- 醫學科技學院_ 醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系 Taibei
臺北醫學大學人力資源處 用人單位:醫學科技學院_ 醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系 職缺公告日期:2019-09-05 報名截止日期:2019-09-30 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 1名 學校地址:台北市信義區吳興街250號 工作地點:臺北市信義區 學術專長: 公告內容: 醫學科技學院_ 醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系_誠徵專任助理教授 (含)以上1 名(公告至108.9.30截止) * 學歷需求: 博士 (Ph. D.) :生命科學或醫學生物科技科系畢業 With Ph.D. degree related to Life Science or Medical Biotechnology * 職務條件: 1. 免疫學(Immunology) 2. 免疫治療(Immunotherapy) 3. 腫瘤免疫學(Tumor Immunology) 4. 細胞治療(Cell therapy) 5. 具醫檢師執照為佳(Medical Technologist license) * 需提供資料 (Material needed) : 除本校人力資源處網頁 聘任作業 教師聘任升等 所刊之表件外,另需提供著作目錄及 重要著...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 10,2019 - 醫學院細胞治療與再生醫學國際博士學位學程 Taibei
臺北醫學大學人力資源處 用人單位:醫學院細胞治療與再生醫學國際博士學位學程 職缺公告日期:2019-09-05 報名截止日期:2019-10-30 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 2名 學校地址:台北市信義區吳興街250號 工作地點:臺北市信義區 學術專長: 公告內容: 108 年度第 1 學期_ 醫學院細胞治療與再生醫學國際博士學位學程誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上2名(公告至108.10.30截止) * 學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.) :具有生物醫學相關博士學位。 Ph.D. : Biomedical related fields. * 職務條件: 1.學術專精如下領域,並具備獨立研究能力: 類別一:幹細胞相關生物醫學或細胞治療與再生醫學為佳。 類別二:精準醫學或其他生命科學相關研究領域。 Academic specialization in the following areas, and with independent research capabilities. (1) Category1: Specialized in "Stem Cell related Biomedic...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 10,2019 - 醫學院醫學系微生物及免疫學科 Taibei
臺北醫學大學人力資源處 用人單位:醫學院醫學系微生物及免疫學科 職缺公告日期:2019-08-16 報名截止日期:2019-09-14 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 1名 學校地址:台北市信義區吳興街250號 工作地點:臺北市信義區 學術專長:衛生醫藥及社福領域(生命科學/醫藥衛生/社會服務學門) 公告內容: 醫學院醫學系微生物及免疫學科誠徵專任助理教授 ( 含 ) 以上 1 名 ( 公告至 108.9.14 截止 ) * 學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.):細菌、免疫、病毒相關科系畢業 * 職務條件: 1.專精免疫及細菌學研究及病毒學、病毒感染症,具備獨立研究能力interested in & immunity and microbiology research and virology、 viral infectious diseases with independent research capabilities 2.必須擔任細菌學、免疫學、病毒學教學工作responsible for teaching in mircobiology、immunology and virolog...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 9,2019 - 萬國人力資源有限公司 Xinbei
✸✸✸職缺介紹✸✸✸ ❤入取率極高!!快速上班!!❤ ❤快來看錄取率高又工作簡單的工作哦❤ ❤薪資可申請【日領】【週領】❤ 【工作地點】 中和區建一路 【工作內容】 烙鐵 組裝 包裝 測試 檢測 【上班時間】 上班: 8:30-17:30 加班 18:00-21:00(偶爾加班) 午休12:30-13:30 【休假】 周休二日 【福利】 ➤勞健保 ➤勞退6% ➤表現好有機會轉正 ➤工作簡單 ➤冷氣廠房 面試錄取高! 歡迎你/妳加入我們的大家庭唷! 歡迎來賺薪水增加社會經歷 ! 因名額有限,請盡速報名! 意者洽詢方式週一~週五 09:00~18:00 電洽:0973-712702 朱Miss 或加綠色軟體: 0973-712702 詢問 如沒接到您電話 可以發簡訊傳姓名+電話和應徵項目到我手機 會在回覆電話給您 工作類型: 全職 薪資:每小時 150.0元-250.0元...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 7,2019 - 百济神州生物科技有限公司 Shanghai
Perform analysis and investigate variances on monthly financial consolidation for APAC companies Support APAC finance controller on financial data analysis or other business review pack for management review and discussion Work closely with accounting team to ensure quality and reliability in reported financials and provide guidance to the team as necessary to resolve issues Assist in interim and annual HKEx reporting, to ensure disclosed financial information meet the requirements of HK listing...
