- 香港聖公會福利協會有限公司 Hong kong
職責 合適的受聘人屬福利協會專業和管理團隊重要的一員,專責開拓及管理不同資助模式之社會服務項目,此包括政府資助、有時限性基金資助、慈善社團和自負盈虧項目,以滿足服務對象的不同需要。服務總監將帶領屬下團隊制定服務策略,並給予社工專業督導,以提升服務的專業水平。作為福利協會管理團隊的成員,須在有效管治及審慎理財的原則下,探索和實驗創新意念和服務模式,以回應社區發展及需要。並須與政府部門、捐款者、慈善基金及地區持份者等建立良好的合作伙伴關係,以開拓資源發展具創意及多元化之社會服務。 受聘人在履新初期會被委派 擔任家庭及青少年服務 。但日後有機會按福利協會輪調政策調任至不同專業範疇。 資歷要求 申請人須持認可社會工作學位或同等學歷,最少具備十年或以上之助理社會工作主任或同等資歷,如具督導或管理家庭及青少年服務相關經驗者優先考慮。 有意申請上述職位者請具函並附詳細履歷,現時薪酬及期望薪酬等資料, 寄香港筲箕灣興民街 68 號海天廣場 5 樓 - 香港聖公會福利協會有限公司人力資源部收或按 “ 立即申請 ” , 信封請註申請編號。申請人之篩選將會即時進行直至二零一九年九月二十七日或有關...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 17,2019 - 衛生福利部 台北市 南港區
就業資訊 職務名稱: 臨時人員 徵才單位: 公共關係室 職系: 職等: 辦公地點: 臺北市南港區忠孝東路6段488號1樓公共關係室(捷運板南線昆陽站下車,4號出口步行2至3分鐘) 甄選名額: 面試後擇優錄取2名,得增列候補名額至多3名,候用期間為3個月,依序遞補。 應徵資格條件: (一)國內外大學畢業,具有相關工作經驗2年(含)以上。 (二)具輿情蒐集作業及數據分析解讀能力。 (三)熟悉處理軟體操作。 (四)具簡報(PTT、懶人包)、圖表工作經驗者為佳。 (五)具高度工作熱忱、耐心及責任感,有溝通協調能力及團隊合作精神。 (六)可配合星期例假日工作。 (七)有下列情形之一者,不得僱用為各機關之臨時人員: 1.未具或喪失中華民國國籍。 2.本機關首長之配偶及三等親以內血親、姻親。但首長就任前,已在本機關服務者,不在此限。 3.受監護或輔助宣告,尚未撤銷。 擔任工作項目: (一)協助辦理本部平面(報紙、雜誌)新聞作業相關事宜。 (二)協助本部輿情蒐報作業(6:30-21:00)及運用相關輿情內容分析數據。 (三)協助本部回應輿情(含圖、表)資料製作。 (四)其他臨時交辦事項。 刊登日期: ...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 吉喜福酒业有限责任公司 上海市 长宁区
As a leader in French wines in the international market, the group Les Grands Chais de France (GCF) is now looking for a Sales Executive/Junior Key Account Manager for our Retail Business Unit. Job description: The Sales Executive is responsible for supporting the KAM Senior on existing customers to achieve the business objectives of the Retail Business Unit. Main tasks: Develop sales and customer satisfaction in accordance with the strategy & rules, procedures in the company Ensure daily co...
- 家乐福管理咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities: 1. Be responsible for the merchandise collecting and listing on O2O platforms. 2. Be responsible for the coordination with offline teams concerning the new products and prices. 3. Manage the prices, stock and gross margin of online products. 4.Manage the online promotion activities and make sure the information of product, price is accurate. 5. Communicate with the cities and coordinate to deal with the complaints and inquiries. Requirements: 1. Around 0-2 years E-Commerce work...
- 福瑞斯金融集团(Forex Club International Limited 查看所有职位 上海市 静安区
职位名称:金融投资高级经纪人/电话销售 要会泰语和中文! 薪酬目标:具竞争性的待遇 地点:上海,中国 主要福利: 与市场专业人士共业,接触到世界金融市场 建立强意识的团队精神 积极参与市场交易 提供深度且持续的培训,以协助新员工面向成功 月度奖金 综合的雇员福利计划 15天带薪假期 主要职责: 推广福瑞斯外汇,贵金属,股票和差价合约的零售产品和服务,给讲普通话的国家与地区以完成销售目(No Cold Calling) 专业且流利地讨论国际金融市场与影响市场波动的因素 开发和维护与潜在客户和现有客户的关系,主要工作以维护已有客户并进行深度再次开发为主 执行一个有组织性的,高效的和结构化的销售流程 资格 本科学历,专业不限 性别不限,22-35岁之间 必须能说流利的普通话(会话,阅读,写作) 外汇,贵金属或二元期权销售经验者优先 将提供在职培训 有金融市场工作的激情 聪明,有组织性,目标专一,自信,善于表达,上进 良好的英语书面和口头沟通能力优先考虑 Job Title: Forex Club Financial Sales Broker Salary Target: Competitiv...
