- 佛山市诺德安达双语学校 Foshan
佛山市 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 职位信息 岗位职责: 1.激发学生的自信,建立同事之间的相互信任感 2.在教学实践中和同事友好合作并能够灵活的适应多语言的环境要求 3.在课堂中与同事互相配合不断激发学生的学习热情 4.具有一定的分析能力,探索新的教学方法拓展学生的学习体验 5.通过坚持不懈的自我学习,不断提高自己的职业素养与教学能力 6.在当地社会以及其它国际化的环境中推广学校的价值观 任职要求: 1. 善于沟通,并能与同事、家长建立良好关系。 2. 以身作则,不仅对学生树立较高的期望和标准,同时对自身也能做到高标准、严要求。 3. 具有一定的抗压能力,同时在工作中有想法、有条理。 4. 善于合作和沟通,不仅和同事要保持良好沟通,致力于完成学校的首要发展目标及长远目标,同时要和家长定期保持有效的沟通。 经验资格: 1.本科及以上学历,3年以上工作经验,持教师资格证书; 2.有音乐的教学经验,并且有双语教学能力; 3.有中级或高级职称的老师优先; 4.如有国际学校教学经验者优先; 如应届硕士学历,有音乐教育等专业毕业者亦可考虑作为储备教师。 职能类别: 音乐/美术教师 微信...
- 北京仕邦达人力资源服务有限公司 Shanghai
Requirements Three roles in this position in summary: 1) A merchandizer, to implement and roll out the ASPA merchandzing strategy in China. 2) A planner, to lead the development of the long range, rolling forward yearly and seasonal China plans 3) A buyer, to fulfile the needs for direct owned and managed channels (China eCommerce & retail shops) In your role of Merchandiser: 1. Implement and roll out China product strategies, together with stakeholders, on a seasonal basic that support the ...
- 北京仕邦达人力资源服务有限公司 Shanghai
Our client is a top Automotive Company. Responsibilities: Analyze customer functional safety requirement Propose technical safety concept on system level together with system manager Create HSI (Hardware Software Interface) together with Hardware architects Make SW safety strategies and participate in SW safety architect design Implement some of functional safety components from SW side for in vehicle controllers or graphic controllers Collaborate with global team (USA, Germany, India, …) to ful...
- 北京腾天文化艺术交流有限公司 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 日薪200元 工作内容 working content: 到固定的国际学校给幼小学生教授科学或工程或地球课课程 Go to specific international schools to teach science or engineering or earth classes to young students 职位要求 job requirements: 1、相关专业,逻辑思维较好 2、熟悉理科学科,并具有一定的理科教学经验 3、有亲和力,责任心,喜欢孩子,并具有一定的组织能力 4、充分了解学生的需求,掌握学生的心里特征,善于与学生沟通,能够调动学生的积极性 5、有时间观念,配合区域老师,能按时到分校区进行授课 job requirements: 1. Related majors, good logical thinking 2. Be familiar with science subjects and have some experience in science teaching 3, Responsibility, like children, and...
- 南京育荣文化艺术交流有限公司 Nanjing
南京市 江宁区 月薪8,000 - 10,000元 加入金芭蕾你可以享受到这些公司福利: 1.远超同行的薪资待遇; 2.完善的内部培训及企业管理机制; 3.享受规范的社会福利保障五险一金; 4.优美舒适的办公小环境; 5.轻松惬意的带薪寒暑假; 6.员工子女的超低内部折扣学习; 7.高颜值的同事; 8.漂亮可爱的小朋友拥戴,让你在工作中身体、颜值、能力、待遇都能全面提升。 还在考虑什么?快来加入我们吧! 岗位职责: 1.了解客户需求,向客户介绍学校课程,安排班级; 2.保持与客户良好的沟通,提供必要的少儿芭蕾咨询; 3.有效维护客户资源,提供优质服务,达成长期学习目标; 4.根据公司发展规划,完成校区业绩指标。 职位要求: 1.喜欢孩子,致力于在少儿素质教育行业长期发展; 2. 热爱销售及客服工作,愿意挑战自己不断成长; 3. 工作积极主动,有良好的服务意识和沟通能力; 4.熟练操作Windows系统及Office办公软件; 5.具有教育培训行业,面对面销售,客户服务等相关工作经验优先 职能类别:培训/课程顾问 关键字:课程顾问课程销售 微信 联系方式 上班地址:竹山路与谭园路交汇处龙...
- 北京腾天文化艺术交流有限公司 Beijing
工作内容 working content: 到固定的国际学校给幼小学生教授科学或工程或地球课课程 Go to specific international schools to teach science or engineering or earth classes to young students 职位要求 job requirements: 1、相关专业,逻辑思维较好 2、熟悉理科学科,并具有一定的理科教学经验 3、有亲和力,责任心,喜欢孩子,并具有一定的组织能力 4、充分了解学生的需求,掌握学生的心里特征,善于与学生沟通,能够调动学生的积极性 5、有时间观念,配合区域老师,能按时到分校区进行授课 1. Related majors, good logical thinking 2. Be familiar with science subjects and have some experience in science teaching 3, Responsibility, like children, and have certain organizational abil...
