Results 1 - 20 of 9382
  • 美利金融 查看所有职位 Shenzhen

    help to translate local language(Hindi) into chinese help to introduce the daily life/habits of normal India citizens help us to understand some india APPs functions GOOD NEWS:have chance to be sent back to work in INDIA with china salary pay. 要求 wish you : 1. grew up in India. is a Hindi native speaker. (must) 2. can easily read/write the Hindi. (must) 3. can speak fluent chinese, and the major communication would chinese. (must) 4. deep user of smart phones, young, spending hours in your phone...

  • 美满电子科技有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Job Description This is an entry level, software engineering position. Development of software components for automotive ethernet PHY and switch products and systems. Validation of automotive products both in protocol level and system level. Qualifications BS/MS in EE/CE/CS and related areas. Must have good C/C++ programing skill. Hands on experience with ARM architecture, embedded RTOS, firmware development and SoCs debugging is preferred. Hands on experience with massive data processing an...

  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 兼职, 实习生 职位描述: 1.SEA summary as the data base for further analysis; 2.Training material translation; 3.Tag summary and analyzing 1.SEA汇总作为进一步分析的数据库; 2.培训材料翻译; 3.标签汇总与分析 职位要求: 1.了解机械知识,英语良好; 2.通讯、办公软件应用; 3.一周出勤3天以上; 4.本科及以上学历在校生。 薪资: 本科:150元/天 硕士:200元/天 时间:8:30-17:00(提供午餐) 地点:北京市亦庄开发区东环南路(有班车)...

  • 美敦力中国 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    Summary: The Advanced Manufacturing Engineer (AME) is the key operations representative on New Product Development (NPD). The AME will be responsible for design and develop manufacturing processes for new products, taking into consideration problems inherent in the transfer of technology from R&D to manufacturing and providing engineering support in product transfers. The individual will be responsible for define equipment, process, material and operator specifications for manufacturing. Con...

  • 上海美都管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 1. Teachers are responsible to teach and advise students in full cooperation with other faculty members and administrators. The first objective of a teacher shall be to provide the student with quality education through professional competence, effective teaching, and wise counselling. 2. Teachers shall stay up-to-date with professional trends in the teaching field and help facilitate the continual change that may be required to keep instruction current and relevant. 任职要求: 1. Master Degree h...

  • 隐适美中国 Invisalign 查看所有职位 Chongqing

    重庆市 SUMMARY This position is responsible for handling clinical-related issues, internal and external, for Align Technology in China. Responsibilities fall in three broad categories but may not be limited to: 1. Training of customers (internal & external) and/or speaking in clinical settings on behalf of the company, 2. Clinical Support to customers especially on ClinCheck, attachment and troubleshooting, 3. Contributor or review of clinical content of doctor education/marketing materials and...

  • 上海优仕美地医疗有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 静安区 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 岗位职责: 1. 负责护士站电子病历系统的录入,正确执行医嘱,准确及时地完成各项治疗及护理工作,做好查对及交接班工作,防止医疗护理差错事故的发生。 2. 各类检验报告的注销,有异常报告及时通知主诊医生。 3. 熟悉护理常规,积极参与危重症患者的抢救。 4. 保持护士站工作环境及治疗室的整洁、整齐和安全。 岗位要求: 1、有临床护理工作经验3年以上,持有护士相关资质证书; 2、亲和力强,沟通能力佳 3、懂英语者优先; 4、能接受夜班; 职能类别:护士/护理人员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:静安区富民路118号...

  • 安森美半导体贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    Location: Hongkong/Shanghai/Shenzhen Description: The position is in the Wireless Connectivity Unit. He or she will be responsible to verify RF systems and develop hardware & software for evaluation platforms or reference designs Provide regular and on time reporting according to BU requirements Support and enable customers hardware and software to design-in ON Semiconductor’s RF connectivity solutions with first time right approach to shorten the time to market Develop RF hardware and softw...

