Results 1 - 20 of 2263
  • 社宝信息科技有限公司 Ningbo

    职位描述 1. 规划、开发、维护区域内客户; 2. 完成公司下达的业绩目标; 3. 负责建立、补充、发展、培养销售队伍; 4. 积极协调配合客服及相关部门工作。 任职要求: 1. 人力资源外包相关行业、1 年以上经验,客户资源丰富; 2. 有创业精神、结果导向、勤奋敬业、自我驱动。 职能类别: 销售代表 大客户销售 关键字: 外包 人力资源 渠道销售 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:宁波鄞州区八骏湾产业园A座2002室...

  • 雄獅旅行社股份有限公司 Taibei

    1.依據客戶需求,提出或執行單本刊物內容企劃提案及流程控管。 2.擔任對接窗口,執行數位及平面刊物代編出版製作,含資料蒐集整理、內容編輯、內容撰寫、版面溝通、校對修改等。 3.外稿記者及外稿美編溝通協調。 4.不定期支援部門相關工作出差、採訪及撰稿、數位平台上稿。 5.其他主管交辦事項。 職務類別 : 記者/採編 文編/校對/文字工作者 休假制度 : 週休二日 上班時段 : 09:00~18:00/白天班 年 1 月 23 日 薪資待遇 : 月薪 27,000 至 40,000 元每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 全職 上班日期 : 隨 時 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 出差說明 : 需出差,一年累積時間未定 工作條件 學歷要求 : 大學以上 科系要求 : 傳播相關、新聞學類、其他傳播及資訊學類 工作經驗 : 3 年以上 身份類別 : 一般求職者 二度就業 原住民 外語能力 : 英文 聽:略懂 說:略懂 讀:略懂 寫:略懂 台語 聽:略懂 說:略懂 讀:略懂 寫:略懂 技能與求職專長 電腦技能:辦公室應用:Word/Excel/PowerPoint 具備駕照 : 輕型機車、普通小...

  • 深圳观澜湖高尔夫球会有限公司 Shenzhen

    Responsibilities: Under the general direction of the Guest Experience Manager and within the limits established by Mission Hills Hotel Group and local policies and procedures, ensure to carry on all aspects to achieve the highest possible guests’ recognition. Serve all guests with a standard of excellence by creating memorable experiences and enhance repeat customers. Support Mission Hills 5th Five Year Plan and promotes the desired work culture around the five core values of Trust, Integrity, R...

  • 北京塞尚国际旅行社股份有限公司 Beijing

    岗位职责: 根据需求为欧洲或非洲旅游团队预订酒店住宿、团队用车、安排导游、进行团队操作; 与境外分公司协调对接,完成团队操作; 拓展境外地接资源; 公司安排的其他相关工作。 任职要求: 大专以上学历,西班牙语专业毕业,听说读写流利; 具有高度的客户服务意识和团队合作精神; 认真细心,责任心强,沟通能力优秀; 能承受工作压力,接受短期独立出差,如中东非地区; 同时兼具法语沟通及写作能力者优先。 福利待遇: 六险一金,周末双休; 节日福利,生日红包; 工作满一年后可享受带薪年假。 工作环境: 地址:北京市朝阳区北苑路欧陆经典大厦; 新三板上市公司,品牌领先,口碑良好,实力沉淀,发展稳健; 团队年轻,扁平管理,氛围友好,老板nice。 联系方式: 电话:010-84801965-8016 邮箱 职能类别: 西班牙语翻译 行程管理/计调 关键字: 西班牙语 西语 计调 操作 OP 翻译 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:北苑路欧陆经典大厦B座...

