Results 1 - 20 of 397
  • 火岩國際 (香港) 有限公司 Tai po

    (20k - 22k / OT / 公眾假期 / 年終酬金)   - 5年以上駕駛經驗及具相關私人司機經驗 - 持香港有效之駕駛執照、良好駕駛紀錄及扣分紀錄證明 - 熟悉香港道路和交通條例 - 中五或以上程度 - 居住 (大埔、沙田、粉嶺) 優先考慮 - 能操流利普通話、廣東話 - 守時盡責、誠實有禮 - 能接受加班工作 - 負責接載老闆、太太、家屬及外賓/須協助外勤購物 - 維持車廂清潔,車輛性能良好及保持相關記錄 - 負責車輛日常保養、維修及負責辦理車輛行車證續牌照 - 取車及放車地點:大埔 - 工作時間:星期一至六 (上午7:00至7:00) - 享有超時津貼、公眾假期、年終獎金、8天年假及公積金等   有意者請電郵履歷:  約見...

  • 異風情酒店 Kowloon tong

    8-12小時工作 能說基本廣東話,普通話、英文  起薪由 $13,000 - $16,000...

  • 異風情酒店 Kowloon tong

    8-12小時工作 能說基本廣東話,普通話、英文  起薪由 $13,000 - $16,000...

  • 異風情酒店 Kowloon tong

    8-12小時工作 能說基本廣東話,普通話、英文  起薪由 $13,000 - $16,000...

  • 要火商贸有限公司 上海市 黄浦区

    1. 协助设计师绘制款式图及其他设计图稿; 2. 协助设计师处理面辅料搭配、设计资料维护; 3. 协助设计师与各部门紧密协作,向工艺师、版师、面辅料采购提供设计意见; 要求: 1. 服装设计相关大专以上学历,有服装设计领域工作或实习经历者优先,优先考虑知名院校及国外服装学习相关经验 2.你很时髦前卫,包括思想,艺术领悟力 3. 能够熟练运用Photoshop、Illustrator等设计软件; 4. 对设计开发流程、工艺及版型、面辅料、花版设计均有一定了解; 5.具有敏锐的市场洞察力和流行趋势判断力,非凡的审美和创意能力; 6. 工作认真、仔细、主动并有激情,能承受工作压力,团队合作意识强,性格乐观开朗; 7、本职位接受实习生投递,且可择优录用为我司正式员工。 该职位可以接受***和全职,***一周工作不可以少于4天 职能类别: 服装/纺织设计 关键字: 服装设计 设计师助理 服装设计师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:四川中路33号610室...

  • 要火商贸有限公司 上海市 黄浦区

    上海市 黄浦区 职位描述: 做一个设计师该做的事,前提是也许需要你有一段时间先去感受这个品牌的精神 要求: 1/你国外院校毕业 2/你很时髦前卫,包括思想,艺术领悟力 3/你懂工艺,知道怎么用高级的面料和做工做出件高级的成衣 4/你会客观+主观的看待自己的设计 5/你自信且谦虚 Responsibilities: Development of the design: from the idea to the final product Development of trends, colouring and fabric - Receive samples and counter- samples and rectify. Permanent communication with purchasing department. Develop all technical specifications of the design. Present collection Academic Background: Fashion design qualification from overse...

  • 上海芝麻堂文化传播有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    Sesame Education English Tutoring Center based in Shanghai is looking for English-native teachers. Headquarters Location: Line 9 Yanggaozhonglu Station, Pudong, Shanghai The job description and qualifications are as following: Job Description: (Part- time) 1. Teaching and researching the learning of 3-18 years old childrens in the subject of English. 2. Participate in the preparation of lesson plans and curriculum planning, complete the teaching process, and ensure the quality of the course; 3. ...

