Results 1 - 20 of 1895
  • 南京小红花婴幼儿保育有限公司 Nanjing

    岗位职责: 1.负责幼儿园的招生和环创工作; 2.负责幼儿园的教职工队伍建设工作; 3.负责幼儿园各项政策落实工作; 4.负责幼儿园的卫生保健及教学管理工作; 5.负责幼儿园的家园共育工作; 6.负责幼儿园的日常运营管理工作。 任职要求: 1. 热爱幼儿教育事业,具备园长资格; 2. 身心健康,有责任心,值得信赖; 3. 有一定的幼儿园管理经验,良好的书写和口头交流能力; 4. 有集团化幼儿园工作经验者优先。 职能类别: 幼教 关键字: 幼儿园园长 微信 联系方式 上班地址:秦淮区后标营路100号戎泰山庄西综合楼3楼 公司信息 About New York Kids Club New York Kids Club was founded in Manhattan New York city, 2001. In the past ten years, New York Kids Club has been serving the U.S. upscale families including government officials, lawyers, university profes...

  • 捷骏照明技术(深圳)有限公司 Shenzhen

    To design products which fulfil the requirements of the commercial and the technical specification within the given cost and time targets. To liase with testing to ensure the tester meet the outlined requirements Perform verification and validation of the design to ensure the desired product quality has been integrated in the design Provide data or information to create production and parts documentation for release Generate and maintain PCB documentation in line with defined TridonicAtco group ...

  • 山东金榜苑文化传媒有限责任公司 济宁市 任城区

    济宁市 任城区 月薪3,000 - 5,000元 1、负责初高中教学辅导资料的校对、审核与加工整理; 2、透彻理解稿件,保证内容版式、格式、文字、逻辑的正确; 3、出版发行图书,与学科老师、出版社沟通校稿中出现的问题,协商解决,保证质量。 岗位要求: 1、全日制本科(含)以上学历,大学英语相关专业; 2、无工作经验者以及优秀应届生亦可考虑; 3、出色的学习能力、沟通能力、表达能力,富有团队精神,有亲和力和极强的责任心; 4、热爱教育行业,知识面宽; 5、工作细心、认真仔细。 薪资福利待遇: 工作氛围轻松,每天7小时工作制,员工平均薪资3800左右,转正缴纳五险一金,每年5天带薪休假,每年健康体检。 职能类别:编辑排版设计 关键字:编辑 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:任城区洸河路和科苑路交汇处明珠广场步行街二楼办公区...

  • 深圳华唐锐照明电器有限公司 Shenzhen

    International Sales Representative Responsibilities: Manage and support the assigned customers' daily job. Expand assigned regional market and recommend products to potential distributors and customers; Collect information of assigned market; Attend international exhibition; Meet the set target of assigned region. Requirements: Bachelors degree or above A very good command of English (CET-6 above) in writing and speaking; Basic computer knowledge, good at office software including Word, Exce...

  • 上海日月光华教育投资有限公司 Shanghai

    学校简介: 上海光华学院剑桥国际中心(简称光华剑桥)成立于2011年4月。原名上海光华学院剑桥国际中心(复旦附中校区),隶属于光华教育集团,专业从事A Level和IGCSE国际课程教学和考试的国际高中。学校位于上海市杨浦区政熙路2号,毗邻复旦、同济、上外等所在的大学文化区域,并于2011年10月获剑桥大学海外考试委员会授权,正式成为剑桥国际中心的一员。 七年来,光华剑桥的全体员工砥砺前行,不忘初心,收获了累累的硕果。光华剑桥也从一个默默无闻的新学校,到出现在微博热搜的知名学府。 光华剑桥专注于开始剑桥 A Level课程。A Level国际高中课程体系***的特点就是:既有英国课程的深度,也有美国课程的广度,更给了学生选课的自由度,被誉为最适合中国学生就读的国际课程体系。学生可以报考英美加澳、香港等国家和地区的所有大学,由于A Level课程的权威性,学生较容易进入世界名牌大学就读,好的A Level成绩还可以在美国,包括哈佛和耶鲁换取近一年的学分。 Job Responsibilities: 岗位职责: 1.In accordance to the syllabus, teach ...

