Results 1 - 20 of 26024
  • Summergate 美夏酒业 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 Provide the professional and efficient people service during the whole employee life cycle to ensure compliance of the company policy and guidelines as well as legal regulations. Work closely with business team, assisting them to understand and implement the projects to ensure the alignment with our mission and ways of working. Maintain all the Culture & People data accurately and timely for analysis and make recommendations with the findings to support our key initiatives’ delivery and ...

  • 臺北市政府環境保護局 台北市 信義區

    公務電話 02-27208889#1773 官職等 職系 無 人員區分 約僱人員 名額 1 性別 不拘 機關類型 行政機關 資格條件 1.大專以上畢業。 2.具工作熱忱及一般電腦WORD、EXCEL、POWERPOINT文書軟體操作技能。 3.需提供曾參與過臉書相關工作成果書面說明。 4.具有1年以上臉書經營管理經驗者尤佳。 工作項目 1.負責本局臉書內容規劃、設計與宣傳。 2.配合本局政策、施政措施、活動、記者會,處理臉書與媒體行銷。 3.新聞輿情蒐集。 4.其他臨時交辦事項。 工作地點 臺北市 信義區 工作地址 11008臺北市信義區市府路1號6樓東北區 聯絡方式 須具公務人任用資格: 否 證照 福利 是否須輪值 否 特殊條件註記 歡迎身心障礙 歡迎原住民族 備註欄 公家機關人員...

  • 创博翻译(北京)有限公司 北京市 朝阳区

    北京市 朝阳区 Responsibilities Manage and review all clinical content to ensure clinical accuracy, readability, and relevance, including editing, fact checking against publically available material and proofreading, subject matter types include CSRs, Protocols, and IBs. Ensure correct spelling, grammatical accuracy, adherence to client-approved style, and consistency across brand deliverables Demonstrate expertise regarding relevant FDA regulations Maintain the integrity, clarity, and accuracy of docu...

  • 臺北市政府捷運工程局 台北市 中山區

    公務電話 02-25215550#8583 官職等 職系 一般行政 人員區分 一般人員 名額 1 性別 不拘 機關類型 行政機關 資格條件 (一)領有身心障礙手冊,國內外專科以上學校畢業。 (二)公務人員普通考試或相當等級以上考試及格,並經銓敘審定委任第三職等以上合格實授具一般行政職系任用資格者,且無特考特用限制轉調情事。 (三)無公務人員任用法第26、28條不得任用及公務人員陞遷法第12條各款不得陞任情事,且未受懲戒處分、品性端正者。 (四)具備Word、Excel、Internet等電腦操作及文書處理能力。 工作項目 (一)交通費及加班費業務。 (二)綠色採購及優先採購身障產品申報彙整。 (三)新聞輿情作業及出版品彙編(具影片編輯技能者尤佳)。 (四)其他臨時交辦事項。 工作地點 臺北市 中山區 工作地址 10448臺北市中山北路二段48巷7號 聯絡方式 意者請檢具:公務人員履歷表(含相片、學經歷、考試資格、語文專長、經歷及現職、500字自傳)、身心障礙手冊影本、考試及格證書、最高學歷證件、現職或最後在職派令及銓敘部審定函、最近5年考績通知書及獎懲資料(未達5年者檢附歷年考績通知書...

  • 上海美都管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 1. Teachers are responsible to teach and advise students in full cooperation with other faculty members and administrators. The first objective of a teacher shall be to provide the student with quality education through professional competence, effective teaching, and wise counselling. 2. Teachers shall stay up-to-date with professional trends in the teaching field and help facilitate the continual change that may be required to keep instruction current and relevant. 任职要求: 1. Master Degree h...

  • 美满电子科技 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区

    Job Description Marvell is seeking a Technical Writer to join the Storage Technical Communication team in Shanghai, China. You would be part of a diverse and inclusive organization, working with people with language expertise, engineering and science backgrounds, and a passion to improve the customer experience. Your work to clarify and improve the descriptions of our chips is key to our success. To be successful in the position, you need to be a self-starter and be curious about our technology,...

  • 上海美都管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    1. Teachers are responsible to teach and advise students in full cooperation with other faculty members and administrators. The first objective of a teacher shall be to provide the student with quality education through professional competence, effective teaching, and wise counselling. 2. Teachers shall stay up-to-date with professional trends in the teaching field and help facilitate the continual change that may be required to keep instruction current and relevant. 任职要求: 1. Master Degree holde...

