Results 1 - 20 of 1303
  • Bureau Veritas 必维申美商品检测有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 闵行区 Duties & Responsibilities 1. Responsible for the product regulatory and testing requirements in China market, including apparel/footwear/accessory products. 2. Closely track changes in China product regulations and communicate relevant standards, requirements and policies to global team and customers 3. Deliver the labelling requirement to BV customers and update the regulatory information. Support customer CIQ/AIC program solution. 4. Perform gap analyses between service required vs...

  • Bureau Veritas 必维毕法克检验有限公司 Guangzhou

    岗位职责: Assisting in sales work including replying enquiry, and transferring to sales members; Maintaining existing clients; following up projects including collecting documents, making quotation, arranging inspection, Audit report, issue the certificate, collecting payment, handle complaints etc.; Coordinating with internal technical team for any technical issues with clients as well as the inspections; Assisting in marketing work including preparation for fair participation and seminar organized...

  • 北京安必奇生物科技有限公司 Xi'an

    岗位职责: ? Structural Biology group at Abace has determined novel and challenging macromolecule structures to advance drug discovery in addition to carrying out standard gene-to-structure and co-crystallization projects; ? The group expands at rapid pace and has multiple openings for talented research scientists to join and excel in a spirited team determining novel and ligand complex structures for drug design; ? The successful candidate will be primarily responsible for protein purification, crys...

  • Bureau Veritas 必维申美商品检测有限公司 Shanghai

    Provide a strong leadership to manage the activity of the team in order to guarantee the quality of customer service. Duties & Responsibilities Responsible for the product regulatory and testing requirements in Restrict substance for all market (especially for EU and US market), including apparel/footwear/accessory products. Closely track changes in EU/US market product RS regulations and communicate relevant standards, requirements and policies to global team and customers Design and delive...

  • 北京路客互联网科技有限公司 Guangzhou

    岗位职责: 1、作为VP,独立制定事业部运营战略,制度和执行标准,负责业务流程体系、产品运营体系和数据指标体系的蓝图实现; 2、作为领军人物,能够从商业模式,架构,方案上提供新思路,能够指导和带领团队探索分店场景内容运营,活动运营和标准化服务运营,通过数据化智能化的方式赋能全体路客运营人,主导创建具有路客特色的运营体系! 任职要求: 我们希望你是本科以上学历,有丰富、独到的大型互联网或住宿、旅行行业产品的运营经验;接受过复杂业务场景的挑战,并有成功经验,在互联网/或住宿行业具备一定影响力; 具备架构性思维和整体规划能力,以全局视角分析事业部的战略问题; 有创业情怀,愿与我们携手同行,一起做一件伟大而有创造性的事情。 职能类别: 首席运营官COO 酒店/宾馆经理 关键字: 运营管理 酒店管理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:红卫新村西路29号,UP+智谷A3栋...

  • Bureau Veritas 深圳必维华法商品检定有限公司 Guangzhou

    Job Summary: Play a major role of coordinator and intermediary by developing and maintaining positive client relationships through professional services in the management of all aspects of client programs related to CSR Services such as, supply chain social compliance, environment and security. Job Responsibility & Accountability: Drive and manage client programs. Define the purpose, scope and timeline for the initial set up of new programs. Oversee the process for existing client programs. ...

  • Bureau Veritas 深圳必维华法商品检定有限公司 Shenzhen

    1.To proactively build up and maintain healthy business partnership and relationship with our customers by interacting with them regularly to boost the business growth. Work with market region for global program client to maintian & boost up business. Lead local vendor outreach for expanding the vendor base and revenue. 2.To work with customers, determines their requirements, define and assist in solving problems, and generally ensure their total satisfaction with BV CPS. 3. Work with Operat...

  • 西必及商务咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    【Job Description】 We are a globally active translation company and we are now seeking technical translators to work for us as freelancers/part time for translation of the following language combinations. Russian into Simplified Chinese Mobile /Telecom communication field 【Our requirements】 We envisage that you are excellent in Russian , have a technical background and translation experience in telecom/mobile telecommunication. Previous experience of CAT-software is an advantage. 岗位描述及要求: 上海分公司现诚...