- 河北艾福亿维动力总成有限公司 上海市 嘉定区
Your Tasks Ensures effective utilization of boss time by maintaining his calendar, arranging appointments, responding to invitations on his behalf. Screens phone calls, enquiries and requests, and handles them when appropriate. Supports and coordinates events, ensures professional communications with both internal and external parties (clients, media etc.). Organizes travel arrangements (visas , travel info and booking flight & accommodation…), including coordinating visitors programs and me...
- 福特汽车 南京市
南京市 招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 Responsibilities: Deliver China lead engine program unique component designs. Responsible for delivering all Design Verification and Process Validation evidence for Pressurized Crankcase Ventilation system, including but not limited to: oil separator, PCV hose, & Intake Manifold. Also responsible for delivering all program deliverables including, but not limited to: DFMEA's, DVPR's, Reliability and Robustness Documents, and design rule evidence prior to Compo...
- 罗斯福商业有限公司 Shanghai
岗位要求: 1. 一年以上酒吧或餐厅服务经验 2. 具备基本的酒水知识 4. 有责任心和团队精神 公司提供丰厚的薪资、员工餐、良好的工作环境和在职培训。 The House of Roosevelt is now looking for one Waiter/Waitress that's professional and have the knowledge of service. We are looking for someone fulltime and we will be able to pay competitive salary with generous bonus. Good English Good knowledge in service and beverages Hard working Responsibility Good communication skills Good Team player The Waiter/Waitress must have experience from western bars/restaurants sinc...
- 万福阁家具有限公司 上海市 普陀区
上海市 普陀区 Graphic Designer 平面设计师 工作职责: 按照要求完成公司各类活动、制作、印刷等,配套的平面设计、排版、产品包装等线上线下相关设计工作,能够独立完成设计项目并完稿。 各类页面详情页、Banner的标准制定和设计。 完成直系Leader交办的其他以视觉设计为主体的工作。 任职要求: 设计类相关专业本科学历; 熟练使用设计软件:Photoshop 、Illustrator、InDesign等平面设计软件(会使用***D和具有良好手绘能力者优先) 工作效率高,性格开朗,刻苦耐劳,具有团队合作精神; 设计师投递简历须含有作品链接或作品集附件。 职能类别:平面设计师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:金沙江路...
- 福禄克测试仪器有限公司 上海市 长宁区
上海市 长宁区 Position: Operation Manager Report to: Commercial Financial Director Location: Shanghai Objective: Lead order admin and Logistics team to meet or exceed internal & external customers’ needs. Improve customer satisfactory. Be responsible for monthly shipment forecast, inventory management, Custom clearance, order management and on-time-delivery. Establish and optimize the procedures and working instructions for external warehouse day to day operations. Monitor external warehouse daily...
- 恩福检测技术有限公司 上海市 长宁区
Job Description: 岗位描述 The primary responsibility of this position is to conduct retail and supply chain food safety evaluation, and also to provide advice and help to customers. 该职位的主要职责是进行零售和供应链食品安全评估,并为客户提供建议和帮助。 Duties include but not limit to: 职责包括 1.Conduct 2nd Party supply chain audit using customer specified standard/checklist, generate report in English/Chinese depending on customer requirement. Review Corrective Action Report (CAR) , verify and close corrective action. 使用客户指定的标准/清单进行第二方...
