- 学慧帮企业管理咨询有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
elearning课程教学设计师: 岗位职责: 1、客户沟通:负责与客户沟通elarning课程需求并明确课程目标; 2、设计内容:根据教学目标、对象和内容特点设计课程方案; 3、脚本设计:课程故事策划及脚本编写; 4、项目监控:监控开发团队的课程制作进度和质量。 5、QA测试:负责课件成品的测试,确保符合设计目标。 6、项目协作:负责elarning课程内容项目的售前咨询和顾问支持。 任职资格: 1、 教育技术学或相关专业大专以上学历; 2、 熟悉elearning课程开发方法论和开发流程;有elarnig课程开发经验者优先; 3、 有较强的学习能力,能短时间内了解不同专业领域知识特点,并结合教学设计方法论设计***的教学方案; 4、 能准确地用图文等形式表达教学设计的理念; 5、 良好的语言文字表达能力;英语听说读写能力; 职能类别:培训策划专业顾问 关键字:教学设计培训课程内容设计在线学习e-learning 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市陕西南路488弄2号...
- 莱佛士设计学院 查看所有职位 上海市 长宁区
Responsibilities: 1. Research and compile teaching materials for modules assigned. 2. Plan and deliver these lessons in a clear and appropriate manner. 3. Develop students learning enthusiasm and monitor the learning styles and developmental stages of the students. 4. Ensure that students are appropriately supported and provided with timely and constructive guidance for their academic developments and pastoral care. 5. Develop students' creativities and problems solving skills through compet...
- 天津茱莉亚学院 查看所有职位 天津市 滨海新区
The Tianjin Juilliard School is seeking an experienced and certified ESL instructor who has a musical background, ideally some years of study of classical music, to guide English language instruction at the School which is comprised of an accredited Master of Music program and a Saturday Pre-College program. The Director of Language Studies will also serve as primary instructor of EAP classes for the Masters program and will teach some sections of Pre-College EFL as scheduling permits. Working c...
- 潮州华丰集团股份有限公司 潮州市
一、 基本条件 1、2020年毕业的应届本科生、硕士生、博士生(石油化工类专业同时招聘专科生),在校无不良记录; 2、有梦想、有追求,性格外向、开朗; 3、专业知识扎实,综合素质良好,领悟性好; 4、热爱清洁能源事业。 二、招聘专业(岗位匹配相关专业) 1、综合管理类专业: 会计学、审计学、财务管理、税务、金融学、工商管理、行政管理、人力资源管理、法学、新闻学、汉语言文学、国际贸易、市场营销、信息管理、网络工程、计算机技术与运用等相关专业。 2、石油化工类专业(技术类): 油气储运工程、化学工程与工艺、机械设计制造及其自动化、过程装备与控制工程、电气工程及其自动化、机电一体化、仪表仪器、焊接技术与工程、石油化工生产技术、城市燃气工程、建筑环境与设备工程、化工设备与机械、电气自动化技术、港口工程、土木工程、高分子材料等相关专业。 职能类别:其他 微信分享...
- 天津茱莉亚学院 查看所有职位 天津市
天津市 Description: This position is a member of the admission team at Tianjin Juilliard School and collaborates with the Associate Dean for Enrollment Management and the Director of Pre-College Admission on aspects of pre-collegiate enrollment. This person should be fluent in both Mandarin and English and have a background in Western Classical Music. They should have at least two years of work experience and should be able to provide exceptional customer service to applicants and their families. R...
- 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 Title : Assistant Media Manager / Managing Editor of TheLINK Magazine Department : Marketing & Communications Major Responsibilities: Work closely with Editors-in-chief to determine content, tone and strategic direction of the magazine. Ensure the highest possible quality of all Chinese language content. Overall responsibility for managing the multi-cultural team that provides content for the magazine (hard copy, website and WeChat versions), as well as external vendors (translation...
- 苏州百年职业学院 查看所有职位 苏州市 工业园区
岗位职责Basic Job Responsibilities 1、课程教学:承担学校安排的教学任务,力求获得良好的教学效果。 Deliver lectures, seminars and tutorials, assess students’ coursework, set and mark examinations. 2、教书育人:承担对学生的思想、品德和作风教育责任,言传身教,为人师表。 Undertake ideological and moral education to students, and be a paragon of virtue and learning. 3、实践教学:承担实验课、实训课的指导。 Supervise students’research activities. 4、教学建设:参与课程开发、教材建设等工作。 Responsible for the development of related subjects or programs, prepare and develop teaching plan and materials. 5、教学与学术研...