  • 客道商务咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    Digital Project Manager directly reports to Company President Main Missions As a Digital Project Manager, you' ll be responsbile for overseeing the lifecycles of multiple digital projects. You will navigate an array of client relationships, project timelines, last minute changes and launches. By collaborating with our internal teams, you'll be delivering high quality and efficent project implementations. In this role, you will be in charge of different tasks Project and time management C...

  • 万豪国际大中华客户服务中心—广州海航大厦 查看所有职位 Guangzhou

    POSITION SUMMARY Marriott Ambassadors deliver extraordinary personal service by promptly and accurately responding to the inquiries of our most loyal guests via phone, mail, email and chat. Ambassadors will anticipate guest, actively listen answer questions and resolve any issues in an efficient and effortless experience. As a dedicated contact for their guests, Ambassadors will be responsible for evaluating and analyzing each guest’s needs and recommending tailored travel solutions that enhance...

  • 勝都國際企業有限公司 Taoyuan

    勞保: 有 就保: 有 健保: 有 僱用資料 廠別/機構分院: 僱用人數: 1 休假方式: 週休二日 工作內容: 協助雇主與外勞溝通、現場工作操作翻譯、教育訓練翻譯,文件翻譯,駐廠服務,外勞生病就醫翻譯 不供膳,供宿 印尼需具備:聽,說,讀,寫的能力 本職缺專屬福利: 育兒設(措)施: 僱用條件 性別年齡: 依據就業服務法,取消限制。 學歷要求: 不拘 科系所: 不拘 學校要求: 無 工作型態: 全職 日班:自09時00分至18時00分 計薪方式: 月薪 25000 - 30000 元 僱用期限: 不定期契約 (長期僱用) 工作地專區別: 工作地非屬專區 供膳: 供宿: 不提供住宿 工作經驗: 不拘 加班: 依工作需要 1.本職缺符合勞動基準法工時及休假等相關規定,且於延長工時情況下,將依規定給付加班費或補休。 其他專長資料 語文能力: 台語:精通;印尼語:精通 駕照: 不拘 電腦能力: 不拘 技能證照: 無 應用工具: 其他應用工具: 應徵資料 應徵方式: 電洽、親洽、中印翻譯 徵選方式: 面試 攜帶文件: 其他:身分證及推介卡 應徵地址: 桃園市桃園區中正路1247號5樓之3 電子...

  • 重庆良客餐饮管理有限公司 Chongqing

    ¥5000~6500 元/月 (普通员工 ,底薪:4000~4500元/月+提成 ) 薪资相符度: 3分 (中 ) /1人反馈 五险 带薪年假 交通补助 绩效奖金 生育补贴 节日礼金 年度旅游 生日礼金 白班 大专 / 经验3年及以上 / 普通话 / 年龄25到30岁 南岸区-南坪 (重庆南岸区南坪金台大厦25-4) 上班路线查询 招聘1人 (30天后结束招聘) 陈 职位发布人:陈老师 投个简历 完善在线简历 上传附件简历 职位动态 76% 简历回复率 37小时 简历平均回复时长 今天 企业最近登录时间 岗位职责 职责相符度: 3分 (中 ) /1人反馈 1、参与中心年度规划讨论与制定; 2、根据中心年度规划组织制定并提交平面设计组年度规划及行动方案,并推动实施; 3、组织小组月度、周工作计划、总结(包括各类数据)制定与提交; 4、组织制定、提交平面设计相关标准文件体系,并落实执行; 5、指导下属岗位日常工作开展,对各项计划达成验收和总结,并制定改进措施计划; 6、会同总监每月组织下属岗位绩效面谈与反馈,并制定改进计划; 7、负责公司旗下各品牌形象打造及VI统一与应用推广; 8、负责公...

  • 福州市探客进出口贸易有限公司 Fuzhou

    1、负责西班牙语外贸网站的内容规划、编辑、整合工作; 2、独立完成西班牙语外贸网站相应文字工作; 3、持续稳定优化西班牙语语网站排名; 4、处理西班牙网站订单,回复海外客户邮件,解答客户售前、售中、售后问题。 任职资格: 1. 本科及以上学历,葡萄牙语专业优先 2. 较好的沟通协调能力,较强的事业心、责任心 职能类别: 西班牙语翻译 网站运营专员 关键字: 西班牙语 翻译 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:富力中心B2座1217-1218...

