Results 1 - 20 of 19508
  • 丹德贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    Job Title & location: Merchandiser & Quality Controller (MQC) at Nordisk Asia (NA), Shanghai. Reports to the General Manager. Product range: Outdoor products and gear for hard lines and soft lines. This includes, but is not limited to: tents, sleeping bags, mattresses, backpacks, foldable furniture, and outdoor garments. General Job Description: The MQC ensures that merchandise requests from our European headquarter are handled as per specifications and are up to our AQL (Acceptable Qual...

  • 是德科技有限公司 Beijing

    Do you want to work with and develop leading-edge 5G NR technology? Keysight is where you will work with talented engineers from around the world developing While working in an exciting environment as a part of a multicultural team, you are going to investigate 5G NR standard, develop 5G NR RF test system and deliver software with system to customer. You will have strong mentors and coaches to help you develop your career according to your experience, skills and interests. Qualifications: You...

  • 东莞利威鞋业有限公司 Dongguan

    岗位职责: 1. 样品鞋试穿,并反馈试穿意见; 2. 整理试穿报告,更新报表。 岗位要求: 1. 美线女鞋6码、7码、8码标准脚(国产女鞋约36-39码脚); 2. 工作经验不限,应届毕业生也可;如有工厂/贸易公司试穿经验可优先; 3. 良好的沟通能力; 4. 熟悉办公软件操作; 5. 工作地点:常驻浙江温州、江西鹰潭、河南周口等地。 6B: 脚长/Length: 6/228mm/36-37码 掌宽/Width: 6B/214-218mm 脚背/Instep: 215mm 脚踝/Ankle: 210mm 职能类别: 业务跟单 模特 关键字: 试穿 脚模 模特 fitting model 6码 微信 联系方式 上班地址:广东省东莞市南城区宏图路(白马路段)...

  • 林德公众有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Overall responsibility for security management of the APAC region of Linde with significant exposure to senior business management. Frequently conduct site risk assessments/ fieldwork and assure that appropriate countermeasures are in place. Respond to and investigate security incidents using sound investigative methods, conduct root cause analysis, identify mitigation measures, and compile accurate, concise reports. Ensure that corporate security policies and procedures are adhered to ...

  • 德仕科技有限公司 Suzhou

    苏州市 工业园区 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 1、本科以上毕业,会计或财务相关专业,英语四级或以上,能用英语进行工作沟通;具有会计中级职称; 2、5年以上欧美外资企业工作经验,熟练制做英文财务报表; 3、制造企业成本会计管理工作经验;熟悉工厂生产成本核算、控制方面的知识; 4、熟悉企业的工商、税务、海关的注册、年审、申报等事宜,进出口经营企业免、抵、退的操作处理; 5、熟悉用友ERP系统操作并有实际运作经验,电脑操作熟练; 6、工作责任心强,性格开朗,做事积极主动,沟通能力好,具有团队合作精神; 职能类别: 财务主管/总账主管 微信 联系方式 上班地址:江苏省苏州工业园区胜浦镇银胜路116号 公司信息 德仕科技(深圳)有限公司是由德国上市集团EHLEBRACHT AG在中国全额投资的一家提供综合性制造服务的企业,目前在中国大陆拥有深圳,苏州,南京三个制造基地。主要从事精密塑胶模具设计制作、精密塑胶产品注塑生产,以及各类灯具研发设计和生产制造。服务的行业包括家电、汽车、医疗、消费类电子及照明等。秉承德国集团近百年积累的精密高效生产专业技术,公司为客户提供从产品设计、模具制造、注塑、...

  • 德仕科技有限公司 Suzhou

    1、熟悉塑胶产品特性,表面处理、电镀、喷油、丝印移印 2、熟练使用各类测量工具; 3、有团队合作精神,吃苦耐劳服从上级安排,能适应经常性出差; 职能类别:质量检验员/测试员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:江苏省苏州工业园区胜浦镇银胜路116号 公司信息 德仕科技(深圳)有限公司是由德国上市集团EHLEBRACHT AG在中国全额投资的一家提供综合性制造服务的企业,目前在中国大陆拥有深圳,苏州,南京三个制造基地。主要从事精密塑胶模具设计制作、精密塑胶产品注塑生产,以及各类灯具研发设计和生产制造。服务的行业包括家电、汽车、医疗、消费类电子及照明等。秉承德国集团近百年积累的精密高效生产专业技术,公司为客户提供从产品设计、模具制造、注塑、二次加工到装配、物流配送、售后服务于一体的“一站式”OEM服务。凭借优良的品质、专业的服务,本着“精益求精、持续发展、顾客至上、互利共赢”的经营理念,德仕科技拥有众多国际知名客户,如BOSCH-SIEMENS、Miele、GE、OSRAM、Drager、Dometic、Arcelik等。 公司员工平时加班费为1:1.5,休息日加班费为1:2,法定假日如有安排加班则...

