Results 1 - 20 of 33854
  • 佳和英語短期補習班 新北市 土城區

    We are looking for a part time English teacher who is a native speaker with teaching experience. Bachelor degree is required. Materials are provided by school. Students age:7~12 Working hours: 17~19 hours per week Hourly rate: 600-700/hour (depends on experience) 職務類別 : 英文老師 休假制度 : 依公司規定 上班時段 : 依公司規定 年 9 月 3 日 需求人數 : 1至2人 薪資待遇 : 時薪 600 至 700 元每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 兼職-長期 上班日期 : 一個月內 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 工作條件 學歷要求 : 大學以上 科系要求 : 不拘 工作經驗 : 1 年以上 工作經歷 : 兼職/英文老師 累計年資1年以上 身份類別 : 外籍人士 外語能力 : 英文 聽:精通 說:精通 讀:精通 寫...

  • 英国仕华露飞有限公司 上海市 长宁区

    Position name: Reception and Sourcing assistant(*** ) Basic requirement: college graduated or above, good English skill basic salary:5000-6000 Responsibility: Reception: 1. Answer telephone, transfer to correct person or take notes 2. Pack the parcels which need to be sent, and take notes, call the couriers in, fill in the waybill. 3. Check the paper of printing machine, copy machine and fax, make sure never run out of paper. 4. Maintain all the facilities and keep cleanness of office, any probl...

  • 重庆市沙坪坝区百弗教育培训学校 查看所有职位 Chongqing

    重庆市 月薪3,000 - 5,000元 职位描述 1. 给学生提供个性化的学习辅导 2. 制定授课计划以及教授英语课程 3. 协助校方管理学生的安置、记录考勤及学生情况跟踪 4. 解答学生提出的相关问题 5. 协助举办包括课外活动在内的学校各项教学活动 职位要求: 1. 英语专业本科以上学历,英语专业四级 2. 良好的沟通能力 3. 责任心强,有耐心,积极,热情 4. 一年以上教学经历优先 如您有意加入百弗全球教育,即可享受: 1、保底薪资+丰厚奖金+餐费补贴 2、一经录用即签订正式劳动合同,享受五险 3、每年享受带薪年假、法定节假日等福利 4、完善的入职及在职培训机制 5、免费的百弗英语培训课程 6、广阔的职业提升空间,公平的晋升机制 7、良好的工作环境和团队氛围 8、丰富的公司员工活动 职能类别:培训讲师 关键字:英语老师辅导助教 上班地址:重庆市渝中区重庆市恒大名都都市广场11栋22-10(面试地址)...

  • 英特尔半导体有限公司 成都市 经济技术开发区

    成都市 经济技术开发区 Job Description Intel Dalian is first Intel NAND manufactory and key growing business in the midst of an exciting transformation, with a vision to create and extend computing technology to connect and enrich the lives of every person on Earth. So join us-and help us create the next generation of technologies that will shape the future for decades to come. As an Engineering Manager, you will gain close view on Memory business and be responsible for the safe, reliable, and cost effecti...

  • 英特尔亚太研发有限公司 上海市 闵行区

    Job Description We're seeking an experienced software engineer to contribute the new development and optimization effort to deliver the next generation of Intel Vision Accelerator Platform and to Intel SW Stack initiatives. You will be responsible for enabling, integrating, debugging features in Intel Vision Accelerator Platform, together with the SW stacks on top of that, including use cases so that the whole E2E solution is fully optimized. ? Design, develop and integrate deep learning sof...

  • 查看所有职位 上海市 静安区

    上海市 静安区 Who we are Farfetch exists for the love of fashion. Our mission is to be the global technology platform for luxury fashion, connecting creators, curators and consumers. We’re revolutionizing our industry for the future, in a way that benefits our customers, our people and our planet. We celebrate individuality, we do it all together, “todos juntos”, and we have ambitions that few can imagine. We strive to be truly brilliant and unrivalled in everything we do. Because our time is now. At ...

