- 新時光有限公司 Kwai chung
- 學歷不拘 - 沒經驗可應徵學徒 - 鄰近葵芳鐵路站 福 利 : - 公眾假期 - 達標花紅 - 表現花紅 - 醫療福利 - 年假十天起 工作時間: - 每週工作5天至6天/中班時段/中午後上班 應徵者請致電 : 2424 9793 羅小姐洽...
www.cpjobs.comJune 14,2020 - Food For Good 齊惜福 Hong kong
工作內容: 良好溝通技巧並能與不同部門協調。 每天9小時工作, 每週工作6天,輪班/輪休。 能獨立及主動處理工作,性格樂觀及能應付壓力, 外向而且能與會員有效溝通。 能處理突發事件及作出正確回應。 與機構團隊一同工作,協助主廚處理及製作社區廚房的食品生產及執行主廚委派的其他工作。 資歷 : 曾接受職業先修或相關專業西式廚藝訓練。 1-4年或以上酒店或西餐廳經驗。 良好粵語; 略懂讀寫中文; 懂西式糕點, 西餅及西式餐點烹飪; 創作及研發新產品。 曾於食品工場工作或持有衛生督導員或經理証書優先。 Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only....
www.cpjobs.comJune 13,2020 - PLATINUM DYNASTY LIMITED 滿福實業有限公司 Kowloon
職 責: 接載僱主及其家屬,和公司高級職員及客人; 負責車輛清潔保養, 處理一般車輛牌照事宜; 保持車輛日常內外整潔,定期檢查車輛之安全設備及機件性能,並與上司安排定期維修及辦理車輛牌照等工作; 執行其他由公司指派的工作,確保所負責之工作均按照公司之程序進行及完成 資 歷: 具5年或以上公司/家庭司機經驗; 中五或以上程度; 持有香港駕駛執照1,2號及內地駕駛執照; 必須具良好駕駛紀錄(或須提供過去記分記錄證明書),熟識香港道路及交通守則; 誠實有禮貌,守時及有責任感。 待 遇: 薪金待遇 HK$18,000 - 20,000 工作時間 : 周一至周六,08:30 – 18:00如有需要,隨時願意加班工作、有超時工作津貼 試用期滿後,可享有以下福利: 有薪年假7天或以上 勞工假期、年終雙薪及酌情性年終花紅獎勵 應徵者 有意應徵者,請將您的完整履歷和預期薪金,電郵至 hrresumecv8@gmail.com (本公司所收到的職位申請書僅供招聘用途)...
www.cpjobs.comJune 13,2020 - 勁寶食品(香港)有限公司 Fotan
- 中三或以上程度,有相關工作經驗優先 - 懂中英文電腦操作 - 中英文良好 - 5天半工作,星期一至五 10:30 - 19:30; 星期六 09:00 - 15:00 - 須輪班及加班 (有加班津貼1.5倍) - 15日公眾假期,入職滿1年 - 12日有薪年假,有年終花紅及醫療保險 - 底薪$10,750 - $11,250,包午膳,及晚餐 (視乎加班時間) - 入職滿3個月,有$1,500 獎金 請電郵個人履歷表至 recruit.order@anwfood.com...
www.cpjobs.comJune 12,2020 - PLATINUM DYNASTY LIMITED 滿福實業有限公司 Kowloon
職 責: 接載僱主及其家屬,和公司高級職員及客人; 負責車輛清潔保養, 處理一般車輛牌照事宜; 保持車輛日常內外整潔,定期檢查車輛之安全設備及機件性能,並與上司安排定期維修及辦理車輛牌照等工作; 執行其他由公司指派的工作,確保所負責之工作均按照公司之程序進行及完成 資 歷: 具5年或以上公司/家庭司機經驗; 中五或以上程度; 持有香港駕駛執照1,2號及內地駕駛執照; 必須具良好駕駛紀錄(或須提供過去記分記錄證明書),熟識香港道路及交通守則; 誠實有禮貌,守時及有責任感。 待 遇: 薪金待遇 HK$18,000 - 20,000 工作時間 : 周一至周六,08:30 – 18:00如有需要,隨時願意加班工作、有超時工作津貼 試用期滿後,可享有以下福利: 有薪年假7天或以上 勞工假期、年終雙薪及酌情性年終花紅獎勵 應徵者 有意應徵者,請將您的完整履歷和預期薪金,電郵至 hrresumecv8@gmail.com (本公司所收到的職位申請書僅供招聘用途)...
