- 北京外企德科人力资源服务上海有限公司 Beijing
The Coding Data Mining Specialist (CDMS) supports with Coding Data Mining Managers (CDMM) on managing data mining of coded data.He/she provides expertise for data analysis based on information coded with a specific dictionary (MedDRA, WHODD).He/she is in charge of creating and maintaining lists necessary to regroup specific class of events or medications in collaboration with the requesters and users, lik clinicians (CSDs, CRDs) or pharmacovigilance representatives.He /she can define training ma...
- 北京外企德科人力资源服务上海有限公司 Shanghai
Scope of Role: 1. Proactively searching for, identifying, networking with and directly contacting active and passive job seekers, both internally and externally, for hard-to-hire, evergreen and specific vacancies, sourcing the very best candidates using a variety of channels that are aligned to and effectively communicate the employer brand including: 1. (Where possible) conducting pure research and name generation activities; 2. Online advertising (careers website, external job board postings) ...
- 北京外企德科人力资源服务上海有限公司 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 Responsibilities: 1. Organize and monitor plans submitted byvarious business units to Trust & Compliance; identify gaps in the datasubmitted; report on the data collected; and load the data on our departmenttool; 2. Lead online searches, handle informationmanagement of records relating to Trust & Compliance-led due diligencestudies and other department projects; 3. Support the preparation of presentationcharts, handle translation as needed, and ideally improve the presentationdes...
- 汎亞人力資源 Taibei
MIS/網路/多媒體 職務說明: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field and/or equivalent work experience 5 years’ Python development and MySQL or other databases 3 years’ experience working with Object Oriented Programming and Service Oriented Architecture 英文好(能溝通) 有管理經驗為佳 工作地點: 基隆/台北 薪 資: 面議 專長條件: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field and/or equivalent work experience 5 years’ Python development and MySQL or other databases 3 years’ experience working with Object Orien...
tw.indeed.comAugust 12,2019 - PwC 資誠 Taibei
職務說明 Line of Service Tax Industry/Sector Not Applicable Specialism General Tax Consulting Management Level Associate Job Description & Summary 1. 稅務簽證查核 2. 稅務諮詢與顧問服務 3. 公司稅相關稅務諮詢或法令遵循服務 1.須具備一年以上審計經驗 2.樂觀積極、溝通及表達能力佳 3.薪資待遇:月薪: 34000 ~ 45000 Education (if blank, degree and/or field of study not specified) Degrees/Field of Study required: Bachelor Degree Degrees/Field of Study preferred: Certifications (if blank, certifications not specified) Desired Languages (If blank, desired languages not ...
tw.indeed.comAugust 12,2019 - 芯源系统有限公司 Chengdu
成都市 高新区 Manage and summarize the statistic data of FA reports in FAR database, co-work with Manager/Supervisor to alarm FA results for baseline/or series of quality or low yield issue in R&D and mass production to QA and engineering team, and follow up the real root cause identification and valid fix. 负责管理和统计分析FA报告Data base里的数据,协助部门经理/主管对芯片研发和量产中系列的质量与良率失效问题的分析结果进行预警质量和相关工程部门,并追踪至根本原因有效地确认和解决。 Key Responsibilities 关键职责 Per monthly/quarterly FA reports, make a statistic category according to ...
- 源讯云计算有限公司 Wuhan
Role & Responsibility: Automation develop for IT infrastructure platform and cloud platform. Analyze, design, test, and evaluate automation script Regular review implemented automation jobs, and record result Update automation script to fix issue and tune function Develop automation scripts with version management Support IT operation and Security audit Skills and competencies Knowledge IT service management concept (ITIL) 1+ years' experience in application development OR 1+ years' ...
- 中源家居股份有限公司 China
岗位职责: 1、协助负责海外市场:北非与西非现有客户的管理与维护,新客户的开发,做好客户信息管理跟踪工作; 2、协助进行目标客户市场信息收集、进行市场分析,根据市场及定位,分析产品询价并报价; 3、协助进行销售流程管理的建立,包括处理客户询价、报价、跟进、下单并定时追踪订单情况; 4、协助上级进行客户接待,随行翻译,完成上级领导交办的其它工作。 任职要求: 1、全日制本科及以上学历,法语或国际贸易等相关专业毕业; 2、法语听说读写能力OK,对商务法语电函有一定的了解; 3、拥有积极主动的工作作风、有较强的团队合作精神。 职能类别:贸易/外贸专员/助理 关键字:法语外贸业务非洲 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:欧美金融城T2办公楼27层...
