- 上海朋到企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 1、寻访企业需求:负责寻访和联系有招聘需求的客户公司。客户对象:企业HR或高管(负责招聘的人力资源部门或者老板);了解企业信息和中高端招聘具体需求和预算; 2、合同谈判:谈判具体的合作流程与合作细节,促成签约合作,签订招聘服务协议。 要求: 1、***项目合作制; 2、有职业道德操守,诚信。 职能类别: 业务拓展主管/经理 猎头/人才中介 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:斜土路...
- 慕韬志悦企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities 1.assess data availability and quality 2. implement innovative data platforms by combining classical data 3.warehouse solutions, modern architectural components (e.g. Spark, Apache Hadoop) and other approaches (NoSQL, Graph DBs) 4.prepare and supply data for analytics applications, diverse sales 5.channels and customer touchpoints Experience: 1.Experienced in professional data analytics tools and applications 2.Experienced in project management 3.Familiar with auto, auto after a...
- 上海昊硕企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 ACCOUNTABILITIES 1.Sales Develop annual sales budgets for each POS and achieve sales budget. Updated sales estimation by monthly and by weekly. Review sales performance monthly and quarterly by brand and retailers’ management team together and push sales budgets achieved. Monitor retailers’ inventory level and suggest ordering. Make sure of core collection has standard stock and push low moving ones. Make sure all sales incentive policy are optimized and suitable for retailers Collect co...
- 上海灼尔企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
Our consulting firm / bro company is looking for an Associate Consultant / Senior Researcher / Recruiting Manager : You will assist our Senior Consultant to formulating the searching plan for each position; You will be screening the suitable candidates from various channels; You will communicate with our candidates, to update their information, and help them for his/her career plan; You will update our database to enrich our candidate poor. If you: Graduate from a full-time college, or a bachelo...
- 广州市恩沛企业管理咨询有限公司 Guangzhou
IMPACTT is an award-winning consultancy specialising in ethical trade, human rights, labour standards and international development. Founded in 1997, Impactt enables organisations to improve working conditions and livelihoods across global supply chains in a way that brings clear business benefits to both ends of the chain. Impactt helps to bridge the gap and deliver real change on the ground. Impactt’s approach is change-focused, innovative and practical. We are a passionate and committed team ...
- 广州市恩沛企业管理咨询有限公司 Guangzhou
广州市 天河区 IMPACTT is an award-winning consultancy specialising in ethical trade, human rights, labour standards and international development. Founded in 1997, Impactt enables organisations to improve working conditions and livelihoods across global supply chains in a way that brings clear business benefits to both ends of the chain. Impactt helps to bridge the gap and deliver real change on the ground. Impactt’s approach is change-focused, innovative and practical. We are a passionate and committ...
- 广州市恩沛企业管理咨询有限公司 Guangzhou
IMPACTT is an award-winning consultancy specialising in ethical trade, human rights, labour standards and international development. Founded in 1997, Impactt enables organisations to improve working conditions and livelihoods across global supply chains in a way that brings clear business benefits to both ends of the chain. Impactt helps to bridge the gap and deliver real change on the ground. Impactt’s approach is change-focused, innovative and practical. We are a passionate and committed team ...
- 苏州市汇杰企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 Responsibility : Support in the resourcing and delivery the Music Curriculum. When directed to by the Expat teacher, work with small groups of students; facilitate small group discussion/exercises. Tutor small group instrument and/or vocal lessons as part of Band, String, and/or co-curricular programs using material designed and planned by the Expat teacher and assist in the preparation of instructional resources; Follow the lead of the Expat teacher; Differentiate classroom instruction ...
- 郑州渠道速建企业管理咨询有限公司 Zhengzhou
本岗位是电话销售 公司给准确意向的客户资源! 请各位看清投简历哈! 负责全国餐饮连锁品牌(韩餐、中餐、饮料、火锅……)的推广,通过电话和网络(客户都是推广中心通过广告和网络商机平台上主动咨询的意向客户)与意向客户进行有效沟通,了解客户需求,帮助全国各地想创业的人在创业过程中解答相关疑问,并邀请客户到公司实地考察,达成合作! 任职资格: 1、普通话标准,表达能力强; 2、帮助客户了解想加盟的创业项目,并解答客户的创业问题; 3、依据客户自身情况,参考市场行情,为客户寻找最优的创业方案; 4、解决客户在加盟连锁方面的各种问题,邀请客户到公司考察品尝项目; 5、协助项目总监及经理完成规定的任务。 6、不用开发客户,公司通过媒体广告投放,吸引很多创业意向者打电话咨询,只需要进行接访和后期跟进。通过电话与客户进行有效沟通,了解客户需求,解答客户疑问邀约到公司进行商务洽谈 7.大专以上学历,男女不限,有销售经验者优先,可接收应届毕业生 公司有专业的培训师,一对一专业培训,可以让你短时间内成为销售精英,实现人生的命运的转变,人生质的飞越! 福利待遇; 1、薪资: 底薪(3000-4000-5000)...
