- 滨特尔贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Job Responsibilities: 1. Operator answering and transferring ,Visitor reception and registration , Delivery arrangement,both domestic and international 2. Office purchasing issue, distribution management, office supplies management, Maintenance of the office environment. 3. Business travel arrangements 4. Documents notarized & legalized. 5.Settling up office administrative cost monthly, doing cost allocation according cost center. 6. In charge of meeting, team building, and annual party ...
- 上海恩驰机电工程技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Job Description: Monitor and supervise the relevant work of subcontractors on the construction site in accordance with standards and codes. Coordinate the interface among client, contractor and subcontractors Job Requirements: 5+ years experience in engineering company Familiar with the domestic/oversea related standard and specifications Familiar with software: word, excel, etc. Can communicate in English Ability to work independently Excellent team-work spirit 职能类别: 工程/设备工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址...
- 马夸特开关有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
JOB OBJECTIVES/岗位设立目的: 1. To ensure the company’s security and construction are maintained and kept in good situation at all times 2. To ensure the staff are able to work in a functional and safe environment 3. To ensure good planning and implementation of operation space and production capacity according to company business needs JOB SCOPE/岗位责任范围: 1. According to company’s requirement, responsible for all projects including construction and renovation 2. Budget controlling and monthly project t...
- 依必安派特风机有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 实习生 Job Responsibilities: 1.Clear up the import and export documents. 2.Inquiry Customs necessary data in pdm and SAP system. 3.Help to print out the documents which need to chop. 4.Invoice parking in SAP. 5.Other tasks assigned by managers. Job Requirements: 1. Major in Logistics/ international trade / english/business management. 2.Knowledge in excel/words. 3.Have strong sense of responsibility, graveness and chariness. 4. Can work at least 3 days per week. 5. Can work in both WGQ and...
- 耐衡特包装材料有限公司 杭州市 江干区
杭州市 江干区 1. Can speak English well 2. Can use Word, Excel well 3. Need know how to do customs declaration (we can teach) 4. Can send mail and answer phone call in English 5. Need familiar with our France ERP software (we can teach) We are looking for a merchandiser. You will deal with daily orders, contact directly with customers, organize the shipments, make customs declaration, contact the factories to follow production. You will also assist for purchasing and contact with the machine supplier ...
- 北京特高质量技术有限公司 苏州市
苏州市 Job Responsibility 1. Work with supplier to improve their quality level and FPY index, After couple of month, let’s supplier can reach what we expect in term of mindset, knowledge and autonomous. 2. Support supplier to prepare their painting process according to FMT project demand and SPEC. 3. Responsible for the coating (including painting and powder)simulation analysis and evaluation. 4. Optimize supplier process or working flow to improve supplier efficiency and increase their capacity. 5...
- 北京特高质量技术有限公司 长春市 朝阳区
1.Handling QA complaints and managing engineering services at multinational companies in automotive and electronics industries. 2.Provide high QA services meeting customer’s expectations for partners; constantly follow the customer requirements; keep professional contact partners’ representatives 3.Plan,manage and monitor the activities of subordinates; motivate and evaluate of their performance 4.In case of QA problem follow the process of handling the complaint; inform the partners about the p...
- 北京特高质量技术有限公司 长春市
Responsibilities: Handling QA complaints and managing engineering services at multinational companies in automotive and electronics industries. Provide high – QA services meeting customer’s expectations for partners ; constantly follow the customer requirements; keep professional contact partners’ representatives Plan, manage and monitor the activities of subordinates; motivate and evaluate of their performance In case of QA problem follow the process of handling the complaint; inform the partne...
- 北京特高质量技术有限公司 江苏省
Major Responsibilities Supplier evaluation within the supplier selection process with the tools Supplier Pre Evaluation and Risk Assessment with the focus on product and process quality, quality management system and manufacturing technologies and documented in QMT Visit Report QMT Evaluation of qualification costs and definition of required measurements and agreement with the supplier before supplier nomination Steering and monitoring of QMT part for Global Sourcing and Local Content Projects a...
- 广州市希莱特贸易有限公司 广州市 越秀区
职位信息 Job Requirements 1. 3-4 years experience in garment merchandising process (trading office) 2. Garment specialty/knowledge is necessary 3. Speak english and chinese 4. Excellent computer skills 5. Negociation with vendors 6. Pre-production sample and production sample checking,Art work checking for orders 7. Positive attitude at work: open-minded, concentrated, efficient, responsible and organized Job description: 1. Follow the order process from samples developments to shipments 2. Follow q...
