- PrimeCredit 安信信貸有限公司 Wanchai
Responsibilities Support on formulating and enhancing credit policy of Credit Card Responsible for monitoring Credit Card portfolio including acquisition quality and portfolio performance Perform comprehensive analysis of Credit Card portfolio Support other risk functions to identify potential areas of improvement in credit policies, product offers, customer segments, credit procedures, and portfolio management Prepare periodic reports to monitor the portfolio performance, acquisition quality, p...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 6,2020 - PrimeCredit 安信信貸有限公司 Hong kong
Responsibilities: Greet & welcome all walk in customers in branch Perform administrative duties e.g. photocopying & filing Assist in branch operation Handle customers’ enquiries & requests Requirements: Form 5 / DSE graduate or above Fluent in written and spoken English is must Sunday work is a must Good interpersonal & communication skills Undergraduate / Fresh graduate will be also considered...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 6,2020 - PrimeCredit 安信信貸有限公司 Central
Responsibilities Assist strategic planning and development of Overseas Workers (“OSW”) products, including loan and credit card Initiate, plan and execute various marketing promotions and activities for OSW products to achieve business targets Manage daily operation of marketing campaigns Prepare marketing materials including online / print advertisements and radio schedule, deliverables of above-the-line and below-the-line marketing materials Review and analyze various campaigns results for con...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 6,2020 - PrimeCredit 安信信貸有限公司 Wanchai
Responsibilities Ensure the Operational Risk Framework is duly implemented and review the Key Control Self-Assessments (KCSAs) and Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) submitted from functions and businesses to assess the proper functioning and adequacy of existing controls Drive the Company’s operational risk culture and co-ordinate the KCSAs and KRIs submission with the business and function heads Design and implement effective control measures e.g. KRIs and monitoring plans for operational risk managem...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 6,2020 - PrimeCredit 安信信貸有限公司 Wanchai
Responsibilities Responsible for data entry Verify client’s information Retrieve document from logistic company Provide administrative and clerical support Perform ad-hoc duties as assigned Requirements Diploma or above Proficient in MS Office, especially Excel Require to work for 2 days per week...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 6,2020 - PrimeCredit 安信信貸有限公司 Central
Responsibilities Support daily branch operation Perform loan processing and administrative duties Handle customers’ enquires and complaints Support sales and marketing promotion activities Assist in cashier duties Requirements Secondary graduate or above Minimum 1 year relevant working is preferable With telemarketing / customer service experience in Finance Company / Employment Agency is an advantage Knowledge in MS applications is a must Excellent in written and spoken English and Tagalog (F...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 6,2020 - 香海正覺蓮社 - 佛教寶靜護理安老院 Hong kong
持續提昇長者安老生活為己任,負責為院友提供專業性健康及護理照顧 主要職責及入職要求 工作年資五年或以上 具有領導團隊的能力 具優良醫療及護理方面的判斷及執行力 每週工作44小時,薪金視乎資歷而定 需持有香港註冊護士證書及有效執業證書 每月$1,500職務津貼 適合有意發展認知障礙症照顧服務的人仕...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 6,2020 - AXA安盛 Kowloon
