- 成都贝施美医疗科技股份有限公司 Chengdu
1、通过公司提供的平台及利用其它渠道独立开发新客户,处理客户询盘,熟悉公司产品,能对客户进行产品讲解,分析客户情况及给予准确报价以促成订单; 2、根据公司情况参与制定展会参展方案及产品推广政策; 3、负责来访外商的接待安排,接机,酒店安排等。协调各部门配合参观,参与商务洽谈,完成全程翻译。 任职要求: 1、大学本科及以上学历;国际贸易,电子商务,西班牙语等相关专业; 2、西班牙语专八、具有流利的西班牙文听说和熟练的读写能力,能与外商自如地交流沟通,洽谈项目。 3、具有较强的分析能力、判断与决策能力、组织协调能力、人际能力、沟通能力、执行能力;能适应国内外短期出差。 职能类别:销售工程师 关键字:直销销售渠道销售 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:高新区科园二路10号航利中心3栋1单元8楼...
- 精鼎医药研究开发有限公司 Beijing
Key Accountabilities Write documents for submission to FDA, including but not limited to: independent review charters, acquisition guidelines, reviewer training manuals, protocols, Case Report Forms (CRFs), and other documents required by Perceptive SOPs. Write any of the clinical documents associated with drug or device applications to regulatory bodies. Write documents associated with clinical trials, which are not necessarily part of regulatory submissions, including but not limited to: study...
- 迪哲医药有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 ? Vendor management-vendor selection, new vendor on board and performance management to meet procurement strategy ? Contract negotiation, review, signing and management to ensure all contracts be well managed ? Initial payment according to payment milestone ? Deal with any urgency case ? Other works assigned by line manager 任职要求: Academic / Professional Qualification 学历要求 ? Bachelor degree or above in biology, chemistry and pharmacy related background Technical / Skills Training技术资质 ? P...
- 安渡生物医药有限公司 Hangzhou
岗位职责: ? 查阅国内外同类药物学术资料及文献,撰写IND或NDA申报资料,包括药品说明书、临床试验综述、研究方案、研究者手册、总结报告等。 ? 撰写/设计/审阅临床研究相关资料,如ICF、研究病历、招募广告、年度总结报告等。 ? 撰写/准备/审阅商务报价所需的文件,如试验方案摘要等。 ? 翻译医学文件或相关资料/报告,英汉互译。 ? 为临床研究的执行提供医学支持。 ? 负责项目组参与的各类会议(部门内部会议、方案讨论会、启动会、中期会、总结会等)的会议记录工作(医学相关部分)。 ? 完成领导交办的其它工作。 教育背景: ? 医学、药学、生物、等学科相关专业硕士以上学历,博士优先,有海外留学经历更佳。 岗位经验: ? 2年以上医学写作经验 ? 精通中英文医学写作和医学文献中英互译 ? 熟悉ICH指南,可以应用到医学写作 ? 精通办公软件,MS word,excel等 优秀的时间管理能力 职能类别: 其他 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:浙江省杭州经济技术开发区白杨街道科技园路2号1幢504-506室...
- 方达医药技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 月薪8,000 - 12,000元 To be responsible for validation and implementation of quantitative bioanalytical assays in support of pre-clinical and clinical studies; GLP compliance experience is a plus. Responsibilities: 1. Design, develop, and validate the immunoassays. 2. Analyze large molecule samples from pre-clinical or clinical studies using immunoassays. 3. Draft study reports, including assay development, validation, sample analysis reports; communicate with the Study Director or Principa...
- 方达医药技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 月薪5,500 - 7,000元 To be responsible for validation and implementation of quantitative bioanalytical assays in support of pre-clinical and clinical studies; GLP compliance experience is a plus. Responsibilities: 1. Analyze large molecule samples from pre-clinical or clinical studies using immunoassays. 2. Draft study reports, including assay development, validation, sample analysis reports; communicate with the Study Director or Principal Investigator 3. Responsible for instrument mainten...
- 劲方医药科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 JOB RESPONSIBILITIES Implement efficient software to analyze large NGS datasets, including RNAseq, whole exome sequencing (WES), and genomic sequencing. Create statistical models to uncover hidden patterns in the data. Implement immune-oncology signal pathway analysis. Collaborate with preclinical and clinical team members to facilitate biomarker discovery. PREFERRED EXPERIENCE Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, Biological Sciences, Genetics, Genomics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics or re...
