- 司威得包装制品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 The merchandiser will work closely with the Supply Chain Manager for all sourcing activities in Asia and Europe. These responsibilities include the supplier development, contract management and execution of strategic sourcing plan to ensure realization of the business objectives for the sourcing activities. The merchandiser will also work closely with the Creative Director and support Swedbrand’s Design Department with sample development and technical support. Responsibilities: 1) Develo...
- 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 长期合同可续约,可留用转正 工作描述/ Brief description of service: Work with secretary to senior country manager to provide an efficient and responsive administrative, organizational, and logistical service to the branch management. 1. Secretarial Support to Senior Management ? Provide full spectrum of professional secretarial and personal support to Branch Manager ? Prepare various correspondence, teleconferences/ reports, minutes and presentation materials in a professional manner and a good sense of ...
- 四川水井坊股份有限公司 Chengdu
成都市 金牛区 工作职责: Electrical Engineer Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Familiar with the relative regulations of national electrical equipment/facilities management, Be skilled in the performance and usage of electrical equipment/facilities of the company, and establish the maintenance record system of electrical equipment/facilities, and optimize the performance of electrical equipment/facilities. 2. Assist maintenance manager to plan, arrangement of electric equipment/facilities maintenance, emerge...
- 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai
福利:13薪,补充商业保险 上班地点:上海市长宁区古北路666号嘉麒大厦 上班时间:周一至周五,9:00-17:30 工作内容 1. Responsible for monthly payroll for all staff 2. Manage outsourced vendor to handle individual income tax, social insurance, housing fund, commercial insurance and other benefits 3. Responsible for leave management for all staff in China 4. Responsible for contract administration including but not limited to contract signing, extension, termination process and follow up 5. Responsible for personnel information filing and manageme...
- 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 薪资:税前7-8K 上班地点:金科路 合同:与中智合同签订2年 福利:补充商业医疗保险 工作内容 The individual is expected to support APAC Retail Systems Operations with strong integrity and passions in details. The activities are including Warehouse/Asset Management, Reporting Capabilities Set Up and RMA process for Apple Stores. The details are listed as followed: 1.Warehouse Management/Operation: Execute warehouse related project Receiving, storing, configuring, packing, shipping and scraping/recycling and etc, all the inventory manag...
- 上海燕谷坊电子商务有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 1.负责公司学习管理系统需求梳理与提出、日常运营和维护。 2.内外部在线课程开发,包括不限于微课等。 3.学习系统数据分析,以支持组织学习项目的设计。 4.混合式学习项目的设计,扩大e-learning在组织内的应用范围。 5.职责范围内或上级交办的其他工作。 任职资格 1.3年以上工作经验,2年以上同岗位经验;有培训项目管理经验; 2.有课程设计、复杂培训项目 (如学习旅程)设计与开发的经验,精通现代化课程设计工具; 3.熟悉H5制作;视频编辑软件;绘图软件;办公软件; 4.较强的学习力、创新能力、美术设计、沟通力、洞察力、应变能力、逻辑思维能力。 职能类别: 培训经理/主管 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:苏虹路33号3号楼3楼...
- 四川水井坊股份有限公司 Chengdu
工作职责: Job Summary: Responsible for providing process engineering support to manufacturing with emphasis on process improvement and optimization aimed at increasing productivity and efficiency, enhancing quality, improving yield and cycle time, and reducing unit cost. Specific Responsibilities: 1. Establish and document processes, and monitor where necessary to ensure process reliability. 2. Conduct ongoing processes designed experimentation to enhance process understanding and control with ultim...
- 潍坊圣奥办公家具有限公司 Chengdu
1.根据客户需求,设计、修改图纸,完成家具配置图纸的设计工作 2.对公司的产品进行图片美工设计 3.负责日常宣传资料的设计制作 4.踏勘现场并实地测量,绘制平面图 5.根据客户需求,制作方案书,包括家具布局图、产品方案及产品效果图 6.根据招标文件制作标书 职能类别: 室内设计 其他 关键字: CAD 制图 家具 图纸 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:高新区华都家居...
