Results 1 - 20 of 26677
  • 三生制药集团 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 1. 协助审计经理完成集团审计部年度工作计划,可以独立开展审计工作,并提出优化建议; 2. 独立开展项目调查,收集落实审计证据,分析并论证问题发现,初拟审计报告; 3. 对审计发现需整改的问题进行反馈和后续跟进,监督整改措施的执行落实; 4. 按照要求形成规范的工作底稿,归档后妥善保管审计档案; 5. 完成领导交付的其他工作任务。 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,管理类、法律类专业优先; 2. 拥有营销管理、财经管理相关知识,具备医药销售管理工作经验者优先考虑; 3. 3年及以上医药营销审计工作经验,能够承受压力; 4. 逻辑思维清晰,有较强的分析能力、沟通协调能力和较好的文案表达功底; 5. 有较强的学习能力,能独立进行项目调查,综合分析并撰写审计报告; 6. 熟练掌握Office办公软件,尤其是PowerPoint和Word。 JD: 1. Assist the audit manager to complete the annual work plan of the group audit department, and independently carry out ...

  • ATAL Engineering Group 安樂工程集團 North point

    Responsibilities: Plan and conduct regular internal quality audits and coordinate for external audits; Review, monitor and evaluate the implementation of quality management system; Assist in maintaining quality documentation; Arrange regular training to internal staff on quality management system; Perform related duties as assigned.   Requirements: Degree or above in Quality Management, Engineering or related disciplines 5 years relevant working experience, preferably in engineering or construct...

  • ATAL Engineering Group 安樂工程集團 North point

    Job Role Take ownership of all technical aspects of lift/ escalator design and ensure drawings are properly issued   Responsibilities Lead the design team and coordinate the design and preparation of shop drawings (AutoCAD) and manufacturing drawings (SolidWorks model) for new lift/escalator; Ensure quality of all drawings; Preparation of technical documentation and update technical drawing for new lift/escalator; Provide solution and technical advice to the department; and Coordinate with suppl...

  • 聯發科技 新竹市

    1. MCU/AI design verification 2. Familiar with verification methodology including UVM, Formal and portable stimulus 3. Familiar ESL modeling and SoC architecture analysis is plus 4. Familiar with Emulator and FPGA is plus 職缺需求 1. MCU/AI design verification 2. Familiar with verification methodology including UVM, Formal and portable stimulus 3. Familiar ESL modeling and SoC architecture analysis is plus 4. Familiar with Emulator and FPGA is plus...

  • 阿里巴巴集团 杭州市

    工作年限: 五年以上 所属部门: 阿里集团 学 历: 本科 招聘人数: 若干 岗位描述: Key Responsibilities: Plays a critical role in owning the channel strategy and creating transformative partner programs that supports Alibaba Cloud partner ecosystem. Work with regional managers and their team, to develop sound GTM plan, build pipeline, and execute sales strategy that will help Alibaba Cloud regional team in building a successful cloud channel ecosystem. Coordinate the involvement of company personnel, including support, service and m...

  • 马瑞利集团车灯系统 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区

    Responsibilities Responsible for the study of test standard and method according to customer request or internal request, and making internal test specification/ procedure. Responsible for making/reviewing test plan, availability of test equipment among the project team. Responsible for making/reviewing test reports. Responsible for training on test technicians/coordinators on test method/ specifications, test equipment. Implementation of tests including EMC test/ environmental tests/ other spec...

  • 杜尔集团-杜尔涂装系统工程有限公司 上海市 青浦区

    上海市 青浦区 Job Objective: Effective log. operation to meet major BU's business requirement and regulation conformity. Job Responsibilities: To plan/organize/monitor domestics and international tranportation for major BU's business; To plan/organize/monitor import and export clearance/pre- & on carriage; To organize/fulfill filing of each logistics shipment; To organize/fulfill PR for relative cost including transportation, brokerage, import tax and etc in due time; To organize/fulfill G...

  • PINE CARE GROUP 松齡護老集團 Hong Kong

    - 持有物理治療助理證書 - 負責輔助物理治療師、支援院友日常復康服務...

  • PINE CARE GROUP 松齡護老集團 Hong Kong

    - 負責一般院舍清潔工作及洗衣房運作...

  • PINE CARE GROUP 松齡護老集團 Shek Kip Mei

    - 處理院舍一般文書工作 - 中五程度或以上,具三年有關工作者優先 - 熟悉電腦Office 操作 - 平日休息,星期日需上班...

  • PINE CARE GROUP 松齡護老集團 Hong Kong

    - 負責照顧協助院舍長者起居生活 - 夜班有休息時段及有津貼...

  • PINE CARE GROUP 松齡護老集團 Hong Kong

    - 協助廚師預備院舍膳食及廚房之清潔工作...

  • PINE CARE GROUP 松齡護老集團 Hong Kong

    - 入職薪金按照政府總薪級表 - 持有香港護士管理局護士證書 - 需輪班工作,懂電腦操作 - 具獨立工作能力,需協助管理部門的日常運作 - 負責策劃、執行優質的院友護理照顧服務...