- 上海中科新生命生物科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 Job Responsibilities: Formulate the overall corporate IT architecture plan, drive new initiatives of enterprise information management within the business, develop IT solutions and facilitate the implementation in line with the needs of rapid business development. Prepare for IT budget; in charge of IT asset management. Establish and improve related policies and working procedures, continuously develop the team capabilities and optimize the team structure; direct and manage subordinates’...
- 臺北市政府衛生局 Taibei
公務電話 02-27287147#7146 官職等 無 職系 無 人員區分 其他人員 名額 1 性別 不拘 機關類型 行政機關 資格條件 一、280薪點(月薪34916元): 1.經教育部承認之國內外專科以上學校畢業。 2.高中以上學校畢業,並具有與擬任工作性質相當之2年以上工作經驗。二、中華民國國籍且未具雙重國籍或多重國籍者(如為大陸地區人士需設籍滿10年)。 三、無公務人員任用法第28條各款不得任用情事人員。 四、熟悉電腦作業系統有線上規劃能力,可配合業務積極任事勇於負責者。 五、抗壓性高,能配合職務作機動調整,具企劃、溝通協調能力、認同團隊合作且可配合業務加班及配合即時上班,優先錄用。 六、視成績酌列備取,惟名額不得逾職缺數2倍,自甄選結果確定之翌日起算,其候補期間為3個月。 七、具身障手冊或原住民身分者佳。 工作項目 1、辦理食品、藥物、化粧品等之違規廣告、品質、標示之稽查取締、行政罰鍰及行政救濟等工作。 2、辦理藥商、藥局、藥事人員及營養師登記、執業管理,藥物廣告審查許可等業務。 3、受理消費者有關食品、藥物、化粧品之消費申訴、檢舉案件及中藥掺西藥送驗等業務。 4、辦理消費者...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 5,2019 - 恒生银行有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 实习生 A Career with HANGSENG-CN Hang Seng is committed to service excellence. Our people are our most important asset and play a vital role in our efforts to continually enhance our performance for customers and provide best-in-class products and services. We seek to attract high-caliber talent by offering a dynamic working environment, good career development opportunities and competitive compensation packages. Principal responsibilities Being as the coordinator to deal with the company ...
- 本来生活 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 月薪15,000 - 20,000元 岗位描述: 1、负责业务系统SQL SERVER,MySQL等数据库的管理和维护工作; 2、支持高可用、高性能数据库系统,保障业务7×24小时正常运行; 3、深入业务系统逻辑,持续关注数据库服务的性能,并进行深度优化; 4、支持开发人员进行数据库的规划、设计以及SQL的评审和优化,为开发工程师提供数据库SQL优化建议; 5、制定和持续改进数据库相关流程、规范、预案。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上相关学历; 2、要求有强烈责任心和进取心 3、至少3年以上SQL SERVER DBA经验和1年以上的MySQL DBA经验; 4、熟练掌握SQL SERVER、MySQL数据库结构设计(物理、逻辑); 5、具备丰富的数据库性能调优经验,善于利用各种工具、日志发现数据库性能问题并进行优化,具备SQL语句的调优经验; 6、熟悉SQL SERVER、MySQL的高可用技术,有数据库规划、实施、运维经验; 7、有良好的学习能力和对新技术的追求精神、良好的团队协作能力,积极主动,乐于接受挑战,能承受工作压力。 职能类别:数据库工程师/管理员 微信分享 ...
- 生特瑞工程顾问股份有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 Job Specification: 1、Prepare conceptual design of assigned projects; 2、Review design calculations and CAD drawings from design institute; 3、Prepare technical specifications and work scope in liaison with client and project team; 4、Review and evaluate tenders for construction projects from technical standpoint; 5、Provide technical support for the construction team; 6、Make dynamic analysis and design drawings for the assigned projects; 7、Write professional report to client and project team...
- 上海和誉生物医药科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Primary Responsibilities ? Develop and conduct in vitro (enzyme and cell based assays) and in vivo animal studies to support novel drug discovery and development ? Perform molecular and cell biology experiments including western blot, cell proliferation and apoptosis, RT-PCR, realtime PCR, siRNA/shRNA and CRISPR, and FACS etc. ? Routine cell line culture and maintenance. ? Hands-on experience with in vivo animal studies is a plus, such as handling mouse samples from tumor xenograft mode...
