- 上海略卿企业管理咨询中心 查看所有职位 Shanghai
医疗行业: 岗位职责: 1、完善公司技术服务体系,提升公司整体的技术服务能力; 2、基于公司发展战略和客户实际需求,优化或重组技术服务方案; 3、确保所有客户项目运行中的问题解决,对重大问题提供复盘和分析改进方案; 4、项目运行各类数据统计分析,提供有效数据供公司运营团队进行有效决策; 5、建立标准化的技术服务流程,并建立有效的考核和激励机制; 6、搭建全面技术服务培训体系; 任职要求: 1、医疗器械等相关专业,本科及以上学历; 2、八年及以上服务支持工作背景,五年以上同岗位管理经验; 3、良好的学习能力、问题解决能力、组织协调能力以及客户沟通能力; 4、责任意识强,具备较好的开拓进取精神和抗压能力,能接受创业公司工作氛围; 职能类别:售前/售后技术支持经理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海...
- 易贝乐少儿英语丽水莲都校区 查看所有职位 丽水市 莲都区
关于易贝乐: 易贝乐少儿英语是世界500强Positivo集团旗下教育品牌E-Blocks的教学体系,是针对全球3—12岁EFL(English as a Foreign Language)国家儿童的英语启蒙标准课程,荣获联合国WSA教育大奖,目前校区遍及北上广深,杭州、大连、青岛、长沙等多个城市,在全国成立了近400家学习中心,服务于近20万个家庭。诚邀各方精英的加入! 岗位职责 1、全面负责管理教学部各项工作,带领教学团队营造积极向上的氛围; 2、依据整体运营目标,把握中心教学和学术工作的关键指标; 3、负责确保所有教师按照校区英语教学标准和大纲,提供高质量的教学服务; 4、监控中心的教学质量同时兼顾各部门间的沟通工作; 5、为校区的招生发挥教学的优势,激励教师团队作出绩效方案; 6、负责培训新教师,培养提拔优秀教师;管理学术团队,培养和建立学术人员梯队; 7、负责进行家长学生满意度调查; 8、协助市场、销售完成DEMO课、公开课的演示,展示教学成果。 9、服从校长安排的其它工作; 晋升:TUTOR-tutor主管-校长-区域总监 任职要求: 1、 本科以上学历,专业英语8级,英语...
- 英屬維京群島商李肇勳國際室內設計顧問股份有限公司台灣分公司 Taibei
Organized, creative self starter needed to fulfill various tasks including: Survey locations, take measurements, freehand renderings, space planning, design, presentation development, production drawings in CAD, digital photography. 尋求充滿創意、主動性及組織能力強的人才,工作內容包含: 工地勘察、丈量、繪圖、室內空間設計規劃、簡報製作、CAD繪製、攝影等. 接受身份: 上班族、外籍人士 工作經歷: 2年以上 學歷要求: 大學、碩士 科系要求: 室內藝術相關、建築相關 語文條件: 英文 -- 聽 /中等、說 /中等、讀 /中等、寫 /中等 擅長工具: AutoCAD、Sketch up 工作技能: 不拘 其他條件: The qualification required: Diploma or Degree holder in Interior Design/...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 14,2019 - 浙江天顾税务师事务所有限公司 杭州市 滨江区
杭州市 滨江区 年薪300,000 - 600,000元 由浙江天顾税务师事务所、浙江天顾财经培训中心、浙江网税科技股份有限公司与浙江税务网(www.zjtax.net)等主体所集成的“浙江税务服务综合平台”,在被业界称为“浙江税务实战第一人”陈良照等一批专家的持续努力下,已成为高端、综合性税务服务领域引领者。现因业务发展、团队建设、全面启动、整体提高与共同创业等客观需要,现招聘: 一、 岗位职责及其要求 (一)岗位 税务网站的CEO或COO 1名 (二)职责 负责浙江税务网(www.zjtax.net)的创业定位(突破革新方向)、团队建设、商务运营等。 (三)要求 本科以上学历,有创新精神与创业激情,专业与实践对口、历史成绩与综合能力突出。 二、待遇前途 年薪30-60万元、合伙(3%-10%股比)并成就事业(发展前途与人生价值) 三、联系咨询 (一)有意者 请投递个人简历(建议至www.zjtax.net《下载中心》下载标准格式,包含工作经历、未来规划、家庭成员、健康状况、个人近照等必要信息)。 (二)应聘者 个人简历我们及时收阅后认为合适的则安排来单位现场(杭州市滨江区科技馆街6...