  • 美国艾滋病健康基金会 查看所有职位 Beijing

    总结: 该职位负责AHF中国项目办所有计算机系统和服务器的安全有效运行,网站维护和服务号码开发。微信公众号开发、小程序开发、H5开发等。 岗位职责: 1、独立负责微信小程序的开发和维护工作,熟悉微信平台接口及微信小程序功能研发; 2、配合后端完成接口调试、独立开发微信小程序公用模块以及相关业务需求; 3、负责微信小程序上线后的优化和迭代开发; 4、解决开发过程中的技术难题。 任职要求: 1、计算机相关专业,2年以上前端开发经验,有成熟的小程序产品; 2、熟悉微信公众号、小程序平台原理,开发语言环境,开发流程,各种接口、验证、授权等 3、有扎实的前端技术基础,包括但不限于HTML、CSS、JavaScript、DOM; 4、熟悉前端开发框架和类库,如jQuery, Bootstrap, angularJS, React, Vue,Node等,熟练掌握html5/css/js,对JS、AJAX有较深入的理解,掌握json数据格式的处理; 5、具有优良的代码书写规范,会使用主流团队开发工具如svn,git等; 6、能够承受工作压力; 7、有良好的沟通、交流能力,具有较强的团队合作意识; 8、...

  • 成都语言家翻译社 Chengdu

    成都市 高新区 临时工 年薪16,000 - 18,000元 第一外语:法语 工作性质:全职 职位描述与任职要求 需求:法语翻译驻毛里塔尼亚 地点:努瓦克肖特 行业:建筑工程 人数:1 工作时间:6-8个月,单休 待遇:包食宿往返机票,居住地和办公地都在项目现场,单间住宿 工作内容: 1.负责项目现场的资料及口语翻译工作。 2.负责项目管理中的法语口译、笔译; 3.负责项目相关资料、文件、标书、相关部门的联系沟通,协助项目相关人员订购工程材料,协助处理项目突发事件(如职工受伤去医院)等其他翻译需要处理的事情。 要求:法语流利,有相关经验者优先...

  • 挪威船级社有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 朝阳区 Purpose of the role: The Energy division of global engineering consultancy DNV GL works at the cutting edge of renewable energy. Our expertise helps clients around the world to get the most out of wind farms, solar farms and new technologies including wave, tidal and energy storage. The Software Tools & products (STP) department is our in-house software team designing, creating and managing applications relied upon by engineers across the renewable energy industry on desktop, web and...

  • 广州香港马会赛马训练有限公司 从化市

    Job Responsibilities: 1. Assist Veterinary Surgeons while performing routine diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the Equine Hospital; 2. Help prepare and clean clinical equipment, including the operating theatre and associated facilities; 3. Liaise with stables to arrange examination and re-examination of horses; 4. Provide technical assistance during surgical operations; 5. Be required to perform duties out of office hours, including "exhibition" race days and emergency cases. Job ...

  • 德勤华永会计师事务所 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 Deloitte China Deloitte China's professionals provide a full range of audit & assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk management and tax services. We connect with the Deloitte Global network to provide clients of any size with local experience and international expertise. As one of the leading professional services providers, we have considerable experience in this marketplace. The Deloitte purpose is about making an impact that matters to our clients, people and society....

  • 上海新奥光明公益基金会 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 MAJOR JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Connect and develop relationship with new corporate partners Maintaining effective relationships with partner corporations, foundations and vendors which include arranging field trips, preparing reports and responding inquires in a timely manner, etc. Assisting with the preparation of presentations and pitches for prospects. Participate in building brand awareness and public relation Perform office activities and assist with necessary operational functions (co...

  • 爱梦骏会展有限公司 Shanghai

    Hello there! Is your head always bursting with grand ideas you are dying to execute and bring to life? Do you thrive in high-pressure situations? Most importantly, are you trying to find your place in the creative industry? If you’re feeling game for the challenge, we fellow mad cappers have been looking everywhere for you! -?Ambitious. Dynamic. Spontaneous. Curious. Is that how your friends would describe you? If so, keep reading because we have awesome opportunities waiting for you right here!...

  • 挪威船级社有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 长宁区 Responsibilities: Carry out continuous market analysis with a demonstrated ability to evaluate business opportunities with regards to market trends, customer needs and expectations and competitor developments. Proven track record with respect to entrepreneurship and ability to successfully implement new strategies including annual goals and budgets Develop and support the implementation of customer relationship strategies, business plans, tools including successful customer identificatio...