- 上海药明生物技术有限公司 Shanghai
KEY ACCOUNTIBILITIES: – Partner with internal Business Units to cultivate innovative data, analytics, and AI projects 1. Collaborate with internal Business Units to understand their business needs, gather business requirements, propose and refine solutions based on new and innovative technologies, software, or platform, and deliver value-add POCs 2. Analyze existing data / analytics / business models within internal Business Units to identify opportunities for improvement in efficiency, process,...
- 苏州康乃德生物医药有限公司 Shanghai
Manager, Quality Assurance and Laboratory operation Base: Taicang (Suzhou), Jiangsu Province Roles & Responsibilities: 1. Lead to organize and coordinate the internal and external resources for establishing Connect’s quality management system 2. Plan the QC/QA work and responsible for the implementation 3. Participate in the plan of laboratory operation, and be responsible for monitoring the implementation 4. Participate in the plan and implement of EHS system as a core member 5. Responsible...
- 苏州康乃德生物医药有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 嘉定区 Position: Director of Immunology Department: Discovery Report to: CEO Location: Taicang About Connect Biopharmaceuticals Connect Biopharmaceuticals is a China-based global clinical-stage company focused on discovery and development of novel immune modulators for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and inflammation. Responsibilities ? Leading and championing immunology projects from discovery to early clinical development. ? Developing and executing efficient strategies for target identi...
- 恒生银行有限公司 Beijing
A Career with HANGSENG-CN Hang Seng is committed to service excellence. Our people are our most important asset and play a vital role in our efforts to continually enhance our performance for customers and provide best-in-class products and services. We seek to attract high-caliber talent by offering a dynamic working environment, good career development opportunities and competitive compensation packages. Principal responsibilities Develop, manage and monitor a portfolio of Global Banking clien...
- 恒生银行有限公司 Beijing
Responsibilities: Ensure the delivery of premium investment advisory service offered to VIP Prestige customers. Explore additional business opportunities via deepening investment advisory services into Upper Prestige customers. Ensure the quality of specific investment ideas and maintaining an efficient information platform and communication channel with respect to traditional Prestige customers where sales staff’s enquires will be responded satisfactorily in order to facilitate investment sales...
- 恒生银行有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Proactively manage Head of RBWM’s calendar by acting as the gate keeper for scheduling appointments to ensure that best use is made of his time. Ensure that the manager is provided with all necessary background material (previous minutes, responses to action points etc.) prior to attending meetings. Prepare meeting minutes for RBWM Monthly meeting. Provide top quality services to customers and be attentive to their needs; all assignments to be completed before deadlines. Other tasks ass...
- 高仪卫生洁具有限公司 Shanghai
Main Responsibilites: 1. Maintaining, content editting, copywriting for Grohe China’s social media, including not limited to wechat, weibo, etc. 2. Support to deliver social media strategy, content plans 3. Keep a close watch on competitor tracking and social media trends and explore new social media opportunity for brand communication to TA 4. Plans to recruit new followers and increase the activeness of followers 5. Work with agency to plan and execute campaigns on digital platforms 6. Coordin...
- 本来生活 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 岗位描述: 1、负责业务系统SQL SERVER,MySQL等数据库的管理和维护工作; 2、支持高可用、高性能数据库系统,保障业务7×24小时正常运行; 3、深入业务系统逻辑,持续关注数据库服务的性能,并进行深度优化; 4、支持开发人员进行数据库的规划、设计以及SQL的评审和优化,为开发工程师提供数据库SQL优化建议; 5、制定和持续改进数据库相关流程、规范、预案。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上相关学历; 2、要求有强烈责任心和进取心 3、至少5年以上SQL SERVER DBA经验和1年以上的MySQL DBA经验; 4、熟练掌握SQL SERVER、MySQL数据库结构设计(物理、逻辑); 5、具备丰富的数据库性能调优经验,善于利用各种工具、日志发现数据库性能问题并进行优化,具备SQL语句的调优经验; 6、熟悉SQL SERVER、MySQL的高可用技术,有数据库规划、实施、运维经验; 7、有良好的学习能力和对新技术的追求精神、良好的团队协作能力,积极主动,乐于接受挑战,能承受工作压力。 职能类别:数据库工程师/管理员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市徐汇区襄阳南...
- 堃博生物科技有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 南山区 Salary: Open Responsibilities Establishing and implementing strategic marketing plans to achieve corporate objectives Taking corrective action to guarantee that achievement of marketing objectives falls within designated budgets. Monitoring competitive products and marketing activities; Establishing and maintaining relationships with industry influences and key community and strategic partner. Developing and managing Key Opinion Leader for products for effective promotion of product line...
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