  • PINE CARE GROUP 松齡護老集團 Hong Kong

    - 持有關認可証書、有保健員証書優先 - 需細心、謹慎及有耐性 - 處理、儲藏及分發藥物 - 須輪班工作 (包括假日及公眾假期)...

  • PINE CARE GROUP 松齡護老集團 Hong Kong

    - 持有社署認可保健員證書及牌照、有效急救證書 - 懂電腦操作, 具院舍經驗者優先 - 工作滿一年或以上及表現良好者,可申請推薦信報讀護士課程...

  • Mega Rich Group Limited創富盈匯集團 Tsimshatsui

    職位描述 負責香港及國內管道市場宣傳工作,了解市場動態,策劃與組織各種具體的市場推廣活動。 根據公司的推廣方案,制定推廣策略,跟進市場推廣,提高公司的市場佔有率,支援銷售團隊達到業績目標。 負責公司網站進行SEO搜尋引擎優化(資料分析/挖掘關鍵字/提升點擊率)。 熟悉國內社交媒體線上和線下的各種推廣方法和規則,並進行監管和分析管理(微信、微博、網站和博客等)。 收集、分析、總結及追蹤行業市場的競爭情報,研究同行、業界發展狀況,定期進行市場預測及情報分析,為公司及團隊提供依據和銷售策略。 根據市場推廣方案進行實施,並負責評估市場推廣活動的成效。 負責公司的活動策劃,協助籌辧講座/展覽等市場推廣活動。 能即時上班者優先考慮。   職位要求 大學或以上學歷,市場行銷、金融、經濟、管理類相關專業,歡迎持有IANG的中國來港人士。 具有3-5年或以上貴金屬項目管理及市場行銷策劃管理經驗。 具備豐富的行業資源或推廣資源,具有獨立制定市場推廣方案並組織實施能力。 豐富的團隊建設經驗、優秀的資源拓展能力、管理能力、行銷能力及資源整合能力。 具備良好人際溝通技巧、協調能力、表達能力及策劃能力,以及良好的...

  • HN Group Ltd. (Macau) 殷理基集團有限公司 Macau

    Responsibilities Formulate and execute the business planning & sales strategies set by the Management; Responsible for developing and expanding a strong relationship with the existing wholesale network to achieve sales target; Expand the client network to explore new business opportunities; Handling buying operation from sales forecast to OTB Handle other potential projects as required.   Requirements 5 years or above solid experience in sales, marketing and business development; Experience ...

  • 阿里巴巴集团 Shanghai

    工作年限: 八年以上 所属部门: 阿里集团 学 历: 本科 招聘人数: 若干 岗位描述: 1. Analyze market data, business trends and operating metrics to aid investment decision-making. 2. Source qualified targets based on Group’s business strategy and investment focus. 3. Evaluate potential targets for strategic investment, acquisition, joint venture, and business development deals, and make proposals to the management team and to the investment committee. . 4. Structure and execute deals, including modeling, due diligence, negotiations ...

  • 阿里巴巴集团 Shanghai

    上海市 工作年限: 五年以上 所属部门: 阿里集团 学 历: 本科 招聘人数: 若干 岗位描述: 1. 负责集团IT相关楼宇建设项目落地、园区智慧化项目的实施等工作; 2. 负责楼宇建设IT侧设计对焦及现场实施项目管理(弱电综合布线、网络音视频相关硬件、UPS、机房整体工程等),快速响应解决业务诉求。 3. 负责收集上下游部门及用户的痛点、意见及建议,和需求,并能根据收集的信息分析出根本原因,并协同产品和研发团队给出解决方案; 4.负责楼宇建设运维流程的建立、优化、执行情况监督、分析以及报告,并协调相关团队推动楼宇建设效率整体提升。 岗位要求: 1、本科以上学历,计算机、通信工程等相关专业,对项目的计划、目标成本、工程实施、质量管控、风险管理有较深的理解。 2、具有强烈的责任心、进取心,前瞻性和结果导向型思维; 3、具备突出的服务意识,对客户需求敏感,具有突出的学习能力、沟通能力、数据分析能力; 4、积极快速响应客户需求,具备主动解决问题的态度,负责到底的责任感; 5、具备端到端判断客户端,网络,系统、应用问题的能力; 6、5年以上的具体技术服务运维方面的工作经验及项目管理经验;...

  • 阿里巴巴集团 上海市 金山区

    上海市 金山区 工作年限: 一年以上 所属部门: 阿里集团 学 历: 博士 招聘人数: 若干 岗位描述: Are you a computer vision enthusiast who wants to develop cutting-edge algorithms and see them actually work and be used? Do you want to make a positive impact on the lives of billions of people? Alibaba invites you to join our brand-new AMAP research team, tasked for exploring and developing technologies to create a new future for mapping and navigation, examples including large-scale traffic estimation and simulation, real-time video analysi...

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