- 广州市天河区华业教育培训中心 查看所有职位 广州市 天河区
广州市 天河区 1、从事葡萄牙语教学活动、实施葡萄牙语授课计划、保证教学质量; 也可从事葡萄牙语翻译,葡萄牙语文化交流工作 2、参与葡萄牙语教师教学评议、进行学员考评和葡萄牙语课程推广等; 3、与中心保持良好的联系,将学员提供的信息、发现的葡萄牙语课程中存在的问题和建议及时反馈给中心等。 任职条件: 1、葡萄牙语专业毕业,葡萄牙语能力高级水平以上;葡萄牙语翻译, 葡萄牙语教学或葡萄牙语能力考试辅导经验一年以上; 2. 强烈的葡萄牙语教学服务和市场意识,有团队合作精神; 3、擅长人际沟通,观察和语言表达能力强,有一定的领导能力; 4、敬业,主动,有亲和力,责任感,注意个人形象 5、葡萄牙语教师/翻译专***皆可,普通话标准; 6、葡萄牙语发音纯正,有留学葡萄牙/巴西, 葡萄牙语笔译或口译经验者优先。 工作地点:广州市 Job description: 1. Teaching, giving Portuguese language lessons; 2. Translating, interpreting, editing translated Portuguese drafts; 3. ...
- 阿里巴巴集团 Shanghai
工作年限: 五年以上 所属部门: 阿里集团 学 历: 本科 招聘人数: 若干 岗位描述: 协助公司建立健全有效的内部控制体系,为业务方高效识别、分析和应对业务风险提供技术支持。包括: 1、负责IT类风险的日常评估; 2、参与公司现有IT业务流程优化与标准化,以及各项政策制度的拟定; 3、利用IT相关的专业技能、手段和方法,参考行业实践标准和监管要求,发现和减小IT系统在设计和运行方面的潜在风险,并对公司内部IT规程和操作实践提出建议和意见,确保IT内控管理规范性,提高IT运作效率、保障安全运行; 4、强有力的项目计划和执行力,能推动问题的识别、诊断和解决,通过有效的跨部门协作机制推动IT治理和管理持续改进; 5、和产品技术团队、业务内控团队密切合作,确保各项内控措施能高效、正确地植入公司业务流程,不断推动公司风控工作的信息化水平; 6、完成上级交办的其他工作。 岗位要求: 1、7年以上内控/合规相关工作经验,有四大会计师事务所或专业IT咨询经验者优先考虑,有互联网行业或上市公司工作经验者尤佳; 2、具有丰富的风险合规管理工作经验和良好的IT管控方面的专业能力,掌握IT风险管理方法论框架...
- 重庆申基实业(集团)有限公司 重庆市 渝中区
公司简介 Ideally positioned in the heart of downtown, TheWestin Chongqing Liberation Square is a short stroll from corporatoffices,restaurants, shopping, and entertainment. Be renewed at this urban retreat forboth business and leisure travelers alike.Refresh in our indoor pool after a brisksession in our Westin WORKOUT® Gym. Experience the culinary delightsof our Chinese, Western and All Day Dining restaurants, or replenish your spiritwith a pampering treatment at our blissful Heavenly Spa®.Escape t...
- 阿里巴巴集团 深圳市
深圳市 工作年限: 七年以上 所属部门: Lazada 学 历: 本科 招聘人数: 若干 团队介绍: Lazada is the No. 1 online shopping & selling destination in Southeast Asia – present in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Lazada helps more than 145,000 local and international sellers as well as 3,000 brands serve the 560 million consumers in the region through its marketplace platform, supported by a wide range of tailored marketing, data, and service solutions. Southeast Asia is the next big internet ...
- 必维集团 CIF China 福建省
福建省 岗位职责: Delegated authority for the control and performance of on site audit activities, including any planning and review as described in Audit Realization Have delegated authority for the control and performance of on site audit activities, including any planning and review, and the control of other members of audit teams. authorized to lead Bureau Veritas Certification Audits and to take those decisions as necessary during Audits and to recommend to the Technical Manager initial certificati...
- 美高梅(MGM) 澳门
澳门 兼职, 实习生 We are proud to offer excellent opportunities for talented individuals to join the roaring team of MGM China. 我們誠邀才華出眾的您,把握美高梅中國事業機會,與金獅再闖另一座高峰。 Job Description: - Support the team with various projects and events, as needed, such as props preparation, logistic planning, venue setting, etc. Assists in the preparation of training materials and other pertinent documents. Assists in the update and maintenance of training databases and attendance. Assists in training room set up and maint...