www.cpjobs.comJune 12,2020 - Food For Good 齊惜福 Hong kong +
Responsibilities: - Plan and organize environmental community education, and to promote the community kitchen and the environmental message; - Coordinate seminar and teach food environmental protection knowledge to different level of student including Secondary school, primary school and kindergarten; and assist to edit relevant teaching material - Provide general administrative support; - Assis in Project activities including writing project proposal and project report, promoting, coordinating,...
www.cpjobs.comJune 11,2020 - Saizeriya Italian Restaurant 薩莉亞意式餐廳 Hong kong
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - 福加德企業有限公司 Hong kong
職位描述: 協助大區負責人做好本區域的銷售工作,包括開拓市場、服務市場、培育市場; 完成公司和大區負責人製定的年度銷售計畫和任務; 根據實際情況,對本區域內客戶的月/周發貨計畫進行製定和落實; 做好市場走訪、開發和客戶的定期回訪; 每月及時收集產品市場資訊和服務資訊,及時回饋給公司相關部門; 瞭解競爭對手的市場情況和新舉措,及時回饋給公司相關部門。 建立和完善分管通路的銷售資料庫、客戶資訊系統; 向直接上級提交年度、月度工作計畫、總結和銷售報表; 根據客戶需求組織服務人員上門服務,並進行售後跟蹤。 完成領導交辦的其它相關工作。 學歷:大學學士學位以上學歷 語言:流利粵語、英語、普通話,懂日語者優先 經驗:3年以上銷售工作經驗,麵粉、食品行業者優先 工作時間:週一至週五,上午9時至下午6時,每週工作五天 薪酬及福利: 銷售代表級試用期為1.5-2.0萬/月,經理級試用期為1.8-3.0萬/月 轉正後根據表現的優異:底薪+績效獎勵; 年底有雙薪,另每年底進行年終考核,表現優秀者可加薪或晉升。 申請須知: 求職者可按 立即申請 提交中英文履歷 本公司嚴格執行《個人資料(私隱)條例》,申請者...
www.cpjobs.comApril 26,2020 - Sinopower Holding (HK) Co. Ltd. 香港光電控股有限公司 Hong kong
Job Highlights Renewable Energy Company, with great business aspect Prepare for IPO in USA Young and energetic team Job Description A leading solar company in HK is looking for accounting and financing talent to join the team and prepare for future IPO. Responsibilities: Responsible for general financial matters of the company including book keeping, consolidation, internal & management reporting; Handle full set of accounting and report ; Ensure the timeliness and accuracy of monthly fina...