- 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 Major responsibilities: For TheLINK: Translation (English to Chinese and vice versa) Proofreading and fact checking Upload magazine on website and WeChat Work with external vendors (printer, translators), logistics and other CEIBS departments on admin related tasks Book meeting room and make other arrangements as needed for interviews Write articles for TheLINK if interested in doing so For the media teams: - Translation (English to Chinese and vice versa) Upload content to website (new...
- 深圳市国华光电科技有限公司 广州市 番禺区
The South China Normal University (SCNU) in Guangzhou has the following vacancy for a research fellow/tenure track position General description: Leading research on the epitaxial growth of GaN based quantum nanostructures for optical, electrical and electrochemical devices Background In 2017 a new research group, led by Prof. Richard Noetzel, professor of the National 1000-Talents Program of China, has been established at South China Normal University. Focus is the realization and exploitation o...
- 万宝盛华企业管理咨询有限公司 上海市 闵行区
上海市 闵行区 Job Description: Design test cases listed in the project test plan. Execute the test cases in efficient way Improve test specifications by analyzing the root causes of technical issues and develop testing solutions for those root causes. Create and apply new approaches as necessary to improve the productivity and efficiency of testing. Acquire customer inputs for project testing purposes. Requirements: Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical, Aerospace, or Computer Engineering Minimum 3 ...
- 万宝盛华企业管理咨询有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
上海市 徐汇区 Must Have C#,ASP.NET Programming Experience – At least 3 year JavaScript Experience – At least 1 year Experience with MVC – At least 1 year (not limited to .NET MVC) Experience with Visual Studio 2017/2019 Experience with DotNet Core 2.1.2 , Web API Experience with Front-end experience with Knockout Could Have (Prefer) Experience with healthcare domain knowledge, Like EMR, CPOE, Nurse systems Front-end experience in any of below technologies: TypeScript (Preferred) Knockout Bootstrap (Pr...
- 万宝盛华企业管理咨询有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
Must Have C#,ASP.NET Programming Experience – At least 3 year JavaScript Experience – At least 1 year Experience with MVC – At least 1 year (not limited to .NET MVC) Experience with Visual Studio 2017/2019 Experience with DotNet Core 2.1.2 , Web API Experience with Front-end experience with Knockout Could Have (Prefer) Experience with healthcare domain knowledge, Like EMR, CPOE, Nurse systems Front-end experience in any of below technologies: TypeScript (Preferred) Knockout Bootstrap (Preferred)...
- 國立臺灣大學工學院機械工程學系 Taibei
國立臺灣大學工學院機械工程學系 用人單位:國立臺灣大學工學院機械工程學系 職缺公告日期:2019-03-25 報名截止日期:2021-08-31 開缺職缺:教師 x 數名 學校地址:台北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號 工作地點:臺北市大安區 學術專長:工程製造及營建環保領域(電算機/工程/建築及都市規劃/環境保護學門) 公告內容: The Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Taiwan University is seeking faculty members at all levels. Applicants with the following specialities are preferred: Mechanical Design, Solid Mechanics, System and Control, Advanced manufacturing technologies (Laser / Electron Beam Precision Machining, Photonic Manufacturing, Defen...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 15,2019 - 北京诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 北京市 房山区
北京市 房山区 Engagement and Interaction – School Ambassador to Internal Community Inspire trust and confidence in students, colleagues and parents; Engage and motivate students; Communicate effectively with parents of students as appropriate, following agreed policies for communications in the school; Contribute positively to the morale and community spirit of the school; Assist in whole school marketing initiatives and contribute to the growth of the school; Learning and Teaching Implement and deliv...
- 澳大利亚布莱克伍德父子控股有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 The QA Manager is responsible for coordination and implementation of the global sourcing (GSO) Quality and Compliance strategy to ensure direct and own-brand sourcing is successfully executed and ongoing quality is delivered by suppliers. The QA Manager has full operational accountability for Blackwoods China for all matters of quality assurance and quality control. Key Responsibilies 1, Manage the daily operations of the Blackwoods China Quality team. Lead the Blackwoods China Quality ...
- 长沙市芙蓉区新航道培训学校 查看所有职位 长沙市
岗位职责: 1、公司提供数据资源,通过专业电话沟通,给客户介绍并推荐英语课程,并邀约客户上门; 2、完成上级下达的工作任务及业绩指标; 3、及时更新及认真统计意向客户信息,积极维护客户关系。 任职要求: 1、普通话标准,口齿清晰,有亲和力 2、有销售意识,善于挖掘潜在客户需求 3、有一定的抗压能力,沟通、表达能力好 4、有销售经验或英语4级以上者优先 职能类别:电话销售 关键字:电话销售 微信 联系方式 上班地址:五一广场平和堂商务楼23楼 公司信息 新航道国际教育集团(NEW CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP LIMITED) 由中国著名英语教育专家与教学管理专家胡敏教授率领一批国内外教育精英及专家学者共同创办于2004年,国际数据集团(IDG)(美国)和Kaplan国际教育集团(美国)参与战略投资。“新航道”三个字源于胡敏教授创办机构时对其二十一年教育实践的总结,下决心在大学的“庙堂英语”和培训机构的“江湖英语”之间开辟语言教育的新航道。新航道国际教育集团恪守“奋斗成就梦想”的核心价值观,坚持“高能高分”的教育理念,立志“做全球顶尖的教育机...