- 福建学翼教育咨询有限公司 厦门市
职位信息 1、根据集团的战略规划和营销计划,制定相应的战略目标和经营策略,并根据公司实际状况,为公司重大营销决策提供建议和信息支持;确保各项指标有效地在公司内执行,保质保量完成公司制定的销售计划,达成公司业绩指标; 2、建立健全各项经营及风险控制策略,根据整体销售目标,提交销售计划方案,监督实施销售全过程,完成销售指标; 3、与公司新加坡总部保持紧密沟通,成为公司与大客户及潜在客户间的桥梁;保证海内外项目的服务质量和产品质量; 3、负责集团分公司在中国地区的教育咨询市场开拓;当地业渠道建设和维护,提升市场占有率,完成公司决策和计划; 4、定期收集相关行业的政策、分析同业市场及整体金融市场发展趋势; 5、全权负责公司整体团队建设,并逐年提升公司各团队成员的综合素质和专业水平; 6、负责企业日常内部事务管理,以及处理公司重大突发事件和对外关系维护。 任职要求: 1、教育、管理、营销等相关专业本科及以上学历,八年以上教育、留学移民、管理咨询相关经验领域跨国从业经历,至少五年以上丰富的团队管理经验者优先; 2、熟悉教育、房产投资,对各类投资市场有深刻理解,具有敏锐的市场洞察力和准确的业务分析能...
- 徐福记国际控股集团有限公司 东莞市 东城区
Job Description: HFC MT Project is designed to help fresh graduates gain strengths and abilities, including rapid learning ability, teamwork spirits, effective communication skills, results-oriented work style and leadership. As a member of the Finance Department, you will rotate in the main functional units of the Finance Headquarters to improve your overall professional ability. You will also go to the branch offices for a short-term rotation to understand operation mode of the branch to condu...
- 徐福记国际控股集团有限公司 东莞市 东城区
东莞市 东城区 Job Description: HFC MT Project is designed to help fresh graduates gain strengths and abilities, including rapid learning ability, teamwork spirits, effective communication skills, results-oriented work style and leadership. As a HFC E-Commerce Management Trainee, your daily work is to deal with social media and market data, as well as negotiate with E-Commerce customers. You can integrate your innovation into the interactive promotion with consumers, and participate in planning and exe...
- 家乐福管理咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Responsibilities: 1. Contract Follow up Contract Negotiation Schedule Maximize profit ability 2. Supplier Simulate supplier logistic cost and carrefour logistic cost Supplier communication to improve service rate Negotiation strategy and goals must be formally defined and validated by the hierarchical manager before negotiations and reviewed after negotiations. Relationships with suppliers must be formulated using standardized Carrefour contracts, including their appendixes, defined by the C...
- 河北艾福亿维动力总成有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Your Tasks Ensures effective utilization of boss time by maintaining his calendar, arranging appointments, responding to invitations on his behalf. Screens phone calls, enquiries and requests, and handles them when appropriate. Supports and coordinates events, ensures professional communications with both internal and external parties (clients, media etc.). Organizes travel arrangements (visas , travel info and booking flight & accommodation…), including coordinating visitors programs an...
- 福斯特惠勒工程设计有限公司 Shanghai
Identify and develop new business growth opportunities in terms of chemicals, petrochemicals market and services, Complete company marketing KPI. Develop strategies and tactics and capture teams needed to bring opportunities to fruition. Part of the negotiating team that enables bids to come to contract. Prospect generation (through service and market development processes) and Revenue generation (through key account management processes). Build and manage a business development focus in the Chi...
- 福达食品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 金山区 1. Working closely with CI Supervisor and site Management team, to influence all other functions on-site to embed and sustain continuous improvement techniques. 协助持续改进领导和工厂团队,对工厂所有设备能耗、可持续改进技术的支持。 2. Fully support CI supervisor to optimize the equipment, process and material consumption to improve production efficiency and reduce cost. 全力协助持续改进领导优化设备、工艺流程和损耗,提升生产效能和减少费用。 3. Participate in manufacturing trials running and results analysis. 参与生产运作效能分析。 4. Prepare simulation models through ...
- 宁波舒福安卫浴设备有限公司 Shanghai
职位(Position): ASIA Area sales Executive 亚洲区销售主管 工作地点(Work location):(Shanghai)上海, Business trip to ASEAN countries is the must 需出差亚洲国家 汇报对象(Report to): To be determined待定 职位描述(Job responsibilities):包括但不限(including but not limited to Follow-up and coordinate the ordering and payment process between France Office and Asian Customers 跟进及协调(法国公司与客户之间)销售订单、应收款项 Execute the Sales/marketing activity achieve the monthly/quarterly/yearly sales target: - 负责SFA、季度、年度销售预算 Organize and takes part in technica...
- 上海福迈迪工程技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 > Our Job in detail Project Management ?Ensure customer satisfaction in various projects (Logistic support, quality controlling and rework, supplier improvement, etc). ?Communicates effectively with clients to identify needs and evaluate alternative business solutions. ?Be reactive and provide action plan in case of complaint from the client. ?Manage and coordinate international project within group. Key Account Management ?Maintain and improve customer relationship & satisfaction. ...
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