  • 上海美都管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    1. Teachers are responsible to teach and advise students in full cooperation with other faculty members and administrators. The first objective of a teacher shall be to provide the student with quality education through professional competence, effective teaching, and wise counselling. 2. Teachers shall stay up-to-date with professional trends in the teaching field and help facilitate the continual change that may be required to keep instruction current and relevant. 任职要求: 1. Master Degree holde...

  • 美国富顿集团 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    Key Responsibilities: 1. Proficiency in office software such as Word, PPT, Excel, etc. 2. The work is serious and responsible, and the organization is clear 3. Good at communication, good at teamwork 4. Have strong learning ability and adaptability 5. Can withstand certain pressure 6. Art, design majors are preferred 7. Have a certain ability to communicate in spoken English is preferred Work content: 1. Cooperate with the supervisor to complete the copywriting work of the company's various ...

  • 溯高美索克曼电气有限公司 Shanghai

    Job description: Reception and registration of call-in telephone and visitors Express delivery Book air tickets/ hotel/ restaurant/ taxi for visitors Office stationary,water,coffee,cleaning stuff and other consuming goods keep Report problems of office and plant area (such as furniture, lamps, doors, walls and etc), and contact landlord or maintanance people for the repairment keep labor products(shoes,clothes,etc) Supermarket management Express box management Make entrance guard card for employ...

  • 上海美都管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    1. Teachers are responsible to teach and advise students in full cooperation with other faculty members and administrators. The first objective of a teacher shall be to provide the student with quality education through professional competence, effective teaching, and wise counselling. 2. Teachers shall stay up-to-date with professional trends in the teaching field and help facilitate the continual change that may be required to keep instruction current and relevant. 任职要求: 1. Master Degree holde...

  • 上海美都管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 1. Teachers are responsible to teach and advise students in full cooperation with other faculty members and administrators. The first objective of a teacher shall be to provide the student with quality education through professional competence, effective teaching, and wise counselling. 2. Teachers shall stay up-to-date with professional trends in the teaching field and help facilitate the continual change that may be required to keep instruction current and relevant. 任职要求: 1. Master Degree h...

  • 上海美都管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    1. Teachers are responsible to teach and advise students in full cooperation with other faculty members and administrators. The first objective of a teacher shall be to provide the student with quality education through professional competence, effective teaching, and wise counselling. 2. Teachers shall stay up-to-date with professional trends in the teaching field and help facilitate the continual change that may be required to keep instruction current and relevant. 任职要求: 1. Master Degree holde...

  • 隐适美中国 Invisalign 查看所有职位 Chengdu

    岗位职责:辅助CAD设计师完成矫正方案的设计,为方案设计工作提供提供专业的临床建议和指导,确保矫正方案交付的质量和临床水准;与医生进行专业沟通,解答客户对矫正方案的疑问,提高客户满意度;协助质控部门对方案质量持续改进,培训技师以提高临床专业水平。 任职要求:口腔临床医学本科及以上学历,具有执医证;有正畸教育背景及正畸临床经验优先。 ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Problem solves and takes immediate initiative to remedy clinical, quality, or other such issues with Invisalign and/or CAD-CAM services products . Participate in special projects and/or training when requested, as well as proactive team and individual efforts to achieve department and company ...

  • Miramar Travel Ltd美麗華旅遊有限公司 Hong Kong

    Miramar Travel is a member of Henderson Land Group and is one of the largest travel groups in Hong Kong. We aim to provide professional and comprehensive one-stop travel services for both leisure and business travelers. To cope with our rapid expansion, we are looking for high caliber to join our winning team. Responsibilities: Perform on-site hardware service support and troubleshooting PC hardware and basic software installation, data migration and relocation PC hardware maintenance and suppor...