- 拓维集团 查看所有职位 长沙市 岳麓区
1、对接拓维学堂线下业务中心人力资源全盘工作,扮演HRBP主管角色; 2、充分了解体系业务模式,理解人力资源政策及流程,担当所负责部门的人力资源顾问与合作伙伴,提供必要的建设性意见和建议; 3、配合所负责部门工作开展,提供人力资源全套解决方案,包括人力资源供给(包含关键人才引进、常规人才补充、校园招聘等体系化建设工作),组织能力构建,薪酬绩效把控及优化建议等; 4、关注所负责部门员工职业素养、专业技能提升;发掘部门能力建设需求,建立部门培训体系; 5、 协助所负责部门进行团队建设规划、文化建设,营造良好的员工关系,防范与处理劳资风险; 6、 在业务规划中代表人力资源部门与所负责部门进行沟通,并向人力资源部反馈协调部门需求。 任职资格: 1.本科及以上学历,从事人力资源工作4年以上,并具有2年以上团队管理经验; 2.具备常规人力资源知识储备及灵活应用能力,能够准确理解需求并提供解决方案.执行落地; 3.有职业梦想,有韧劲,具备较强的学习能力及人力理解力.系统思考能力; 4.具备连锁运营管理模式行业经验优先。 职能类别:人事经理人事主管 微信 联系方式 上班地址:岳麓区银盆南路四水厂附近 ...
- 必维集团 CIF China 查看所有职位 上海市 黄浦区
Organize or participate in the organization of the audit: Carry out review of documentation Logistic preparations for the audit Obtain client approval for the audit program Identify & plan necessary resources for the audit Carry out the audit; Lead the opening meeting Carry out interviews identified with client Prepare the conclusions for the report Lead the closing meeting at the end of the audit Agree the non-conformities with the client Assess client compliance in order to issue or mainta...
- 必维集团 CIF China 查看所有职位 上海市 黄浦区
岗位职责: Delegated authority for the control and performance of on site audit activities, including any planning and review as described in Audit Realization Have delegated authority for the control and performance of on site audit activities, including any planning and review, and the control of other members of audit teams. authorized to lead Bureau Veritas Certification Audits and to take those decisions as necessary during Audits and to recommend to the Technical Manager initial certification, ...
- 潮州华丰集团股份有限公司 潮州市
一、 基本条件 1、2020年毕业的应届本科生、硕士生、博士生(石油化工类专业同时招聘专科生),在校无不良记录; 2、有梦想、有追求,性格外向、开朗; 3、专业知识扎实,综合素质良好,领悟性好; 4、热爱清洁能源事业。 二、招聘专业(岗位匹配相关专业) 1、综合管理类专业: 会计学、审计学、财务管理、税务、金融学、工商管理、行政管理、人力资源管理、法学、新闻学、汉语言文学、国际贸易、市场营销、信息管理、网络工程、计算机技术与运用等相关专业。 2、石油化工类专业(技术类): 油气储运工程、化学工程与工艺、机械设计制造及其自动化、过程装备与控制工程、电气工程及其自动化、机电一体化、仪表仪器、焊接技术与工程、石油化工生产技术、城市燃气工程、建筑环境与设备工程、化工设备与机械、电气自动化技术、港口工程、土木工程、高分子材料等相关专业。 职能类别:其他 微信分享...
- 汉能移动能源控股集团有限公司 乌鲁木齐市
乌鲁木齐市 月薪100,000元 职位描述:1、部门管理: (1)建立健全省级公司各项管理制度,制定科学合理工作流程;指导、监督和审核部门员工工作;负责部门间的沟通协调工作,贯彻和落实事业部领导的各项工作要求; (2)设计和调整部门工作和业务流程、组织架构、岗位设置及岗位职责,分派和调整部门员工工作,组织业务培训和交流; (3)定期召开部门工作会议,检查落实工作进度完成情况,并提出指导性意见。 2、销售管理: (1)建立户用事业部在省级销售市场的销售管理体系、经销商管理体系等;完成年度销售目标达成并持续维护市场开发与管理。 (2)指导、支持经销商开发、扶持、管理等;指导省级公司各业务、职能团队在事业部管理框架下完成内部管理与体系建设; (3)收集和分析商业项目信息,负责客情维护、业务谈判、价格管理、市场秩序维护、货款催收、售后服务、处理投诉; (4)全面指导、监控和执行事业部销售策略和销售计划。 3、目标管理: (1)参照部门战略规划,依据销售情况分解目标,制定并落实销售计划; (2)负责预算管理、PDCA循环管理,做好各项业绩、费用目标管理。 4、市场管理: (1)准确地把握市场信息...
