- 李健駕駛學校 Tai Kok Tsui
職責及工作內容 : - 負責處理日常會計工作 - 處理收支現金 - 處理收支單據及電腦記帳 - 處理銀行月結單 - 輸入及呈交薪金及強積金報表 - 整理財務報表 要求/資歷: - 熟悉或中英文電腦文書 - 5年相關工作經驗 - 持有會計證書 - 熱衷工作、有責任心、主動、勤奮 待 遇 : - 每週5天工作 - 可即時上班優先 - 大角咀工作 薪 金 : 每月$18,000 - $22,000, 或面議 申請方法 : 有意應徵者,請將履歷及要求待遇電郵至 hr@leekin.com.hk ,預約面試。...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 18,2019 - 香港公開大學 Hong Kong
Established by the Hong Kong Government in 1989, OUHK today has developed into a young, dynamic, full-fledged university. We began offering full-time face-to-face programmes since 2001 and currently have about 10,000 full-time and 9,000 part-time students in the five Schools at the OUHK with about 220 programmes of studies. In addition, there are about 2,000 full-time/part-time students studying in LiPACE. The University strives to be a leader in providing open and flexible education to all, and...
www.indeed.hkSeptember 18,2019 - 陶氏化学投资有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
Job Description: Supporting team daily operation, such like room reservation and New Hire on Boarding support, etc. Organize and maintain manager's calendar, schedule meetings, appointment and travels accordingly Organize all kinds meetings, make all necessary logistics arrangements required for the success of the meetings, such as meeting notice, agenda, venue, meeting room set-up and materials etc. Make business travel arrangement for team members and visitors, visa application/document pr...
- 國立中央大學語言中心 Taibei
國立中央大學語言中心 用人單位:國立中央大學語言中心 職缺公告日期:2019-09-18 報名截止日期:2019-10-09 開缺職缺:兼任教師 x 2名 學校地址:桃園市中壢區中大路300號 工作地點:桃園市中壢市中大路300號 學術專長:其他領域(其他學門/中心/體育室等) 公告內容: 應徵條件:【兼任英語教師】 1. 須具英語教學或教育相關領域 碩士 ( 含) 以上 學歷。 2. 具備大學或成人教育階段的英語授課經驗。 【兼任越南語教師】 須具越南語教學相關領域 碩士 ( 含) 以上 學歷,或為母語人士並具備教育相關領域 碩士 ( 含) 以上 學歷,具教學經驗尤佳。 依據本校規定,非相關領域學歷不得聘用。 聘期時程:自108年2月1日起聘。 截止日期:即日起至 10 月9 日 ( 以郵戳為憑) 申請文件:* 中文及欲應徵之語種履歷各一份 (中文履歷請使用本中心制式表格,外語履歷格式不限) (學經歷請註明西元起迄年、月,經歷請註明專、兼任) 自傳(中文及英、外文各一份,格式不限) 在學期間成績單影本(國外學歷者需檢附經外交部及相關單位驗證證明) 最高學歷證件(國外學歷者需檢附經外交...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 18,2019 - 美擎教育 查看所有职位 深圳市 南山区
【关于MQ】 我们是一个年轻有活力、创新有纪律的80、90后团队 。 我们拥有温馨优雅,高档先进的办公环境,(南山万象天地的尚美科技大厦)~~ 我们拥有过人的实力,与公立学校稳定合作,被客户称颂的业界口碑; 美擎国际教育是深圳市山姆大叔教育信息咨询有限司旗下国际K-12教育品牌,创立于2014年, 是深圳国际学科课程培训机构。 我们特邀多名美国本土高中授课经验丰富的中外籍名师加入,以纯正的国际教育理念,总结出一套适合于在国际体系中就读的中国学生的教学体系。 我们特色课程包括:国际学校入学备考课, 国际学校衔接课程,国际学校培优课程,美国K-12基础教育课程,英国K-12基础教育课程 ,留学面试辅导课程等。 在MQ,您的努力不会被忽视,欢迎您挑战高薪,见证突破自我的过程~ 如果您是对教育行业怀揣梦想的人,请毫不犹豫的递上您的简历~~ 选择MQ,您得到的不仅只有酬劳,我们更乐于见到,这就是您理想的,并为之奋斗终身的事业。 中学科学物理老师(双语) Teachers can teach the following content: forces, light, waves, Newton’s...