  • 大辣出版股份有限公司 台北市 松山區

    應徵資格: 1. 對「漫畫/兩性/飲食」抱有興趣及熱忱。具備相關知識背景,且對這類型的活動場域、網路生態熟悉。 2. 喜愛藝文活動,持續關注藝文資訊,對策劃座談、活動、展覽有想法。 3. 對文字敏銳度高,能夠發想並撰寫流暢且具特色的文案。 4. 對網路名人、新聞時事、媒體平台有基本的認識。 5. 如果你剛好也喜歡吃喝玩樂,那更是歡迎! 工作內容: 2003年,大辣成立,為大塊文化的子公司。那一年,我們確定漫畫是我們的發展主軸;不管是歐美漫畫的引進(墨必斯、畢拉、馬那哈、藍色是最溫暖的顏色、羅浮宮系列漫畫),或是台灣漫畫走向世界(鄭問、麥人杰、小莊、水晶孔、61Chi、陳穩升、蚩尤)。我們相信,漫畫可以拯救世界;當然,也包括台灣。 1. 行銷宣傳活動、媒體名人聯絡、合作洽談之規劃與執行。週末若有相關新書活動,需配合加班,有補休。 2. 實體、網路文宣之規劃與執行。 3. 整合新書重點資訊、行銷方案,向各大通路進行新書報品。 4. 企劃案、新聞稿、宣傳文稿編寫。 5. 自媒體經營。 專長/其他需求: 1. 基礎office操作(如:word、excel、power point)。 2. 基...

  • FUTURE HR 查看所有职位 大连市

    大连市 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 Position Description: 1. Deliver English language courses to adults. 2. Attend and be of assistance to various school events and activities. 3. Complete required teaching plans on time. Applicants need to: -be aged 21-40 year old -be native English speakers or qualified non-native ESL teachers. -be passionate and patient about teaching -have good communication skills -be willing to learn new skills. -be focused on student engagement and learning needs. E-mail:cecilia.cui@dl-...

  • That's Shanghai 查看所有职位 上海市 静安区

    Digital marketing Executive 数字营销主管 Smmergate is seeking a highly motivated and passionate digital marketing leader to build and oversee the digital strategy, analysis marketing data and focus on new media execution. Additionally, the candidate must become “The Expert” on positioning brand spreading image regarding target product. in alignment with the all digital products proposition and wider Group strategy. Job Responsibilities 1. Develop and manage digital marketing campaigns across various o...

  • Meltwater Group 查看所有职位 上海市 黄浦区

    If you are ..... Curious about how the news and online social media data can shape the business, PR, Communication and Marketing strategy Desired to have a fast-track career path into management team Eager to be the trusted and strategic business partner of our clients from Day1 Excited to be surrounded by a team of intelligent, dynamic, entrepreneurial people that will constantly inspire you and push you out of comfort zone Then keep reading… About us Founded in 2001, headquartered in San Franc...

  • 深圳市英路教育投资有限公司 深圳市 南山区

    深圳市 南山区 Job title: Art and design teacher Basic job description: 1. Ability & experience in teaching relevant British Pattern IGCSE and A level art courses in accordance to the related specification. 2.Create folder for each student's profile, analyzing and evaluating,and making e-copies of their art works and get them archived. 3. Assign appropriate homework and mark it on time. 4.Class supervision and accurate student records of performance. 5. Attendance at parent/teacher or staff mee...

  • 上海睿智化学研究有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    Responsibilities: Leading a group of scientist and be responsible for the humanization and optimization of antibody candidates generated by hybridoma- or phage display-technology. Managing the group and taking responsibility for its projects by driving and coordinating his/her direct reports in achieving the specific objectives of the respective research projects. Representing the Biologics department in specific antibody project teams. Taking responsibility for defining project requirements, id...

  • UL中国 查看所有职位 上海市 徐汇区

    上海市 徐汇区 Perform high level social compliance assessments in a variety of manufacturing sites, farms, processing plants, company headquarters’, office settings, retail stores, extractive sites and/or other work related sites throughout a region or country. The social compliance auditor assesses and reports in accordance with UL Responsible Sourcing and client audit protocols on facilities working conditions as it relates to established code of conducts, initiatives and/or client programs. Experie...

  • 惠灵顿 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 Department: Wellington College China Central Office / Institute of Learning Supervisor: Executive Director of IOL KEY RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Lead contextually relevant research projects designed to inform policy and practice Under the guidance of the Executive Director of IOL, establish and lead strategically important research projects Engage school leaders and teams in contributing to research projects Share findings from research projects, including publication in professional and academic j...

  • 国际SOS 查看所有职位 北京市 朝阳区

    工作内容: - 医疗转运。根据国际医疗运输标准,在需要时担任航空飞行医生,完成国内、国际病人转运任务 。 任职要求: 临床医学五年制本科及以上学历,持有医师执业证书、医生资格证书; 五年以上急诊/ICU临床经验; 良好的中文和英语口头交流能力; 有三甲医院工作经验优先 。 Key Responsibilities: Medical Evacuation. Act as a medical escort when required for appropriate medical cases based on Medical Transport Standards (MTS). Qualifications & Requirements: Medical degree or above, with valid clinical medicine license. At least 5 years working experience in in ER/ICU. Good command of Chinese and English in speaking. 3A level hos...