- 北京特高质量技术有限公司 江苏省
Major Responsibilities Supplier evaluation within the supplier selection process with the tools Supplier Pre Evaluation and Risk Assessment with the focus on product and process quality, quality management system and manufacturing technologies and documented in QMT Visit Report QMT Evaluation of qualification costs and definition of required measurements and agreement with the supplier before supplier nomination Steering and monitoring of QMT part for Global Sourcing and Local Content Projects a...
- 大连维特奥健康管理有限公司 大连市
GENERAL PRACTITIONER全科医师 Qualifications: 任职资格: 1. Obtain a bachelor's degree or above in medical school and graduate from a medical school/ college listed in the Directory of medical schools published by China Ministry of Education or the World Health Organization (WHO) or in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED) of the Foundation for the Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) 1.取得医学院学士及以上学位,学校在中国教育部考试或世界卫生组织公布的医学院校目录之列。学校在(国际医学教育与研究发展基金会FAIMER的)国...
- 培麗國際模特兒活動經紀公司 台中市 南屯區
工作內容 【此職缺 未成年-請勿投歷!】 歡迎專接演商演活動舞者/舞團 只要你/你們是: 1.會跳舞,愛跳舞 2.會編舞 3.自信,不害羞 4.有表演/商演經驗者佳 5.有整團支援更好 ㅇ尋找素人新臉孔,參與我司的通告機會。 ㅇ通告日期/時間:時間彈性 (by case)。 ㅇ通告地點:以拍攝地點而定,全省都有接案機會。 (外縣市也可參與試鏡、必接受在台中總公司試鏡面談) ㅇ任何職缺都需履歷審核,有適合者才安排預約試鏡時間。 ㅇ履歷請附上 您(舞團)的經歷/工作照/影片/臉書等...資訊 培麗官方網:http://www.peilimodel.com.tw 通 告 花 絮:http://peilimodel.pixnet.net/album/list 培麗官方 IG:https://www.instagram.com/peilimodel/ 培麗官方粉絲團:http://www.facebook.com/peilimodel 薪資待遇: 論件計酬(每件) 2,000 至 6,000 元 上班地點: 台中市南屯區永春東路134號(試鏡地點) 地圖找房子找中古車 租售行情 上班時段: 日班...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 培麗國際模特兒活動經紀公司 台北市 大安區
工作內容 【此職缺 未成年-請勿投歷!】 歡迎專接演商演活動舞者/舞團 只要你/你們是: 1.會跳舞,愛跳舞 2.會編舞 3.自信,不害羞 4.有表演/商演經驗者佳 5.有整團支援更好 ㅇ尋找素人新臉孔,參與我司的通告機會。 ㅇ通告日期/時間:時間彈性 (by case)。 ㅇ通告地點:以拍攝地點而定,全省都有接案機會。 (外縣市也可參與試鏡、必接受在台中總公司試鏡面談) ㅇ任何職缺都需履歷審核,有適合者才安排預約試鏡時間。 ㅇ履歷請附上 您(舞團)的經歷/工作照/影片/臉書等...資訊 培麗官方網:http://www.peilimodel.com.tw 通 告 花 絮:http://peilimodel.pixnet.net/album/list 培麗官方 IG:https://www.instagram.com/peilimodel/ 培麗官方粉絲團:http://www.facebook.com/peilimodel 薪資待遇: 論件計酬(每件) 2,000 至 6,000 元 上班地點: 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段169號12F-1 (需至台中總公司試鏡) 地圖找房子找中古車 ...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 北京凯特领先文化传媒有限公司 北京市 西城区
工作职责 1.能够中意语沟通授课,并保证教学质量; 2.能够熟练操作办公软件,独立制作教学课件; 入职要求 1.意大利语为母语的外籍教师 2.口语标准、地道;较强的读写能力; 3.乐于接受全新的教育理念和教学模式; 4.计划长期在北京居住,能长期工作; Job requirements 1.Native Italian speaker; 2. Bachelor degree or above. 3.Strong planning and execution ability are required, be good at communicating, analyzing. Being able to solve emergency problem is required. 4. Good written and oral communication ability, proficiency with office software. 工作地址: 北京市西城区枫桦豪景商务中心A座6单元6层601室 北京市朝阳区十里堡城市广场甲3号院1号楼24层 北京市朝阳区望京西园429号楼里外里大厦6...