- 沃太能源南通有限公司 通州市
岗位职责: 1、新项目开发阶段的工艺及电气的评审,针对工艺电气设计提出改善建议,并跟进改善结果的落实 2、主导新产品的试产,并跟进试产工艺电气问题点的改善结果,防止同类问题在下阶段生产时再发 3、各对应工序所需的设备、治具申请的提出,并跟进相应设备、治具的制作进度及完成时间,并对完成后的治具进行再验证,保证投产时的可顺利使用 4、试产完成后,试产总结会的召开,并作成相应的试产总结报告,对应问题针对责任人进行跟进与改善 5、量产后电池及逆变器不良的维修、改善措施的验证及导入,并降低不良的发生 任职要求: 1、5年以上电池或逆变器PE或生产组长相关经验 2、熟悉电子知识应用、电子产品工艺应用、电子产品工程设计开发流程,熟悉电池方面知识 3、熟悉新产品开发流程 4、有光伏逆变器维修及逆变器相关设备维修经验优先 职能类别:产品工艺/制程工程师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:南通市通州区九华路888号 公司信息 沃太能源南通有限公司是一个由高层次技术及管理专家团队创建的、致力于新能源技术开发和产业化的高科技公司。团队成员具有丰富的技术创新、产业化、企业管理和国际市场经验,有从海外(美国、日本、欧洲)...
- 西门子歌美飒再生能源有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 杨浦区 Mission: PTS supervisor (Technical Support Supervisor)is responsible for managing 1st support-related issues, who acts as an interface with internal & external customer, aiming at resolving basic technical requests and identifying the requests to be escalated to 2nd support and headquarters. The goal of the service is to impact positively on the operation and maintenance tasks as well as execution of support agreement signed with external customers. This objective is achieved by redu...
- 广州博禹人力资源服务有限公司 Hangzhou
This role work closely with project leads to ensure that all budgeting, scheduling and coordination processes in an investment project are properly managed within the set project deadlines and budget. Position reports into Finance although day-to-day work is with close partnership to the Project Director. Environment/Context/Complexity of the job: Internal Factors: Range of scope and responsibility is broad and diverse due to necessary and in-depth interfaces and coordination with all project le...
- 常熟市通和人力资源服务有限公司 Kunshan
1. Responsible for design and system integration of automotive sensor part for global OEMs负责设计研发集成汽车传感器部件 2. Development of product specification 制定产品技术规格 3. Schematic and PCB layout design according to customer specification 根据客户规格需求设计原理图和PCB布局 4. Development of DFMEA and perform DFMEA measures and actions 负责DFMEA相关工作 5. Prototype testing and validation – demonstrate that design works as intended 样品试验和测试 6. Interact intensively with internal team and external team内部团队和外部团队的沟通 7. Communication w...
- 北京外企德科人力资源服务上海有限公司 Shanghai
Position Description 1.The Data Analyst will need to analyze various data sets and provide directive insight based on trending. 2.The primary responsibility for this role is to pull the data from a variety of websites and then to organize it in pivot tables in Excel.Google's projects, like our users, span the globe and require managers to keep the big picture in focus. 2.As a Program Manager at Google, you lead complex, multidisciplinary projects. You plan requirements with internal customer...
- 鼎毅食品有限公司 Xinbei
1. 公司各項美編設計(ex.網路美編….等) 2. 需細心、擅長溝通,具經驗 3. 網站內容維護:包含活動網頁設計、Banner設計、EDM視覺設計 4. 運用電腦網頁設計軟體,結合電腦系統之文字、聲光、音樂、圖片、影像及動畫功能,將新聞、知識、資訊、輿論或廣告,編撰設計成網路媒體網頁內容 5. 使用電腦繪圖工具(photoshop、Illustrator…等),繪出公司需要的各種文案、圖稿 6. 商品的設計、繪製、修圖 7. 維護網路平台資訊 8.包裝設計/網站圖片美編/產品拍照/影片編輯 9.社群影音平台管理維護 10.協助訂單出貨、打單、幫忙接電話 職務類別 : 平面設計/美編 行政助理 設計助理 休假制度 : 週休二日 上班時段 : 12:30~15:30/依公司規定 年 7 月 26 日 需求人數 : 1至1人 薪資待遇 : 時薪 150 至 160 元每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 兼職-長期 上班日期 : 隨 時 職位等級 : 助理 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 出差說明 : 不需出差 外派說明 : 不需外派 工作條件 學歷要求 : 無限制 科系要求 : 不拘 ...