- 宜家购物中心管理有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 1. Initiation & Design Phase: ? Assist project TC manager to develop and implement process and procedures to identify, plan, monitor and report on all required tenant related authority’s approvals and permits. ? Review all proposed lease agreements with respect to impact on base building parameters and technical provisions ? Lead and manage tenant handover conditions negotiation ? Lead, manage, update and follow up tenant related fit out costs, budgets and in accordance to handover c...
- 上海高力物业顾问有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 Key Responsibilities: 1. Data collection through secondary and selective primary research, maintain real estate database; 2. Make market research and prepare specified parts of deliverables e.g. reports in word or PowerPoint or Excel spreadsheets; 3. Perform specified analyses under guidance from senior colleagues; 4. Active participation in and contribution to teamwork with other s to deal with projec t specific issues; 5. Help prove read reports written in English; 6. Write reports; Re...
- 上海药明生物技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Lead Biochemistry Lab in development of immunoassay and DNA assays activities for protein therapeutics for early and late stage programs, including method development, qualification/validation, method transfer to QC, and strong collaboration with partner organizations. Lead the efforts in applying high-throughput workstation and analytical technology to support process development. Contribute to draft and review of regulatory submissions including INDs and BLAs. The applicant will manag...
- 苏州壹达生物科技有限公司 Suzhou
岗位职责: (1)能按照SOP要求执行细胞系的细胞复苏、细胞传代培养、细胞计数、细胞活力检测等技术操作;以及PBMC细胞分离提取,增殖培养等; (2) 负责细胞培养用相关溶液配制灭菌等; (3) 负责实验样品取样、留样、送检; (4) 实验室设备的清洁、维护、验证;实验室的日常清洁; (5) 完成领导安排的其他任务。 任职要求: 1)学历:大专及以上学历,生物技术、生物化学、细胞生物学、制药工程或相关专业; 2)具有一年以上工作经验,有原代及细胞系细胞培养工作经历者优先或者免疫细胞分离培养工作经历优先; 3)了解无菌操作、细胞培养、GMP相关知识,具备生物学相关理论知识,对相关设备有一定的了解,能够独立完成细胞传代工作; 4)做事踏实细心、严谨自律、有条理性,具有极强的责任心和敬业精神。 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 微信 联系方式 上班地址:苏州工业园区若水路388号E1506 公司信息 苏州壹达生物科技有限公司是在长达5年的研发、试用和改进的基础上,于2014年11月在苏州注册成立。其核心团队由国内多学科、多领域的9名精英组成,其中有6名博士和3名硕士,包括2名国家特聘‘千人计划...
- 诚通润物管理咨询有限公司 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 月薪10,000 - 12,000元 1. 负责品牌营销类活动海报以及线下终端POSM物料设计; 2. 负责品牌内部的平面宣传品设计,如产品手册,宣传单页等; 3. 负责品牌微信/微博配图,网页配图以及线上 Banner等线上平面视觉设计; 4. 负责协助产品经理监督设计公司完成新产品包装设计以及新品海报设计; 5. 负责公司内部会议的物料设计及输出制作。 职位要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,艺术设计类相关专业,2年以上相关平面设计工作经验,有快消品设计经验者优先; 2. 精通Adobe Illustrator、CorelDRAW、Indesign、Photoshop等图形软件,掌握flash等软件的使用,会H5页面设计制作优先; 3. 熟悉产品包装、画册、海报、宣传页等的设计及完稿制作,并掌握印刷工艺流程等相关常识; 4. 有很强的创意能力和活跃的设计思维,有良好的审美,善分析、沟通能力强,能够独立完成设计工作; 5. 具有良好的美术功底,画面执行力和色彩驾驭能力较强。 职能类别:平面设计师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:泰康金融大厦...
- 南京育荣文化艺术交流有限公司 Nanjing
南京市 江宁区 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 根据公司发展规划,完成校区业绩指标; 有效维护客户资源,提供优质服务,达成客户长期学习目标; 所负责校区的日常运营管理,按照总部的要求提交各类管理及统计报表; 校区内课程顾问及教务前台的培训及管理; 协助总部市场部对公司品牌进行宣传 你要具备的能力: 喜欢孩子,致力于在少儿素质教育行业长期发展; 具有3年或以上教育培训行业,具有门店(校区)管理等相关工作着经验优先; 热爱销售及客服工作,愿意挑战自己不断成长; 工作积极主动,有良好的服务意识和沟通能力; 熟练操作Windows系统及Office办公软件和CRM系统; 福利待遇: 无责任底薪+有竞争力的业绩提成 试用期开始缴纳五险一金 试用期过后享有带薪休假 定期员工培训,体检 每年员工旅游奖励 加入金芭蕾你可以享受到这些公司福利: 1.远超同行的薪资待遇; 2.完善的内部培训及企业管理机制; 3.试用期开始享受规范的社会福利保障(五险一金); 4.优美舒适的办公小环境; 5.轻松惬意的带薪寒暑假; 6.员工子女的超低内部折扣学习; 7.高颜值的同事; 8.漂亮可爱的小朋友拥戴,让你在...