- 郑州渠道速建企业管理咨询有限公司 Zhengzhou
郑州市 金水区 实习生, 应届生 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 负责全国餐饮连锁品牌(韩餐、中餐、饮料、火锅……)的推广,通过电话和网络(客户都是推广中心通过广告和网络商机平台上主动咨询的意向客户)与意向客户进行有效沟通,了解客户需求,帮助全国各地想创业的人在创业过程中解答相关疑问,并邀请客户到公司实地考察,达成合作! 任职资格: 1、普通话标准,表达能力强; 2、帮助客户了解想加盟的创业项目,并解答客户的创业问题; 3、依据客户自身情况,参考市场行情,为客户寻找最优的创业方案; 4、解决客户在加盟连锁方面的各种问题,邀请客户到公司考察品尝项目; 5、协助项目总监及经理完成规定的任务。 6、不用开发客户,公司通过媒体广告投放,吸引很多创业意向者打电话咨询,只需要进行接访和后期跟进。通过电话与客户进行有效沟通,了解客户需求,解答客户疑问邀约到公司进行商务洽谈 7.大专以上学历,男女不限,有销售经验者优先,可接收应届毕业生 公司有专业的培训师,一对一专业培训,可以让你短时间内成为销售精英,实现人生的命运的转变,人生质的飞越! 福利待遇; 1、薪资: 底薪(3000-4000-500...
- 世泓(上海)企业管理咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 实习生 RESPONSIBILITY: 1. Assist China Channel MKT Managers in their marketing efforts, and help promote new business acquisitions, customer retention, and localization of the company’s market. 2. Assist MKT Managers to complete marketing activities, product development, concept development and sales performance analysis 3. Need to communicate with suppliers about new products to be released, complete translation, proofreading and finalization. 4. Assist the marketing colleagues in Singapore to...
- 某世界500强美资化工企业 查看所有职位 Tianjin
1. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Import Planning l Release orders per planning system recommendations l Monitor the product supply & availability status and maximize the order fulfillment rate and highlight the potential shortage to the supervisor & zone advisor for the attention and finding the solutions. l Be involved product phase in/out process to minimize the write-off expense of phase-out products and support the timely supply of phase-in products. l Work with Import agency & 3rd party...
- 深圳市倚锋投资管理企业 查看所有职位 Shenzhen
PE投资总监/经理(深圳、上海) 职责 描述 : 1、负责生物医药产业跟踪和行业研究,组织完成PE方向生物医药项目前期调研以及项目相关风险控制、监督,编制可行性报告; 2、协调参与公司生物医药FE方向项目投资策略的研究与制定,并组织落实; 3、负责公司生物医药PE方向投资项目挖掘,把握及判断相关投资机会与风险,发挥专业及资源优势,整合行业资源,为投资项目提供增值服务。 任职 要求: 1、医药、医学、金融、经济等相关专业硕士以上学历(医学医药专业博士优先); 2、5年以上金融行业从业背景,熟悉医药投资领域,3年以上投资相关工作经历,具备较强的行业研究能力,对相关行业技术与发展方向有一定研究; 3、中英文听说读写流利,能读懂国内外生物医药研究报告,并撰写中英文报告; 4、具备良好的沟通协调、商业谈判能力,严谨认真,团队合作意识强; 5、具备敏锐的市场洞察力,高度的敬业精神和良好的职业道德; 6、为人正直、踏实,上进心强。 职能类别:投资/基金项目经理 上班地址:粤海街道科苑南路2666号中国华润大厦505...