tw.indeed.comAugust 11,2019 - 深圳欣捷毅拓科技有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 南山区 年薪100,000 - 150,000元 中拉事业项目合伙人 岗位职责: 1.全面负责中拉文化、贸易交流各类文案撰写编辑;项目策划与执行; 2.整合调配个人资源以完成项目创办相关工作; 3. 独自负责创办并主导西班牙语项目的培训工作; 4、负责西语软文宣传,西语沙龙活动组织及策划,西语文件翻译; 5、配合学员部与学生建立好良好的师生关系; 岗位要求: 1、对中国优秀传统文化、拉美优秀文化认同并喜爱,及策划相关活动沙龙交流会 2、有极强的快速学习能力,精通西班牙语,良好的听、说、读、写能力;有西班牙语翻译或西班牙语国际业务工作经验,有西班牙语实际应用者或外派国外经验者优先; 3、有项目创办组织及培训相关经验,喜欢富有挑战的工作,有做事业的冲劲; 4、性格开朗,善于沟通,有较强的团队协作能力;具有较强的组织协调和应变能力; 5、对待工作认真负责,具有较强的责任心和进取心 ; 薪资福利: 1.基本工资+六险一金+绩效奖金; 2. 带薪休假(年假、婚假、产假、丧假、病假、国家法定节假日); 3.公司每年不定期组织团队拓展及文娱活动; 4. 公司组织每年年会,颁发优秀员工奖、优秀...
- 毕恩人力资源顾问有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 About the company: Our client is a European company with factory in the rest of Guangdong.. Main responsibilities: In charge of sourcing of material strategic. Developing supplier including supplier management, selection, and negotiation. Resolves problems in the process and implements material improvements. Cross function cooperation, keep communicating with supply chain and finance team. Building up cost competitive data base.. Support new product introduction project from sourcing functio...
- 毕恩人力资源顾问有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 Main responsibilities: Manage all aspects of development of products from design specification to launch before deadline, quality and budgetary constraints including. Price negotiation Order follow up System maintenance Sufficient communication internally, such as with sales, design, quality, logistics and production department etc. Main requirements: University degree or equivalent; Minimum 3 years working experience in managing product development/supply activities; Experience with MRP sys...
- 北京大林绿源环保科技有限公司 Beijing
1. 开展外贸业务,拓展海外市场,开发、维护国外客户,完成销售目标; 2. 负责联系客户、编制报价、参与商务谈判、签订合同 3. 订单跟进,及时与货代沟通协调,确认船期、航期并及时安排出口报关等工作; 4. 各种单证的制作如:商业合同、发票、箱单等; 5. 负责外国客户来访接待,带外国客户参观工厂及订单谈判等 6. 协助外贸经理处理业务后续跟进问题,及时的给出方案; 7. 产品资料更新,部门部分翻译工作; 8. 公司网站、 B2B平台,产品发布,定期更新; 9. 协助部门经理完成其他日常工作; 职位要求: 1.大学本科以上学历,法语或国际经济贸易等相关专业; 2.法语和英语听说读写熟练,能与外商熟练无障碍沟通,有经验者优先考虑; 3.熟练运用办公软件; 4.反应敏捷、表达能力强,具有较强的沟通能力及交际技巧,具有亲和力; 5.工作踏实认真、吃苦耐劳、有责任心、有集体荣感、热爱外贸工作 职能类别: 贸易/外贸专员/助理 关键字: 法语、外贸 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:建国路89号院华贸商务楼4号楼2707...
- 苏州威博特能源环保科技有限公司 Suzhou
1、认真阅读招投标文件要求,根据招投标文件要求,收集制作招投标文件需要的技术和商务资料,及标书中涉及到的相应工作; 2、负责投标文件的编制、整体投标文件的排版、打印、复印、装订等工作,并按规定如期完成标书制作; 3、负责与销售经理、公司相关部门积极协调投标文件编制过程中的问题,确保投标文件按时投递。 4、了解招标法,熟悉项目的招标投标流程,具备良好的职业素养; 任职资格: 1、大专以上,造价、工程类专业; 2、一年以上专业招投标工作经验; 3、沟通协调能力强,工作上能够独挡一面;头脑灵活; 4、良好的语言、文字表达能力,熟练使用word、excel、powerpoint等办公软件,并会使用photoshop图形编辑等软件,具备基本的网络知识;; 5、工作严谨,做事稳重,能够严守工作秘密,忠诚敬业,有一定的文字、语言表达能力和理解能力,能适应短期出差。 职能类别: 商务助理 招投标管理 微信 联系方式 上班地址:和顺路创投工业坊3区23号南座 公司信息 美国威博特公司是从事锅炉及供热产品研发的专业公司,拥有多项专利技术。公司于2008年1月在中国苏州成立了中美合资企业——苏州威博特能源环...
- 苏州工业园区人力资源开发有限公司 Suzhou
Tasks and Responsibilities: 1. Overall in charge of the production management including molding, welding and assembling. 2. Provide leadership to the operation to ensure its objectives are met. 3. Manage the systems including inventory control, import & export of products to ensure the best utilization of the inventory. 4. Provide high standard of service to the customers and liaise with factories to resolve product quality, warrantee, incorrect shipment and other issues raised by customers....
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