- 任遠國際法律事務所 台北市 信義區
工作內容 1.法律相關科系畢,無經驗可,有經驗佳。 2.協助主管及律師處理一般行政業務 3.負責電話接聽、收件、寄件及銀行業務辦理。 4.接待訪客、茶水準備、訂購餐點。 5.負責辦公室環境與設備之整潔、維護。 6.細心、有文書彙整能力 。 薪資待遇: 時薪 160 元以上 上班地點: 台北市信義區忠孝東路五段508號13樓(家美國際金融大樓金座) 地圖找房子找中古車 租售行情 上班時段: 日班 上班時段:09:00/下班時段: 18:30 休假制度: 週休二日 職務類別: 工讀生、行政助理 職務更新日期:2019-09-04 職缺條件 工作性質: 打工 身份類別: 一般求職者、應屆畢業生、日間就讀中 是否出差: 不需出差/外派 管理責任: 不需負擔管理責任 可上班日: 一個月內 工作經驗: 無經驗可 學歷要求: 大學 科系限制: 法律學科類 語文條件: 不拘 擅長工具: Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook 工作技能: 不拘 其他條件: 未填寫 需求人數: 不拘 福利與制度 職缺特色 定期加薪 週休二日 免經驗可 無需輪班...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 13,2019 - 北京科闻一百咨询服务有限公司 上海市 长宁区
Position Summary Responsible for running PR campaigns on time, on budget and to client briefs and for ensuring that client accounts are run on a day-to-day basis in terms of the client, the media and the team. May be responsible for line management of direct reports and deputises for the Account Director in their absence. Responsibilities ? Provide client consultancy and day to day account management to clients ? Support and direct account teams in the development, coordination, implementation a...
- 广州市方尔达人力资源有限公司 昆明市
FUNDER Group is a platform for international education - Online & Offline International Education Sharing. We have companies in Guangzhou and Shanghai in China, and Berkeley in the US. 方尔达共享国际教育是一个线上线下的教育平台,在广州、上海、美国都有公司。 We have been partnering with K12 schools and adult education in Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities in China for our offline & online platform. Native English teachers & Chinese English teachers are giving students English courses on our FunderStudy online platform...
- 广州市方尔达人力资源有限公司 石家庄市
FUNDER Group is a platform for international education - Online & Offline International Education Sharing. We have companies in Guangzhou and Shanghai in China, and Berkeley in the US. 方尔达共享国际教育是一个线上线下的教育平台,在广州、上海、美国都有公司。 We have been partnering with K12 schools and adult education in Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities in China for our offline & online platform. Native English teachers & Chinese English teachers are giving students English courses on our FunderStudy online platform...
- INSPECTORIO.INC 查看所有职位 杭州市 滨江区
Copywriter Freelancer– Hangzhou, China RESPONSIBILITIES Translate content of social media, promotional content and other marketing assets as needed Support to create, edit and polish the content for both online & offline promotion including but not limited to social media (WeChat, Weibo, etc), marketing events and exhibition Assist in other marketing related events and project as needed REQUIREMENTS Excellent in both Chinese and English writting with outstanding grammar At least one-year exp...
- I.T 查看所有职位 上海市 黄浦区
上海市 黄浦区 平面设计师 / 平面美工 / Graphic Designer / Artist 职位要求: 1、熟练应用Photoshop、Illustrator、Indesign等设计软件; 2、具备视觉、创意能力,追求细节的视觉表现; 3、具有良好的团队合作精神、善于与人沟通; 4、设计相关专业大专以上学历,迎接毕业生亦可,2年以上相关工作经验尤佳。 职位描述: 1、主要负责平面设计的工作。 职能类别: 平面设计师 展览/展示/店面设计 关键字: 平面设计 美工 艺术设计 photoshop illustrator 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:西藏中路168号3楼...
- Liebherr Co., Ltd. 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
Job Description 职位描述 Job Title: Quality Engineer - Part 145 Location: Shanghai Vacancy No: 1 Department: Aerospace 航空部 Requisition Number: 2018-42 Liebherr-Aerospace introduction: In the Aerospace domain, Liebherr supplies aircraft air management, flight control and actuation systems, hydraulic and landing gears systems. Our systems are on board of many aircraft programs: Commercial transport aircraft, commuter and regional aircraft, business jets, fighters, military transport, trainer aircraft ...