- 广州贝斯特教育科技有限公司 广州市 海珠区
Responsibilities: 1. Designing and developing curriculum systems and educational products for our campuses, including A. Curriculum systems for junior-high level and senior-high level international programs, such as AP courses, TOEFL courses, SAT courses, as well as courses of IB and A-level programs; B. Study tour products, mainly the activity design and route plan of summer camps and winter camps; C. Other educational products for future development. 2. Training and organizing faculty members ...
- ANFIELD SCHOOL 安菲爾學校 Hong Kong
We are looking for enthusiastic and experienced day-to-day Teaching Assistant who can assist with our primary students’ learning. The successful candidate will need to be flexible and may be required to work across the school as directed by the Principal. Previous experience of working with children is essential. The successful candidate will be given a comprehensive induction and appropriate training. Main duties: Work under the guidance of teachers, in the classroom and with withdrawal groups ...
www.indeed.hkSeptember 17,2019 - 亚玛芬体育用品贸易有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
Function and cost centre : OS Product Team / CN Product Team Reports to (Matrix line manager, if applicable) : OS Product Manager General Purpose of the Job : The role will partner with consumer solution team and global product team to drive the data related projects, and as the China data owner, CLOUD server owner to improve the consumer experience with existing APP, and CLOUD solution. Also take in charge of China Data security. The role will closely work with corss team to provide data soluti...
- 济才教育培训学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 Qualification: 1. 1 year work experience in the domain of education. 2. Background of studying abroad in Germany; being familiar with German culture is preferable. 3. Clear and fluent oral language, pure and standard pronunciation, enthusiasm for teaching. 4. Teacher certificate, tourist guide certificate, working experience for enterprise training is preferable. 5. Being amiable, serious and responsible, with sense of humor, vivid lectures, can fully mobilize the atmosphere of class. Respon...
- 济才教育培训学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Qualification: 1 year work experience in the domain of education or 2 years teaching experience. Background of studying abroad in Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Cuba; being familiar with the culture of Spanish-speaking countries is preferable. Clear and fluent oral language, pure and standard pronunciation, enthusiasm for teaching. Teacher certificate, tourist guide certificate, working experience for enterprise training is preferable. Being amiable, serious and responsible, with sense of humor, vivi...
- 培臻国际教育 查看所有职位 上海市 徐汇区
工作职责: 全职或*** 教授雅思课程(听说读写,尽可能多教授几个科目),监督管理学生的学习效果; 及时了解雅思考试最新资讯,积极更新教案和课纲; 积极参与、配合各项培训与教研活动; 辅导学生的英语学习,批改并讲解作业,及时反馈学生学习情况,做好教学服务。 任职要求: 本科及以上学历,拥有留学经历者优先,雅思总分达7.5或以上; 参加过雅思考试或对其熟悉有深入研究,熟悉雅思等出题思路和评分标准; 掌握一定的教学方法,具备雅思教学经验者优先录用; 责任感强,执行力强,具备团队协作精神。 职能类别: 兼职教师 外语培训师 关键字: *** 雅思 托福 SAT ACT GRE GMAT IELTS TOEFL 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:中山西路2230号立信会计学院2号楼12-14楼...
- 上海理工大学中英国际学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 Key Responsibilities: 1. Brand management 1) Establish and encourage adoption of a consistent collegiate image, including letterhead, envelopes, business cards, logos, spirit marks, etc. 2) Managing college souvenir and Coordinating stock products. 3) Designing college materials. 2. Public Relations 1) Developing a social media strategy and plan for implementation. 2) Developing monthly and annual calendar of digital marketing activities, implement report and optimize regularly based on anal...
- 重庆市沙坪坝区韦博教育培训学校 查看所有职位 Chongqing
Responsibilities 1. Teaching English to teenagers (6-18) or adults, attracting them by different kinds of teaching methods. 2. Following the teaching plans and finishing the whole term schedule. Requirements 1. Bachelor degree 2. TEFL/ TESOL/ CELTA qualified 3. Native speakers are preferred 4. Experienced ESL teachers are preferred 5. Qualified for teaching work visa 职能类别:外语培训师讲师/助教 上班地址:重庆市沙坪坝区三峡广场文化馆群文楼4楼...
