- 华尔道夫酒店及度假村Check Out Similar Jobs Chengdu
华尔道夫 的前台经理需负责监管前台团队以确保团队成员信息充分、准备就绪,从而为宾客提供从入住到退房的非凡体验。 服务于这个希尔顿品牌将会如何? 华尔道夫酒店及度假村在全球多个迷人目的地设立了酒店,在体现当地别具风情的文化和历史特色的同时,以现代时尚方式充分展现华尔道夫引以为豪的悠久传统。华尔道夫可为宾客提供精致宜人的环境和体现华尔道夫服务精神的个性化关怀,全力打造无以伦比的非凡体验。 如果您能充分理解个性化关怀的重要性,并了解如何通过最具特色的客户服务提供同样最具特色的不同体验,那您也许正是我们正在努力寻找以加入华尔道夫酒店及度假村团队的优秀人才。在华尔道夫酒店及度假村,我们郑重承诺在宾客所入住的每一个杰出酒店提供丰富多彩的难忘体验。 我的具体职责是什么? 作为前台经理,您将负责监督前台团队以确保他们充分发挥宾客、酒店和各酒店部门之间主要联系人的作用。此外,前台经理还需负责为宾客留下良好的第一印象,因此应以最高标准完成以下任务: 监督前台的每天运作 制定部门目标、工作计划、预算、政策和程序 监督所有前台团队成员的仪表、标准和表现,并以培训和团队工作作为重点 确保团队成员了解目前的酒店产...
jobs.hilton.comOctober 9,2019 - HN Group Ltd. (Macau) 殷理基集團有限公司 Macau
Responsibilities Prepare different types of financial reports such as budget, cashflow forecasts, business modeling, financial projections etc. Perform financial analysis of various data and being able to discern areas of importance. Liaise with various parties such as bankers, government departments and other related parties Report and assist to Finance Director for other ad hoc assignments Assist Company Top Management in business development with emphasis on data collection, data comparison, ...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 8,2019 - HN Group Ltd. (Macau) 殷理基集團有限公司 Macau
责任 直接向财务主任报告,负责: Performing FP&A planning, reporting and analysis for the Group’s business and project invested in China. Preparing financial modelling and projections (including PL forecasts, Capex investment forecasts and cashflow projections) supported by valid assumptions through detailed market research and data collection. Preparing operational and cashflow budgets, and periodic rolling forecasts and analysis with high level of accuracy. Liaising with various parties such as legal and ...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 8,2019 - Hong Kong Designers Association Limited 香港設計師協會 Lai chi kok +
Job Description: We are seeking a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to supervise and develop strategies of the association. The candidate should be a leader of vision and integrity, be able to unleash the potential of the teams and to cultivate relationships and credibility with external parties including the Government. Responsibilities: - Developing high-quality strategies and ensuring their alignment with short-term and long-term objectives of the Association; - Managing the overall operation bet...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 7,2019 - 劍橋機械修理有限公司 Tsing yi
地區: 青衣 職責: 協助工程師跟進工程進度及事項,與客戶及代理聯繫,處理相關文件及報告,或需外出工作 資歷: 中五程度;1年經驗;良好粵語;一般普通話優先;良好英語優先;懂讀寫中文;懂讀寫英文;懂Microsoft office ;懂各種圖像處理軟件及Adobe Acrobat 優先,主動工作,具責任心,肯學肯做,懂文書圖像處理軟件優先 待遇: Salary negotiable ,有酌情性花紅,醫療保險及超時工作津貼,星期一至五:上午8時半至5時半,每週工作5天 申請須知: 求職者可電郵( 立即申請 )履歷表給劍橋機械修理有限公司,如要索取收集個人資料聲明,請與鄺小姐(Email)聯絡....