  • 上海日月光华教育投资有限公司 Shanghai

    学校简介: 上海光华学院剑桥国际中心(简称光华剑桥)成立于2011年4月。原名上海光华学院剑桥国际中心(复旦附中校区),隶属于光华教育集团,专业从事A Level和IGCSE国际课程教学和考试的国际高中。学校位于上海市杨浦区政熙路2号,毗邻复旦、同济、上外等所在的大学文化区域,并于2011年10月获剑桥大学海外考试委员会授权,正式成为剑桥国际中心的一员。 七年来,光华剑桥的全体员工砥砺前行,不忘初心,收获了累累的硕果。光华剑桥也从一个默默无闻的新学校,到出现在微博热搜的知名学府。 光华剑桥专注于开始剑桥 A Level课程。A Level国际高中课程体系最大的特点就是:既有英国课程的深度,也有美国课程的广度,更给了学生选课的自由度,被誉为最适合中国学生就读的国际课程体系。学生可以报考英美加澳、香港等国家和地区的所有大学,由于A Level课程的权威性,学生较容易进入世界名牌大学就读,好的A Level成绩还可以在美国,包括哈佛和耶鲁换取近一年的学分。 Job Responsibilities: 岗位职责: 1.In accordance to the CAIE (Cambridge I...

  • 雪花企业管理有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 Roles & Responsibilities: Provide supports to management including travels/meetings/appointments coordination. Business/Hotel event coordination and projects follow-up Perform comprehensive secretarial and administrative duties on a timely, efficient and accurate manner; Assist with preparing and formatting PowerPoint presentations Assist with Chinese / English translation and interpretation Support HR to ensure the leader’s housing, car and tax are well organized according to compan...

  • 花旗金融信息服务有限公司 Shanghai

    工作地点在上海,要求英语口语可以基本沟通。 Our business ICG (Institutional Clients Group) is one of Citi’s core banking business sectors, covers Capital Markets Origination, Corporate and Investment Banking, Markets and Securities Services, Treasury & Trade Solutions, and Private Banking etc. CSTC (Citigroup Services and Technology (China) Ltd) is Citigroup owned subsidiary in China, as part of Citigroup global technology and operation organization (Citibank China is another Citigroup owned subsidiary in China)....

  • 花旗金融信息服务有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Our business ICG (Institutional Clients Group) is one of Citi’s core banking business sectors, covers Capital Markets Origination, Corporate and Investment Banking, Markets and Securities Services, Treasury & Trade Solutions, and Private Banking etc. CSTC ICG Technology department mainly supports MSS (Markets and Securities Services) of ICG, which is one of the key businesses of investment bank industry globally. To join a team to build next generation web application to support glo...

  • 花旗商業銀行股份有限公司 Taibei

    Provide administrative support to department staff to help ensure efficient running of the department. Produces information by transcribing, formatting, inputting, editing, retrieving, copying, and transmitting text, data, and graphics. Conserves executive's time by reading, researching, and routing correspondence; drafting letters and documents; collecting and analyzing information; initiating telecommunications. Maintains executive's appointment schedule by planning and scheduling meet...

  • 花影文化有限公司 肇庆市 端州区

    肇庆市 端州区 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 技能要求: 视频制作,摄影摄像,特效制作 1、按照项目的要求,能按时完成各类宣传片、纪录片、微电影、广告片等后期制作任务(经验不足亦可作为预备后期); 2、镜头感良好,对镜头组接有自己独特的理解,对影片的节奏有良好的把握能力(拒绝素材堆砌,); 3、有良好的设计感、能制作精美的影视包装。 任职要求: 1、能熟练掌握PR、AE、AU或MAYA/CINEMA 4D等类似的影音制作软件; 2、有独立商业成功案例和作品。 3、有强烈的责任心,能吃苦耐劳,工作积极主动,追求艺术的完美境界; 4、擅长摄像、拍摄者优先考虑。 投递简历时,写明工作经验及薪资待遇要求。并附上最能代表自己实力的作品视频若干。只要你有能力,工资方面我们不会吝啬。 特别提醒:公司的工资是技能岗级工资+绩效+提成+房补等福利的结构,技术岗级不同工资不同,工作多少又由绩效和提成来体现,所以能力是决定工资水平的重要因素; 职能类别:后期制作影视策划/制作人员 上班地址:肇庆市端州区大学科技园电子商务园C01室...