  • 英国英格兰及威尔士特许会计师协会中国有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 东城区 Job Descriptions: To lead the activities of ICAEW in North China East China by developing membership growth opportunities; raising the profile and service offering of ICAEW with academia, businesses and accounting bodies in China; providing appropriate services to our members and students; supporting the work of other ICAEW departments. Develop and implement a business strategy to drive and meet ICAEW objectives and work with colleagues across ICAEW to deliver results. Maintain and devel...

  • 杭州中腾旅行社有限公司 Hangzhou

    杭州市 拱墅区 Web Editor / Content Writer (French language) Web Editor / Content Writer required for French travel website. It is a part time job. You should be native speaker of French (Fran?ais) and have the competence to write High-Quality texts (travel itineraries and travel guides) about China. Requirements: Native speaker of French, preferably from France. Ability to write high-quality texts. Working knowledge of MS-Office applications Basic Knowledge of English. You should be able to work at le...

  • 上海嘉会国际医院有限公司 Shanghai

    SUMMARY: 1. Provide and document patient care services at multidisciplinary clinic, infusion center and radiation oncology clinic. 2. Provide patient centric care and education on disease prevention, symptom management and treatment intervention. 3. Capable of taking leadership and decision-making roles in the absence of the nurse manager. 4. Contribute to overall patient satisfaction by improving clinic flow, decreasing waiting time, responding promptly to patient needs, and ensuring patient ca...

  • 上海嘉会国际医院有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 徐汇区 POSITION SUMMARY The Operation Services Administrator of Jiahui will support, coordinate, manage and monitor the planning of services within assigned clinical department(s). Responsible for managing all operation aspects within the assigned clinical department(s) to achieve excellent customer service, quality control, cost, and delivery performance in line with organization strategy, goals and values. Assist the Department Chief(s) with daily operations to include but not limited to coor...

  • 上海嘉会国际医院有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 徐汇区 SUMMARY: 1. Responsible primarily for coordination of Derma patient care and maintaining department nursing practice. 2. Act as team leader in clinical, professional and patient education practices. 3. Ensure the provision and maintenance of quality care by qualified and competent staff. 4. Perform full responsibilities when department head nurse is not available. ESSENTIAL TASKS: 1. Assess plan, implement and evaluate the nursing care of patients throughout the hospitalization 2. Docume...

  • 北京英特比特旅行社有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 东城区 岗位职责: 随着旅游行业的不断发展以及客户对我公司旅游产品的不断认可,我公司一贯秉承着高水平的旅游服务和提供高标准的旅游产品。 运营部经理对整体产品是否成功的运行起着至关重要的作用,也是衡量公司运营状况的标准。运营部经理在与领队,品牌客户以及客人之间保持着非常重要的连接作用。 同时运营部经理负责管理中国的领队,保证我公司的服务和产品发展符合集团的标准和要求 。 POSITION PURPOSE: With the Intrepid Group’s network of Destination Management Company’s it is recognized that, as an industry leader we operate our trips to a consistently high level of best practice standards. The Operations Manager has overall responsibility for the successful and profitable running of all ...

  • 德勤华永会计师事务所 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    Description: Deloitte China Deloitte China's professionals provide a full range of audit & assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk management and tax services. We connect with the Deloitte Global network to provide clients of any size with local experience and international expertise. As one of the leading professional services providers, we have considerable experience in this marketplace. The Deloitte purpose is about making an impact that matters to our clients, people and soc...

  • 上海新奥光明公益基金会 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 MAJOR JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Connect and develop relationship with new corporate partners Maintaining effective relationships with partner corporations, foundations and vendors which include arranging field trips, preparing reports and responding inquires in a timely manner, etc. Assisting with the preparation of presentations and pitches for prospects. Participate in building brand awareness and public relation Perform office activities and assist with necessary operational functions (contra...

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