  • 纷德商贸有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 虹口区 Make technical evaluation on samples for all type of cloth to ensure the correct quality, fitting workmanship and measurements during all the process from the sample development to the production Check proto samples, Size set samples (with size grade) and pre- production sample, make clear comments in English with measurements, pictures and sketch details to help explain/solve problems Coordinate with suppliers about the samples’ comment to clarify the key points of workmanship. Find the...

  • 德仕科技有限公司 Suzhou

    苏州市 工业园区 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 1·有3年以上塑胶模具厂EDM操作经验,能独立完成工作,沟通能力强; 2·中专以上文化,22~35岁;熟练使用台一、夏米尔、汉霸等数控机床; 3·识图能力强,做事细致,身心健康,诚实正直,工作积极主动,能吃苦耐劳,服从公司管理,有团队精神。 职能类别: 技工 微信 联系方式 上班地址:江苏省苏州工业园区胜浦镇银胜路116号 公司信息 德仕科技(深圳)有限公司是由德国上市集团EHLEBRACHT AG在中国全额投资的一家提供综合性制造服务的企业,目前在中国大陆拥有深圳,苏州,南京三个制造基地。主要从事精密塑胶模具设计制作、精密塑胶产品注塑生产,以及各类灯具研发设计和生产制造。服务的行业包括家电、汽车、医疗、消费类电子及照明等。秉承德国集团近百年积累的精密高效生产专业技术,公司为客户提供从产品设计、模具制造、注塑、二次加工到装配、物流配送、售后服务于一体的“一站式”OEM服务。凭借优良的品质、专业的服务,本着“精益求精、持续发展、顾客至上、互利共赢”的经营理念,德仕科技拥有众多国际知名客户,如BOSCH-SIEMENS、Miele、GE、...

  • 德仕科技有限公司 Suzhou

    苏州市 工业园区 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 1、本科以上毕业,会计或财务相关专业,英语四级或以上,能用英语进行工作沟通;具有会计中级职称; 2、5年以上欧美外资企业工作经验,熟练制做英文财务报表; 3、制造企业成本会计管理工作经验;熟悉工厂生产成本核算、控制方面的知识; 4、熟悉企业的工商、税务、海关的注册、年审、申报等事宜,进出口经营企业免、抵、退的操作处理; 5、熟悉用友ERP系统操作并有实际运作经验,电脑操作熟练; 6、工作责任心强,性格开朗,做事积极主动,沟通能力好,具有团队合作精神; 职能类别: 财务主管/总账主管 微信 联系方式 上班地址:江苏省苏州工业园区胜浦镇银胜路116号 公司信息 德仕科技(深圳)有限公司是由德国上市集团EHLEBRACHT AG在中国全额投资的一家提供综合性制造服务的企业,目前在中国大陆拥有深圳,苏州,南京三个制造基地。主要从事精密塑胶模具设计制作、精密塑胶产品注塑生产,以及各类灯具研发设计和生产制造。服务的行业包括家电、汽车、医疗、消费类电子及照明等。秉承德国集团近百年积累的精密高效生产专业技术,公司为客户提供从产品设计、模具制造、注塑、...

  • 历德服务有限公司 Shenzhen

    Understanding of fabric compositions and construction for both Knit & Woven 了解针织与机织不同的织物构成与结构 Knowledge in dyeing and finishing processes 对染色及其完成过程有丰富知识 Detailed fabric inspecting reporting –hands on fabric inspection with a understanding of the ASTM 4 point system 了解ASTM 4 point 四分制,完成织物验货报告 Work with fabric consultants and able to support factories during the production process / trouble shooting 与纺织顾问共事,并支持工厂生产进程/故障排除 Frequent travel in south east Asia and China 需在中国及东南亚出差 职位要求: High scho...

  • 德仕科技有限公司 Suzhou

    苏州市 工业园区 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 1、三年以上制造成本核算经验及有ERP系统操作者优先(用友); 2、熟练操作办公软件; 3、需有会计从业证,初级以上证书,英语四级以上证书; 4、熟悉会计报表编制,会计法规和税法,熟练使用财务软件; 5、作责任心强,性格开朗,做事积极主动,沟通能力好,具有团队合作精神;良好的学习能力、独立工作能力。 职能类别: 会计 微信 联系方式 上班地址:江苏省苏州工业园区胜浦镇银胜路116号 公司信息 德仕科技(深圳)有限公司是由德国上市集团EHLEBRACHT AG在中国全额投资的一家提供综合性制造服务的企业,目前在中国大陆拥有深圳,苏州,南京三个制造基地。主要从事精密塑胶模具设计制作、精密塑胶产品注塑生产,以及各类灯具研发设计和生产制造。服务的行业包括家电、汽车、医疗、消费类电子及照明等。秉承德国集团近百年积累的精密高效生产专业技术,公司为客户提供从产品设计、模具制造、注塑、二次加工到装配、物流配送、售后服务于一体的“一站式”OEM服务。凭借优良的品质、专业的服务,本着“精益求精、持续发展、顾客至上、互利共赢”的经营理念,德仕科技拥有众多国...