- 北京凯特领先文化传媒有限公司 北京市 西城区
北京市 西城区 工作职责 1.能够中阿语沟通授课,并保证教学质量; 2.能够熟练操作办公软件,独立制作教学课件; 入职要求 1.俄语为母语的外籍教师 2.口语标准、地道;较强的读写能力; 3.乐于接受全新的教育理念和教学模式; 4.计划长期在北京居住,能长期工作; Job requirements 1.Native Arabic speaker; 2. Bachelor degree or above. 3.Strong planning and execution ability are required, be good at communicating, analyzing. Being able to solve emergency problem is required. 4. Good written and oral communication ability, proficiency with office software. 工作地址: 北京市西城区枫桦豪景商务中心A座6单元6层601室 北京市朝阳区十里堡城市广场甲3号院1号楼24层 北京市朝阳区望京西园429号楼里...
- 北京凯特领先文化传媒有限公司 北京市 西城区
北京市 西城区 工作职责 1.能够中葡语沟通授课,并保证教学质量; 2.能够熟练操作办公软件,独立制作教学课件; 入职要求 1、葡萄牙语为母语的外籍教师 2.口语标准、地道;较强的读写能力; 3.乐于接受全新的教育理念和教学模式; 4.计划长期在北京居住,能长期工作; Job requirements 1.Native Portuguese speaker; 2. Bachelor degree or above. 3.Strong planning and execution ability are required, be good at communicating, analyzing. Being able to solve emergency problem is required. 4. Good written and oral communication ability, proficiency with office software. 工作地址: 北京市西城区枫桦豪景商务中心A座6单元6层601室 北京市朝阳区十里堡城市广场甲3号院1号楼24层 北京市朝阳区望京西园...
- 北京凯特领先文化传媒有限公司 北京市 朝阳区
北京市 朝阳区 中教 要求: 1、本科以上学历,男女不限,意大利语相关语言专业,基本功扎实,发音标准,口语流利; 2、形象端正,亲和力强,身体健康,精力充沛; 3、有较强团队合作精神和敬业精神,对学员,对工作都有认真负责的做事态度; 4、能力素质:关注和热爱学生,了解学生需求;具备较强的沟通能力与逻辑思维能力;有一定教学技能与课堂管理能力;富有影响力与感染力。 5、留学人员或相关教育工作经验一年以上优先; Foreign Teacher Job requirements 1.Native Italian speaker; 2. Bachelor degree or above. 3.Strong planning and execution ability are required, be good at communicating, analyzing. Being able to solve emergency problem is required. 4. Good written and oral communication ability, proficiency with ...
- 北京凯特领先文化传媒有限公司 北京市 西城区
工作职责 1.能够中德语沟通授课,并保证教学质量; 2.能够熟练操作办公软件,独立制作教学课件; 入职要求 1.德语为母语的外籍教师 2.口语标准、地道;较强的读写能力; 3.乐于接受全新的教育理念和教学模式; 4.计划长期在北京居住,能长期工作; Job requirements 1.Native German speaker; 2. Bachelor degree or above. 3.Strong planning and execution ability are required, be good at communicating, analyzing. Being able to solve emergency problem is required. 4. Good written and oral communication ability, proficiency with office software. 工作地址: 北京市西城区枫桦豪景商务中心A座6单元6层601室 北京市朝阳区十里堡城市广场甲3号院1号楼24层 北京市朝阳区望京西园429号楼里外里大厦6单元8...
- 北京凯特领先文化传媒有限公司 北京市 朝阳区
北京市 朝阳区 日薪800元 中教 要求: 1、本科以上学历,男女不限,阿拉伯语相关语言专业,基本功扎实,发音标准,口语流利; 2、形象端正,亲和力强,身体健康,精力充沛; 3、有较强团队合作精神和敬业精神,对学员,对工作都有认真负责的做事态度; 4、能力素质:关注和热爱学生,了解学生需求;具备较强的沟通能力与逻辑思维能力;有一定教学技能与课堂管理能力;富有影响力与感染力。 5、留学人员或相关教育工作经验一年以上优先; Foreign Teacher Job requirements 1.Native Arabic speaker; 2. Bachelor degree or above. 3.Strong planning and execution ability are required, be good at communicating, analyzing. Being able to solve emergency problem is required. 4. Good written and oral communication ability, proficiency...
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