- The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong Kong
(截止日期:二零一九年九月十日) 體育部 應徵者須(甲)持由香港拯溺總會發出的有效沙灘救生章或以上級別證書;(乙)具拯溺工作經驗;(丙)持由聖約翰救傷會、香港紅十字會或醫療輔助隊發出的有效急救證書;(丁)持由海事處發出的遊樂船隻二級操作人證明書。持自動體外心臟去纖維性顫動法證書者及具水上活動資歷者可獲優先考慮。職責包括(一)照顧水上活動中心使用者安全;(二)拯溺;(三)維持水上活動中心秩序;及(四)執行其他由主管指派的工作(包括基本維修及簡單清潔)。受聘者每週標準工作時數為四十五小時,一星期工作五天,並須於星期六、星期日及公眾假期當值。將以一年或兩年合約方式聘用,完成兩年合約者可獲約滿酬金,表現優良者可獲考慮續聘。 〔註:如較早前曾申請相同職位(編號:B/190001P6/ml及B/190001K7/ml)者毋須再次申請。〕...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 6,2019 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong Kong
(截止日期:二零一九年九月十日) 體育部 應徵者須(甲)具中三程度;(乙)能閱讀及書寫中文;(丙)對電腦操作有基本認識;及(丁)勤奮有禮和富責任感。具保養草場及機械維修經驗者可獲優先考慮。職責包括(一)管理各類體育活動器材及設施;(二)協助活動進行;(三)執行體力勞動雜務;及(四)搬運和一般清潔工作。受聘者須輪班當值(包括星期六、星期日及公眾假期)。將以兩年合約方式聘用,表現優良者可獲考慮續聘。〔註:如較早前曾申請相同職位(編號:B/190001P8/ml及B/190001K6/ml)者毋須再次申請。〕...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 6,2019 - 雷诺斯国际货运代理有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities: ? monitoring and analysis of the realized KPIs for quality, performance and productivity ? analysis, conception, calculation of new warehouse projects incl. tender preparation and sales support ? Project management for warehousing projects for planning and operative implementation of warehouse projects ? optimization of operative warehouse processes (e.g. optimization of picking processes) ? preparation and care of workflows and process instructions for regulating meetings and ...
- 摩根大通银行(中国)有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 职位信息 J.P. Morgan is a leader in financial services, offering innovative and intelligent solutions to clients in more than 100 countries with one of the most comprehensive global product platforms available. We have been helping our clients to do business and manage their wealth for more than 200 years and we keep their interests foremost in our minds at all times. This combination of product strength, intellectual capital and character sets us apart as an industry leader. J.P. Morgan is part...
- 爱恩康临床医学研究有限公司 Shanghai
P O S I T I O N S U M M AR Y To responsible for timely reporting and processing of respective Serious Adverse Events (SAE), Adverse Event(AE) Serious and non-Serious Adverse Drug Reaction(SADR) and other medically related project information within agreed timeline to Health Authority and other Key Stakeholders. To responsible for document archiving, data tracking communication of respective safety reports in compliance with company’s and relevant regulator’s requirements. J O B F U N C T I O N S...
- 登士柏西诺德牙科产品有限公司 Shanghai
职责描述: The purpose of this position is to provide administrative support to General Manager and coordination & support to all functional departments. 1、Administrative support to General Manager such as travel arrangement, calendar management, expense report, visa application etc. 2、Coordinate and follow up on all the documents that need to be signed and sealed by General Manager. 3、Assist the communication with internal departments and external business partners if necessary. 4、Assist in visa...
- 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai
I. Responsibilities 1) Support Project Manager in developing the yearly brand promotion plan of CEIBS E-Platform as a knowledge provider in Entrepreneurship field 2) Develop the media plan for admission & marketing purposes of CELC & CVCC programs 3) Being an in-house journalist for the alumni stories editing and writes press releases/articles for the events. 4) Monitor the social media content and maintain the Wechat public accounts 5) Other related tasks assigned by Project Manager 一、 ...