  • 杜威文化传播有限公司 Shanghai

    Native speaker from English-speaking country, Patient and enthusiastic in teaching English, Enough experience of teaching either kids or adults; Willing to be dedicated to education. 职能类别: 外语培训师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:肇嘉浜路1065号飞雕国际大厦1704室...

  • 东莞利威鞋业有限公司 Dongguan

    东莞市 职位信息 Receive from USA Designer the sketch and build a 3D Shoe on the system (upper, ornament and outsole); Create the 2D flattening file for paper pattern; Make 3D Digital Shoes for designer approval; Communicate with designer to ensure 3D Digital Style is according the requirements; Communicate with technical team to ensure the shoe production viability; Requirements: Graduation in Design (Shoes/Bags); Familiar with ICAD (INESCOP), SHOEMASTER CAD and other related systems; Have advanced Eng...

  • 爱帝思展示系统有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 徐汇区 Primary Function Responsible for the development of decorating construction plans 负责制定装潢施工方案及计划 Responsible for the management of the site decoration, including the progress of decoration, material management 负责现场装修管理,包括装修进度、材料管理 To coordinate the construction progress, quality and safety of the construction team. Execution of the total construction plan, including the fixtures installations. 协调施工队的施工进度、质量、安全。执行总的施工方案,包括道具的安装 Supervision of construction teams according to the standard co...

  • 苏州爱美津制药有限公司 Suzhou

    1. Be responsible for performing microbial limit test and support the test methods transfer and validation.负责执行微生物限度测试,并支持测试方法的转移和验证。 2. Be responsible for performing the monitoring of EAS/CAS/PWS. 负责执行环境空气系统/压缩空气系统/纯水系统的监测。 3. Stability program management稳定性项目管理 Maintain the Stability Management Chart 稳定性监管表。 Ensure the correction of the launch and termination of the stability project and schedule the sampling plan. 确保稳定性项目开启和终止的正确性,并制定取样计划。 4. Assist sampling activities of Raw Materials and St...

  • 威立雅环境服务有限公司 Beijing

    Job Summary: Responsibilities and duties: In charge of CSR development for China through the following activities. 1. Contribute to adapt Global Sustainability Strategy to local context a. Liaise with Heads of BLs and/or GMs to assess needs and build proper roadmaps b. Support & logistics to the China Critical friend meeting 2. Foster Capacity Building and Knowledge management a. Contribute to Asia Training & workshop programs b. Conduct in-house learning opportunities c. Promote and con...

  • 超威半导体技术有限公司 Shanghai

    Job Description: As an intern, assist the software engineers in one of the following areas: Develop and maintain the BIOS tools for the latest APU/CPU Design and maintain BIOS test scripts, investigate BIOS test failures Qualification: You must be a postgraduate student, majored in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Can work at least 3 days a week and last for at least 6 months You must have knowledge and competency in at least one of the following areas: Familiar w...

  • 施耐德电气有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Description: 1. Support BU projects (PEP, localization, productivity…) on plastic material selection and define material technical requirements based on product function 2. Provide root cause analysis and improvement solution for part failure issues 3. Perform test in lab on material analysis, process qualification 4. Cooperate on new suppliers’ development and audit 5. Involve in new material technology topics with global plastic experts 6. Share plastic knowledge and experience to SE Emplo...

  • 施坦威钢琴亚太有限公司 Shanghai

    Reporting to: Sales Director Asia Pacific Location: Shanghai Responsibilities: 1. Operate daily sales admins, sales data and documents making and consolidating; coordinate with other related department for sales issues. 2. Call out the daily meetings for sales director and records, assist in sales team to follow up with the tasks and mission agreed in meetings. Maintain sales events calendars etc. 3. Timely and precisely key in and maintain the sales and purchase order in the system to make sure...

  • 施坦威钢琴亚太有限公司 Shanghai

    Reporting to: Sales Director Asia Pacific Responsibilities: 1. Translate corporate objectives into store operational objectives, monitor and supervise store operations, prepare business analysis and propose marketing & sales action plan to generate sales and develop team performance 2. Retail sales accomplishment & store Operations 1) Execute & grow sales through of the products in retail store 2) Achieve store sales target, strive for better in-store ranking and share in own coverag...

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