  • 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: 1. Maintain purchasing order activities effectively, have good communication with internal customers & external suppliers. 2. Keep compliant with hospital policies, auditing requirements, JCIA standard, government laws and regulations. 3. Develop and maintain stable and uninterrupted supply to support rapid growth of hospital & clinic. 4. Maintain medical consumables data in E1 & IMCS. Keep good accuracy & efficiency of data entered. 5. Provide assistance to warehouse staff...

  • ARTTAIPEI 2019 台北國際藝術博覽會 Taibei

    應徵資格: 能吃苦耐勞 嚴守紀律 工作態度積極主動 細心負責,準時且富責任感可獨立完成交辦業務又能尊重團體分工 可全程配合者大會將擇期辦理面試,擅英、日文者面試給予加分 。 工作內容: 協助博覽會事前準備工作以分組方式包括、媒體執行協助、公關接待協助、佈卸展工程協助、會場各項支援等藝術行政工作,歡迎對藝術有興趣的學子報名申請。 專長/其他需求: 大會將擇期辦理面試,擅英、日文者面試給予加分。 待遇福利: 時薪/150元 每日提供午餐及勞保退休金提撥,工作期間大會將依工作表現給予【ART TAIPEI 2019台北國際藝術博覽會學習證書】。 薪資範圍: 其他 應徵方式:信件標題請註明2019 台北國際藝術博覽會 現場工作人員,姓名_)意者請下載申請表格,將申請表格寄送電子郵件至。 聯絡電話: 02-2742-3968 #20 電子信箱:

  • 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: Outpatient Nurse (Pediatric, Family Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, IMO, Endo, Surgical, Orthopedic, Dental, Ophthalmology, ENT, Dermatology, Plastic Surgery) 门诊护士(儿科、家庭全科、妇产科、内科、内窥镜、外科、骨科、牙科、眼科、五官科、皮肤科、整形外科) 任职资格: ? Education Requirement - Diploma above of nursing graduate ? Experience Requirement- 3 years above working experience in nursing preferred. ? 2 years oversea nursing experience preferred for new hires. ? Licensing Needed- Registered nurse license in China. ? BLS certificat...

  • 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: Example of Duties: ? Performing clinical duties as general practitioner (i.e. comprehensive examination, X-rays, restoratives, root canal treatment, extraction, crown and bridge, scaling, teeth whitening etc.) ? Maintaining a steady flow of patients by overseeing day-to-day bookings and by monitoring patient recalls ? Training and managing staff to maintain a high standard of dental care in a warm and friendly environment ? Dealing with any patient complaints that may arise as a result of ...

  • 美国驻华大使馆 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    U.S. Mission China Announcement Number: Shanghai-2019-09 Opening Period: July 12, 2019 – July 25, 2019 Series/Grade: LE-1515-11 Salary: RMB 375,134 p.a. USEFM is FP-4 USD 56,711 p.a. Actual salary will be determined by Washington D.C. For More Info: Human Resources Office American Consulate Shanghai, China No.1469 Huai Hai Zhong Road, Shanghai 200031 Email: Fax: 86-21-6121-2179 (Please specify the position title in the subject line.) Website: https://china.usembassy...

  • 福瑞斯金融集团(Forex Club International Limited 查看所有职位 上海市 静安区

    职位名称:金融投资高级经纪人/电话销售 要会泰语和中文! 薪酬目标:具竞争性的待遇 地点:上海,中国 主要福利: 与市场专业人士共业,接触到世界金融市场 建立强意识的团队精神 积极参与市场交易 提供深度且持续的培训,以协助新员工面向成功 月度奖金 综合的雇员福利计划 15天带薪假期 主要职责: 推广福瑞斯外汇,贵金属,股票和差价合约的零售产品和服务,给讲普通话的国家与地区以完成销售目(No Cold Calling) 专业且流利地讨论国际金融市场与影响市场波动的因素 开发和维护与潜在客户和现有客户的关系,主要工作以维护已有客户并进行深度再次开发为主 执行一个有组织性的,高效的和结构化的销售流程 资格 本科学历,专业不限 性别不限,22-35岁之间 必须能说流利的普通话(会话,阅读,写作) 外汇,贵金属或二元期权销售经验者优先 将提供在职培训 有金融市场工作的激情 聪明,有组织性,目标专一,自信,善于表达,上进 良好的英语书面和口头沟通能力优先考虑 Job Title: Forex Club Financial Sales Broker Salary Target: Competitiv...