- 森浦Sumscope 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 岗位职责: 1. Take full ownership of and responsibility for external customer-facing website 2. Design, build, and deploy innovative marketing solutions to drive new business 3. Create a dynamic, customizable, multi-tenant platform for private-label solutions 4. Ensure successful technical implementations by leading Fortune 1000 financial services firms 5. Drive productivity improvements through tools, processes, test-driven development, and continuous refactoring 6. Ability to work in a fas...
- 国际SOS 查看所有职位 上海市 杨浦区
上海市 杨浦区 Key Responsibilities : Responsibility for medical due diligence and case direction with respect to designated medical assistance cases on transmission. Participate in the virtual coordinating nurse role providing medical assistance oversight for outpatient case coordination in the participating Great China centres in Dragon Mahjong such as Beijing and Taipei ( more Assistance Centres to be added). Assess each designated case with respect to its medical elements and provide clinical direc...
- 威韬商务咨询有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 WTS is posting this recruitment advertisement on behalf of our client – which is a leading German auto parts supplier setting up a manufacturing plant in Lin Gang New Area, Pudong, Shanghai. It will be one of the major auto parts suppliers to the new Tesla plant located in the same area, and some other auto makers in China. It now looks for a matured and experienced candidate to head its IT, HR and Finance function. The candidate is required to have a minimum three years’ experience in ...
- 赤蕨商务咨询有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
JUNIOR SOCIAL MEDIA CONSULTANT新媒体运营顾问 (intern is also accepted此岗位也欢迎实习生) RedFern Associates is successful and fast growing, foreign consultancy firm based in Shanghai. We specialize in assisting foreign clients with China strategic market entry, establishment and maintenance of legal entities, licenses and registrations, mergers & acquisitions across a wide range of businesses and industries. This opening is for a position starting immediately in the Shanghai office. SCOPE OF JOB The Junior ...
- 威立雅环境服务有限公司 上海市 静安区
上海市 静安区 Job Summary: Driving, coordinating and implementing Digital Learning Projects and Initiatives in the distribution channels of Veolia Learning Team. Main Duties: Coordinate engaging and innovative digital learning content that meets learning objectives; Support the creation and editing of digital learning modules, video and audio sources; Help to convert classroom an in-store learning experiences to digital learning modules; Identify digital learning tools and multi-media platform, recomm...
- 深圳市笨鸟软件有限公司 深圳市 福田区
深圳市 福田区 Are you an experienced, English-language technical writer looking for your next challenge® Or an English language journalist or translator with an interest in tech® If so, please keep reading... We’re a small, 16-person software company, based in the Saige Building in Shenzhen. Founded in 2009, we've worked hard to maintain our dynamic, startup culture and our innovative approach to business. Over the last two years, we've been leveraging high quality content to push our website ...
- 飞驰镁物信息服务有限公司 上海市 虹口区
Job description: Greet visitors, employees and clients at the front desk in a professional, friendly manner Interact with employees daily to address workplace questions and needs, respond to all questions/concerns in a timely and efficient manner Assist in booking meeting rooms and order refreshments and meals Manage visitor registration To assist admin for daily office admin operation, including business cards, badge application, stationary, pantry supplies Ensure a clean working area, office, ...
- AECOM Ltd 艾奕康 查看所有职位 上海市 杨浦区
AECOM FY20 Greater China (2020校园招聘) Campus Recruitment Responsibilities Conduct economic and real estate research and analysis; Compile and organize research data to produce projection models and presentations; Document research data, analysis and projection models into economic and real estate market reports; Market analysis, demand assessment, due diligence, feasibility studies, financial modelling and other advisory work for leading regional and international real estate / infrastructure / ec...
- 明德新意咨询服务有限公司 China
对外汉语教师(苏州)- Chinese Language Teacher(Suzhou) Main Responsibilities: To deliver Chinese classes according to our innovative methodology. To maintain Chinese language teaching of highest quality at all times. To provide professional learning advice to students, in and out of the classroom. Requirements: No previous teaching experience or teaching certificates required as we will provide training in our own methodology. Excellent English, English major is preferred. Standard Putonghua. Bachelors de...
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