- 广州市白云区米格包装图形设计中心 Foshan
佛山市 职位信息 Minimum 5 years of relevant experience with at least 3 years at supervisory level, preferably gained from sizeable MNC or trading companies. Strong leadership, communications and interpersonal skills. Strong analytical and consulting skills. High level of integrity with good initiative. 职能类别: 人事主管 人事经理 关键字: 英语流利 六大模块 招聘 员工关系 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:高明 地图 公司信息 As one of the leading executive search firms in China, Bel Esprit Consulting is a domestic firm with international standards that focuses ...
- 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai
美资500强 职位:Import Merchandiser订单专员 上班地址:上海市普陀区大渡河路 What You Will Do: 1. Follow-up the whole process of all import orders and maintain the tracking list. 2. Ensure the vendor offer the shipping documents for custom clearance correctly and timely and send them to the broker. 3. Coordinate with vendor, broker and internal departments such as planning, regulation, R&D to solve the problems during the import process. 4. Keep all the documents in file according to the request. 5. Finish other tasks...
- 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai
合同:与中智合同签订2年 工作内容 The individual is expected to support APAC Retail Systems Operations with strong integrity and passions in details. The activities are including Warehouse/Asset Management, Reporting Capabilities Set Up and RMA process for Apple Stores. The details are listed as followed: 1. Warehouse Management/Operation: Execute warehouse related project Receiving, storing, configuring, packing, shipping and scraping/recycling and etc, all the inventory management activities in Retail IST war...
- 上海民办包玉刚实验学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
职位性质: 全职 工作地点: 上海, 虹桥校区(长宁区) 入职时间: 2019年8月 主要职责: 1.6-8级ICT学科、Design等课堂教学; 2.担任学生导师,关心学生课业和课外情况,做好家校互动; 3.参与学校的各项活动、家长日、员工培训等; 4.组织开展学生课后各项文体活动; 5.学校交予的其他任务。 要求: 1.本科或以上学历,计算机教育等相关专业; 2.具双语学校教学经验者,特别是MYP Design经验者优先; 3.持初中教师资格证; 4.英语听说读写良好,能与外籍同事交流沟通; 5.具备开放的思维模式,勇于探索创新精神,乐于接受新理念新事物,有较强的团队合作意识;关爱学生,尽心尽责; 包校致力于维护和促进儿童安全保障,期望所有员工和志愿者分享这一承诺。我们需要进行背景调查、无犯罪记录检查和其他相关参考调查。 有意者请将中英文简历和应聘函发送至:joinus@ykpaoschool.cn。请注明所应聘的职位名称。 职能类别: 中学教师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:虹桥路2206号...
- 廊坊耐帆包装工程有限公司 Chengdu
成都市 经济技术开发区 Participate in establishing marketing stratigies, set up sales targets, manage and lead local sales team to achieve the goal expenses clo Paticipate in drawing up working procedures and regulations for sales team, and be responsable for inplementation Manage local sales team, Examine business plan, business expenses clain froms for local sales team. Control, Manage and guide local sales team to achieve sales targets effectively Attend group business meetings. Be responsable for organ...
- 广州市白云区米格包装图形设计中心 清远市
清远市 职位信息 工作职责: 1.公司资源型客户的销售工作维护,包括订单洽谈跟进及货款回收等整个流程工作开展。 2.电子电器行业客户的开发跟进。 3.新能源线缆行业客户的开发跟进。 4.生活家居用品行业客户的开发跟进。 5.其他硅橡胶应用领域行业客户的开发工作。 6.液体硅橡胶专业应用领域客户的开发跟进。 职位要求: 1.大专及以上学历,化学、高分子材料等相关专业毕业; 2.曾任职于硅橡胶行业辅料,设备,以及硅胶制品生产行业工程技术开发及生产应用等工作,有1年以上固体硅橡胶及液体硅橡胶应用行业生产或工程技术开发等工作经验 3.具有独立维护及开发客户的能力。 职能类别: 销售工程师 关键字: 产品销售 工业产品销售 工业销售 业务员 硅橡胶 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:清远 地图 公司信息 As one of the leading executive search firms in China, Bel Esprit Consulting is a domestic firm with international standards that focuses exclusively ...