- 长沙市芙蓉区新航道培训学校 查看所有职位 长沙市 雨花区
长沙市 雨花区 日薪100元 负责留学课程销售及品牌推广 负责所管区域市场信息的收集 任职要求: 能吃苦耐劳,责任心强,较强的沟通能力 岗位可长期,可***,可按天计薪 职能类别: 市场助理 微信 联系方式 上班地址:芙蓉中路三段269号神龙大酒店7楼 公司信息 新航道国际教育集团(NEW CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP LIMITED) 由中国著名英语教育专家与教学管理专家胡敏教授率领一批国内外教育精英及专家学者共同创办于2004年,国际数据集团(IDG)(美国)和Kaplan国际教育集团(美国)参与战略投资。“新航道”三个字源于胡敏教授创办机构时对其二十一年教育实践的总结,下决心在大学的“庙堂英语”和培训机构的“江湖英语”之间开辟语言教育的新航道。新航道国际教育集团恪守“奋斗成就梦想”的核心价值观,坚持“高能高分”的教育理念,立志“做全球顶尖的教育机构”,帮助中国学子和家庭实现更美好的人生。 New Channel International Education Group was founded in 2004 by a group o...
- 长沙市芙蓉区新航道培训学校 查看所有职位 长沙市 长沙县
职位描述: 1、负责学校电脑、打印机、多媒体教学设备、电话交换机、局域网、网络安全与维护等工作; 2、学校常用办公软件系统的调试与维护; 3、办公设备(日常办公家具、计算机及周边设备等)的采购和管理 4、隶属于行政后勤部门,协助行政后勤其他人员处理基础行政后勤工作; 5、主管安排的其他工作。 岗位要求: 1、学历:大专以上学历;计算机相关专业,IT专业知识熟练,有相关工作经验者优先; 2、知识:熟悉计算机软硬件的维护;熟悉对局域网建立与维护工作; 3、经验:有中小型企业网络设备管理经验者优先; 4、能力:有良好的时间管理能力和沟通能力,能快速的处理设备故障和网络问题; 5、技能:有扎实的计算机和网络设备检查、维修、组装技能; 6、素养:脚踏实地、认真负责,有团队意识和乐于助人;有驾照者优先考虑。 我们为您提供: 1、五险一金; 2、一对一培训+丰富知识培训; 3、员工旅游+员工聚会+生日福利+节假日福利+年终奖金+不定期活动+素质拓展培训; 4、丰富的企业文化活动,轻松快乐的工作氛围; 5、弹性工作时间,国家法定节假日及带薪年假; 6、广阔的发展空间,丰厚的待遇。 工作地点: 长沙市五...
- 重庆市沙坪坝区百弗教育培训学校 查看所有职位 Chongqing
重庆市 月薪3,000 - 5,000元 职位描述 1. 给学生提供个性化的学习辅导 2. 制定授课计划以及教授英语课程 3. 协助校方管理学生的安置、记录考勤及学生情况跟踪 4. 解答学生提出的相关问题 5. 协助举办包括课外活动在内的学校各项教学活动 职位要求: 1. 英语专业本科以上学历,英语专业四级 2. 良好的沟通能力 3. 责任心强,有耐心,积极,热情 4. 一年以上教学经历优先 如您有意加入百弗全球教育,即可享受: 1、保底薪资+丰厚奖金+餐费补贴 2、一经录用即签订正式劳动合同,享受五险 3、每年享受带薪年假、法定节假日等福利 4、完善的入职及在职培训机制 5、免费的百弗英语培训课程 6、广阔的职业提升空间,公平的晋升机制 7、良好的工作环境和团队氛围 8、丰富的公司员工活动 职能类别:培训讲师 关键字:英语老师辅导助教 上班地址:重庆市渝中区重庆市恒大名都都市广场11栋22-10(面试地址)...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
Job Outline: This role is responsible for teaching Chinese Culture Courses, writing/editing textbooks, designing curriculums, organizing field trips, making assessment systems, etc. The role holder is also expected to do research on pedagogical issues related to teaching Chinese culture in order to improve the curriculums and enhance the quality of the courses. Qualifications Essential Master degree in politics, philosophy, law, history, education or related discipline of social science; CET 6 o...
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