- 智樂物流 Diamond Hill
Job Duties: Handle both online and offline marketing Manage updates on company website and digital platform including social media marketing, SEM, SEO, online media placement, re-marketing and website enhancement Develop creative ideas and solutions for online campaigns and social media content Supervise marketing team to execute marketing campaigns Analyze the statistics and evaluate the performance on social media platforms Skills and Experience: Experience in Google analytics , Google Adwords...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 27,2019 - 智樂物流 Diamond Hill
職責: Ÿ 每天向經理匯報各部門的工作情況 Ÿ 協肋不同部門處理日常工作 Ÿ 公司文件的收發和文檔處理 Ÿ 管理日程及處理其他行政工作 Ÿ 負責公司各類型的會議安排,包括組織會議及撰寫會議記錄 Ÿ 協助準備客人文件及跟進售後服務 Ÿ 根據需要,完成經理指派的臨時工作 資歷: Ÿ 高級文憑或以上程度 Ÿ 一年或以上相關工作經驗 Ÿ 良好溝通技巧良好粵語 ; 一般普通話、英語 Ÿ 懂讀寫、倉頡/速成輸入憧使用MS系統 (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) Ÿ 能獨立處事;有責任心 待遇: Ÿ 在職培訓 Ÿ 晉升機會 Ÿ 銀行假期 Ÿ 11天有薪年假 Ÿ 生日假期 員工優惠...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 27,2019 - 智樂物流 Diamond Hill
主要職責 接聽及解答客戶電話(無需 Cold Call)、電郵、WhatsApp一般查詢 向客户提供合適服務建議及跟進查詢安排 一般文書工作,如電腦開單 入職要求 中學程度 良好溝通能力及電話技巧 懂基本電腦操作 (MS Word, Excel) 中英文輸入法 對客戶有耐性及有禮貌;能獨立處事;有責任心;具良好的溝通技巧...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 27,2019 - 凯陂透物流有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 月薪8,000 - 10,000元 岗位职能: 1、负责指定货操作,一单到底,接收订单以及安排订舱、运输、货物跟踪、报关、结算等事宜; 2、制作海运单证及其它相关文件,负责录入应收应付费用,安排开***事宜; 3、负责提供海外代理业务文件及放货事宜; 4、做好报关和操作的衔接,并能及时迅速地处理出现的问题; 5、对海运进出口流程有一定的了解,做好进出口清关客户和报关员的联系工作,确保货物正常清关; 6、单证及文件的整理及归档等; 7、客户投诉、纠纷的处理及上级交办的其他相关工作。 任职资格 1、专科及以上学历,进出口贸易、物流类相关专业; 2、5年以上海运操作客服经验,优秀应届毕业也可考虑; 3、熟悉海运进出口操作,具备单证、货代、运输及相关的进出口贸易知识; 4、英文熟练,电脑操作熟练; 5、工作积极主动、 细心、责任心强,具有较强的服务意识和团队精神; 6、有诚意与公司长期发展; 7、能适应不定期加班,个性积极,身体健康,能吃苦; 8、提供中英文简历。 1, responsible for the designation of cargo operation, a sing...
- 卡特彼勒物流有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 JOB DUTIES: Working under the direction of Facility Logistics Engineers, ensure material is shipped, received, stored or delivered quickly and efficiently. Perform tasks to improve inbound and outbound material flow. Using the CPS Guiding Principles, participate in continuous improvement projects: Manage material to PFEP-defined flow paths Recommend and deploy material movement using defined transportation options React to RCCA process as it relates to carrier performance Support effort...
- 拓领环球物流有限公司 Shanghai
OVERALL PURPOSE OF THE JOB This Regional role is responsible for Logistics Solutions and Engineering projects within North Asia including Greater China. This role will support Countries, key Accounts and new opportunities as applicable. This will include but not limited to Sales Support, Tender Response Management, Solution Design, Operations turnaround solutions, metrics/productivity controlling, process mapping, Layout designs, resource determinations/validations and other industrial engineeri...
- 音昱企业管理有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 月薪12,000 - 18,000元 负责管理上海音昱听堂的整个前厅宾客服务团队,协调及处理宾客服务的各项事务,包括但不限于宾客接待管理、课程的介绍及促销、带客参观、课程预订管理、课程时间管理、课程中的支持、与其他部门的协调等工作。 任职资格: 1.具有高星级酒店前台、宾客服务、宾客关系等工作经验6年以上,具备前台管理经验2年以上; 2.英语流利; 3.优秀的管理、沟通、协调能力和促销意识; 4.对健康的生活理念有较大的兴趣,对瑜伽等健康运动有一定了解优先考虑; (上海音昱听堂不能提供住宿,有住宿需要的候选人请勿投) 关于“音昱” 音昱是新加坡万邦集团旗下专注于生活方式和终身学习的全资子公司,我们致力于通过整合项目来帮助个人、家庭、组织和社区充分发掘潜能。 职能类别:宾客服务经理大堂经理 关键字:前厅部经理前台经理宾客关系经理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:建国西路357号,音昱听堂...
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