  • 深圳市乐有家控股集团有限公司 西安市 雁塔区

    西安市 雁塔区 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 乐有家招聘房产经纪人销售代表,等你来,全国150城都可以安排工作 面向全国诚招房产销售代表,就近分配 薪酬福利: 收入自主制:薪酬福利包括底薪、各项补贴和奖金,超高业绩核算比例55%-80%. 西安经纪人统招本科底薪及各项补贴5000元(无责底薪3800+真服务津贴***1200),一直被模仿,从未被超越! ***部分是底薪,每月15日发放; 第二部分是各项补贴,每月20日发放; 第三部分是奖金。 底薪和补贴只跟出勤挂钩,不跟业绩挂钩,无论您当月是否有业绩,公司都会在每月15日和20日按时发放【底薪和补贴】: (1)大专以下学历:底薪及各项补贴4200(无责底薪3000+真服务津贴***1200元),一直被模仿,从未被超越 (2)大专学历:底薪及各项补贴4500(无责底薪3300+真服务津贴***1200元),一直被模仿,从未被超越 (3)统招本科学历:底薪及各项补贴5000(无责底薪3800+真服务津贴***1200元),一直被模仿,从未被超越 【奖金】:享有超高业绩奖核算比例:55%-80%,每两个月结算一次,单月25号发放前两个月...

  • 海蒂诗家俱五金配件(珠海)有限公... 珠海市

    职责描述/Job Description: 1. Management of QA dept. with motivation. Take the assigned responsabilities for their own department (e.g. budget, reporting, KPI, targets, staff management...). 2.Management and optimization of supplier quality management system to drive and ensure continuous control and improvement of supplier quality performance. 3. Facilitating internal & external communication on quality issues. Monitoring, operation and optimization of complaints management to reduce the number ...

  • 深圳市乐有家控股集团有限公司 西安市 雁塔区

    乐有家招聘房产经纪人销售代表,等你来,全国150城都可以安排工作 面向全国诚招房产销售代表,就近分配 薪酬福利: 收入自主制:薪酬福利包括底薪、各项补贴和奖金,超高业绩核算比例55%-80%. 西安经纪人统招本科底薪及各项补贴5000元(无责底薪3800+真服务津贴***1200),一直被模仿,从未被超越! ***部分是底薪,每月15日发放; 第二部分是各项补贴,每月20日发放; 第三部分是奖金。 底薪和补贴只跟出勤挂钩,不跟业绩挂钩,无论您当月是否有业绩,公司都会在每月15日和20日按时发放【底薪和补贴】: (1)大专以下学历:底薪及各项补贴4200(无责底薪3000+真服务津贴***1200元),一直被模仿,从未被超越 (2)大专学历:底薪及各项补贴4500(无责底薪3300+真服务津贴***1200元),一直被模仿,从未被超越 (3)统招本科学历:底薪及各项补贴5000(无责底薪3800+真服务津贴***1200元),一直被模仿,从未被超越 【奖金】:享有超高业绩奖核算比例:55%-80%,每两个月结算一次,单月25号发放前两个月的奖金。 入职2个月优秀人员月薪平均15000左右...

  • 北京特高质量技术有限公司 苏州市

    苏州市 Job Responsibility 1. Work with supplier to improve their quality level and FPY index, After couple of month, let’s supplier can reach what we expect in term of mindset, knowledge and autonomous. 2. Support supplier to prepare their painting process according to FMT project demand and SPEC. 3. Responsible for the coating (including painting and powder)simulation analysis and evaluation. 4. Optimize supplier process or working flow to improve supplier efficiency and increase their capacity. 5...

  • 北京特高质量技术有限公司 长春市 朝阳区

    1.Handling QA complaints and managing engineering services at multinational companies in automotive and electronics industries. 2.Provide high QA services meeting customer’s expectations for partners; constantly follow the customer requirements; keep professional contact partners’ representatives 3.Plan,manage and monitor the activities of subordinates; motivate and evaluate of their performance 4.In case of QA problem follow the process of handling the complaint; inform the partners about the p...

  • 北京赛译睿科科技有限公司 北京市 海淀区

    Responsibility: A part-time job; Edit and grade product documentation, user interfaces, and marketing materials, etc; Make the checklist that incorporates common errors and suggestions; Create an analysis report on the current status of written English and develop training courses (with case studies from the reviewed documents); Settle disputes on the existing and would-be language points, word usage, sentence patterns and templates; Set criteria for scoring technical documents. Qualification: M...

  • 北京宏元富成科技有限公司 北京市 海淀区

    北京市 海淀区 Description: Responsible for Software Introduction and Training script proofreading Work with video production team to proofread the high-quality scripts and coordinate with video production team member. Qualification: Native Speaker from English-speaking countries Familiar with Software Training script writing format Have enough time to proof read the scripts and eficiently complete the task with good quality 职能类别: 英语翻译 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:中关村大街1号13层...

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