  • 大辣出版股份有限公司 台北市 松山區

    應徵資格: 1. 對「漫畫/兩性/飲食」抱有興趣及熱忱。具備相關知識背景,且對這類型的活動場域、網路生態熟悉。 2. 喜愛藝文活動,持續關注藝文資訊,對策劃座談、活動、展覽有想法。 3. 對文字敏銳度高,能夠發想並撰寫流暢且具特色的文案。 4. 對網路名人、新聞時事、媒體平台有基本的認識。 5. 如果你剛好也喜歡吃喝玩樂,那更是歡迎! 工作內容: 2003年,大辣成立,為大塊文化的子公司。那一年,我們確定漫畫是我們的發展主軸;不管是歐美漫畫的引進(墨必斯、畢拉、馬那哈、藍色是最溫暖的顏色、羅浮宮系列漫畫),或是台灣漫畫走向世界(鄭問、麥人杰、小莊、水晶孔、61Chi、陳穩升、蚩尤)。我們相信,漫畫可以拯救世界;當然,也包括台灣。 1. 行銷宣傳活動、媒體名人聯絡、合作洽談之規劃與執行。週末若有相關新書活動,需配合加班,有補休。 2. 實體、網路文宣之規劃與執行。 3. 整合新書重點資訊、行銷方案,向各大通路進行新書報品。 4. 企劃案、新聞稿、宣傳文稿編寫。 5. 自媒體經營。 專長/其他需求: 1. 基礎office操作(如:word、excel、power point)。 2. 基...

  • 火岩國際 (香港) 有限公司 Tai Po

    (20k - 22k / OT / 公眾假期 / 年終酬金)   - 2年以上駕駛私人司機經驗 - 持香港有效之駕駛執照、良好駕駛紀錄及扣分紀錄證明 - 熟悉香港道路和交通條例 - 中五或以上程度 - 居住 (大埔、沙田、粉嶺) 優先考慮 - 能操流利普通話、廣東話 - 守時盡責、誠實有禮 - 能接受加班工作 - 負責接載老闆、太太、家屬及外賓/須協助外勤購物 - 維持車廂清潔,車輛性能良好及保持相關記錄 - 負責車輛日常保養、維修及負責辦理車輛行車證續牌照 - 取車及放車地點:大埔 - 工作時間:星期一至六 (上午7:00至5:00) - 享有超時津貼、公眾假期、年終獎金、8天年假及公積金等     有意請致電:梁小姐 3690 8952 電郵履歷:

  • 上海芝麻堂文化传播有限公司 Shanghai

    Sesame Education English Tutoring Center based in Shanghai is looking for English-native teachers. Headquarters Location: Line 9 Yanggaozhonglu Station, Pudong, Shanghai The job description and qualifications are as following: Job Description: (full time) 1. Teaching English In Class 2. Compiling English Textbooks 3. Assisting Marketing Department 4. Other Necessary Work Children's Age: 3-18 years old. Group Size: less than 10 kids Class Duration: May Vary Workdays: From 10:00-18:00 (May var...

  • 天水市秦州区芝麻街英语培训学校 天水市

    职位信息 We are an English training center for kids , cooperated with the TV program "Sesame Street English " . Our school is also a chain business which consists of 300+ schools in China .The teaching brand was originally from Tokyo and the Chinese headquarter is located in Beijing . You will work in Tianshui city if you are interested . Tianshui is a lovely historical city which has a great climate and no air pollution all year long .We offer good wage ,accommodation and so on . Our employ...

  • 火漆信息技术有限公司 Shanghai

    iDeals Solutions – is an international B2B SaaS company that has been working since 2008 to create the best customer experience in using virtual data rooms. More than 2,500 customers, including LG, PwC, HP, EY, Deloitte, Gazprom, Sberbank inspire us to grow and develop every day - to improve our product, service, and every part of our business. With a team of 150 people, we are located on 7 continents and speak 10 languages. We share openness, teamwork, critical thinking, fact orientation in dec...

  • 营口雷法耐火材料有限公司 大石桥市

    大石桥市 Job Requirements: Chinese nationality, university Degree or above with subject of HR Management or equivalent Well versed in PRC labour ordinance in Liaoning province; Minimum 3-5 years relevant work experience with good exposure in PRC HR operation of managerial level preferably in manufacturing industry; Strong understanding of international system standards and relevant legislation issues. Be a collaborative & mature team player, responsible, well organized, and high integrity; Knowl...