  • 学慧帮企业管理咨询有限公司 上海市 徐汇区

    elearning课程教学设计师: 岗位职责: 1、客户沟通:负责与客户沟通elarning课程需求并明确课程目标; 2、设计内容:根据教学目标、对象和内容特点设计课程方案; 3、脚本设计:课程故事策划及脚本编写; 4、项目监控:监控开发团队的课程制作进度和质量。 5、QA测试:负责课件成品的测试,确保符合设计目标。 6、项目协作:负责elarning课程内容项目的售前咨询和顾问支持。 任职资格: 1、 教育技术学或相关专业大专以上学历; 2、 熟悉elearning课程开发方法论和开发流程;有elarnig课程开发经验者优先; 3、 有较强的学习能力,能短时间内了解不同专业领域知识特点,并结合教学设计方法论设计***的教学方案; 4、 能准确地用图文等形式表达教学设计的理念; 5、 良好的语言文字表达能力;英语听说读写能力; 职能类别:培训策划专业顾问 关键字:教学设计培训课程内容设计在线学习e-learning 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市陕西南路488弄2号...

  • 诺德安达 查看所有职位 上海市 闵行区

    To provide leadership and vision in the direction, development, ongoing planning, implementation, review and evaluation of the bilingual curriculum. To ensure the high standards of student achievement and instructional excellence through securing and monitoring the bilingual curriculum implementation, and internal quality assurance and external accreditation and authorization. BUSINESS GROWTH AND REPUTATION To support the curriculum development across all bilingual schools in China region as wel...

  • 拓维集团 查看所有职位 长沙市 岳麓区

    1、对接拓维学堂线下业务中心人力资源全盘工作,扮演HRBP主管角色; 2、充分了解体系业务模式,理解人力资源政策及流程,担当所负责部门的人力资源顾问与合作伙伴,提供必要的建设性意见和建议; 3、配合所负责部门工作开展,提供人力资源全套解决方案,包括人力资源供给(包含关键人才引进、常规人才补充、校园招聘等体系化建设工作),组织能力构建,薪酬绩效把控及优化建议等; 4、关注所负责部门员工职业素养、专业技能提升;发掘部门能力建设需求,建立部门培训体系; 5、 协助所负责部门进行团队建设规划、文化建设,营造良好的员工关系,防范与处理劳资风险; 6、 在业务规划中代表人力资源部门与所负责部门进行沟通,并向人力资源部反馈协调部门需求。 任职资格: 1.本科及以上学历,从事人力资源工作4年以上,并具有2年以上团队管理经验; 2.具备常规人力资源知识储备及灵活应用能力,能够准确理解需求并提供解决方案.执行落地; 3.有职业梦想,有韧劲,具备较强的学习能力及人力理解力.系统思考能力; 4.具备连锁运营管理模式行业经验优先。 职能类别:人事经理人事主管 微信 联系方式 上班地址:岳麓区银盆南路四水厂附近 ...

  • 微软在线 查看所有职位 上海市 黄浦区

    As a BD manager, the ultimate mission is to grow Westwin business internationally. On a day-to-day basis, the person needs to drive our revenue team to provide exceptional service and digital marketing solutions to our clients globally and thus to identify and develop the potential collaboration opportunities with strategic partners. Responsibilities: Explore and manage corporate level relationship with strategic partners like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Bytedance, Alibaba, etc. Source and identif...

  • 哈啰出行 查看所有职位 上海市 闵行区

    上海市 闵行区 月薪25,000 - 30,000元 工作职责: 1、深入了解并配合公司战略与业务,运营和管理在线学习平台。 2、把握组织和员工需求,整合梳理、落地运营员工成长和发展的学习知识体系。 3、搭建课程体系,协同业务方完成课程开发和线上发布;打造平台精品课程和运营推广。 4、独立策划、组织、执行线上运营活动和线下推广活动,并取得相应的目标。 5、从运营角度,调研、发现、挖掘员工对平台的需求反馈,配合产品技术团队推动产品持续优化,提升用户体验。 任职资格: 1、擅长体系化思考,对知识管理有系统性的认识和实践经验; 2、有过E-learning平台搭建及运营经验; 3、沟通协调能力强,具备良好的跨部门协调推进力,有高度责任感和主观能动性,抗压能力强; 4、有数据敏感度,能从数据中挖掘和总结用户的问题,并转化为运营需求。 职能类别:培训经理/主管 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:闵行区秀文路898号西子国际中心1栋5楼...

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