- 安渡生物医药有限公司 Hangzhou
Design, implement and optimize operational and quality policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with all applicable regulations (e.g. GLP, GCLP, CLIA, etc.), guidance, and standards, while ensuring business processes are designed to maximize value for internal and external clients Collect and monitor performance metrics, including identification of trends that require preventive action and the steps necessary to improve performance Monitor daily work operations and provide direction and guid...
- 百济神州生物科技有限公司 Beijing
Medical Information service Handle unsolicited medical inquiries from HCPs, consumers and internal colleagues from hotline/mailbox/digital channels in a timely manner with satisfaction Record medical inquiries in MI database Maintain medical information website Create standard response documents and customized medical responses to customers Deliver medical solutions verbally, in writing or through presentation Asist medical booth set-up and staffing for 3rd party academic conference and BeiGene ...
- 百济神州生物科技有限公司 Beijing
Responsibilities:职位责任: 1. In charge of antibody humanization, affinity optimization, antibody characterization for developability analysis. 负责抗体人源化,抗体亲和成熟, 抗体表征验证与成药性分析。 2. Antibody homology modeling and protein simulation by multiple protein analysis software is preferred. 抗体结构分析,使用多种抗体结构专业分析软件进行分子建模和空间构象分析。 3. Expertise in protein expression and protein purification in mammalian systems, familiar with FPLC/HPLC, ion-exchange, etc. 抗体蛋白表达及纯化。 4. Keep a close watch on the leading-edge developmen...
- 南京金斯瑞生物科技有限公司 China
Responsibilities and duties: 1.Take detailed ordering briefs and clarify specific requirements of each project; 2.Develop project plans within his/her expertise to be shared with clients as well as other staff members; 3.Delegate project tasks based on lab members’ individual strengths, skill sets and experience levels 4.Track project performance, specifically to analyze the successful completion of short- and long-term goals; 5.Update project progress to clients based on project agreement or mi...
- 南京金斯瑞生物科技有限公司 China
Responsibilities and duties: 1.Take detailed ordering briefs and clarify specific requirements of each project; 2.Develop project plans within his/her expertise to be shared with clients as well as other staff members; 3.Delegate project tasks based on lab members’ individual strengths, skill sets and experience levels 4.Track project performance, specifically to analyze the successful completion of short- and long-term goals; 5.Update project progress to clients based on project agreement or mi...
- 江苏中科金汇生态科技有限公司 Yangzhou
扬州市 广陵区 时薪7.25元 扬子人才网(www.yzjob.net)成立于2000年(前身为扬州人才网、扬州招聘网),2002年起面向江苏地区。怎样识别假冒的扬子人才网(请点击进入) 首页 地区频道: 广陵 邗江 开发区 宝应 高邮 江都 仪征 其他地区 网站导航: 岗位搜索 人才搜索 高级人才 招聘价格 付款方式 联系我们 招聘会 免费注册简历 单位招聘注册 热门职位: 更多... 免费注册个人简历 招聘单位注册 '; }); $('#search-job-keywords-right ul').html(html); }); $.getJSON('/job/JobCategoryJson.asp', function(data){ var html = ''; $.each(data, function(i,item){ html += ''; }); $('#search-resume-wjc').append(html); }); })(); 江苏中科金汇生态科技有限公司 招聘单位: 江...
- Hong Kong Arts Development Council 香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong
Report to Finance Senior Officer and Finance, IT & Corporate Administration Senior Manager, the incumbent is responsible: Responsibilities : To perform AR, AP and GL duties including petty cash maintenance and payment routines via cheque and internet banking To prepare financial schedule and related management reports To assist in development and maintenance of systems and procedures To handle ad hoc duties / projects as required Requirements : Degree in Accountancy and finalist of accountin...
www.indeed.hkAugust 8,2019 - 安渡生物医药有限公司 Hangzhou
Main Accountabilities: 1. Responsible for the business development activities to find business opportunities and cultivate client base,contribute to revenue increasing 2. Generate,lead and close business for laboratory,clinical research and consulting & regulatory units 3. Set up the team of Business Development,make business development strategic plan,execute,follow-up and control accordingly 4. Develop potential clients,effectively communicate features & benefits & capabilities of ...
- 上海润诺生物科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Responsibilities ? Lead to design, conduct and report in vitro ADME studies including LC-MS/MS based bioanalytical method development, sample generation and sample analysis, data analysis, interpretation and reporting. ? Lead the bioanalytical method development and non-GLP validation of LC/MS/MS methods, sample analysis, data analysis and PK modeling for small and large animal PK/TK studies. ? Direct IND-enabling ADME/PK/TK studies including study protocol and report writing according ...