  • 飞利浦照明(中国)投资有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 实习生 飞利浦照明实习生JB2732 Sales Intern 此职位由上海东浩人力资源有限公司为飞利浦照明中国招聘 地址:北京市海淀区毛纺路58号小米总参 工资:本科/14H;硕士/18H 工作时间:一周3天,6个月 要求:专业不限;本科及以上学历 1. 提供渠道日常图素需求(需要具有简单的ps基础) 2. 月销售数据统计 (D平台数据导出,有数据库基础为佳) 3. 小米京东渠道产品页面和销售属性等维护,日常沟通对接。 如果对该职位有意向请将简历发送至 e.g ” JB2732 Sales Intern-王XX - XX大学 –专业- 研二” 请按要求发送,谢谢配合。 Philips Lighting Through a huge array of products, and variety in design, intensity, color and effects, we help make life easier and more efficient. From lighting for interiors and offices to...

  • 花旗金融信息服务有限公司 Shanghai

    Environment Citigroup services and technology (China) company Ltd (CSTC) is Citigroup technology development center founded by Citigroup since 2002. It is one of the biggest IT software companies in China, providing both finance IT service and operation services to Citibank. As one of leading finance institutions in the world, CSTS can provide challenging global working environment to every employee, such as long career path not only in China but also to the Wall Street. Our business We are Info...

  • 花旗金融信息服务有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Environment Citigroup services and technology (China) company Ltd (CSTC) is Citigroup technology development center founded by Citigroup since 2002. It is one of the biggest IT software companies in China, providing both finance IT service and operation services to Citibank. As one of leading finance institutions in the world, CSTS can provide challenging global working environment to every employee, such as long career path not only in China but also to the Wall Street. Our business We...

  • 上海熙呈照明工程设计有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 普陀区 月薪6,000 - 12,000元 We need U! 寻找发光的你 有这样一群人 我们怀揣着生活的梦想, 对艺术的憧憬而聚集。 用情怀获取面包, 用美学滋养人心。 心里有光,就努力发光; 心里有诗,处处皆是远方。 如果恰好你也是这样的人,请继续往下看。 了解我们 我们是Diamas熙呈。我们从事设计研发和生产制造装饰灯具和艺术装置。我们习惯在上海Office白领、中山工厂小黑、全国工地搬砖佬等角色之间自然切换。“予形、予物、予光明”-我们致力于让生活闪闪发光。 我们需要 灯具设计师/设计助理 如果你,热爱生活和艺术,如果你曾涉足或有意致力于工业设计、产品设计、室内设计等相关工作,如果你熟悉或精通CAD、3DMAX、PS、SketchUp、Rhino其中一种或多种软件,如果你有想法、有审美力、有创造力,那就欢迎一起鬼斧神工来创造奇迹! 世间所有相遇,都是久别重逢 。 若你足够有趣,请来熙呈重聚。 邮箱 职能类别:工业/产品设计室内设计 关键字:灯具设计 微信...

  • 花旗 Shanghai

    To provide all retail banking counter transactions to clients To provide timely and quality service to customers To refer sales opportunities to appropriate sales specialist when opportunities are identified To support daily branch ATM operation and provide assistance in system testing To ensure the safety and security of client's and Citibank's assets by complying with relevant policies, procedures and regulations To prepare internal and external counter related reports To handle any ot...

  • 花旗 Beijing

    北京市 The Branch Ops Supervisor provides leadership and supervisory responsibility for a small team of clerical/support employees. Delegates and supervises straightforward tasks. Effectively recommends personnel actions such as hiring, discipline, performance evaluation, promotion, compensation adjustments and termination. Applies working knowledge of technical and professional principles and concepts and in depth knowledge of team objectives. Ensures the quality and service of self and others. Go...

  • 花旗 Dalian

    大连市 The Supply Chain (SC) Supplier Risk Analyst 2 is an intermediate level position responsible for participating in procurement activities such as defining the need for goods and services, negotiating price contracts and authorizing payment for goods and services in coordination with the Corporate Services team. The overall objective of this role is to acquire goods and services requested by company personnel in support of the company's business. Responsibilities: Support financial risk eva...

  • 花旗 Shanghai

    上海市 The Applications Development Senior Manager is a senior management level position responsible for accomplishing results through the management of a team or department in an effort to establish and implement new or revised application systems and programs in coordination with the Technology team. The overall objective of this role is to drive applications systems analysis and programming activities. Responsibilities: Works independently in a fast-paced environment with minimal direction. Arch...

  • 花旗 Shanghai

    The Applications Development Senior Programmer Analyst is an intermediate level position responsible for participation in the establishment and implementation of new or revised application systems and programs in coordination with the Technology team. The overall objective of this role is to contribute to applications systems analysis and programming activities. Responsibilities: Works independently in a fast-paced environment as well as a good team player. Development # Produce software that fo...

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