- 上海闵行德浦托育有限公司 Shanghai
Job requirements: 1. Foreign nationality: Native English speaker 2. Academic requirements: bachelor pluses TEFL or TESOL certificate; major English language or education/pedagogy will be preferred 4. Graduated for 2 years or more,Chinese English teaching experience is preferred. 5. Job nature: full time job. 6. Work experience: 1 year working experience or more is preferred. 7. Attitude: enjoy teaching, outgoing, friendly, responsible, patient, caring and cooperative personality. 8. Abilities: k...
- 广东启德教育服务有限公司 Kunming
昆明市 五华区 实习生 月薪1,500 - 2,000元 工作职责: 欢迎您加入EIC启德教育集团,愿EIC成为您事业新的起点! 提供国际教育全价值解决方案、学业规划,帮助学生做好语言、学术和能力方面的充分准备,衔接学生需求和优质国际教育资源。这是我们的使命! 在启德,您可以有1+N种职业规划,因为不论是横向还是纵向,不论是境内还是境外,我们都将给您提供更多的发展模式和广阔的发展平台! 我们是一个快乐的、人本化的团队,相信在这里,您的收获将会是多元化的! 期待优秀的您加入我们! 任职资格: 工作职责: 1、 公司职能部门实习岗位; 2、为公司的发展提供规范化的管理环境,为公司的可持续发展提供市场支持 3、欢迎具备管理意识与服务意识,并愿意在启德教育集团长期发展的在校大学生加入。 任职资格: 1、专科以上学历; 2、积极主动,具有强烈的团队精神; 3、良好的沟通技巧和执行能力; 4、在校大学生优先。 薪酬与奖金 1、薪酬制度:行业内具有竞争优势的薪酬激励 2、绩效奖金:根据每月综合评比给予丰匹配的绩效奖金; 3、年终奖金:转正员工享受不同程度的年终奖金; 4、其他高激励奖金:团队奖金、t...
- 德朗睿思教育发展有限公司 Shenzhen
1. Provide STEM courses in English; 2. Participate in and organize school social projects and activities, including extracurricular activities of academic departments (ECA); 3. Provide Demonstration Courses for potential customers; 4. Other tasks assigned by the Centre or by academic departments at Headquarters in consultation; 5. Provide students with reasonable information and summary assessment; 6. Participate in additional STEM learning activities such as science exhibitions; 7. Collaborativ...
- 百济神州生物科技有限公司 Beijing
Translation duty Plan, schedule and monitor translation projects. Proofread and perform quality checks on translated files. Translate and review, verify clinical documents, proofread/enter proofreader’s corrections, check consistency and format. Embrace new technologies and changes in this industry to continuously improve one’s own translation skillset. Process management Manage the public email account of medical translation. Maintain the translation glossary and translation memory for Clin Dev...
- 上海润诺生物科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 职位描述 We are seeking a highly experienced scientific leader who will join us as Director of Pharmacology at BioDuro (Shanghai site). The successful candidate must have strong expertise in one or several areas of in vivo studies including but not limited to: immunology and inflammation, cardiovascular, renal, liver, fibrotic and metabolic diseases. She or he will be expected to have a good grasp of the current trends and needs in drug discovery and lead the innovation to build new disease...
- 上海药明生物技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Key accountabilities: Improve the department operational systems, processes and policies in support of organizations mission - specifically, support better management reporting, information flow and management, business process and organizational planning. Manage and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Support Services (Site Expansion, HR, IT and Finance), through improvements to each function as well as coordination and communication between support and business functions. Pla...
- 百济神州生物科技有限公司 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 Maintain and develop the efficiency of MKT operation Effectively implement and manage operation system: Oracle, Office and any software related to work Continuously improve the learning curve with the active interaction of key stakeholders Carefully monitor communications response data and other performance and marketing metrics. Establish and maintain a centralized archive of presentations, marketing material and communications that is accessible to various functional groups internally....
- 杭州观苏生物技术有限公司 Hangzhou
Job Responsibilities: 1. Timely completion of language polishing & modification for English articles as required. 2. Other tasks assigned by the supervisor. Requirements: 1.Being a foreigner & native English speaker in China who holds a Bachelor’s degree or above. 2.rich experience in editing English papers and outstanding capabilities to edit & polish papers. Background in biology, pharmacy or medicine is preferred. 3.Being responsible and able to improve individual abilities in a s...
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