- 广州易锦生物技术有限公司 Guangzhou
广州市 黄埔区 Job responsibilities: 1. Literature search, novelty retrieval, direction of given research fields, and paper composing. 2. Biological and medical literature translation. 3. Composing or translating product manuals and/or brochures . Job requirements: 1. A master or PhD degree in biology, medicine or other related life science majors. 2. Fluent specialized English in biology and medicine. 3. Excellent writing ability, good at writing all kinds of documents, and skilled in using common sof...
- 中美冠科生物技术(太仓)有限公司 Zhongshan
中山市 职位信息 Qualification: (Knowledge, skills, competencies) 1. Academic degree: College or above in animal science and medicine or biology related major; the candidate with assistant veterinarian or veterinarian certificate would be preferred; working with in the laboratory animal facility or veterinary clinics would be preferred. 2. Good communication capability in mandarin and English. 3. Expertise skills: Solid knowledge and skills of fundamental pathology, for example, necropsy, slides prepara...
- 新北市政府經濟發展局 Xinbei
截止日期:2019-08-20 發佈單位:新北市政府經濟發展局 職缺別:全職 職務說明/工作內容: 1、辦理能源政策規劃業務(如節電計畫、再生能源計畫)。 2、辦理太陽光電設置案件審查業務。 3、其他臨時交辦事項。 工作地點:新北市政府經濟發展局(新北市板橋區中山路一段161號3、4樓) 待 遇:不註明 性 別:不限 學歷/檢定要求: 大學以上學校畢業。 徵才條件: 1、具備辦理業務規劃或爭取中央機關補助款相關工作經驗者尤佳。 2、英語能力有相當全民英檢初級以上者尤佳。 3、無公務人員任用法第26條迴避任用及第28條各款情事(須非屬本局首長或上級機關首長之配偶及三親等以內血親、姻親,亦非屬進用單位主管之配偶及三親等以內血親、姻親者)。 報名手續: 1、報名期限:自108年8月7日起至108年8月20日止,以郵戳為憑,逾期恕不受理。 2、報名方式:採通訊報名,並請於信封上註明「應徵經濟發展局-綠色產業科五等約僱人員」。 3、報名表件請郵寄至「新北市政府經濟發展局人事室 鄭小姐收」(地址:22001新北市板橋區中山路一段161號3樓) 4、應繳證件請以A4格式按下列資料依序裝訂: (1)甄...
tw.indeed.comAugust 7,2019 - 强生投资有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 Daily operational supports: Work closely with MOT/CD planning team on sales latest thinking estimation, spending management (manage process and E-workflow system, BVA, etc. ) Monthly trade promotion/ trade terms validation and reconciliation (E-workflow vs. SAP) / monitoring/ adjustments Close monitoring of EC growth model especially on investment planning and actual monitoring in line with channel strategy Work with GS/CFM, BSCOE and IT to ensure correctness and completeness of accounti...
- 美的集团生活电器事业部 Foshan
佛山市 顺德区 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 职位信息 岗位职责: 1、负责职业健康管理工作,如:组织员工职业健康体检,落实岗前、在岗、离岗体检工作,负责体检异常人员处理、现场有害因素年度检测、有害岗位轮岗管理等。 2、负责组织作业场所危险源辨识、环境因素识别工作,编制工厂月度、年度工作计划,并推进EHS工作计划的实施; 3、负责日常EHS事故的调查和推进整改措施的落实,及各类EHS突发事件处理。 4、负责统筹工厂环保管理工作,熟悉废气、废水处理工艺,负责日常达标排放管理和季度检测。 5、了解EHS相关的法律法规,定期组织开展EHS相关的专项检查和合规性评价。 6、编制日常EHS评价标准,推进落实评价,并根据运行情况及时调整评价标准。 7、良好的沟通交流能力,负责推动集团、事业部的要求在工厂内落实。任职资格: 1、本科及以上学历,安全工程专业优先 2、有三年以上大型制造业环保管理工作经验 3、熟悉EHS管理体系 4、有进取心和职业规划,性格积极向上,有良好的团队合作精神 职能类别: 环保工程师 关键字: 安全 微信分享 公司信息 美的生活电器事业部成立于2002年,是美的集团成...