- 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 Job Major Responsibilities: 1. Write and edit Chinese news releases and high quality Wechat stories , a wide variety of school events and activities on time; 2. Manage school website and social media platform (Wechat minsite etc), ensure quality of news and articles before releasing. 3. Monitor the media and social media coverage, manage the vendor, write the analysis, initial social media campaign accordingly; 4. Work with other departments and teams to initiate, organize and implement effe...
- 宁波鄞州丞德企业管理有限公司 Ningbo
宁波市 月薪4,000 - 15,000元 招聘岗位:英语编译(提供住宿) 岗位概述 1. 英文书本及文章的阅读,按照要求做出相应的分析及编译; 2. 学习西方国际化写作格式及语法,对于文章给与批注和更正; 3. 虽然文章内容涉猎范围广泛(包括Philosophy, psychology, economics, management, history, music appreciation),但是无需文章所涉的专业能力,英语能力强即可; 4. 根据文章发表自己的主观言论,并且按照一定的要求进行文章写作; 任职资格 A、 英语专业本科及以上学历,男女不限,21-30岁; B、 英语的阅读能力,分析文章及写作能力优秀者大欢迎; C、 具备钻研精神,善于思考,具备强烈的知识欲望和对个人价值实现的追求; D、 专业八级、雅思6.5以上者优先; E、 积极乐观,有责任心,吃苦耐劳,钻研精神。 薪资福利 一、薪资标准: 岗位工资+绩效奖金,综合收入4000-10000元/月。 二、福利: 1、提供住宿。 2、五险:医疗/养老/生育/工伤/失业保险; 3、工龄工资+节假日福利+高额绩效奖金等; 4、...
- 嘉里大通物流(Kerry Logistics) Shanghai
上海分公司 招聘人数:2 1.进行业务沟通和需求分析,制定IT解决方案。 2.配合系统分析员,完成功能概要设计,进行业务需求分析和系统设计。 3.根据测试计划和要求,编写测试用例,并管理测试。 4.帮助公司,推动创新和数字化转型。 职位要求: 1.计算机相关专业专科或以上学历,两年以上工作经验; 2.熟悉主流的开发语言,能熟练使用Eclipse/IDEA等工具进行JAVA相关程序开发为佳; 3.熟悉主流数据库如MYSQL和Oracle,能熟练使用SQL语句制作数据整理汇总; 4.工作认真仔细,有责任心; 5.具有良好的英文读写能力; 6.有物流行业IT工作经验优先。...
- 一诺基业集团有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 Candidate Profile 1、Master’s degree from a top international university in MBA, Economics, Finance, or Accounting; 2、CFA 2 candidate preferred; or equivalent globally recognisable accounting or finance credentials. 3、Have a minimum of 2 years relevant full-time professional working experience in an advisory or investment related work field; 4、Fluency in Mandarin Chinese and English, both oral and written; 5、Highly analytical with strong financial, research, and synthesis skills; 6、Fast t...
- 國立台灣大學工學院 Taibei
Faculty Positions Open -Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University The Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Taiwan University is seeking faculty members at all levels. Applicants with the following specialities are preferred: Mechanical Design, Solid Mechanics, System and Control, Advanced manufacturing technologies (Laser / Electron Beam Precision Machining, Photonic Manufacturing, Defense & Aeronautical Manufacturing, Intelligent Manufacturing System &...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 5,2019 - 赛诺吉国际货运代理有限公司 Shenzhen
General responsibilities: Live the company value and demonstrate the company culture. Act as an ambassador of JTT when dealing with external parties. Build up effective relations with local vendors and clients Ensure the communication within the team is effective and promote team cohesiveness in day-to-day work Keep and improve team KPI together with team leader. Assist team leader/group leader in all aspects of her job and share the experience to all team members. Specific responsibilities of t...