- 科文斯医药研发有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 ? Perform assigned clinical laboratory testing accurately and in a timely manner. o Resolve pendings. Retrieve and check specimens against pending list. Document specimen discrepancies. Notify laboratory management when specimen discrepancies are not resolved. Prepare workstation and instrumentation for the assigned testing. Properly handle specimens and independently resolve technical specimen issues in preparation for analysis and specimen storage. Contact internal customers for clari...
- 缔脉生物医药科技有限公司 Beijing
北京市 月薪7,000 - 10,000元 Position Summary Provide administrative, technical and logistical support to clinical trial projects and activities. Key Responsibilities Documents translation and format adjusting. Arrange meeting logistics, such as book travel, event organization, etc. Support study team for EC/ HGRAC submission. Coordinate on study documents filing. Support meeting minutes, tracking and documentation Education and Key Competency Requirement Bachelor degree or above, medical / pharmaceuti...
- 灵北医药信息咨询有限公司 Beijing
职责描述: 1、处理法律事务 2、处理员工日常的法务咨询 任职要求: 1、全日制本科以上学历,法学专业,30岁以下。 2、有企业法务工作经验者优先考虑。 3、沟通协作能力强,反应灵活。 职能类别: 法务主管/专员 法务助理 关键字: 法务 制药 legal 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:朝阳区东大桥路9号侨福芳草地大厦A楼12层03-06单元...
- 万全医药集团 查看所有职位 Taizhou
泰州市 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 负责万全制药财务基础核算及成本相关业务; 2.每月预算归集,报财务经理完善审核; 3.完成总账与其他账务核对,确保应收模块、应付模块、资产模块完成; 4.完成银行及税金账务核对;确保Erp系统顺利关账; 5.每月内部报表数据库、成本数据库、共享中心数据库、月末存货数据库相关报表编制报财务经理审核; 6.月末会计凭证的装订整理归档; 7.协助财务经理开展工作; 8.每年两次参与存货及固定资产半年度盘点工作.每月盘点库存,每周抽盘库存。 职能类别: 成本管理员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:江苏省泰州市中国医药城药城大道1号G06万全医药 公司信息 万全(中国)药业集团 万全(中国)药业集团(venturepharm)是全球生命科学的领先者,主要为全球生物医药企业 提供世界级创新优价的综合医药服务,包括cro、cmo、cso 服务以及风险投资、商业银行业务。万 全还致力于通过化合物引进、化合物合作和特许共享模式帮助客户拓展产品市场。其业务覆盖了包 括中国在内的全球前五大市场区域。 万全八大研究中心分布全球六个国家,拥有2700 多名科学家,从世界级的小...
- 苏州康乃德生物医药有限公司 Shanghai
Position: Director of Immunology Department: Discovery Report to: CEO Location: Taicang About Connect Biopharmaceuticals Connect Biopharmaceuticals is a China-based global clinical-stage company focused on discovery and development of novel immune modulators for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and inflammation. Responsibilities ? Leading and championing immunology projects from discovery to early clinical development. ? Developing and executing efficient strategies for target identification...
- 海思科医药集团股份有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 年薪450,000 - 600,000元 岗位职责 1. 全面负责公司药物警戒工作,根据行业监管要求拟定工作规划和计划,并组织实施; 2. 负责构建工作网络,建立健全公司药物警戒工作体系和工作机制; 3. 领导公司药物警戒部门,对上市新药和上市前临床试验过程中的药物严重不良事件(SAE)或非预期的不良事件进行收集、整理、分析、报告等; 4. 负责上市后产品的不良反应监测管理; 5. 严格按照法规要求和公司规定,确保SAE/非预期的不良事件跟踪报告工作的有效开展; 6. 负责协调处理客户反馈的药物不良事件问题,协调其他部门处理药品安全危机事件; 7. 负责内外部药品安全审计/稽查,组织药品安全知识全员培训; 8. 负责维护与相关监管部门及客户的工作关系,确保药物警戒工作沟通渠道顺畅。 任职资格: 1. 专业:医学、药学及相关专业,有较好的英语基础;临床医学专业优先考虑。 2. 学历:全日制本科及以上学历; 3. 经验:在大型药企工作5年以上,担任过药物警戒部门经理或以上职务;担任过PV physician优先考虑;具有良好的组织协调和过程管理能力,具备较丰富的人员和项目管理工作经...