www.cpjobs.comApril 6,2020 - Sinopower Holding (HK) Co. Ltd. 香港光電控股有限公司 Hong kong
Job Requirement: IVE Higher Diploma or above in Electrical Engineering, or Construction Good command of English and Chinese, ability to communicate in Mandarin Familiar with AutoCAD, able to handle electrical engineering drawings and documents independently, Interested in developing in the field of new energy, hardworking and eager to learn Fresh graduate is welcome, Remuneration and welfare: Monthly income package:over HKD 20000-25000 Incentive plan Year end bonus For application, please s...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 23,2020 - Sinopower Holding (HK) Co. Ltd. 香港光電控股有限公司 Hong kong
Job Requirement: Ive Higher Diploma or above in Electrical Engineering, A0 or B0 Certificate of Registration of Electrical Worker preferred fresh graduate is welcome, familiar with AutoCAD, able to handle electrical engineering drawings and documents independently, hardworking and eager to learn good command of English, ability to communicate in Mandarin Remuneration and welfare: monthly income package:over HKD 25000-28000 financial support for further professional training, on job incentive p...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 23,2020 - Sinopower Holding (HK) Co. Ltd. 香港光電控股有限公司 Hong kong
Job Scope: solar power system design and engineering, supervising on-site solar power system set up take care of government tender document submission coordination with main contractor and sub-contractor Job Requirements: Degree or above in Electrical Engineering, Energy Engineering. Higher Diploma from IVE also welcome. 2 year’s experience in Electrical Engineering work preferred, Knowledge about tender process preferred but not necessary, Proficiency with AutoCAD and various engineering soft...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 23,2020 - Sinopower Holding (HK) Co. Ltd. 香港光電控股有限公司 Hong kong
Job Requirement: IVE Higher Diploma or above in Electrical Engineering. A0 or B0 Certificate of Registration of Electrical Worker. 2 years of working experience preferred, but not necessary. familiar with AutoCAD, able to handle electrical engineering drawings and documents independently. Candidate with less experience will also be considered. For application, please send CV by clicking 立即申請...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 12,2020 - Sinopower Holding (HK) Co. Ltd. 香港光電控股有限公司 Hong kong
Job Requirements: Degree or above in Electrical Engineering, Energy Engineering. Higher Diploma also welcome. At least 5 year’s experience in Electrical Engineering, knowledge process tender and quotation, coordination with main contractor and sub-contractor. B0 is preferred, A0 have more experience also be welcome. Familiar with AutoCAD drawing and MS Office operations. Good commands of both written and spoken English, Chinese, Mandarin. Candidates with less experience will also be considered...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 5,2020 - 新時光有限公司 Kwai chung
- 略懂電腦 - 鄰近葵芳鐵路站 - 時 間: 08:00-17:00,每週工作5天至6天 福 利 : - 公眾假期 - 達標花紅 - 表現花紅 - 醫療福利 - 年假十天起 有意請電郵至 : 【 sunskongcoltd@gmail.com 】...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 5,2020 - 新時光有限公司 Kwai chung
- 學歷不拘 - 沒經驗可應徵學徒 - 鄰近葵芳鐵路站 福 利 : - 公眾假期 - 達標花紅 - 表現花紅 - 醫療福利 - 年假十天起 工作時間: - 每週工作5天至6天, (中班時段) 應徵者請致電 : 2424 9793 羅小姐洽...
www.cpjobs.comDecember 22,2019 - Food For Good 齊惜福 Kwun tong
Food For Good Ltd is looking for an aggressive and experienced Fund Raising and PR Manager for managing all aspects of Fund Raising and PR matters. The suitable candidate should process the followings: Enthusiastic in the mission and vision of Food For Good Degree in Communications, Marketing, Public Relations, Social Science or other related disciplines At least 5 years’ experience in the related field Excellent interpersonal and communication skills in both verbal and written Chinese and Engli...
www.cpjobs.comDecember 2,2019 - Food For Good 齊惜福 Kwun tong
Duties Coordinate with internal departments and outside parties for the promotion operations and logistics of various projects; Assist in preparation of projects proposals, campaigns, educational, promotional & fund raising activities for the company; Provide support for related projects & events including progress & financial reports; Support various functions for the projects such as meetings, events arrangement & publicity, trainings & seminars to facilitate smooth deliver...
www.cpjobs.comDecember 2,2019 - Food For Good 齊惜福 Kwun tong
Food For Good Limited (“FFG”) was established as a non-profit organization in 2012. Its mission is to promote and facilitate food waste reduction in Hong Kong by recycling food waste and introducing a green and sustainable living and redistributing surplus edible food to people in need. Currently, we would like to seek high caliber candidates to join our team: The job duties include : To lead and manage projects funded by various sources including organizing and reporting project progress to...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 30,2019 - CATHAY PACIFIC CATERING SERVICES (H.K.) LTD. 國泰航空飲食服務(香港)有限公司 Hong kong
平均月入 $15,500-$17,000 負責與機艙服務員核對航餐及航機用品之數量 持專上學院文憑或高級文憑...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 18,2019
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