給夢想一個機會!成就未來! 我們目標 : 和有志成為優秀企業家的青年才俊成為合作夥伴,協助他們於財富策劃行業上創立持續成長的個人事業,我們投入大量資源推動更快速達到業內認可能之最高水平-百萬圓卓會會員資格,獲取可觀收入,同時工作和生活穫亦取得平衡。 我們服務 :個人方面 - 理財策劃、理財風險管理、財富增值配置、財富傳承、基金投資、MPF、個人保險 / 企業方面 : 公司保險、要員保險、責任保險等。 我們需要 :高級文憑 +工作經驗,大學學士或以上,有企業家精神創業家態度,目標為本,熱誠樂觀 我們提供 :首24個月特高津貼+2項佣金+9項花紅,百萬圓卓會獎金,及特快晉升管理層發展團隊,建立個人企業,配合由MDRT成員,財務策劃師輔助下成長 申請方法: mcchoi.choi@agency.axa.com.hk 歡迎電或whatsapp96336822 蔡生查詢...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 5,2020 - AXA安盛 Kowloon tong
---------- 理 財 策 劃 ----------- 豐厚入息 / 年薪百萬事業、收入無上限 工作意義 / 為客戶建立經濟保障、財富增值 晉升機會 / 立志 晉升管理階層、建立團隊、永續經營 個人成長 / 廣闊社交圈子、專業成長考取 CFP 由專業'認可財務策劃師CFP', 百萬元圓卓會會員親自指導 , 以達致 專業 及 實戰 培訓 由AXA專業學院提供超過100項專業銷售及管理課程, 在事業旅途上持續得到培訓 最具創新、競爭力及全面的保險、多元化基金產品 將可獲公司派發現有客戶 , 幫助新人開拓客源. 新人培訓津貼及花紅高達 240,000 以上 豐厚佣金+1年9次花紅+醫療福利 最快速可6個月內的晉升 管理層 豁免考牌費及註冊費用 已有保險牌另設獎金 入職要求 : Management Associate (high dipolma or degree holder) Financial Consultant 中學畢業, 工作範圍 : 與客戶建立良好關係,,拓展商機,為客戶制定專業風險管理, 資產增值方案, 退休計劃, 教育基金, MPF In...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 5,2020 - AXA安盛 Kwun tong
☆ Job Highlights ☆ Mainly promote MPF, ORSO , Corporate aoount and PA Account Maximize customer satisfaction through General insurance and Life insurance product and services Full training so you can specialised in MPF, General Insurance and Personal insurance for both corporate and personal clients -Work experience in any sector is helpful but not necessary -Flexible working day & time -Unlimited commission + Attractive (quarterly and yearly) bonuses -Statable Financial Allowance for begi...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 5,2020 - AXA安盛 Kowloon
生活顧問 / 財策經理 / 商業夥伴 / 強積金專員 為什麼選擇我們/Why Us 我們是一群90後的國際化年青團隊,以嶄新的管理方式操作,沒有辦公室政治,沒有階級之分,我們重視團隊每一份子,用心聆聽及因材施教,大家務求以專業,以人爲本的態度,改變人們舊有對行業的錯誤觀念和印象,並成爲社會全新的理財伙伴,同時達到各自心中目標。我們擁有不同年資的MDRT 會員, 現誠邀你加入我們的團隊,如果你願意嘗試,我們會毫不保留地協助你和教導你,引領你到正確的方向。 我們帶給客戶/We do 分享正確理財觀念 /Educate individual and corporate clients about investment and insurance concept 提供適當理財產品給客戶 /Recommend suitable products to different clients 為客人提供跟進保單服務包括索償保單回顧提供專業意見 /Professional Opinions and Service, including Claims and Policy Review 管理強積金及 /...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 4,2020 - AXA安盛 Kowloon
財策新一代 / 專業創未來 工作範圍 為客戶提供一站式專業的理財策劃分析和方案 與客戶建立及維繫良好關係、開發及擴展客戶網路 推廣各類型保險、儲蓄及基金產品、MPF等 建立屬於自己的團隊 入職要求 中學畢業或同等學歷 樂於學習及接受挑戰、不甘平凡 具企業家精神態度 良好溝通技巧 待遇及福利 支援考保險牌並豁免考試費及牌照費 提供專業在職培訓並獲資歷架構承認 優厚佣金及花紅 專業發展及明確進升機會 彈性工作時間 表現優異者可獲邀出席公司海外旅遊業務會議 如有興趣者,請電郵履歷表或致電96336822約見...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 4,2020 - 李健駕駛學校 Tai kok tsui
Salary: 20K+ Duties: Participate in the website maintenance and implementation of web-based applications and solutions Requirements: Proficiency in PHP is a must, Joomla, CMS, AWS hosting, MySQL Experience on SEO, would be a plus Preferably with 2 years of relevant experience or above Personal attributes: Self-motivated, able to work independently with a strong sense of responsibility Strong analytical skills, interpersonal skill and good team player Good interpersonal, communication, anal...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 4,2020 - 李健駕駛學校 Tai kok tsui