  • 营口雷法耐火材料有限公司 大石桥市

    大石桥市 Job Requirements: University Degree or above with subject Inorganic non-metallic material engineering; Minimum 8-10 years relevant work experience with PRC Manufacturing, especially with refractory production work experience is a plus, not less than 5 years of production managerial level preferably in manufacturing industry; Strong production & material planning plus good analytical mind; Excellent interpersonal skill and good leadership skills lead the team to achieve company goals. Go...

  • 灵火企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    RESPONSIBILITIES: The person will coordinate with the social team as well as creative team to ensure that the projects are completed as per the requirement on various digital projects. Assist with the digital creative development for assigned projects and brands, including concept development and innovation, proposal preparation, key visual development, art direction, interface design, to ensuring production quality, work out the art direction on visual, animation for the projects and give clear...

  • 灵火企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    Owning the TVC/Social video/Video editing/Radio Recoding/Print project /Print retouching on agency side and overseeing the delivery of numbers of external production projects through the entire development; Providing production SOW and quotation, following financial process from initial bidding to final settlement. Planing the production with creatives, reviewing and providing feedback on deliverables (e.g. milestone review, aligning production plan with roadmap, budgeting for spend, planning on...

  • 暴雪软件开发有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Blizzard is seeking a high performing, driven Senior Program Manager to join the Activision Blizzard League IT Events team. You will be a critical member of a dedicated team focused on engineering, building and delivering the technology that powers The Overwatch League and Call of Duty League across US and Global locations. The ideal candidate is a highly organized individual passionate about delivering flawless experiences at every event. As a Senior Program Manager in this role, you a...

  • 灵火企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES 1.The person will coordinate with the social team as well as creative team to ensure that the projects are completed as per the requirement on various digital projects 2.Assist with the digital creative development for assigned projects and brands, including concept development and innovation, proposal preparation, key visual development, art direction, interface design, to ensuring production quality, work out the art direction on visual, animation for the projects ...

  • 灵火企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 主要职责: 负责广告文案产生和创意构想及形成 准确把握客户意图,及时提供符合客户要求的创意思路,负责具体创意表现的执行 与不同团队协调控制制作品质,保证产品文案创作符合客户的要求. 带领并指导文案团队完成作品. 职位要求: 本科或以上学历 4年以上广告公司汽车品牌广告创意文案相关工作经验 具备同时处理不同创意项目的经历 对创意有无限热情,热爱写作,热爱阅读,审美佳 Main duty: Responsible for advertising copywriting and creative ideas and formation Accurate grasp of customer intent in a timely manner to meet customer requirements to provide creative ideas, responsible for the implementation of specific creative performance Coordinate with different teams to control the...

  • 南宁火星人信息科技有限公司 Nanning

    南宁市 职位信息 岗位职责: 1、参与微信小程序前端开发; 2、参与公司内部系统建设; 3. 配合后台开发人员实现产品界面和功能; 4. 思路清晰,思维敏捷,有快速的学习能力,有良好的团队合作意识。 任职要求: 1、熟悉HTML、CSS,页面架构和布局; 2、熟悉使用Bootstrap等前端开发框架 3、熟悉Ajax、JavaScript、DOM、JSON等前端技术 4、熟悉HTTP的基本工作原理以及常用Web开发调试工具。 福利待遇: 1、互联网公司,进入一个高速发展的行业,项目氛围好,领导nice; 2、技术涉猎深,提升快;定期技术培训;正常工作强度,偶尔加班; 3、有广阔的学习,成长,晋升空间; 4、优美的产业园区办公环境; 5、人性化管理,弹性工作时间,员工聚会旅游活动; 6、周末双休、项目奖、年终奖。 火星人集团总部设立在北京。此岗位由南宁分公司代招并且在南宁分公司入职,日后根据个人能力发展和个人意愿可选择入职北京总部,集团公司项目面向全国,正处于高速成长期,欢迎各位优秀伙伴的加入! 职能类别: 软件工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:南宁市科园大道东五路4号南宁软件园1楼...

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