- 美联英语成都培训中心/学校 查看所有职位 成都市
成都市 月薪8,000 - 12,000元 1、根据区域教学部对资源利用的要求,制定工作方案及组织实施,以达成年度/季度/月度的资源利用指标; 2、根据总部教学部的要求,负责本中心对外教、中教和教务专员的培训工作; 3、根据总部绩效考核部门的要求,每季度对中教(LT)、教学助理(TA)和外教(FT)进行考核和评估,并按照流程按时提交相关文件与反馈,且根据规定对团队人员调整级别,并向人事部门备案; 4、根据总部教学部对中心的业务要求,对教学服务,教学质量,和中心英文氛围进行全方位的把握,并根据环境变化迅速有效地调整,保障学员按照正常进度学习和毕业; 5、管理教学资料、教案和外籍员工档案。 任职资格: 1、本科或以上学历,英语相关专业; 2、英语专八以上或相当的英语能力,有较强的语言教育功底; 3、3年或相等能力的教学经验,1年以上管理经验,教育行业优先; 4、专业技能强,有较强的沟通协调及管理能力; 5、有同行业管理经验者优先。 发展空间: Head Teacher-教学主管-教学经理 福利待遇: 1、 岗前培训:完善的新人岗前带薪培训,教您全面掌握工作技能技巧; 2、 提供五险一金:社...
- 上海松江区领科教育专修学校 查看所有职位 上海市 松江区
上海市 松江区 WE ARE SEEKING: An enthusiastic, committed and ambitious Chemistry & Biology teacher With teaching certification At least Bachelor degree in relevant subject At least two years IGCSE, A-Level, IB, AP teaching experience JOB DESCRIPTION: According to CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) syllabus, teaching relevant A Level /IGCSE subject course in English or bilingual. Assigning appropriate homework and correcting homework on time. Supervising students and monitoring students’ le...
- 上海松江区领科教育专修学校 查看所有职位 上海市 松江区
上海市 松江区 WE ARE SEEKING: An enthusiastic, committed and ambitious Mathematics teacher With teaching certification At least Master degree in relevant subject At least two years IGCSE, A-Level, IB, AP teaching experience JOB DESCRIPTION: According to CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) syllabus, teaching relevant A Level /IGCSE subject course in English or bilingual. Assigning appropriate homework and correcting homework on time. Supervising students and monitoring students’ learning progres...
- 上海松江区领科教育专修学校 查看所有职位 上海市 松江区
上海市 松江区 WE ARE SEEKING: An enthusiastic, committed and ambitious Art teacher With teaching certification At least Bachelor degree in relevant subject At least two years IGCSE, A-Level, IB, AP teaching experience JOB DESCRIPTION: According to CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) syllabus, teaching relevant A Level /IGCSE subject course in English or bilingual. Assigning appropriate homework and correcting homework on time. Supervising students and monitoring students’ learning progress. Pre...
- 上海松江区领科教育专修学校 查看所有职位 上海市 松江区
上海市 松江区 WE ARE SEEKING: An enthusiastic, committed and ambitious Economics & Business teacher With teaching certification At least Bachelor degree in relevant subject At least two years IGCSE, A-Level, IB, AP teaching experience JOB DESCRIPTION: According to CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) syllabus, teaching relevant A Level /IGCSE subject course in English or bilingual. Assigning appropriate homework and correcting homework on time. Supervising students and monitoring students’ l...
- 领科教育 查看所有职位 上海市 松江区
上海市 松江区 WE ARE SEEKING: An enthusiastic, committed and ambitious Mathematics teacher With teaching certification At least Master degree in relevant subject At least two years IGCSE, A-Level, IB, AP teaching experience JOB DESCRIPTION: According to CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) syllabus, teaching relevant A Level /IGCSE subject course in English or bilingual. Assigning appropriate homework and correcting homework on time. Supervising students and monitoring students’ learning progres...
- 领科教育 查看所有职位 上海市 松江区
上海市 松江区 WE ARE SEEKING: An enthusiastic, committed and ambitious Economics & Business teacher With teaching certification At least Bachelor degree in relevant subject At least two years IGCSE, A-Level, IB, AP teaching experience JOB DESCRIPTION: According to CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) syllabus, teaching relevant A Level /IGCSE subject course in English or bilingual. Assigning appropriate homework and correcting homework on time. Supervising students and monitoring students’ l...
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