- 沛鸿健康养生管理有限公司 通州市
通州市 年薪50,000 - 60,000元 1、年满22周岁,C1驾照以上,3年及以上实际驾驶经验,驾驶技术娴熟,熟悉本地路况。 2、无不良驾驶记录、无重大事故及交通违章咨询,具有较强的安全意识。 3、懂商务接待礼仪,具有一定服务意识,并服从公司管理安排。 4、根据车辆安全管理规定,负责车辆安全检查.6S等工作,保障车辆的行驶安全。 职能类别: 商务司机 微信 联系方式 上班地址:南通市通州区城东新区朝霞东路以南、湘江北路以东 公司信息 本公司提供健康养生管理咨询、餐饮服务、酒店管理等。 1.幸福101项目,是中国首家大型的精品度假休闲养身mall,集团秉持着高品质、有态度、健康的理念、规划新人在幸福101这里结婚,开始人生的新的起点、并且相思相守一生。引进台湾高端月子中心,独具一格的汤泉商旅,以及医美spa等项目,再渺小的你,也有专属自已大大的幸福。 2.集团致力于拓展新的实体项目,并且在江苏南通启动“幸福101”。集高档婚宴会馆、汤泉商旅、月子中心、医美SPA和纯美式儿童幼教为一体的综合体,提供独一无二专属你的精品度假休闲养身mall。 3.我们的团队来自于台湾,香港、深圳等精英...
- 上海药明生物技术有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities: ? Continually engages with hiring managers and BU/location leadership to understand the recruiting business needs and required skills; ? Manage the candidate pipeline by implementing effective sourcing strategies. Effectively program manages recruitment campaigns as required; ? Maintain and ensure compliance with local recruitment policies & processes; ? Ensure client satisfaction for the recruitment efforts; ? Collaborate with other regions to share knowledge and lessons-l...
- 衛生福利部 Taibei
就業資訊 職務名稱: 臨時人員 徵才單位: 公共關係室 職系: 職等: 辦公地點: 臺北市南港區忠孝東路6段488號1樓公共關係室(捷運板南線昆陽站下車,4號出口步行2至3分鐘) 甄選名額: 面試後擇優錄取5名,得增列候補名額至多3名,候用期間為3個月,依序遞補。 應徵資格條件: (一)國內外大學畢業,具有相關工作經驗2年(含)以上。 (二)具輿情蒐集作業及數據分析解讀能力。 (三)熟悉處理軟體操作。 (四)具簡報(PTT、懶人包)、圖表工作經驗者為佳。 (五)具高度工作熱忱、耐心及責任感,有溝通協調能力及團隊合作精神。 (六)可配合星期例假日工作。 (七)有下列情形之一者,不得僱用為各機關之臨時人員: 1.未具或喪失中華民國國籍。 2.本機關首長之配偶及三等親以內血親、姻親。但首長就任前,已在本機關服務者,不在此限。 3.受監護或輔助宣告,尚未撤銷。 擔任工作項目: (一)協助辦理本部平面(報紙、雜誌)新聞作業相關事宜。 (二)協助本部輿情蒐報作業(6:30-21:00)及運用相關輿情內容分析數據。 (三)協助本部回應輿情(含圖、表)資料製作。 (四)其他臨時交辦事項。 刊登日期: ...
tw.indeed.comAugust 6,2019 - 威強電工業電腦股份有限公司 Xinbei
產品: 1. HMI/智慧手持/運動設備等android產品 2. 開發 camera/USB3.0/WiFi/BT/LTE/NFC 等等周邊 drivers. 職務類別 : 軟體工程師 韌體工程師 通訊軟體工程師 休假制度 : 週休二日 上班時段 : 白天班 年 8 月 5 日 需求人數 : 1至3人 薪資待遇 : 月薪 35,000 至 70,000 元每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 全職 上班日期 : 一個月內 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 出差說明 : 不需出差 工作條件 學歷要求 : 碩士、大學 科系要求 : 電機電子工程相關、資訊工程學類 工作經驗 : 2 年以上 身份類別 : 一般求職者 外語能力 : 英文 聽:普通 說:普通 讀:普通 寫:普通 技能與求職專長 電腦技能:辦公室應用:Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Outlook 程式設計:C/C++ 作業系統:LINUX 其他條件 1. 熟悉 C 語言 , 有 Linux/Android BSP driver 2 年以上經驗 2. 積極進取,認真負責,溝通技巧良好,能獨立作業 應徵方式 連絡人 : ...
tw.indeed.comAugust 6,2019 - 恒生银行有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 Acquire new high-net-worth customers and promote a wide range of wealth management products/services Build and strengthen relationships with existing customers Provide quality after-sales service and ensure best execution of customer orders 任职要求: Bachelor's degree or above in Business Administration or a related discipline Minimum of two years' sales or customer service experience gained in the banking/financial industry, preferably including familiarity with wealth management and mo...
- 天境生物科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Major Responsibilities and Duties: Cell line development and management during CMC process development, budget control. Compliance audit and technical support on the CDMO. Trouble-shooting and technical investigation in terms of cell line development related affairs. Participate in the CTD files writhing and auditing. Qualifications: 5 years and above experience of cell line development and management. Good communicate skills and solve practical tech issues capability. Experienced in CD...
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