www.cpjobs.comOctober 7,2019 - 捷旅資源管理有限公司 Hong kong
職責 負責外勤送遞工作,銀行入數,郵局等等 另需處理一般辦公室事務、茶水、內部文件送遞等等 負責保持辦公室清潔衛生及整齊 資歷要求 小學程度; 一年經驗 良好粵語; 一般普通話; 一般英語 懂讀寫中文及英文 對本港街道熟悉 具責任感、良好工作態度、守時及誠懇有禮 每週5/5.5天工作,每天8小時工作(不包括膳食時間) 有意應徵者,請註明申請職位及將個人履歷表、要求待遇傳真至31809919或電郵至hr@jetour.com.hk。詳情可瀏覽網站:www.jetour.com.hk * 所收集的個人資料只作招聘用途。...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 4,2019 - 基督教靈實協會 Hong kong
香港中學文憑考試或香港中學會考五科考獲第2級/達標或以上(包括中、英、數) 懂中、英文打字及熟識Word/Excel電腦軟件的使用 負責一般文書處理、與政府部門接洽並能獨立處理各類大小項目 協助執行部門政策、辦公室行政事務等工作 能獨立處事、面對壓力、有耐心、有效同時安排各項工作緩急次序 具備一般會計知識或經驗者優先考慮...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 3,2019 - THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS CLUB 香港外國記者會 Hong kong
Job Duties Handling incoming calls and e-mail enquiries Greeting guests in a professional manner Coordinate the booking arrangement of club house activities Provide cashier operation in front desk and administrative support Maintenance of member database Provide general front desk support Operate standard office equipment other than computers Requirements High Diploma or above in Business Administration or Hotel and Catering Management At least 1 year relevant working experience Customer-oriente...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 3,2019 - THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS CLUB 香港外國記者會 Hong kong
Job Duties: Handle daily Membership administrative work such as filing, typing, faxing etc. and assist in responding members’ enquiries. Assist in the maintenance and update company databases. Assist in dealing with potential and existing members. Conduct club tour for all prospective members and VIP guests. Assist in organizing the New Members welcome events, annual diplomatic cocktail. Assist in the creation and development of membership and marketing materials. Assist in the development of th...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 2,2019 - 醫院管理局 - 九龍中醫院聯網 Kowloon
日期: 10月17日 時間: 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM 地點: 九龍加士居道30號伊利沙伯醫院S座1樓104室 職責 病房中的一般文職包括資料輸入、病人登記、繳費處、資料統計、文件存檔及處理公眾查詢 入職條件 1. 完成中五; 及 i)會考5科合格包括英文(Syl. B) 及中文 或 ii)文憑試5科合格包括 英文及中文 或 2. 完成中五; 及少許工作經驗。 *申請如獲聘請將會在聘任期的首六個月內進行在職培訓。在職培訓期間的月薪為HK$13,330。當完成培訓並通過技能及表現評估後,月薪將會提升至HK$14,663。如未能通過評估,其聘用合約有可能會被終止。 員工福利 17天公眾假期、有薪年假10-12天、分娩/侍產假期、薪酬調整、年度增薪、約滿酬金、每週44小時工作(包括用膳時間) 、員工及合資格家屬醫療福利、購物優惠、在職培訓及良好晉升機會 註:當懸掛八號或以上風球或黑色暴雨警告時,是次招聘日將會取消。 查詢請致電3506 7202 / 3506 4675聯絡。 如未能出席招聘日者可致電5278 4945人力資源部洽,亦可將申請表傳真至35...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 2,2019 - 醫院管理局 - 九龍中醫院聯網 Kowloon
請親臨下列招聘日面試。 日期: 2019年10月10日 時間: 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 地點: 伊利沙伯醫院S座1樓104室 職責 一般文職包括資料輸入、病人登記、繳費處、資料統計、文件存檔及處理公眾查詢 入職條件 1. 完成中五; 及 i)會考5科合格包括英文(Syl. B) 及中文 或 ii)文憑試5科合格包括 英文及中文 或 2. 完成中五; 及少許工作經驗。 員工福利 強積金, 醫療, 有薪年假10-21天,17天公眾假期, 約滿酬金, 購物優惠, 薪酬調整, 年度增薪, 提供在職培訓, 每週工作44小時(包括用膳時間) 註:當懸掛八號或以上風球或黑色暴雨警告時,是次招聘日將會取消。 查詢請致電3506 7202 / 3506 4765聯絡。 如未能出席招聘日者可致電5278 4945人力資源部洽,亦可將申請表傳真至3506 5090 或 電郵至 wmn345@ha.org.hk。...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 2,2019 - 基督教靈實協會 Hong Kong
香港中學文憑考試或香港中學會考五科考獲第2級/達標或以上(包括中、英、數) 懂中、英文打字及熟識Word/Excel電腦軟件的使用 負責一般文書處理、與政府部門接洽並能獨立處理各類大小項目 協助執行部門政策、辦公室行政事務等工作 能獨立處事、面對壓力、有耐心、有效同時安排各項工作緩急次序 具備一般會計知識或經驗者優先考慮...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 26,2019 - THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS CLUB 香港外國記者會 Hong Kong
