8 pm to 11pm, wo...

  • 香港环球亚洲出口有限公司广州代表处 Guangzhou

    广州市 天河区 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 职位信息 资深牛仔跟单 主要职责: 1、负责大货对客,英语流利,能快速了解客户的大货要求。 2、负责服装大货跟单、采购和生产出货的整个流程的跟踪,有牛仔跟单经验,熟悉牛仔裤生产工艺及生产流程;对牛仔裤的工艺和验收标准有成熟认识和较强的执行能力;对牛仔的各种洗水工艺要求熟悉,了解牛仔面料,对牛仔服装的工艺,批板,质量,货期控制有一定经验 3、负责客户样品开发、整理报价,生产订单及大货的跟进。 4、完成上司交待的工作任务。 岗位要求 1、 有直接对客经验,具有一定的对客谈判能力。 2、 熟悉外贸服装生产工艺,有服装跟单操作经验。 3、 工作勤奋、适应能力强、做事细心、并能承受较大工作压力。 4、 能熟练运用英语办公。 5、 具备灵活应变能力及时间管理意识 请投递中英文简历 working time: 5.5days/week. 5天半工作制 am9:30-PM6:30 Holidays as per National Regular Holidays declared by the Govt., company provide Social...


    ENGLISH WRITER AND SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM ASSOCIATE 英语编辑与项目策划 Our company is looking for an ENGLISH WRITER AND SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM ASSOCIATE with the following responsibilities: 我们公司正在招聘一位英语编辑和项目策划,其职责如下: The responsibilities of the ENGLISH WRITER AND SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM ASSOCIATE would include a variety of activities such as contacting local language tutors, non-profit organizations (to create volunteering placements), and homestay families. The ENGLISH WRITER AND SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM ASSOCIATE wil...

  • 北京雅地东华建筑工程有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 普陀区 Established in 2003. ADI’s professional staff located in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Dalian and several countries in the world.Our projects cover the entire Asia Pacific region.As one of Asia's leading interior design consultancy or Design and Construction firms, Ad Interiors. is the creative partner for your real estate projects 始建于2003年,ADI迄今为止在北京、上海、深圳、大连、及全球多个地区拥有多名专业人员, 成功交付了整个中国乃至亚太地区的众多工程项目。作为亚太区领先的设计顾问及设计施工公司之一, AD Interiors 无疑是您房产合作项目的创意好伙伴。 INTERIOR DESIGNER 室内设计师 Location...

  • 上海冠狮石化工程技术有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 普陀区 Responsibilities: Good knowledge of international and Chinese standards and codes Proficient in applicable software of word, excel, etc. Fluent in spoken and written English and Mandarin Effective communication and coordination skills Self-motivated and ability to work independently Excellent team-work spirit Requirement: +18 years construction management work experience Experience in CM in foreign engineering company is a must Familiar with international engineering and project executio...

  • 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Job Major Responsibility l Receive EMBA inquiry by telephone, on-site visit etc professionally l Assist in the EMBA applicants written exam, interview process and admission process l Handle EMBA inquiry and online application system l Maintain EMBA admission database and system l Follow up with EMBA inquiry and applicant l Assist in EMBA promotion events and activities Job Basic Requirement: l Bachelor degree or above l 3+ years working experience in secretarial or customer service func...

  • 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Major Responsibilities: Teaching management and coordination to courses when needed; Events and projects support and organizing when needed; Program administration system support; EMBA admission support when needed; Other functions and Dept. support within CEIBS when needed. Basic Requirements: 5+ years working experience in administration function; Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills; Strong coordination skills; Customer service oriented; High ethical standard; Mature, t...

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