  • 常州快客网络有限公司 Changzhou

    岗位职责: 1.负责Amazon平台账号下产品的编辑发布与管理 2.对线上产品定期优化、及时调整,保持产品优势,提高市场占有率 3.分析自我销售状况及竞争对手状况,有针对的优化产品和推广计划; 4.对销售产品问题及时反馈,配合产品的改进和品质的改善,提高客户满意度; 5.控制产品风险,根据库存数据及公司供应链情况,合理的调整产品上架计划、促销价格策略,保持良好的库存周转率; 6.能够独立经营亚马逊店铺,熟悉B2C平台的各项政策,对维护和管理帐号安全有丰富经验。 零基础岗前一对一培训辅导,快速适应工作岗位 岗位要求: 1.本科以上学历,CET4以上或英语专业四级以上水平(有精通第二外语者优先)读写流利。专业不限。 2.了解Amazon平台销售,熟悉Amazon平台相关政策者优先; 3.熟悉办公软件,能进行数据表格的分析制作; 4.有良好的个人品德,吃苦耐劳,适应加班,对电商有着执着的兴趣与激情; 5.有服饰类产品销售经验者优先录用 6.常州周边户籍优先 7.会PS以及运用国外社交软件者优先考虑 工作时间: 8:30-12:00 13:30-17:30 单双休 法定假日 五险 员工旅游 欢...

  • Bureau Veritas 必维申美商品检测有限公司 Shanghai

    Duties & Responsibilities: 1. Performs a variety of secretarial and administrative duties while maintaining a highly responsive relationship to the executives. 2. Composes correspondence requiring some understanding of technical matters and may sign for executive after technical or policy content has been authorized. 3. Notes commitments made by executive and arranges for staff members to represent organization at conferences and meetings. 4. Establishes appointment and invitation priorities...

  • Bureau Veritas 深圳必维华法商品检定有限公司 Guangzhou

    Provide support to Finance Controller in business and financial analysis, management reporting, budgeting and forecasting for Global IAAS Business Line Job Responsibility & Accountability Monthly management accounting reports with explanation on variance between actual and budget / forecast. Annual budget and quarterly forecast on income statement Analyze sales, expenses and/or profitability to meet the needs of department heads and top management Work collaboratively with various internal p...

  • 沪必达商贸有限公司 Chengdu

    Job Purpose: To work with all members of the in-store visual team to implement agreed merchandise changes to the windows and in-store highlights in order to create a feeling of excitement and newness for the customer. Key Accountabilities: In addition to following Pedder Group’s policies and procedures, key accountabilities include, but are not limited to: Implementation To perform all visual duties within the store including promotions from concept to final execution To work under the supervisi...

  • 必胜清洁用品有限公司 Shenzhen

    DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Recruitment: Maintain and update recruitment website regularly. Collect and filter resumes for normal level candidates. Coordinate and arrange for interviews. Appropriate process follow-up to ensure staffing requirements are being met. Leave and attendance management. Work with HR service providers as assigned. HR filing and documentation maintenance. Coordinate and support to organize the activities related to employee welfare. Provide Administrative support as assi...

  • 必赛斯汽车科技有限公司 Suzhou

    1.Support customer TDR, convince customer with BCS product expertise; 2.Work to evaluate production RFQ (request for quotation) from sales and make hardware technical proposal, define the product hardware architecture/design concepts to meet RFQ; 3.Lead to finish production concept designs, detailed designs, e.g schematic, layout, electronics BOM, timely manner and high quality; Organize design review throughout product development for both engineering internal and cross function team...

  • 深圳市必拓电子股份有限公司 塘厦镇

    任职资格: 1、熟悉场景仿真软件:3DMAX Dialux/Relux/UC-win/Road、、CAD、Coreldraw等绘图软件等; 2、精通光学设计软件:OW/LT/TP/ASAP等;熟练使用 Photoshop、Flash、fireworks、Dreamweaver 等常用设计制作软件; 3、了解展览特装工艺,具备较强的创意、策划能力,良好的文字表达能力,思维敏捷; 4、有2年以上光学透镜、反光杯设计经验,具备良好的光学专业知识; 5.、工作认真,有责任心,踏实肯干,富有团队精神; 具备良好的美术基础。 职能类别: 其他 关键字: 光学设计 LED 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:塘厦莆心湖大道199号奥信创研智造产业园...

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