- 上海泛泰克医药科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 公司是上海市高新技术企业,我们对条件优秀的单身员工,提供酒店式公寓单人套房住宿,全新家电卫浴厨房配备,另提供免费工作餐、下午茶、水果;每年享受旅游假和家庭旅游津贴等。 岗位职责: 1. 做好公司指定的医药原料药和制剂产品客户的维护和服务; 2. 做好所负责的国际市场开发和销售工作; 3. 做好所负责业务的运行和风险管控; 4. 负责有关项目的组织协调和跟踪管理工作; 5. 负责相关产品和市场的调研和分析; 6. 与公司各职能部门密切协作,完成好公司交代的任务。 岗位要求: 1. 诚实正直、有责任心和上进心、善于团队协作,具有良好的道德品质。 2. 有较强的人际交流能力和娴熟的谈判技巧。 3. 有较强的学习能力与创新开拓意识。 4. 具备药学、化学、农药、化工等相关专业的本科及以上学历,有原料药、中间体、药品制剂、农药等相关工作经验者优先; 5、熟悉GMP和国际药政知识。 6. 具备良好的英语表达、读写能力,英语六级以上,或掌握俄语、日语、葡萄牙语、西班牙语。 职能类别: 市场助理 关键字: 贸易 制药 药学 英语六级 张江 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:祖冲之路899...
- 杭州泰格医药科技股份有限公司 Hangzhou
岗位要求: 1、临床医学、临床药学、预防医学、药学、护理学等相关专业本科及以上学历; 2、CET6,读写流利; 3、有志于在临床试验行业发展,工作表现优秀有留用机会; 4、此职位面向2020年毕业生,希望每周实习3天以上,持续3个月以上。 Responsibilities (1) Monitoring Monitoring Perform pre-study visit to ensure the site has adequate resources for the study. Ensure Principal Investigator/study staff complies with safety reporting requirements, as defined in protocol, SOP and ICH-GCP. Track study recruitment to ensure recruitment target is achieved in all studies. Conduct monitoring visit according to SDV plan ...
- 杭州泰格医药科技股份有限公司 Hangzhou
杭州市 滨江区 实习生 岗位要求: 1、临床医学、临床药学、预防医学、药学、护理学等相关专业本科及以上学历; 2、CET6,读写流利; 3、有志于在临床试验行业发展,工作表现优秀有留用机会; 4、此职位面向2020年毕业生,希望每周实习3天以上,持续3个月以上。 Responsibilities (1) Monitoring Monitoring Perform pre-study visit to ensure the site has adequate resources for the study. Ensure Principal Investigator/study staff complies with safety reporting requirements, as defined in protocol, SOP and ICH-GCP. Track study recruitment to ensure recruitment target is achieved in all studies. Conduct monitoring visit according ...
- 杭州阿诺生物医药科技有限公司 Chengdu
成都市 经济技术开发区 【Location】Xiasha, Hangzhou 【Responsibility】 1.Working with clinical team and scientific leads to implement translational medicine and biomarker strategy for clinical stage programs. 2. Supporting early stage drug development programs from biomarker perspective. 3. Being accountable for internal flow cytometry platform, including regular maintenance and capability expansion. 【Requirements】 1. Ph.D in life science, background in Oncology or Immunology is preferred. 2. Pharmaceutical in...
- 上海百利佳生医药科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 The Drug Safety Physician/Scientist is responsible for monitoring and management of safety profile for the assigned projects and drugs. RESPONSIBILITIES Proactively review and evaluate the clinical implications of safety data from different sources for assigned projects; Conduct signal detection and evaluation for assigned projects; Review and input on protocols, IBs and all safety sections of clinical and/or regulatory submission documents; Draft, review Periodic Safety Report (e.g., DS...
- 杭州泰格医药科技股份有限公司 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 月薪8,000 - 10,000元 工作职责: ? Monitor the database s warning logs, tablespaces, regular backup data, and database upgrades. Prepare the storage plan, and catch up the latest technique, and recover the database in time when the disaster occurs. 监控数据库的警告日志、表空间、定期备份数据以及应用程序升级。制定未来存储需求计划、对接供应商进行技术跟踪、灾难出现时及时对数据库进行恢复。 ? Access and user management 数据库权限、用户管理。 ? Develop useful format per business requirement with SQL in BIP. 使用SQL语句在BIP中进行表格开发。 任职资格: 计算机、软件开发等相关专业,本科。 职能类别:技术支持/维护工程师技术文员/助理 微信分享 联系方...
- 先声药业集团 Beijing
北京市 招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 Job Description 1.Responsible for IVD or LDT product design and development. Indepth understanding of related scientific and technical applications like Sanger sequencing, NGS platform and nanopore instruments; 2.Team establishment and management. 3.Supervise and promote the development process. 任职条件 Requirements 1.Master degree or above in molecular biology, genetics, immunology, biochemistry, reproductive physiology, biophysics, virology, clinical medicine, epidemiolog...
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