- 德事商务咨询有限公司 成都市 锦江区
成都市 锦江区 月薪4,000 - 6,000元 Purpose of the role 职位描述: Prepare high standard coffee and professional service to ensure an excellent experience for our members 为中心客户提供专业咖啡服务 Job Duties 工作职责: Provides Beverages service to TEC members according to recipe presentation standards 为中心客户提供咖啡及其他饮品服务 Maintain a clean and organised workplace 保持工作场所干净整洁 Proactively communicate with TEC members and reflect feedback to EAs respectively. 与客户积极沟通,并及时反馈客户意见 职位要求: Good at Coffee machine operation and maintenance; 熟悉咖...
- 碧迪医疗器械有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
Position Summary : The senior testing engineer is an engineer who takes charge of: 1.Testing software products to ensure proper quality and functionality before the product is sold or released. 2.Execute manual or automation test cases, able to generate automation test cases to provide efficient testing Responsibility: ? Test case management ? Automation testing and manual testing ? Defect tracking ? Continuous Integration ? Finish testing document ? Responsible for software configuration ? Prod...
- 天境生物科技有限公司 Shanghai
Major Responsibilities and Duties: Act as CMC lead to manage integrated IND enabling projects outsourced to CDMO, be responsible for overall CMC budget, timeline, deliverable and IND filing, 1-2 projects annually. Act as function lead to manage functional activities of CMC development at CDMO site, multiple projects in parallel, including experimental designing, report reviewing, on-site support, dossier writing etc. Coordinate internal and external communications for in-licensed and out-license...
- 高德美贸易有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
Core mission Lead and manage activities related to Quality Assurance Maintain the local Quality Management System and monitor its compliance status Contribute proactively as an effective leader, functioning responsibly and autonomously while working within the framework of internal and external regulatory guidelines and procedures. Main responsibilities Responsible for ensuring Good Distribution Practice (GDP) is complied with for products imported and wholesaled Perform Quality and compliance s...
- 芬美意香料有限公司 上海市 闵行区
上海市 闵行区 Title: Import & Export Officer (Contractor) Location: Shanghai Key Responsibilities: The position encompasses various topics and requires managing partially or totally initiatives and logistics projects for IBD & OBD until their effective and successful implementation. In particular, projects and initiatives related to Reviewing and improving the distribution of our products to our customers; Improving the efficiency of OBD activities and flow. Developing logistics reports, recor...
- 芬美意香料有限公司 上海市 闵行区
Job responsibility: Responsible for recruitment full circle for junior positions including searching, screening, interview and selection. Support activities in the social media , e.g. WeChat Maintain job adverts and posting them to different platforms Support other recruitment activities and other HR events including campus program, trainings and etc. Job Requirement: Have a full time active university semester now Are self-confident in English communication Are interested in HR processes and th...
- 西蒙电气有限公司 上海市 闵行区
Responsibilities: 1. Sample preparation and delivery arrangement. 2. Translation of technical documents for oversea markets. 3. Research and attendance of industry exhibitions at potential markets in Asia Pacific region. 4. Order input and follow up with factory about lead time and shipment. 5. Daily email communication with oversea customers. 6. Smart communicate and coordinate with other departments. 7. Finish any tasks delegated from the manager with good quality and timely. 8. Support develo...
- 俊思商业有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
Canada Goose_Store Ambassador_ Experience (上海IFC国金) Summary of Position: The Brand Ambassador, Experience will be part of a new, exciting, and entrepreneurial team tasked with aggressively growing our brand awareness, revenue, and profit in China. They will have future opportunities to grow into Area Manager roles or other roles within Canada Goose’s China operations. He/She will be accountable for creating and providing an outstanding customer experience that will exemplify the Authenticity of ...
- 深圳中科世界机器人有限公司 深圳市 宝安区
1.负责公司的全面工作,健全和完善该部门的组织架构和人员配置,建立成功的管理模式和运作机制,对市场管理制度化、规范化; 2.制定市场部发展战略规划,建立销售体系、制定销售培训激励方案,提升工作士气,完成俱乐部下达的销售指标; 3.组织、监督市场部各项规划和计划的实施; 4.进行市场调研与分析,研究同行业界发展状况,定期进行市场预测及情报分析,为公司决策提供依据; 5.制定公司整体公关策略及危机公关的应对处理; 6.制定公司全年市场推广费用预算及市场全年整体财务预算制定、控制以及激励考核制度; 7.负责协调市场部与其他部门的关系,维护好与客户的关系。 任职要求: 1.市场营销、医学、中医、大健康、企业管理或相关专业大专或以上学历; 2.接受过战略管理、管理能力开发、市场营销、财务管理、谈判技巧等方面的培训; 3.具有10年以上企业全盘管理工作经验,6年以上市场总监工作经验,执行力强; 4.有中医、大健康行业、对艾灸及穴位知识有一定了解,知识面广、有从事过大健康及有这方面资源者优先。 职能类别:副总经理/副总裁 关键字:总经理负责人副总裁 上班地址:深圳市宝安区宝民一路广场大厦12楼(都之...
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