  • 樂美國際形象管理有限公司 Tsimshatsui

    1. 美甲師  2. 美睫師 *** 以上各職位, 需具 2 年或以上相關經驗, 能即時上班者優先 ***   薪酬: 底薪+佣金; 另設有 每年業績獎金 + 勤工獎金   上班時間: 每天 9 小時工作   入職條件: 具良好顧客服務態度 良好銷售及溝通技巧,積極主動, 無不良嗜好, 對工作有熱誠及責任感, 能配合公司團隊合作精神   工作類型: 全職 / 兼職  工作地點: 尖沙咀  員工福利: 有薪年假、勞工假、年終花紅    申請方法: 有興趣者, Whatsapp 履歷至: 6888 9101  或致電 5696 6686 謝小姐洽  (申請人資料只作招聘用途並絕對保密)...

  • 美尔森电气保护系统有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 松江区 Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Design customized products according to customer request using MERSEN technologies, keeping product reliability and cost as priorities; Provide product's drawing for commercial offer within the shortest time as possible; Provide product's details drawings for prototyping phase and mass production phase; Be in active communication with the machining and prototype team to create cost efficient designs; Ensure coordination and clear c...

  • 广东澳美家投资咨询有限公司 Guangzhou

    广州市 天河区 年薪150,000 - 200,000元 职位信息 职位描述: 1. 通过自主开发、公司分配等渠道获取客户资源; 2. 与高净值客户线上线下沟通,推荐澳美家产品,完成签约 3. 跟进已成交客户的综合需求,积极挖掘新的签约机会 4. 参与各类客户活动,传递专业理财资讯 5. 任职6个月后,可根据能力及表现,晋升至资深顾问或置业经理 可以享有的强大福利: 1. 底薪4500起+高额提成+月度绩效+现金奖,综合收入15万起,收入不封顶 2. 专业丰富的培训,学习各类资产配置 3. 公司提供海量高质量客户资源 4. 公司提供出国考察学习的机会 5. 与高净值人群为伍,尽享高端人脉资源 6. 享有五险一金、带薪年假、年节福利 7. 生日宴会,旅游、文娱、运动等各类团建活动 8. 父亲节/母亲节家人福利 基本要求: 1. 大专及以上学历 2. 具有优秀的沟通能力,谈判能力、独立开发客户能力及独立完成销售的能力 3. 具有良好的客户服务意识 4. 具有较高的执行力和抗压力 5. 踏实可信,有较强进取心,有胆量和决心挑战高薪; 6. 有房产/奢侈品行业销售经验/海外房产销售/移民留学顾...

  • 美国驻华大使馆 查看所有职位 Shenyang

    招聘启事 驻沈阳外交官宅邸私人招聘全职管家,月工资为***5300-5800元。 招聘时间: 2019年8月26日- 2019年9月6日 全职管家需要全面负责外交官宅邸的家政服务工作。完成例如宴会的布置,在宴会活动中为主人及来宾提供餐饮,以及协助清理厨房等工作。具体职责如下: 完成宅邸的家政管理工作,确保宅邸内物品摆放有序并且环境清洁; 协助准备、组织及管理由外交官主办的社交活动。包括合理摆放餐桌,保持餐桌清洁并确保足够的活动空间; 在活动期间为来宾服务,提供饮品和食物; 清洗餐具,包括将餐具摆放入洗碗机,清洗完毕后取出; 为宴会等活动做全面布置及准备,包括在官邸摆放家具,准备食物及提供设备器具等; 在宅邸为雇主的家人及客人供应餐点食物; 迎宾,包括挂放衣帽,存放行李等; 擦拭镀银餐具; 清扫并用吸尘器除尘; 清洗并熨烫衣物。更换床单; 打扫壁橱和橱柜; 清理冰箱。及时处理变质和过期的食物; 打扫卧室、客厅、浴室和厨房; 给宠物喂食并带宠物散步; 及时处理清空垃圾; 应雇主安排,到杂货店、银行,邮局等地方处理日常杂务; 雇主交办的其他工作; 基本要求: 具有专业的家政管理经验; 具有服...

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