Salary: 18K-22K (Double pay based on performance) Job Duties: Reviewing and analyzing client websites for areas that can be improved and optimized to be picked up by search engines Strategize a SEO plan for clients, if applicable, including SEM and other digital plan for the best of SEO outcome Plan, execute and optimize on-page website content and landing pages by using keywords, backlinks, formatting, creative content and website architecture Track, analyze and optimize SEO performance, such...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 4,2020 - AXA安盛 Kwun tong
財策新一代 / 專業創未來 工作範圍 為客戶提供一站式專業的理財策劃分析和方案 與客戶建立及維繫良好關係、開發及擴展客戶網路 推廣各類型保險、儲蓄及基金產品、MPF等 建立屬於自己的團隊 入職要求 中學畢業或同等學歷 樂於學習及接受挑戰、不甘平凡 具企業家精神態度 良好溝通技巧 待遇及福利 支援考保險牌並豁免考試費及牌照費 提供專業在職培訓並獲資歷架構承認 優厚佣金及花紅 專業發展及明確進升機會 彈性工作時間 表現優異者可獲邀出席公司海外旅遊業務會議 如有興趣者,請電郵履歷表或致電96336822約見 !!!!!!!!!!! 疫 情 關 係,可 視 像 Interview !!!!!!!!!!!...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 3,2020 - AXA安盛 Kowloon
Job description and responsibilities Provide comprehensive Financial and Investment advice to clients. Identify clients’ needs and establish appropriate plans/retirement schemes. Legacy planning to High Net Worth individuals. Team building and participating in own career development. Entry Requirements Associate Degree or above HK I.D Card holder and Welcome Mainland China Fresh Graduates with IANG student Energetic with Entrepreneurship Passionate, independent, self-motivated Experience in Ba...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 3,2020 - AXA安盛 Kowloon +
我們目標 : 和有志成為優秀企業家的青年才俊成為合作夥伴,協助他們於財富策劃行業上創立持續成長的個人事業,我們投入大量資源推動更快速達到業內認可能之最高水平-百萬圓卓會會員資格,獲取可觀收入,同時工作和生活穫亦取得平衡。 我們服務 :個人方面-理財策劃、理財風險管理、財富增值配置、財富傳承、基金投資、MPF、個人保險 / 企業方面:公司保險、要員保險、責任保險等。 我們需要 :高級文憑 +工作經驗,大學學士或以上,有企業家精神創業家態度,目標為本,熱誠樂觀 我們提供 :首24個月特高津貼+2項佣金+9項花紅,百萬圓卓會獎金,及特快晉升管理層發展團隊,建立個人企業,配合由MDRT成員,財務策劃師輔助下成長 給夢想一個機會!成就未來! 申請方法: mcchoi.choi@agency.axa.com.hk 歡迎96336822 蔡生查詢...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 3,2020 - 李健駕駛學校 Tai kok tsui
Salary: 18K-22K (Double pay based on performance) Job Duties: Reviewing and analyzing client websites for areas that can be improved and optimized to be picked up by search engines Strategize a SEO plan for clients, if applicable, including SEM and other digital plan for the best of SEO outcome Plan, execute and optimize on-page website content and landing pages by using keywords, backlinks, formatting, creative content and website architecture Track, analyze and optimize SEO performance, such...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 3,2020 - 李健駕駛學校 Tai kok tsui
Salary: 20K+ Duties: Participate in the website maintenance and implementation of web-based applications and solutions Requirements: Proficiency in PHP is a must, Joomla, CMS, AWS hosting, MySQL Experience on SEO, would be a plus Preferably with 2 years of relevant experience or above Personal attributes: Self-motivated, able to work independently with a strong sense of responsibility Strong analytical skills, interpersonal skill and good team player Good interpersonal, communication, anal...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 3,2020 - AXA安盛 Kowloon
☆ Job Highlights ☆ Mainly promote MPF, ORSO , Corporate aoount and PA Account Maximize customer satisfaction through General insurance and Life insurance product and services Full training so you can specialised in MPF, General Insurance and Personal insurance for both corporate and personal clients -Work experience in any sector is helpful but not necessary -Flexible working day & time -Unlimited commission + Attractive (quarterly and yearly) bonuses -Statable Financial Allowance for begi...
www.cpjobs.comJuly 2,2020
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