Job Duties: Assist IT Manager in performing hardware and software procurement, installations, configuration and IT house-keeping. Responsible for daily IT supporting and training jobs (e.g. Club Events) by providing the IT helpdesk and technical support in hardware and software to all users in the Club. Maintain and implement web applications and associated infrastructure & information distribution channels to members. Monitor and maintain performance on system, server, network or other IT C...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 26,2019 - Plan International Hong Kong 國際培幼會 Sai Wan Ho
About the Organisation Plan International was founded over 80 years ago and is one of the world’s leading child-focused organisations. We strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. Headquartered in the U.K., we are working in 56 developing countries to improve the quality of life in health, education, environment and livelihood with the funding from 21 fundraising offices. Plan International is independent, with no religious, political or governmental affilia...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 25,2019 - Wealth Management Manager财富管理经理精英招募(年薪可達80万或以上,欢迎转行业人士及优秀毕业生) Causeway Bay
歡迎新非本地在港的畢業生IANG 起薪點由$12,000至$50,000,設有完善的福利制度 海外會議及實習機會...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 25,2019 - 雅保管理有限公司 大连市 沙河口区
SUMMARY To be considered for this role you will have recent experience directly supporting Supply Chain Operations and Logistics with advanced SAP experience conducting a wide variety of TM (Transportation Management) and OTC (Order To Cash) transactions. In this role as a Logistics Specialist you will support supply chain operations in the region utilizing best in class service level for internal/external customers. The TPEM Logistics Specialist – supports open order management in the SAP S/4 a...
- 开云企业管理有限公司 Shanghai
About us A global Luxury group, Kering manages the development of a series of renowned Maisons in Fashion, Leather Goods, Jewelry and Watches: Gucci, Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta, Balenciaga, Alexander McQueen, Brioni, Boucheron, Pomellato, Dodo, Qeelin, Ulysse Nardin, Girard-Perregaux, as well as Kering Eyewear. By placing creativity at the heart of its strategy, Kering enables its Maisons to set new limits in terms of their creative expression while crafting tomorrow's Luxury in a sustain...
- 深圳腾飞科技管理有限公司 深圳市 南山区
Responsibilities: Write engaging copy for technology products and services in line with client's brand voice and target customer Develop copy for a number of different formats and channels, from public relations to e-commerce platforms. Proofread all marketing content prior to publication. Work closely with marketing, video and graphic design teams Requirements: Native English speaker is preferred 2+ years of writing experience (journalism, marketing, advertising or public relations) Bachelo...
- 瑞星管理顧問股份有限公司 Taibei
日本前3名遊戲公司,2012年開始開發智慧手機原生遊戲。2014年正式在台灣成立分公司。 工作內容 手機遊戲2D設計 需求條件 Able to draw characters on roughly the same level with our product Knowledge and sense of UI 工作地點 台北市 薪資待遇 NTD 35K-60K/月 聯絡資訊 Sing Yueh 岳思穎 sing.yueh@tw-rising.com 02-6636-2428...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 23,2019 - 瑷誓企业管理咨询有限公司 上海市 奉贤区
上海市 奉贤区 Archibat Asia正在为一家外资化妆品包装加工企业寻找一名研发项目总监, 工作地点: 上海奉贤 Lead R&D team to develop new products on time , within client’s quality standard , at the best possible cost and Margin . Lead and implement Leadtime Reduction objective Anticipate the needs of the clients, and strive to lead necessary changes to adapt to an ever changing environment. Create and develop a center of excellence for molds in Asia Bring smart solutions in the mold design and engineering as to improve productivity, cost ...
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