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong Kong
Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services Executive Officer II (Contracts Officer) The appointee will (a) review, draft and manage contracts relating to the University’s research collaboration projects; (b) provide legal support in relation to a broad range of legal matters encountered in the University’s research collaboration projects; (c) liaise with both internal and external stakeholders for research collaboration contract management purposes; and (d) undertake other ad hoc tasks. ...
www.indeed.hkSeptember 5,2019 - 大北欧通讯设备(中国)有限公司 Xiamen
厦门市 职位信息 Job Summary Responsible for creating packaging design (box, tray, pouch etc.) for company products. Key Responsibilities ? Make packaging design for company products: Box concept, product display solution, pouch design, graphic solution etc. ? Lead the communication with stakeholder to push for packaging design lock ? Lead packaging engineer to work out packaging solution to catch project schedule and cost target ? Cooperate with relevant discipline to execute packaging design in projec...
- 中美联泰大都会人寿保险有限公司 Chengdu
负责分公司银保培训规划、组织、执行和管理,执行销售督导,提高内部银保团队的综合能力和银行销售人员的销售技能和销售效率,达成业务目标 Plan,organize and manage the bank insurance training in branches, supervise its sales, enhance internal bank insurance group ability and increase the marketing skill and efficiency, so as to reach the goal. 1. 协助银行保险负责人规划、组织和执行三级机构内外部培训和训练,通过销售督导,提高内部银保团队的综合能力和银行销售人员的销售技能和销售效率(产能),达成业务目标 Asssist the bank insurance director to plan,organize and manage the bank insurance training in branches, supervise its sales, enhance internal gr...
- 上海耀中外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Job Purpose: To act as an educational consultant to interested parents by introducing them to the YCIS model of education and its uniqueness; to assist parents by responding to their enquiries and processing their applications until their child(ren) are fully enrolled into YCIS. Duties: Conduct tours with visiting parents to introduce the school’s philosophy, curricula and programmes Answer phone and email enquiries regarding admission to school, keeping accurate updated records to track and fol...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 Ningbo
Position : Research Funding Executive, Faculty Office of Business Reference: 180782 Closing Date: 18 September 2019 Contract Status: Full-time Vacancy: 1 Salary & Benefits: RMB 144, 679 to RMB 205,433 per annum before all deductions, depending on qualifications and experience Working Location: Ningbo Job Outline This role provides support for activities to develop research funding sources for the Faculty of Business and the Nottingham China Health Institute (NCHI). It is part of the Research...
- 赛诺菲中国 洛阳市
招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 主要责任: 拜访医生 负责医学信息沟通和推广 计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 岗位要求: 教育: 大学学历 工作经验与知识背景: 医药卫生/生命科学/化学化工专业优先 主要技能: 有效执行 良好的承受压力的能力 良好的人际沟通技巧 良好的销售技巧 良好的产品知识 良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 在赛诺菲,多样性和包容性是我们如何运作和嵌入核心价值观的基础。我们认识到,要真正挖掘多样性所带来的丰富多彩,我们必须以包容为先导,并拥有一个工作场所,在那里,这些差异可以茁壮成长,并被利用起来,让我们的同事、患者和客户的生活更丰富多彩。我们尊重和颂扬我国人民的多样性、他们的背景和经验,并为所有人提供平等的机会。 任职条件 同上 职位要求 学历要求:无 工作经验:无 外语要求:不需要...
- 上海耀华国际教育学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Professional Duties: 1. Teaching; (a) Planning and preparing ICT/Computer Science courses and lessons according to IGCSE/A-Level syllabus. (b) Teaching pupils assigned according to their educational needs, including the setting and grading of work to be carried out by the pupils in the school. (c) Assessing, recording and reporting on the development, progress and attainment of pupils. (d) On occasions, to provide cover for teachers who are indisposed. (e) Providing reports, oral and written ass...
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