- 四川水井坊股份有限公司 Chengdu
成都市 金牛区 工作职责: 1. Drive and manage the 7 elements of the SJF Compliance Program and determining innovative ways to embed Compliance within the business effectively. 2. Successfully embed CSOX and CARM controls by leveraging sponsorship of key stakeholders, providing timely communication, and developing the right tools for continual improvement of compliance. 3. Own and manage to enable a step change in the quality of the end-to-end CARM process to deliver an improved level of assurance, insight a...
- 加利派包装制品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 STAKES OF THE JOB Contribute to the EBIT(Earnings Before Interest and Tax) improvements Establish, organize, coordinate, execute company or departmental purchasing plan in order to reach the expected delivery from suppliers of right products or services, with right quality, at the best possible price and at the right time. Manage the purchasing function and coach the team members in order to apply best possible practices to secure, improve and sustain company profitability within a continuou...
- 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 应届生 薪资:税前7-10k 上班地点:陆家嘴花园石桥路花旗大厦 福利:补充商业医疗保险 工作内容 Work with all stakeholders, including product manager, IT & O&T, to ensure the smooth and proper function live, and meet the project timeline Participate the product whole life testing, eg. UAT, PVT, COB Testing Responsible for the quality of string translation of TTS online platform, eg. CitiDirect BE Support for the commercialization of new TTS online project, eg. Paperless Digitization, Online reconciliation 应聘条件 本科及以上学历,金融相关专业; 海归...
- 九阳股份有限公司 Hangzhou
杭州市 岗位职责: 职责描述: 1、承担产品线的专利撰写与保护(包括外观审核和系列保护)、外包专利的审核、产品线专利的审查意见答复; 2、承担产品线的竞品分析、主推技术的专利稳定性评价及产品上市前的自检及公证;根据产品线的需求进行专题专利分析 ; 3、承担专利风险控制、培训等专利体系推动;产品线专利研发与前瞻性技术的应用研究推动;专利数据库的建设与维护。 任职资格: 任职要求: 1.具备工科类技术背景、有一定的技术敏感度; 2.具备基本专利撰写及分析技能; 3.具备中英文专利、技术文献的检索能力和行业专利分析能力; 4.具备较强的保密以及风险意识; 5.熟悉专利相关法律法规、专利申请流程; 6.具备较强的逻辑分析和概括能力; 7.具备较强的沟通协调能力,富有团队合作精神。 职能类别: 电子技术研发工程师 结构工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:杭州 部门信息 所属部门:豆浆生活BU...
- 星坊家具(上海)有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 嘉定区 职位描述: 1. 负责采购部管理工作; 2. 寻找新供应商,准备供应商的新项目报价; 3. 评估供应商的能力,跟踪供应商的业绩并及时报告; 4. 与供应商和内部各方合作,确保产品质量控制,满足项目要求,按时交货和其他要求; 5. 与供应商建立和保持良好的业务关系,以促进产品开发和生产; 6. 上级安排的其他工作。 任职资格: 1.本科或以上学历; 2.优秀的英语听说读写能力; 3.优秀的人际交往、组织协调和沟通能力; 4.较强的解决问题、谈判、计划组织能力; 5.六年以上家具公司/工厂采购相关工作经验。 Work Scope: 1.Responsible for the management of the purchasing department. 2.Sourcing for new suppliers and prepare quotation of new projects from vendors. 3.Evaluate vendors’ capability; keep track of vendors’ performance and report tim...
- 博世包装技术有限公司 Hangzhou
杭州市 Company Description ? Do you want beneficial technologies being shaped your ideas? Whether in the areas of mobility solutions, consumer goods, industrial technology or energy and building technology - with us, you will have the chance to improve quality of life all across the globe. Welcome to Bosch. ? Job Description ?????? Material Master Data maintenance in SAP. ?????? Regularly Safety stock and MOQ maintenance and Review ?????? To release purchase requisition according to project schedul...
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